Friday 1 July 2005

hayfever, strawbs and bits n bobs

Daughter is feeling a lot better...Well she still sniffing and sneezing loads but she won't swallow pills <sigh> ...On monday i am going to phone GP and try get an appointment for eldes lad as his hayfever is getting so bad now :o( ...Poor thing he is so miserable all the time and it is really doing his head in...They are saying on the telly that this is the worst year for hayfever since 1976 and lots are suffering who don't normally get it...Think that is what daughter has...For those who do get it every year it is just misery all the way just now...What i do find strange is eldest has never been offered antihistamine injections...The antihistamines he is on just now are not helping in the slightest...Or maybe they are so i dread to think what he would be like if he wasn't taking them...As with a lot of ASD people he detests having his hair washed...As the pollen sticks to your hair then you really need to wash it every night before you go to bed...If you don't then it sticks to your pillows and bedding...It will be time soon to go buy him new pillows for his bed as he won't wash his hair often enough for my liking just now...

Just now i seem to be eating strawberries by the bucketload LOL...I've been buying a box full everytime i go down to the gym at the asda next door...Trying to eat them instead of sweets...Today when i went shopping in the afternoon my daughter came with me...In sainsburys she put two boxes of strawbs in the trolley...Asked her why so many and she replied 'so i can actually get some' LOL...We actually went out to farmfoods so we could get plenty ice lollies & ice cream as it is so hot...Think i need to defrost the freezer though...

School has broken up for the summer holidays here today or as i say 6 weeks of hell LOL...Both boys have been at each others throats for the last few days...Hopefully they will settle donw now the hols have actually arrived...They've been told i am still going to the gym even though they are off school...I'll just get up at same time youngest would normally for school and go then...Went this morning and did all the machine stuff and my shoulders don't ache as much as they did on wed...Took a friend to the hospital yesterday so didn't go to gym...As she doesn't drive we went shopping at matalan after...She made me buy a denim skirt...What is itwith my friends just now they are all trying to make me girlie <shudder> ...I really so don't do girlie...I was chuffed though as this skirt is not elasticated waistband...It isn't stretch denim either and i got into a size i didn't think i would...Still have a long long way to go though...

I've almost got everything reinstalled on my puter after last weeks debacle...The firewall i downloaded blocked my broadband though LOL...I told it to allow it access but it still blocked it...I promptly uninstalled it and asked someone i know what to put in place so i can get online once i install it again LOL...I really do wish i was more technical and knew stuff LOL...Anyways toodle pip for now xx


Anonymous said...

my frineds daughter has antihistamine syrup she got from the chemist cos she wont swallow pills either, wonder if your daughter will be able to have that. I know what you mean about strawberries, they go so quickly in our house as well, I just have mine out of the punnet whilst the rest of the family have cream on theirs, lol. I got some WW chocolate mufins today ;).........Jules xxxx

Anonymous said...

I don't have hayfever and I'm so grateful must be awful going through summer like that.  Liking strawberries very much.~xxR

Anonymous said...

I have lovely robust firewall ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sneeze sniff sniff.  Fellow hayfever sufferer here!  Booo pollen!
What is it with us and fruit this week?  You and your strawberries, me and my peaches.  We should share, you can have some of mine if I can have some of yours!  Mmmm, fancy a strawberry now :o)
Always nice to fit in a smaller size, yay you!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hayfever, pah, we will all be walking round with space helmets soon <gg>