Wednesday 29 June 2005

Tired LOL

Daughter was up most of the night ill :o(  ...I thought she had a touch of hayfever as she has been sniffing and sneezing last few days...She won't take anything as she can't swallow pills!!!...It's a pain and i keep saying the hayfever pills are so tiny you can barely see them...She was fine until last night when she was watching Bad Girls <shudder> and she started complaining she was freezing...She was burning up though again...Later after being in bed for a few hours she was sick...She was sick again this morning but seems to be fine now...Hope the rest of us don't get it whatever it is as i've had enough of horrid bugs lately...Plus school breaks up on fri for the summer holidays...ARRRGGHHH!!!! joy of joys and so much fun LOL...Actually summer hols i prefer to the short christmas or easter ones...Youngest takes about 2 weeks to get into different routine...With the short 2 week breaks that can be a nightmare...At least with 6 week summer break then he can have some fun time...

I was late for my review at the gym but the trainer had time to see me anyway :o) ...So now i have 4 new weight machines added to my programme...Never knew my shoulders, upper back and upper arms could hurt so much ROFL...I only managed 10 lengths of the swimming pool as i was so knackered...Guess my body will get used to it next week...It did the last time LOL...He's threatened me with starting on free weights too after my next review...I am going to point out to him that i don't want to end up looking like some muscle bound female version of charles atlas LOL...This better work the way i want it to...The whole point of starting at he gym was so i won't end up needing lots of surgery to remove excess skin etc once i reach my target weight...It does appear to be working that way on my arms and legs so far :o)...My tummy is different though...The layers of fat although they are disappearing the skin doesn't seem to be toning up so much...Oh well the amount of sit ups am doing is now upped...I hated situps, they always seemed to boring...They still are boring really but doing them lying on the swiss ball does make them easier to do...I was doing 2 lots of 15 and now am doing 2 lots of 20...That's only 40 so not that many i guess...

Youngest has activities week just now...Monday was sports in morning and BBQ in afternoon...Yesterday he did crafts and a rounders tournament...He came joint 3rd at rounders :o) ...Today the secondary pupils went to do forest walks about 24 miles away...He said the weather was nice there and it was sunny...As his face is looking more tanned then it must have been LOL...He is really tired from it though...I did ask if maybe we could go there one day in the summer for a walk and take a picnic...I got told NO i would find it too hard ROFL...Nice to see he has faith in my physical well being LOL...Tomorrow he is going *tubing* when i find out what that is i will let you know...Have bought myself a sirloin steak as a treat for tea as daughter not well enough to have more than just soup...See i can still do mean mum <ggg> ...Going to have a nice long soak in bubble bath after that...Toodle Pip xx


Anonymous said...

{{{{}}}} for daughter, hope she feels better soon

Anonymous said...

Hope your daughter is soon on the mend

ruis off chortling at the thought of you on a big ball

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she has a temperature, hope she gets well soon.  I've heard toning tables are good.........but I don't think you get the satisfaction of really working at it because the machine does it all.~xxR

Anonymous said...

hope your daughter feels better soon............Jules xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope daughter feels better soon, and that no one else catches what she has!!
When you start on the weights, there are ways of using them that will tone your muscles but not make them huge, your trainer will help you with that.  You must be so fit with the amount of exercise you do Caff.  You and others on here losing weight have inspired me to have another go :o)  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

what up with her

Anonymous said...

your trainer is to soft my son g.r.h. had a bad time with his training he is now home but he had 5 years of hell in the 80`s his trainer is on t.v. next week ch 4 i think its about 9 oclock. he wont talk to any one about the 5 years apart from the fact they were the best years of his life th eonly bad part he had to speak french.