Wednesday 31 August 2005


Well yesterday i did several entries and each time i forgot to save it LOL...Time for blonde hair dye methinks instead of being a redhead...I was naturally blonde until 3 years ago when it started to go dark with age instead of grey...I did want to dye it purple but got banned by daughter...The purple she used came out more wine and we were both disappointed so perhaps i will stick to being red...Am either going doolally in my old age or the anaesthetic did something to my brain <ggg>

Eldest lad is thoroughly enjoying his work experience...He has been in the workshop being shown how to put in hardware to computers and also in stores making sure they have plenty stock...Here's hoping he remembers what they have shown him about putting harddrives in etc so he can do it to our machine instead of us paying lots to a shop LOL...Yesterday i went to a consultation meeting about reorganisation of special needs facilities in the city including the closure of the assessment centre both my sons went to...It is a very contentious issue here just now and i personally believe it should not close...They say it is not about money but it is at the end of the day...It was the same when the SEN school youngest went to got threatened with closure...It was supposed to close 3 years ago and is still open...It is still being closed but when is anyones guess...They weren't taking anymore new pupils for last few years unless they were older...This year as there wasn't enough room in the other two SEN schools or in the SEN bases they have had to take in primary 1 class!!!!...And they say free standing SEN schools aren't needed...YEAH RIGHT...I was tired last night and i think it was from being at the meeting...I am still getting tired easily and especially if i sit doing nothing for ages...I don't think the woman who was in charge of the group i ended up in liked me much yesterday morning...Got that impression as she kept rolling her eyes anytime i said something LOLOL...I am not afraid to speak my mind and say my piece with regards issues that affects my sons...I will also hand out praise where it is due though with regards to any services...What i would like to see where i live is bases opened similar to the one eldest is in for primary/nursery age ASD children...It is the best of both worlds as a lot with an ASD find mainstream too hard socially but SEN schoolnot much use academcially...I put this point across yesterday in the meeting...Most of the parents there were of children on the spectrum...As i pointed out and was agreed with by other parents children with other types of disability can fit together in a *box* (normal base) but children with an ASD can't...Many of them do need specialist ASD specific bases/units rather than the norm...This woman from the health board said was a week long assessment needed like they get at the one they seem to want to close...she got a resounding YES <ggg> ...Okies with some disabilities then no they wouldn't but for an ASD they do...Here's an example i gave her...Eldest lad had to go and get reassessed by a clinical psychologist when he went into secondary school...He needed this to get a record of needs opened...As he had been diagnosed at 3 a fresh assessment was deemed to be needed...So this woman saw him for about 3/4 of an hour and said ok i will class him as aspergers...She only did this as he had a prior diagnosis of autism...IF this had been his first time being seen then she would have given him no diagnosis at all...HOW can anyone make a judgment on so short a time of seeing someone in a totally alien enviroment!!!!...The scale they use she scored him as *normal* on almost everything...The improvement side of the scale she assessed he would be at a normal level within a very short period of time...Well his writing has been how it is since he was 5...It has NEVER improved and it is extremely highly unlikely it ever will...Yet seeing him for 3/4 an hour she decided it could within a year ROFL...Three years since she saw him and it's still at the same level as it has been since he learnt how to write...He uses a laptop thing at school to do his work on so the teachers can actually read what he has said...IF she had looked at him over a week both in the hospital, at home and in school then she would have found him to be very different to what she claimed...Anyways enuff ranting from me or i will be here all day and run out of space <ggg>

Went into town to the bank (paying bills), had a nice coffee at costa and bought a top for the weekend...I have a rare night out and i am really looking forward to it :o) ...Daughter has said it is too big...Well a friend was with me and i tried on the 18 (too big) then the 16 and we thought it was fine...No way am i anywhere near back to a 14 but tried on athome without my T shirt on underneath erm maybe i do need to try a 14 tomorrow...Bought some hair dye as the red has finally faded and you can see my heaps of grey hairs...Okies i can see a couple HURRAH that will please my sisters that finally i am gonna go grey...Anyone want to lend me some crows feet and wrinkles now <ggg> ...Going to friends for her to dye it for me laters...Tomorrow i will be making a batch of turkish delight, i know am supposed to be resting...Seriously it is easy to do and no beating or anything involved i can even sit at the cooker if need on a barstool...Toodle pip for now tc xx

Sunday 28 August 2005

Proud mum :o)

Daughter phoned yesterday to say that she got voted on as vice chair of the social justice committee on the youth parliament :o) ...It was a resounding defeat for the two standing against her one of whom was a friend of hers from here...Think he stood just for the experience of standing and to annoy daughter LOL...Am mega chuffed to bits for her and know she will do a good job...Do hope her debate thing goes well today as she hates talking in public...The debate is about young carers so she should be fine.

It's a miserable pouring with rain freezing cold day here i really need some new clothes...All my winter stuff was on verge of too big last winter and is defo too big this year...The boys are off out with their regular care worker swimming...He had a conference last week or he would have done the extra work with them...Shame as he could have done with the money but he was chuffed youngest was so loyal to him...I've arranged for him to take eldest lad to ski lessons next weekend and possibly snowboarding too as i will be busy then...Have loads of washing to do today so eldest has clean clothes for work experience...I thought he was going to be out front at sales section but he's not...He is going to be in the workshop which he's more pleased about...Their worker told him to get some tips on how to fix a broken lappy LOLOL...Not sure what time daughter gets home at...Will text her to see or phone mum see if she knows what bus they are catching...Weather is so yeuch i want to pick her up from the bus station...Knowing me i will then taxi some of the others home too.

I do feel okies now just tire to easily for my liking but i do think that was more the lack of food thing rather than the op...Would have been my dads birthday today which i always think is why it pours with rain this day every year...I still miss him loads even though it's 18 n half years ago since he died...I do believe he still watches down on me and helps me through everything i do especially with the boys...Need to phone my oldest neice later and see if she has found anywhere to stay here yet...If not then i need to do some serious reorganising and mega clearing out of the flat...I know i need to take it easy but i am so fed up of the place looking like a right tip...I can do it in short bursts helped by the kids...Off to phone mum will catch up on journals and more emails laters...Toodle pip and take care xx

Saturday 27 August 2005

snowboarding/skiing and other stuff

Am tired and a bit weary today...I've probably done too much although i feel like i've done nothing LOL...I did drive into town yesterday and daughter was with me...We went and did what she needed to do then went into 3 shops only...One of them was boots for more ibuprofen LOL...We had lunch and came home...I was tired so had a short nap and i drove eldest lad to his snowboarding...He loved that even though he did have a pretty spectacular fall and was lucky to be unhurt <phew> Had enuff of family members being in hossy this summer...

Got up mega early today (6am) to make sure daughter was awake and up to travel to my home village...The scottish youth parliament meeting is there this weekend!!!!  Why pick a tiny village on the moray firth coast i have no idea...Not like there is much to do there but you can buy the best ice cream in the world there :o) ...She is staying with her granny instead of B&B so she'll be pampered...Just off phone to mum and she has been laffing at daughters fairy wings...She wore them at a meeting one time and now wears them to every meeting...Don't ask must be a teen thing ROFL...Just hope it's not raining there like it is here so they can go have a late night beach party...I did go back to sleep once i knew she was up then got up at 8.30am to take eldest lad to skiiing lessons...No falls this morning LOL...Boys are away out to club now so going to go have some rest...Toodle pip and tc xx

Thursday 25 August 2005


Well am getting there slowly...Fed up being nagged at to be honest...Don't do this, don't do that, take it easy, rest all the time etc etc etc LOL...Tomorrow i am going to see how driving goes...There is no hard and fast rule after keyhole surgery on driving so i will see if i feel comfy behind the wheel and take it from there...Eldest has snowboarding tomorrow night so i have to get him there somehow and to skiing on sat morning...I can't laff, cry, sneeze or cough without going OUCH yet LOL...I can't run yet either not that i could before...The consultant did say i could go back to the gym after a fortnight but like i said i will ease myself back in to that...He didn't know exactly what i do there LOL...The anaethetsist did and he was impressed ROFL...As i live on 1st floor then i am getting exercise walking up and down the stairs so that will help...My gym workouts i have been doing should help loads with recovery too :o)

The skiing fiasco was well a FIASCO...When i was in hossy last week the ski centre phoned on the friday to say places were now available for snowboarding...Daughter said i was in hossy so we couldn't go last weekend, no problem he would get on the next block...When she told me on fri evening i said what about his skiing??? No word about it at all...So me being me phoned them on sunday afternoon when i got home...I was told a letter had been sent out 2 weeks previous about his priority place for next block of skiing...We never received it...Needless to say i was really angry so i went down on tues to get it sorted out...Luckily there was still a place available on sat at 10am for the level he is now on...The letters don't come from the ski centre they come from a different area within the council...Now both my lads go to other sports things too via the council and we have NEVER had a problem with getting letters or anything...This is the 3rd letter that has *disappeared* and the details are all correct on the computer...The ski place are going to investigate to see what has happened...So is one of the sports officers who works for the council <gg>

Eldest has work experience all next week and i am so proud of that...Even just 3 maybe 4 years ago i never dreamt he would be doing anything like this :o) ...It is in a local electronics place that sells mainly to business but also to the public...Maybe he will find out stuff on how to do things to the PC so i then don't feel so thick <ggg> ...The base he is in within the school have arranged transport for him so i phoned this morning for details...He did give me a grabled version last night but i want to know properly...Youngest got a letter this morning saying he will get a companion card to go with his concessions card for the bus...Waiting to see if eldest gets his and then will go kick up a stink over blue badge...Both come from the same person and i really don't understand him being turned down at all when eldest got his blue badge no probs...Have to go get money for eldest cut and colour at hairdressers £45!!!!!! and that's discounted for being at school...Ok it is an expensivISH hairdressers but it is airy and they do his upstrairs away from the smells that he can't cope with so the money is worth it for him to be able to cope...Going to go rest again for a few mins so toodle pip and tc xx


Tuesday 23 August 2005


Just want to say thank you to everyone who wished me well...It was a bit of a shock last week but at least my offending gall bladder is gone in the bucket LOL...Took it easy yesterday and am gonna go lie down again soon...Been to the doctors this morning and ski slope to shout at them...My face is numb and lip is swollen with no feeling wotsoever...Apparently it's normal and can last for a few weeks if am really unlucky...It depends on how your head is tilted back during an op...He asked about how it went in hossy and i told him it was confusing and i only got the op through being persistant...Asked him for a letter for each of the boys whilst i was there so they can go to football matches for free...You now need a GP's letter instead of DLA letter for it...I kept forgetting to ask before and now the new season has started i actually remembered LOL...It means they won't have to pay and neither will whoever accompanies them...I love the FREE word <ggg> ...Also youngest has been turned down yet AGAIN for a blue badge and GP can't understand why as he approved it...He said he filled in medical form for eldest companion card for the bus this morning but never got one for youngest...I am going to appeal this time BUT i will wait and if he gets companion card for bus then that will be ammunition...I did go direct there on the bus and i took a bus to ski slope and same back home...I am trying to be good :o) ...I will say that social work have been absolutely fantastic...They put in help last week for my daughter...They are putting help in every evening this week and youngest is at after school club today and thurs...Ski slope fiasco i will explain laters as am being glared at and about to be nagged LOL...Toodle pip for now and take care xxx

Sunday 21 August 2005

Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Today

Tues:- phoned docs as pills weren't working...Got told come round at 5pm so i did...Was my own GP who foned and ambulance and sent me to hossy...LOVELY not LOL...Had to wait over 2 hours to be seen and get pain relief...Got starved

Wed:- got the scan i had been waiting for (still not got an appointment for it btw LOL)...Gall bladder brimming over with stones <sigh>...Still got starved

Thurs:- Allowed food finally HURRAH!!! erm not really food was vile, rubbery and disgusting ...Got told was being starved from midnight for op.

Fri:- Got the op WOOHOO!!!!! nasty horrid thing giving me so much grief has gone :o)

Sat:- Rested and allowed food again...Made my mum and sis buy me food downstairs in cafeteria as food in ward is VILE to say the least

Today:- Home and resting and watching grand prix and gonne go sign off...Thought would update this briefly in case anyone was wondering where i was (fat chance) ROFL...Daughter has been keeping online friends informed but forgot to give her password to put an entry on this DUH!!!

Toodle pip take care everyone xx

Monday 15 August 2005


I got nagged so i phoned the docs...Only had to press redial for 5 mins and got an appointment with the horrid one LOL...As they do he asked why i was there and i said my gall bladder...So he proceded to ask me why was i there if i already had painkillers!!!!...Said so it can be put in my notes i have had another attack so then i might just get an op quicker...So he made me lie down and he poked and prodded and said my painkillers were useless...So am now on dihydrocodeine and still waiting on a scan appointment <sigh> ...He also said chicken shouldn't cause an attack to happen...But hey as my kids keep pointedly reminding me am WEIRD and it is the only thing in commen with all 3 attacks i have had in last 5 weeks...

As i was in town i went to both my banks and then went shopping...Rather daft really as i should have been at home resting...Got the boys a new t-shirt each for school tomorrow as huge backlog of ironing and washing...Got youngest a new hoodie as he really needed something lightweight but with a hood...Got eldest another pair of jeans in sale in D2...He still needs new trainers for school but until his ankle is better he can't get them...Got daughter the small fridge type thing from woolies for using at uni...It holds 7 normal sized drinks cans and at £15 instead of £35 it was a bargain :o) ...Picked up my prescription and promptly took 2 of the painkillers...Nagging at the boys to check their schoolbags and make sure they have everything they need...No doubt i will have to go to asda later and get rubbers and sharpeners...These holidays have flown by too quick, we haven't done much and it really does only seem like yesterday they broke up for the summer...Youngest is nagging at me for a couple of tunes off here put on his MP3 player so best go do it now....Toodle pip xxx

Sunday 14 August 2005


Well looks like no more chicken for me :o( ...I love chicken but after having some yesterday for tea i woke in middle of the night in pain again :o( ...Painkillers are helping but i will be phoning to see GP tomorrow.

Had to go into town yesterday afternoon and met up with my best mate for a coffee...Been ages since we went to Costa and we sat and nattered for ages...She's just bought a house about 5-10 mins walk from me so be nice to be closer than we are at the mo...I can also finally give her some stuff i had for my lot when they were little like the play tent and rocking horse :o) ...She's mad as a hatter and her daughter is 1 on tues and her wee lad is 2 on sat...Told you she was mad ROFL...Saw one of those little mini fridge things in woolies for £15 instead of £35 so will get one tomorrow for daughter going to uni with for her room...At least she can stick a pint of milk in it and know no-one else will use it LOL...After being in town i went to the gym for first time in 2 weeks and i wasn't too badly out of shape...I only did my weights stuff and a swim though...Might be harder going back to the cardio stuff LOL...I had intended going today for that but the chicken put paid to it <sigh>

Today i have just lazed about and done nothing as i haven't been fit to...Watched the ladies marathon in helsinki and that's about it...Eldest lad went to see Charlie and chocolate factory and laffed when he got back as his team beat mine at footie this afternoon <sigh> ...Got to go to the bank tomorrow as a skimming device was found on a hole in the wall on fri that i had used last sunday...Want to see about getting a new pin number etc...They can't tell how long it has been on that machine either so there must be quite a lot of worried people around over it...Going to go play in quiz rooms for a while and let painkillers kick in again....Toodle pip xxxx

Friday 12 August 2005

Up north for the day

Well i got up early yesterday so i could get everything sorted for going north for the day...Left the kids to finish getting ready whilst i went to get the new tyre...No new tyre the one that had been delivered was faulty so had to go with the spare still...It is legal just not in that great shape...So we left a wee bit early than expected so got daughter to phone little sis to let her know...I love the drive up to where i am from when the weather is good LOL...We drive through some beautiful countryside to get there through glens and up over hills with fantastic views :o) ...A windfarm has been built on a hill just outside a small town called Huntly...Now i know lots of people reckon they are a blot on the landscape but this one doesn't really look out of place...It's quite fascinating to see them all turning in unison and they don't look any worse than any of the pylons, radio masts, tv masts etc etc...I do think it really depends on where they are built wether they are a bit of a blot on landscape or not.

We got to my younger sisters eventually...I drove right past the house they are staying in temporarily at first LOL...Youngest described the room we went into as cosy LOL...My sis laffed at that as it is quite small...They have planning permission for their new house but they are still waiting on the permission for the building stuff inside...She will be so glad once they have it and they can get it all started then moved in...They bought the plot of land over a year ago and it's been one thing after another and really stressfull...Decided little sis is a netphobe LOL...She was trying to find a website she had been on before looking for a bike for my niece...They are with AOL too and i told her how to fave place stuff, am sure she still doesn't understand it...She won't read emails and leaves all that for her hubby even if they are for her ROFL...Said mum would be less phobic about it than her <ggg> ...We stayed there for about 3 hours and the kids all went outside so we had some peace n quiet :o) ...

Drove over to mums and big sisters via the coast...I love the sea and it was really beautiful and calm yesterday and you could see all the hills on the other side of the moray firth...When it is calm and clear like yesterday you can almost see right up to the tip of scotland...You see way past cromarty and dornach firths...I do love goingback home but i couldn't live there now...Would be nice to have the money to have a holiday home there though...I need to live in the city to get facilities for my lads...Mind you on a clear day you can see all the way up the coast just before it turns the corner to become the moray firth from here...Well not my flat windows but if we go down the beach we can LOL...We stopped at the ice cream shop to buy a cone each and youngest got a king size mars bar...It's the only time he gets one as he doesn't like ice cream...We always buy one for mum too and she knows so she allows for it with her meds...My oldest nephew popped in to mums not long after we arrived so was good to see him and have a natter...him and his wife are off on a cruise soon as last year when on honeymoon there had been a hurricane and they got vouchers towards a half price cruise this year...They're off to the med this time LOL...

Now youngest hasn't liked my older sis for about 4 years since she told him off one time :o( ...When she hurt herself last week he was really concerned and decided he was going to visit her...She lives 3 doors along from mum and he came over with us...He sat and spoke to her for ages and gave her a massive hug :o) ...Said we have to go to hers everytime we visit now am so pleased...My brother in law arrived home whilst we were there and we got some fresh fish straight off the boat to take home with us...I love fish but the prices are shocking...It's not that i grew up getting it for free due to my dad being a fisherman it is expensive...I can assure anyone reading this the prices we pay in the shops is nowhere near what the fishermen get for their fish...It's a very dangerous hard job to do and they now get paid a pittance for their efforts :o( ...Am glad my nephew got out and works offshore now...We had tea with mum and came home...The wind farm doesn't look that bad coming back the way either :o) ...It was a good day and am just sad that due to everything that has gone on over the holidays we didn't manage to go and spend a few days there...Hopefully next hols we can...

Am off to chase up taxi company about pick up times for eldest on tues <sigh> ...This lot are appallingly bad...They are supposed to inform the parents but they don't and eldest taxi has changed so i really need to know what is going on...Toodle pip for now xxx

Wednesday 10 August 2005


Well me and youngest went into town...Took the car as he won't walk far at all still it works out cheaper to park for 2-3 hours than it does to take the bus!!!!...Daft when they want us to use more public transport and less using of the car...Went to the bank to make sure they have paid my car insurance today and they had :o) ...Got book tokens from ottakers for my niece as she loves reading...I always loved getting book tokens or art stuff as presents when i was a kid...Didn't like being given books unless it was one i had requested...It's fun going and chosing yer own :o) ...We have a new shop opened here poundland so we went in for a looksy...I need to take daughter in there as some of the stuff is dead cheap for her going to uni...The service was atrocious though, we had been in a long queue for one of the tills...Then the manageress asked everyone to shift o one of the other queues as that till was closing...We grumped and moved (been in queue for 5-10 mins at this point)...After the person there had been served the till closed and woman on the till moved to the one behind and opened it....The manageress then shouted for people to move to it!!!!!...I mean FFS everyone could have just waited where they were and been served in time but no people who hadn't been queuing jumped in and got served...Manageress was not happy and glowered at people shouting at her over it but what did she expect...I wasn't the only one who said in a very loud voice they wouldn't be back <ggg> ...We dumped some of the stuff back at the car and went to primark and woolies...So youngest now has shiny new folder to put his important certificates in :o) ...Got 2 new pairs of jeans for both boys i really wish they'd stop growing...They now need 34" leg length each and i refuse to buy expensive ones when they still growing LOL...The ones they have i only bought at easter time and nowt wrong with them just short in the leg <sigh> ...Went to get tyre on car on way home and garage man had forgotten to get one WHOOPS...Going und ASAP in morning to get it put on just before we go north for the day...Glad to be home as i really utterly detest shopping LOL...Still need to get eldest lad new trainers for school which is a pain as he's got to rest his ankle...Will try on fri and if there is no spaces in disabled area right beside the centre then he will have to wait until there is LOL...Going to have a soak in bath...Toodle pip xxx

New journal go have a looksy

Just a quickie as me and youngest are going out...Daughter is away so leaving eldest on his own as he has to rest his ankle...Please go and have a looksy at this journal it was only started this week so i thought i'd advertise it :o)

Better go venture out into the rain to buy birthday pressie and youngest a new folder for certifictates and new jeans...He doesn't know we're doing clothes shop yet LOL...Toodle pip xx

Tuesday 9 August 2005

Results and casualty LOL

Well today was the final of youngests countdown...Sadly he had to leave to go to respite playscheme before the postie arrived...When he did get his post i was really good and let him open the envelope although he needed a bit of help LOL...We already knew he had passed but he was so excited about having the certificate that made it official...He has a thing for awards/certificates/medals etc...He now has his SQA access 2 in french and drama :o)...Before he started the school he's at now 2 years ago i would never have dreamt he would get anything from school at all...Hopefully one day he may even go on to do some standard grades.

I gave him the envelope in the car as we had to go to casualty...When i went and picked them up from respite i had to sign an accident report for eldest lad...He'd been playing football indoors and tripped and going crashing over something onto the lino and hurt his ankle...They had put an ice pack on it for 30mins and made him rest it....I do think they could have phoned me about it when it happened or maybe they did but phoned old mobile number...They x-rayed it as although they doubted it was broken he does have a high pain threshold...It's not but it is a bad strain...So he has it bandaged up and no sports for a couple of weeks...He's supposed to sit with it up resting for next 2 days at least...Skiing doesn't start till near end of august and footie doesn't start till around then too...On tues he will have to take a note to school excusing him from PE <sigh> ...It's a plain old normal coloured bandage, they didn't offer him a coloured one even though they had them...When we go north on thurs eldest and my big sis can hop-a-long together ROFL

Apart from above it's been pretty uneventfull...Been pain free since sat :o) ....Went out for tea on sun but we ended up in KFC as car had a mega flat as a pancake tyre...Well we got in it to drive to somewhere else and not far round corner i felt the car shuddering...Kwik Fit were just closing and at £55 for a tyre i told them no ta...Left car near my usual garage and we got bus to town to KFC much to daughters disgust...The spare is on at mo and new one going on tomorrow now...Had hassles with one of my banks but got it sorted...Gits bounced DD for my car insurance even though i had money in to cover it <sigh> ....I had proof and was on their puter screen so got it sorted...Tomorrow daughter is off to dundee (poor her) with young carers project...We're off up north for the day on thurs, fri and mon will take it easy and it's back to school for the boys on tues HURRAH!!!!!....Toodle pip for now tc xxx

Saturday 6 August 2005

As promised

Right a few entries back i said i would do a brief potted history of youngest so here it is...

He couldn't hear with left ear right from birth until he was 2...He failed first hearing test and was refered to ENT dept...At this point i was still going with eldest lad to there but they had different consultants...I felt like i spent 3 years almost living there between both the boys LOL...It was obvious youngest couldn't hear on left side because if you spoke to him from that side he wouldn't respond...If you were behind him far enuff for him to hear with his right ear then he would swivel his head round to try and listen to you...Even so he still started babbling away like normal and he started to say things like mum, dad etc when he should have...When we found that eldest didn't have glue ear and never had done at youngests next appointment i went a bit nuts...Poor woman testing him was so heavily pregnant am suprised i didn't bring on her labour...I told her no scrunching of paper, no shaking a rattle etc, i wanted and demanded a proper hearing test done...So he was refered to a special clinic outwith the hossy for it...We did have to wait about 4 months and 2 weeks before it he started responding if you spoke to his left side...We still kept the appointment and his hearing was found to be slightly less in left side than right but nothing major...I explained that he had started responding only 2 weeks before...They never eve rmentioned glue ear at all as being the cause...Whatever it was it went away anyways...Now everything else he did when he should like walking etc...Actually he was sitting up and standing up weeks before he should have been normally...That was due to fact he had a special leg brace on for a clicking hip until he was 6 months old...He had support so was easy for him to sit up and to stand up...He was a happy cheeful baby/toddler until he got his mmr...I know controversal of me to say it but it's true...Now you have to keep in mind this was years before anything in media or anything about it...Back then mmr was relatively new where we live and they didn't get it as early as you do now...He was less cheery after having it and a couple of months later he had a fit...I asked health visitor if it would be anything to do with the jab and got told no a fit as a side effect should happen within days...Rubbish i since foundout fits as a side effect of any jab can be up to 4 months later...Hossy put it down to a febrile convulsion...He had another fit about 3 months later again they said febrile convulsion...Four months later he had another fit and i phoned GP...The one that came out said he was fevered and had an ear infection and was another febrile thingy and gave me a prescription...He was fevered because that doctor had woken him up and he was angry at being woken LOL...I went got the meds and when i came home he had another fit so i phoned 999 and got him into hossy again...He had no fever at all and no ear infection...That GP i only see now if it's a dire emergency and i mean dire...Upshot is the following week they tested him for epilepsy and decided he did have it...He got put on meds and was on them for next 3 years...Once he was fit free for 2 years they weaned him off the meds and fingers crossed he's not had a fit since...I was warned it could come back when he hit puberty so am a tad wary now with him being 14...Because he was on epilepsy meds which can slow you down the health visitor suggested he got seen at same place eldest was at...He was reading fluently by age 3 which i since got told was a sign of his autism!!!...Funny his sister could read at same age and she isn't LOL...This was just to catch up for going to mainstream school...So he went part time mainstream nursery and part time the SEN one...Meanwhile he got the booster mmr at same time as his brother...With eldest he stayed same as he had been before getting it...With youngest NOPES...He changed overnight into a very aggressive child :o( ...Because he had become aggressive and was still on the epilepsy meds and was learing slower he went to SEN primary school...His name had been on waiting list for special language unit his brother went to but he never got to go there...By the time there was a place available he had been diagnosed on autistic spectrum too...By then they weren't allowed to take pupils on the spectrum...He was diagnosed in the june just after his 6th birthday about 3 weeks after he came off the epilepsy meds...I was in complete shock and i felt extremely stupid...I felt like i should have noticed ages before as his brother had been diagnosed for 4 years at that point...On reflection his epilepsy and the meds for it was masking the autism...He has since stayed in SEN education...I moved him from the school he used to go to 3 years ago as i felt he wasn't getting the education he needed there...Since he moved he has come on leaps and bounds as this school know he has a brain and they let him use it...Old one didn't, they also didn't follow the scottish national 5-14 cirriculum...His aggression had calmed down a lot at this school but since january it has become bad again...In the past i have always managed to pinpoint any triggers for it (ie: seeing his father again)...I am at a complete loss with any now except for the teenage hormones kicking in...The boys both developed differently and maybe if he had been as severe as his brother (having no speech) then it would have been noticed sooner...I am always peeved that he's not had the same education chances as his brother as he isn't daft and can be very intelligent...Anyways thats brief potted history of youngest and am off to watch last episode of enterprise...Toodle pip xx

Friday 5 August 2005

The weeks ramblings

I know i haven't bothered to write anything since tuesday mainly as not much been happening and i've still been aching...Before the pain has gone after about 3-4 days this week it has been there niggling away all the time <sigh> ...I got scared to eat as it seemed anything that passed over my lips made it worse...So i have had my tummy rumbling and moaning at me for food and then gall bladder rumbling and moaning at me for eating food ROFL...I still haven't had any post from the hossy with a date for a scan...So the 4-6 week waiting list for the scan obviously doesn't include the wait for the appointment <sigh> ...I have been advised that any pain i phone a GP straight away even if the painkillers keep it under control...To be honest next time it is as bad as the early hours of monday morning i am going to A&E...At least that way i know i will get the scan done within a couple of hours...

On tuesday the boys were at respite playscheme and youngest went to Crathes castle but eldest stayed at the centre...Youngest had a good time and has been in a good mood all week :o) ...I can hardly believe that there is only ONE week left of the holidays...Time has flown so quick this summer and we still haven't managed to go north to visit my relatives...I feel bad but neither my mum nor my sisters want me driving too far in case i get an attack...Next week we are hoping we can go up though...I so want some ice cream from where i am from originally and where my mum and older sis still live LOL...Yes i do know it's bad for my diet BUT it's a treat i don't have often so i can be allowed...If it sets off gall bladder then so be it LOL...Eldest lad has had a busy week...He went to a friends after playscheme on tues, to a different friends on wed and yet another friends yesterday :o) ...The friend he went to see yesterday his mum phoned in the afternoon saying he was a bit upset kinda...She had bought him a 2nd hand gameboy SP and he was worried i would be annoyed...I wasn't as his own one *disappeared* at this friends back in march then am more than happy for them to have replaced it...They also came round today with a 2nd hand game she had bought to replace one that went *missing* too...Maybe some will think am wrong in accepting this but IF a friend of his had come here and their stuff had gone AWOL then i would replace it for them so fairs fair i think...I still need to replace the other games and game link cable thing but he's happy for now...

Older sis has been in the wars this week so hopefully with what's happening to me and mum being in hossy at beg july that is our 3 things over with for now LOL...She's on crutches and youngest who doesn't like my sis wants to go visit her and give her a big hug...So hey something good may come of it :o) ...I have just chilled and done nowt all week except sleep and not eat and read journals although not always left a comment...Youngest is off to see Charlie & the Chocolate Factory tomorrow morning with his worker...He watched the old one on channel5 the other week and again on a sky channel last weekend LOL...He wants to buy a wonka bar to find a golden ticket now <sigh> ...Having seen what kind of choccy they are he won't eat them and i will have all this temptation in the flat shouting 'eat me eat me' at me ROFL...Found out on news today the ski centre has made a huge loss and i hope they don't close it...I don't think they will but the prices may go up a lot...What they did say on the news was that they are looking to have someone different run it after sept...Thing is that was always on the cards anyway as the current ski school only had the contract for a year...They are trying to make it look as if the ski school is at fault when it was the council admin side that were a disaster...Not my problem as long as they keep the place open...Have been able to hang out washing this week HURRAH!!!! and that was my highlight of the week ROFL, am so sad...On that note am offski...Toodle pip take care xx

Please go do this

As i said in a previous entry an online friend sadly passed away the other week from the cancer she had been bravely fighting...Today another friend forwarded me an email asking to do something really simple on the breast cancer website...It is something i didn't know about but i have gone and done it and i do hope anyone reading this does it too...If it will help save someones life then it will be such a good thing and only involves clicking a button on your computer :o)

Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle).

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.



You don't have to tell 10 friends but the more the better

Thank you xxxx

Tuesday 2 August 2005


Been to the docs...Pain has dulled down enough so i can drive which is just as well as had to take boys to respite first...Doctor asked if i'd had a date through for scan yet and said no thought would be ages...Apparently there's only a 4-6 week waiting time just now...Wonder how long you need to wait for the letter saying the date though LOL...He is 95% positive it's my gall bladder...After the scan i will need to see consultant if they find anything...I asked if i would have to wait ages for an op as i presume am gonna have to get one...As i've now had 3 attacks since march then i should get one done quick...He didn't advise me on diet even though i asked as he said am already eating healthy and some peeps it just flares up regardless...I cut out fatty foods yonks ago and i don't eat much dairy at all...To be honest am now scared to eat anything in case i get an attack...Better go hang out some washing got tons to do as my lot have been lazy gits...TTFN xx

Monday 1 August 2005


Not writing much today...Had to get out of hours GP out in middle of the night as was in loads of pain :o( ...She gave me painkilling injection and said to phone own GP first thing in morning but if it was still bad to phone back...Yeah right going through NHS24 is a nightmare...Anyways i spent 15 mins with finger on redial this morning only to get told last appointment had just gone...My own GP phoned me back 10 mins laters and we decided he would see me tomorrow so i could rest today...I have rested, slept most of the day to be honest...Usual painkillers are working today though...Seeing him at 10am tomorrow and will see what happens...Knowing my GP he will play on the boys autism to get me scanned asap...Sounds bad using them but if it's only way then so be it...So if am not around it will be cos am either in pain or in hossy LOL...Toodle pip for now and take care xx