Sunday 14 August 2005


Well looks like no more chicken for me :o( ...I love chicken but after having some yesterday for tea i woke in middle of the night in pain again :o( ...Painkillers are helping but i will be phoning to see GP tomorrow.

Had to go into town yesterday afternoon and met up with my best mate for a coffee...Been ages since we went to Costa and we sat and nattered for ages...She's just bought a house about 5-10 mins walk from me so be nice to be closer than we are at the mo...I can also finally give her some stuff i had for my lot when they were little like the play tent and rocking horse :o) ...She's mad as a hatter and her daughter is 1 on tues and her wee lad is 2 on sat...Told you she was mad ROFL...Saw one of those little mini fridge things in woolies for £15 instead of £35 so will get one tomorrow for daughter going to uni with for her room...At least she can stick a pint of milk in it and know no-one else will use it LOL...After being in town i went to the gym for first time in 2 weeks and i wasn't too badly out of shape...I only did my weights stuff and a swim though...Might be harder going back to the cardio stuff LOL...I had intended going today for that but the chicken put paid to it <sigh>

Today i have just lazed about and done nothing as i haven't been fit to...Watched the ladies marathon in helsinki and that's about it...Eldest lad went to see Charlie and chocolate factory and laffed when he got back as his team beat mine at footie this afternoon <sigh> ...Got to go to the bank tomorrow as a skimming device was found on a hole in the wall on fri that i had used last sunday...Want to see about getting a new pin number etc...They can't tell how long it has been on that machine either so there must be quite a lot of worried people around over it...Going to go play in quiz rooms for a while and let painkillers kick in again....Toodle pip xxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news having an old friend so close, specially one that's a laugh.  Have seen those little fridges they look ideal and don't take up a lot of room.  Horrid about the skimming device very glad someone noticed it and chicken is a no no, found out the hard way but at least you know now. xxRache