Monday 15 August 2005


I got nagged so i phoned the docs...Only had to press redial for 5 mins and got an appointment with the horrid one LOL...As they do he asked why i was there and i said my gall bladder...So he proceded to ask me why was i there if i already had painkillers!!!!...Said so it can be put in my notes i have had another attack so then i might just get an op quicker...So he made me lie down and he poked and prodded and said my painkillers were useless...So am now on dihydrocodeine and still waiting on a scan appointment <sigh> ...He also said chicken shouldn't cause an attack to happen...But hey as my kids keep pointedly reminding me am WEIRD and it is the only thing in commen with all 3 attacks i have had in last 5 weeks...

As i was in town i went to both my banks and then went shopping...Rather daft really as i should have been at home resting...Got the boys a new t-shirt each for school tomorrow as huge backlog of ironing and washing...Got youngest a new hoodie as he really needed something lightweight but with a hood...Got eldest another pair of jeans in sale in D2...He still needs new trainers for school but until his ankle is better he can't get them...Got daughter the small fridge type thing from woolies for using at uni...It holds 7 normal sized drinks cans and at £15 instead of £35 it was a bargain :o) ...Picked up my prescription and promptly took 2 of the painkillers...Nagging at the boys to check their schoolbags and make sure they have everything they need...No doubt i will have to go to asda later and get rubbers and sharpeners...These holidays have flown by too quick, we haven't done much and it really does only seem like yesterday they broke up for the summer...Youngest is nagging at me for a couple of tunes off here put on his MP3 player so best go do it now....Toodle pip xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does seem quick since your lads broke up from school. They've done quite a bit really although the time has flown.  You know how to find bargains.......rubbers and pencils should be a doddle on the bank balance lol.  Hope those tablets are better than the others. xxRache