Saturday 25 November 2006

not a lot

Well am not sure if it's good or bad news...Ever since i tried to get a car loan way back in july/august i have had umpteen loan peeps offering me a loan then telling me no can do when i tell them am not working...This week i got a call from another company and they said they'd phone me back on thurs morning...Well thurs came and went and thought okies they drew a blank too...Nice man phoned late yesterday afternoon to say they can do it :o) ...So the papers are winging their way to me to sign and i will get my loan...I did check them out and they are reputable or i wouldn't even consider it...Means i can do the home improvements i wanted to...Well not all of them but some which will be good...But not until after christmas now as i still have to finish the living room off and that is enuff decorating to do before christmas LOL

I was going to try and finish the living room this weekend but i've spent most of this week with a vile headache feeling crappy and just wanting to do not a lot...It's also a pain with the boys around to get anything like that done...They're out tomorrow at respite and i thought do a lot then...But mum phoned last night and i have to go into town for her...Window shopping and if the shop has what she'd like then she'll come in on the bus on mon or tues to buy them...Mum also had a flood and all her boots were ruined...She's having major problems finding replacements or even a price for replacements for her insurance...It's also the big international market weekend so suppose i could go have a look at it too...Just if it's miserable and cold weather like today am not that keen on going into town...Hate shopping at best of times let alone when weather is yuk...Had more to say but can't remember as just had phone go twice...Going to go have a coffee and phone pal and say i'll go to asda with her LOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Friday 17 November 2006



Well the review wasn't so bad today...MrsP was only back this week after being off for quite a while so she didn't compile the report...Two of her colleagues did instead which meant she didn't get her usual nitpicking digs in <ggg> His technical studies teacher had sent over a brief report on how he is doing...His work is of excellent standard, he's well motivated and has integrated well with the other pupils...Often the other pupils look to him for help...He does need to tidy up his work a bit though...No idea what tech studies expect him to get for his higher grade but i'll find that out at that parents night...Apparently he is delighted to be the senior boy in the base...News to me as he moans to me at times that he'd rather there was someone older than him that he could relate to better...See he's 16 and this age where someone 13 or even 14 is just too young to mix with...Apparently he's been absent a lot!!!! Well that's news to me and i said that...He's been off ill twice this term and both times with a bug that was going around the whole school...Ok he was off for robbie williams gig and off for a hospital appointment (it clashed with a class) but he's not been absent much with being ill.

If he stays on to 6th year he told the carers woman that he'd like to do Higher geography and Advanced Higher maths & tech studies...He'd also like to continue the classroom support that he's doing this year with 1st years and also to do Sports Leadership Award...No clue what the last is i'll have to ask him when he gets home from his mates laters...He'd told the carers woman that it is still engineering he is interested in most likely electrical engineering...He neglected to tell her he's actually most interested in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics degree LOL...I have a couple of links i need to check out regards funding & support for disabled students...See if that is something he can be eligible for on top of the disabled student allowance which is quite restrictive...I know it seems awfully early to even speak about it if he's doing another year at school but it's not...I actually started looking into everything that side a couple of years ago...I prefer to prepare this kind of thing in advance because last min can be no use...And last min can meen even a year beforehand...So all in all it was an excellent review but as i said MrsP hasn't been around to do her nitpicking side...Saying crap about his hair. clothes etc...Saying that he can't do X cos he's aspergers etc...You know i don't often gloat because well it ain't nice is it...BUT i am gloating because she didn't even blink an eyelid or object when higher geography was mentioned <ggg> She didn't dispute that he no longer needs to do english full stop <ggg> She wasn't mean and nasty and try to dictate what he can do outwith school <ggg> She wasn't even that hassled that the stuff he does go to is not mainstream <ggg> Hmmm maybe she's on HRT and mellowed...Social worker mentioned her not moaning about his clothes for once...Told her well G thinks she's a fuddy duddy and dresses more fuddy duddy and old than granny...Granny being my mum who as you know was 75 last month and MrsP is only 53

Suppose that's enuff bitching for now LOL...I was babysitting again after his review and not done a lot else really...Am a Celeb was so funny last nite...The live trial with Dean Gaffney was hilarious...Poor sod there's no way i would have done what he did and the gunk he was govered in well <vomit> ...Even though Jan Leeming and Scott Henshall got 4 stars on their trial they were still crap...Look on her face when she got told she'd been voted to do another was ace...Her moaning wondering why the public didn't pick someone else after having done the first one LOLOL...Well dear the public are picking you because yer CRAP, you MOAN, WHINGE, BITCH and LIE...The public don't like you and they want to see you suffer...It's so obvious she has never watched this before or she'd keep her gob shut...As for the pretend strip in front of Toby Anstis the poor bloke looked he so wanted to be anywhere else...WooHoo X factor and Am a Celeb tomorrow can't wait...Better go feed myself LOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Thursday 16 November 2006

parents night

Well the mobile is off being looked at...I have a loan one just now and it's confusing and horrible and the alarm is pants and doesn't waken me up grrrr...It's been one of those weeks and one of the things that is annoying me the most and making me extremely angry i cannot say in here...I know who reads my journal who leaves comments but i don't know who else may read it that doesn't leave comments which is why i can't rant like i'd wish to...Suffice to say i loathe and detest bullies whatever shape or form they come in...Be it at work, school or uni...I have such a strong urge to go off and slap these poeple silly regardless of what the consequences might be but it's a bit of a ways away to go do it.

Today they have come and dug up the cobbles at end of my street...No-one got told it was happening or warning of any kind...Not impressed...In fact so not impressed that i wasn't the only resident who phoned to complain...The workmen then went and put a road closed sign across the bottom entrance to the street that if you wanted access you had to get out of car and move...One resident got told that the cobbles were being replaced by tarmac because members of the public can slip and fall on the cobbles when they're wet....Well i've lived here over 19 years and have yet to see that happen to anyone...What i got told was that they had to remove them to put in tarmac to then put green ashphalt on top to then put the 20 signs on the road...You can't drive down my street that fast anyway LOL...It is very narrow and parking on both sides...I know our council have made it that over 100 streets in the city centre are now 20mph but a little commonsense as to how they sign it wouldn't go amiss...Had to stand outside and wait for M's taxi at bottom of the road...I managed to warn G's taxi in advance...they'll still be here tomorrow but should then be finished...The workmen had a highways inspector down at them after the complaints <g> Okies it isn't their fault they just go where they're told but they're who we can see...There are quite a few businesses around here and i have to warn the boys taxi's and it would just have been nice to have been informed...Someone in the council is going to get told off because the inspector said people should have been informed

I had parents night last night for G...Well 2 thirds of it as one of his subjects is at the other school so i will have parents night for it at another date...I asked to see the guidance teacher even though it is the base who really do his guidance stuff...I wanted a different viewpoint though and am so glad i did...His guidance teacher had no complaints about him...Said he was a very pleasant, popular young man...That he did excellent in his standard grades and is on course to do as well in his highers :o) He also thinks university or college is well within his reach IF that is the route he wants to follow...It was so nice to sit there and have everything positive rather than when he has a review and MrsP nitpicks about this that or the other...Although she shocked me yesterday on the phone by being nice about him LOL...Maths his teacher is really pleased with him...Said he has a real aptitude for the subject, his standard grade was excellent (well he couldn't have done better LOL) and unforseen circumstances withstanding he is on track to get an A in his higher maths...His graphic communication teacher well that was so funny...He's had this teacher for the last 3 years not always for graphic comm...So he knows us well enuff and knows me by sight...So you go into parents evening and you expect the teachers to say hello how are you...Naaaaa this teachers first words to me were "Did you enjoy Muse then and what did you think of them" ROFL...Said "oh did garath tell you he was at the gig"...He said no that he was there and had spotted me and didn't notice the boys LOLOL...Anyway he is doing really well in graphic comm...He's excellent on the computer stuff they do...He does need to polish his presentation a bit more and really needs to work hard on his portfolio...He has an excellent eye for seeing things in 3D and manages to draw the 3D diagrams of things really well...He just needs to remember to use a nice clean sharp pencil so it looks more tidy...Tomorrow i have his review so it will be interesting to see what MrsP says <G> ...He's mixing more so she'll be happy with that...As for her trying to dictate what he does outwith school well she can get stuffed...She's no right to intefere in what goes on outwith school but maybe a miracle will happen and this time she won't...At least she isn't moaning about his hair or clothes anymore...Like a lot of lads his age G likes to wear indie type clothes that are designed to look scruffy...M on the other hand likes to look smart in a shirt and tie...Me i don't care what they wear as long as they're happy with it, what i do worry about is that they're choosing how they look and not just going with a style i tend to buy for them...To be honest if they decided they wanted to dye their hair tartan with pink spots i wouldn't care cos everyone is individual...See i reckon MrsP would rather we were all clones, how boring...G looks just like all the other lads in his year and doesn't stand out as being different...Now if he was wearing stuff that is too young for his age or wanted to wear a superman outfit all the time she'd have a point...Oh i did mention to his guidance teacher he was enjoying being a classroom assistant except he didn't like the first years calling him sir...MrD laughed loads and said "he's lucky most of them don't bother calling me sir" LOLOLOL...Told him he'd insisted they call him G***** but that this week some of them called him Mr so he told them again it's G...And now as it's peace and quiet outside with no roadworks am going to have a coffee then think about tea...Oh is anyone else watching 'I'm a Celeb' Am so cheesed off with the no live feed this time grrrrr...Surely for 2 weeks ITV could have taken that dross The Mint off and put on live feed instead...As for Scott Henshall what an arrogant sod, liar and wimp to boot, don't like Jan Leeming either she's another arrogant git and liar as well...Methinks there will be another hungry day in camp with those 2 doing joint bushtucker trial today LOLOLOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 13 November 2006

I hate my mobile phone LOL

Thank goodness the boys went back to school today...They were both off sick last week and as friday was inservice although they were better there was no school...Of course they shared the bug with me as you do LOL...So i spent thurs and fri in my pj's now hows that for laziness...My mobile went all weird last wed and i took it down to the shop...Bloke in there got it to work though dunno how so said thanks and then the bloke i had spoken to on the phone came over and asked about it...So was telling him when it happened again...It just died for no reason...Again we got it working and he said repairs or phones going off to be tested didn't get sent 'till fri so to see how it went and take it back before 2pm if it was still all wonky...Well it stayed working okies then died again on sat, then sun and again today...It's now refusing point blank to work at all...Although i don't use it much it is essential as it is the only contact their schools have with me if am not in <sigh> Actually today it was sticking when i tried to access a text i was sent and then after i got it working it just kept dying :o( ...I only got it in july and it's on contract so they better jolly well replace it...Mind you i want the memory cards from it put into new one like.

K's had bad toothache and it's a chornic abcess so she's back on antibiotics but different ones to last weeks...I have GP check up about my happy pills tomorrow morning so need to ask about G's flu jab now he is well again...M was moaning he wasn't getting one then i pointed out he didn't need one as he doesn't have asthma...Bless him he used to be jealous that both G and K wore glasses at one point and now he seems to feel left out he's not getting a jab...My best friends wee lad has chickenpox and he's covered in spots...Poor thing he has some on one of his feet and on both sets of toes so he is crawling everywhere again...M was not a happy bunny at footie tonite...When i got there he was sat outside the hall on a step and i though uh oh he's thrown a wobbly again...Well yeah he had stormed out in the huff but he had a proper reason this time...He was in goals and one of the lads was shooting towards the goal and it caught him in the chest...So he was in pain and winded...I did tell him that these things can happen if you're a goalie and wouldn't be deliberate...Boy did i get told off...In indoor footie you do NOT shoot that high i was informed so in his mind it was deliberate...Oh well he throws a wobbly most weeks and says he's not going back and the next week he's asking for his footie kit to put on ROFL...Oh K has bought a gorgeous Dragon with some of the birthday money she got from her father...She got it sent to here do you think i could just erm keep it <gggg> Am so gonna get a slap for saying that because as you know she does read this :o)

OMG did anyone watch I'm a Celeb tonite...How scary looking is David Gest...If he sits too close to the campfire he will melt from all the plastic in his face...Good example of how NOT to have umpteen facelifts and botox...Can't believe he is only in his mid to late forties he looks much older

Toodle pip tc xx

Sunday 12 November 2006


My maternal grandad served in world war one in the merchant navy. He was a fisherman but signed up to serve and a lot of fishermen were enlisted in the merchant navy instead of the army, raf or rn...I don't know much but i know he did see some fierce fighting on the seas...He then served again in the merchant navy in world war two...His boat was sunk in ww2 but thankfully he survived...My mum told me his medals from ww1 went down with the boat...My grandad never talked about it to us at all...My dad was born in 1928 and he didn't serve in ww2 but he did do national service and again he never spoke about it...There are pics of my dad on his national service at mums and am sure he did his time over in yemen or somewhere in the suez region...I used to have a friend who was in the army and took part in the the gulf war...He found that so traumatic he came out of the army soon after and went to uni which was when i met him...Just now one of my friends is in iraq and due home soon thankfully...So many people men & women have given their lives in wars and conflicts all over the world over a great many years so that we can live in peace it is right that we should honour and remember them...Sadly true world wide peace i doubt is something that will ever happen because human nature won't allow it :o(  To any of you who have family, friends and loved ones serving anywhere just now i pray that they come home safely

Saturday 11 November 2006

young carers

I have a new blog but don't worry am not leaving this one...I have gone and signed up and got a MySpace page thingy...Now i thought it would be easy peasy to do but no it ain't...Making the wesbites i have done recently was a heck of a lot easier ROFL...K is gonna get her other half (dunno if i can call him that yet) speak to me tomorrow about using yer own backgrounds etc on it...It's boring and dull just now which is so just NOT me PMSL...There's a blog space on it so i've started one...Whinging about being thick and too old for this malarky basically...Reason i went got it you may ask...Well i went and signed up so i could comment on a friends MySpace blog...Good enuff reason ain't it...Not like it's gonna be me proper blog

And now for another shameless bit of asking people to sign something...Don't know if anyone has noticed in any magazines or papers that they buy but Barnardos have a big campaign on just now about Young Carers...Even AOL had it on the Welcome Screen yesterday <shock> Personally i think the PRTC (princess royal trust for carers) as they have a heck of a lot more young carers groups BUT barnardos are running this campaign so am gonna support it...It is BAD enuff being an adult carer but IMO much worse being a young carer...These kids are LOSING their childhood...For the ones that are caring for a disabled parent the work they do would put most adults to shame...Not only are they losing their childhood but they are losing their education and many go unidentified because either them or their parents or both are scared to say anything in case the family gets torn apart :o(  So here's link to it...In the mags/papers you have to make a donation to sign the petition thing but online you can just sign...I would give a donation if i could but i can't so am just signing it

Help a young carer - give your permission today. Barnardo's works with young carers across the UK giving them a chance to hav...

That's the petition page but there are other pages on the site that are stories from young carers (some heartbreaking) and info about young carers

Toodle pip tc xx

Tuesday 7 November 2006

Muse :o)

Oh joy of joys...G got up yesterday morning to go to school and promptly threw up...So phone escort to say he's off sick, phone school later to inform them and try to make sure he is well enuff to go out in the evening...Catch K online and she's not right either...The steroid pills have not reacted well with her...She's hyper, jittery, can't concentrate, hungry and having mood swings...She had an assignment due to be handed in tomorrow but couldn't concentrate enough or get anything vaguely intelligble written down...She emailed and told the lecturer and got told she could have excemption until fri as long as she got a note from her GP...Thank you to Stuart for all the info when i pounced on him to ask about steroid side effects :o) ...We did make the gig which will speak about in a mo...K texted today to ask about any other side effects as the tutor was asking...That tutor saw her in class today and noticed how wired up she is and said assignment can be handed in on mon as it's obviously side effect of the meds..Tomorrow is last day she has to take them so she should be settled again by weekend :o)

The gig well i had been hyper and all wound up about it since i bought the tickets...I absolutely love Muse...They are a fantastic group and i have wanted to see them for ages...We had disabled tickets...The AECC call it special needs on their website :o) So the disabled platform was right at the back of the hall although still not far from the stage...It's raised up high enough so those in wheelchairs can see right above the crowds heads :o) It's usually all standing for gigs there but disabled is seated :o) So we had an excellent view but the support caused some hassle...M doesn't like certain noises and at robbie he covered ears when support were on but once robbie came on he was fine...Well last nite he wanted to leave cos it was too much...Even with my hands and his covering his ears he was still screaming with pain :o(  ...So we left G and i took M outside to the foyer to calm down...We bought irn bru on way back to our seats but he was still agitated...He didn't have his headphones with him which he wears at times to muffle sound...The security guard at the ramp to disabled section asked if he would like earplugs...By this point we had st andrews ambulance lot hovering behind us...So he tried the earplugs and wahay happy chappy :o) ...But then i had another unahppy chappy...G was rocking continuously (aspie trait) and was uptight...He didn't like the crowds even though we were not IN the crowd...Now he's been fine at both Robbie gigs but they were outdoors this was his first indoor gig...He was okies once Muse came on as he does really like them...On way out he was panick attacking again and one of the security lot came over to ask if there was a problem...Explained the situation and he got his supervisor who let us out a side door emergency exit :o) ...Once out and in the car he was fine...Muse are a rock group from the west country and are amazing...They are fantastic musicians especially the lead singer...He is an amazing guitarist and pianist...Think the last time they played up here was years ago when they were starting out and playing small pubs and clubs...All 3 of them said last nite they were so amazed by the crowd that they want to put us on their regular venues for touring WOOHOO!!!!...They all went to school together and formed the band at school and have just worked their way up the ladder...From actually seeing them last nite am not surprised they keep winning awards for best tour and best gig because they are amazing...I've been to so many gigs over the last 25 years of people i like and been hugely disappointed with them live but i can safely say yesterday was not one of those times...For definite we will be going back to see them again...Mind you by then the boys may not want their old mother accompanying them ROFL

G was fine this morning and went off to school...Got phone call at 1pm asking me to come collect him as he was sick again <sigh> What is really annoying is he was at a safe driving conference for all 5th years and he ended up being out to first aid room to lie down...Wish someone had contacted me from there as it was down the beach and close to here...But no he got kept in first aid bit and taken back to school who then phoned me to come collect him and the school is 6 miles away DUH!!!! He is now in the huff as he had a birthday party tonight and he's not going...So he's stamping around, grumping and generally being a pain...Hmmm got M having a go at me for not letting G go to the party LOL...G is burning up and he's going nowhere bets me and M get it too...Well probs not M as he seems to have iron consitution and never gets anything

Just before i go did mention Muse were AWESOME <ggg> Think i sickned the boys of saying that on way home last nite LOLOL...Oh and i've lost my voice through shouting, singing and generally being mad woman at the gig <ggg>

Toodle pip tc xx

Friday 3 November 2006


She can claim the payments back...Just i feel that students should be automatically excempt from paying rather than having to fill in a form as being on a low income...She's told me the steroid pills she has been given she has to take 6 every morning with brekkie for next 5 days...For someone who has major problems swallowing any pills at all this may just cure her LOL...I've told her to ask for a flu jab as well now she's asthmatic...Hmmm she doesn't like injections either but that could be my bad influence as am severely phobic of them...With good reason after all if you had an injection for every stitch when you cut your knee right across when you were 10 and there was 8 stitches had to be done you would be to wouldn't you? LOL...Anyways have to go play hunt the printer cable <G> Methinks me will just chuck ALL the computer cables scattered in that room into a bag and throw it at her...Portable telly, random clothes, long warm fake sheepskin coat am sure she'll have forgotton something...Did get her a plug in to leccy alarm earlier in asda...WOOHOO!!!! no more having to remember to act as alarm clock to someone 130 miles away as well as the boys...Have a lovely weekend everyone be back on sunday

Toodle pip tc xx


K just phoned and she does have asthma...She's been given low dose steroid inhaler, oral steroids as her chest is wheezing and amoxicilian...She forgot now she is 19 she has to pay for her prescriptions then try and claim then back as a student...So that's 3 lots she has to pay for...Is it just me or is it a bit unfair for students to have to pay for prescriptions when they are already on a very low income that barely covers everything???

alert test

hmmm no alerts gone out just checking


Caff has a headache...Caff has slept all day since boys left for school...Caff is not happy as she is not fit to sit on phone and try get Killers tickets...Caff will have to try get at a later date :o(  Caff hopes she is fit to drive to edinburgh tomorrow to see K...Hmmm need to get alarm clock for K as hers broked on tues...So i've been her alarm clock this week LOL

I do like the silvery grey colour background when doing an entry or comment...You'd think though that they could have made more options available for mood whilst they were changing bits...Or at least made it that you could enter your own mood LOL...The buttons are a bit daft too...Anyone else noticed when you press one a smaller box appears which to me looks like a glitch and not very professional...I've tried to be as near to professional as possible with minor details like that one my 2 websites...I got so into that that i really wish i could go and do the part time course at local college on website building...But it's on a sat morning so no use to me which is a pain...I am looking into finding out if i can get as much funding as possible to do full degree via open uni...The last time i checked i couldn't do the post graduate degree in social work via open uni up here in scotland unless i was employed in a social work related job...I could however do the actual full social work degree...I do find the website for the OU a tad confusing so i want to pop along to one of the local uni's as am sure it has an OU office where you can make enquiries...The info on the OU site says you can do the degree in 4 years which is same as doing it at actual uni!!!!...IF i can get enuff funding to manage it then the advantage is i don't lose my benefits and it won't affect either K's or G's (if he goes to uni in 2 years) money...You also do same placements etc so i want to discuss it with my social worker too...Well she's trying to encourage me into it as did my previous social worker LOL...Right i need to attempt to eat as my tummy doth protest although my head is telling me food URGH.

Toodle pip tc xx

Wednesday 1 November 2006


*mutters something about relatives and embarrasing behaviour and glaring* Funnily enough Tet got a similar comment to that one yesterday...

Well it's me darling what do you expect <ggg> After 19 years you should know me well enuff by now :oP ...Not my fault you decided to hide from me so ner ner...The comment above was from K :o) ...Tet is her lovely boyfriend...I'll even it out and say that with M i didn't know i was pregnant either...But i did have some warning with him...I had been losing all the weight i put on with G and it was coming off quickly and then i stopped losing any...So ex (hubby at time) suggested going to get a test done...Said naaaa am not preggie...Hmmmm got told on christmas eve i was and got given a date to go get a scan see how far gone i was...So got the scan just after new year...I was 26 weeks gone and we got asked did we want to know the sex of the baby...As we had a girl and a boy we said yeah we don't mind knowing...So we got told we were having a girl...As we had both girl stuff and boy stuff it didn't matter...Luckily for us we didn't buy anything new that was pink or girlie...He was late and after enduring 24 hours + of labour i decided that the person who did the scan must have got it wrong...Well who else could be so irritating and put someone through so much hassle (didn't have much pain) as a male <ggg> ...And yes when he eventually arrived after 2 days he was a boy LOL...Needless to say during labour and all the time i was in hospital afterwards i kept demanding they sterlilise me...By then i was scared to as much as glance at hubby in case i fell preggy PMSL...I did eventually get it about 6 months after he was born LOL...So that's why there is only 14 months between the boys...Which in a way has been a blessing or M wouldn't be here...If as planned we had waited to have a third child then possibly by then we'd have already know that G was autistic and decided not to have another just in case.

It's cold, it's wet and it's very windy and it's horrid...The temp gauge in my car has gone from around 16 degrees last week to 2 degrees today <shiver> ...The weather was hideous last nite and i couldn't believe the amount of kids i saw out guising...That's trick or treating to anyone else...We've always called it guising up here and i always thought trick or treat was an american term...Thehelpers at the boys tues club were dressed up a wee bit...M has come home today with halloween cakes he made at school...I was going to write a bit about his review but i have to run and take G to wed club...M isn't going as he wants to watch the NTA's tonite...So G is whinging about it which is rather strange as i thought he'd be glad of the peace n quiet without his bro there ROFL

Toodle pip tc xx