Thursday 16 November 2006

parents night

Well the mobile is off being looked at...I have a loan one just now and it's confusing and horrible and the alarm is pants and doesn't waken me up grrrr...It's been one of those weeks and one of the things that is annoying me the most and making me extremely angry i cannot say in here...I know who reads my journal who leaves comments but i don't know who else may read it that doesn't leave comments which is why i can't rant like i'd wish to...Suffice to say i loathe and detest bullies whatever shape or form they come in...Be it at work, school or uni...I have such a strong urge to go off and slap these poeple silly regardless of what the consequences might be but it's a bit of a ways away to go do it.

Today they have come and dug up the cobbles at end of my street...No-one got told it was happening or warning of any kind...Not impressed...In fact so not impressed that i wasn't the only resident who phoned to complain...The workmen then went and put a road closed sign across the bottom entrance to the street that if you wanted access you had to get out of car and move...One resident got told that the cobbles were being replaced by tarmac because members of the public can slip and fall on the cobbles when they're wet....Well i've lived here over 19 years and have yet to see that happen to anyone...What i got told was that they had to remove them to put in tarmac to then put green ashphalt on top to then put the 20 signs on the road...You can't drive down my street that fast anyway LOL...It is very narrow and parking on both sides...I know our council have made it that over 100 streets in the city centre are now 20mph but a little commonsense as to how they sign it wouldn't go amiss...Had to stand outside and wait for M's taxi at bottom of the road...I managed to warn G's taxi in advance...they'll still be here tomorrow but should then be finished...The workmen had a highways inspector down at them after the complaints <g> Okies it isn't their fault they just go where they're told but they're who we can see...There are quite a few businesses around here and i have to warn the boys taxi's and it would just have been nice to have been informed...Someone in the council is going to get told off because the inspector said people should have been informed

I had parents night last night for G...Well 2 thirds of it as one of his subjects is at the other school so i will have parents night for it at another date...I asked to see the guidance teacher even though it is the base who really do his guidance stuff...I wanted a different viewpoint though and am so glad i did...His guidance teacher had no complaints about him...Said he was a very pleasant, popular young man...That he did excellent in his standard grades and is on course to do as well in his highers :o) He also thinks university or college is well within his reach IF that is the route he wants to follow...It was so nice to sit there and have everything positive rather than when he has a review and MrsP nitpicks about this that or the other...Although she shocked me yesterday on the phone by being nice about him LOL...Maths his teacher is really pleased with him...Said he has a real aptitude for the subject, his standard grade was excellent (well he couldn't have done better LOL) and unforseen circumstances withstanding he is on track to get an A in his higher maths...His graphic communication teacher well that was so funny...He's had this teacher for the last 3 years not always for graphic comm...So he knows us well enuff and knows me by sight...So you go into parents evening and you expect the teachers to say hello how are you...Naaaaa this teachers first words to me were "Did you enjoy Muse then and what did you think of them" ROFL...Said "oh did garath tell you he was at the gig"...He said no that he was there and had spotted me and didn't notice the boys LOLOL...Anyway he is doing really well in graphic comm...He's excellent on the computer stuff they do...He does need to polish his presentation a bit more and really needs to work hard on his portfolio...He has an excellent eye for seeing things in 3D and manages to draw the 3D diagrams of things really well...He just needs to remember to use a nice clean sharp pencil so it looks more tidy...Tomorrow i have his review so it will be interesting to see what MrsP says <G> ...He's mixing more so she'll be happy with that...As for her trying to dictate what he does outwith school well she can get stuffed...She's no right to intefere in what goes on outwith school but maybe a miracle will happen and this time she won't...At least she isn't moaning about his hair or clothes anymore...Like a lot of lads his age G likes to wear indie type clothes that are designed to look scruffy...M on the other hand likes to look smart in a shirt and tie...Me i don't care what they wear as long as they're happy with it, what i do worry about is that they're choosing how they look and not just going with a style i tend to buy for them...To be honest if they decided they wanted to dye their hair tartan with pink spots i wouldn't care cos everyone is individual...See i reckon MrsP would rather we were all clones, how boring...G looks just like all the other lads in his year and doesn't stand out as being different...Now if he was wearing stuff that is too young for his age or wanted to wear a superman outfit all the time she'd have a point...Oh i did mention to his guidance teacher he was enjoying being a classroom assistant except he didn't like the first years calling him sir...MrD laughed loads and said "he's lucky most of them don't bother calling me sir" LOLOLOL...Told him he'd insisted they call him G***** but that this week some of them called him Mr so he told them again it's G...And now as it's peace and quiet outside with no roadworks am going to have a coffee then think about tea...Oh is anyone else watching 'I'm a Celeb' Am so cheesed off with the no live feed this time grrrrr...Surely for 2 weeks ITV could have taken that dross The Mint off and put on live feed instead...As for Scott Henshall what an arrogant sod, liar and wimp to boot, don't like Jan Leeming either she's another arrogant git and liar as well...Methinks there will be another hungry day in camp with those 2 doing joint bushtucker trial today LOLOLOL

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Caff hope you get your mobile back soon ~ I loathe bullies too and there should be more done about them in all places of work and school
~ hope those workmen get that job done quickly it must be a nuisance to you all ~ and shame on them for not letting everyone know what they were going to do ~ it is really hard to drive at twenty miles an hour and we have quite a lot of streets now where this is the limit ~ That was lovely news about 'G' getting on so well and uni or college is well within his reach ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Sounds as though Gis doing really well ,what makes you think the council should let you know ,about the work ,I mean ,you only live there lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

That's a good report for G he's doing great. I like cobbles, pity they couldn't leave just a small section as a 'times past' thing.  Am loving the Jungle. Rache

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I can't bear bullies either!!
All very good news at G's parents night, he's doing so well :o)
And I agree with what you said about your boys dressing in their own style.  It's funny because I can't imagine my J ever taking an interest in what he wears, so if he does one day, and wants to look designer scruffy, or smart, or like you said, tartan hair with pink spots, I'll just let him get on with it!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

You'll find a greatr deal of libe Cleb coverage on ITV Play ;)))))

Anonymous said...

Hi Cath :o)

bullies are the lowest of the low, makes me so mad and they are basically such cowards. I know that doesn't help the person being bullied much though :o(

Hope that lovely daughter of yours is ok xxxx

Anonymous said...

Don't like Jan or Scott either ~ get them out of there lol........Sorry to hear about the bullies, I hope things get sorted with them xx  Great about G's parent night.  

Jenny xx