Sunday 31 December 2006

Hae a Guid Hogmanay Aabody <G>

Welcome to a downright miserable wet, windy, freezing cold horrible day...Am guessing that the celebrations on main street in town will get called off :o(  Funny cos we have Wet Wet Wet headlining the concert for hogmanay here...I never take the boys down anyways as they can't cope with the crowds...For those who read specimen days (staurts journal) he's mentioned the fireball ceremony in Stonehaven which is 14 miles south of aberdeen where i am...Found a pic online which i've posted above...Also found origins of the ceremony online...Well what they think the origins of it are.

The ceremony dates from a fishermen's festival in the 19th century but these torch processions can be dated back to before Christianity. There are other theories on the significance of the festival:

1. That it coincides with the winter solstice and the fireballs swinging relate to the sun.

2. A pre-Christian theory that the fireballs purify the world by consuming evil and warding off witches and evil spirits.

3. That some time in the Dark Ages a shooting star appeared above what is now Stonehaven. Thereafter, by coincidence, the living nearby may have had bumper crops. The seers of the tribe then attributed this prosperity to the coming of the shooting star. The Fireball is a mimic of the coming of the shooting star and prosperity.

Everyone i know who has gone to it has said it is spectacular...But a lot of locals don't go anymore as they've seen it too often...It also got a mention when the millennium year happened as being one of THE main hogmanay events to go worldwide...It attracts thousands of visitors to the small stonehaven village and it is far far too crowded for me to contemplate taking the boys too...Way the weather is today i wouldn't be surprised if it was called off but then again i can't ever recall it being cancelled regardless of how bad the rain has been...A friend of mine was one of the fireball swingers but sadly he was tragically killed in a motorbike accident earlier this year or late last year...He was always so proud to be chosen to take part too...Website about it if anyone fancies having a look

The Burning of the Clavie in Burghead is another ancient fire festival associated with new year...Stuart mentioned it too LOL...It actually takes place on january 11th...Reason being that when we chanegd from Julian to the Gregorian calendar we lost 11 days in the year...So instead of protesting Burghead decided to celebrate New Year twice...They kept the Burning of the Clavie on the day it had always been on hence 11th jan...The other main fire festival that i know of is Up Helly Aa in shetland...That takes place on the last tuesday in january and they build a replica viking boat then burn it...Hundreds of men dressed as vikings parade through Lerwick carrying burning staves then throw them into the boat when they reach it.

Need a fire here today it is so cold and miserable...Pal took me to asda earlier and it was jam packed...That particular asda used to be, dunno if still is, the busiest asda on hogmanay in whole of the UK and sold most alcohol...Hmmm does that mean aberdoanians are a bunch od drunkards LOL...Not being aberdonian i can't possibly comment...Funny as i have lived here longer now than where i was born and brought up but would never consider myself to be aberdonian...I have to venture out to local co-op to the cash machine and buy some gas...It's chucking it down something chronic and i don't want to go <sob> If i don't we'll have an even colder hogmanay though LOL...Me and my ex used to have a big party for all our friends on jan1st...One year there was burst pipes in the area where our friend who had hogmanay party lived...So me being me promptly invited everyone to ours ROFL...After that we always had hogmanay party and flat would be bursting full of people...Funnily enuff the boys coped with that no problem but they were used to it and it was part of the routine which is why they probs liked it...The first ever Hogmanay when i went out first footing was when i was 18 i think...Went out with my big bro (he wasn't an idiot back then) and all his mates...Remember my big sis phoning her pals at about 2am, then 3am, then 3.30am wondering when we were gonna turn up at hers...We eventually got to hers at about 4am...To be met at the door by my then 2 year old nephew wishing us a Happy New Year...His dad had gone to bed and he woke up and got up LOLOLOL...Was so funny watching one of my bros pals who was rather drunk playing with this kid on the floor in front of real fire...My dad liked Hogmanay and sometimes had neighbours round to first foot...Dad died 20 years ago on 4th jan and i always miss him terribly on hogmanay :o(  His birthday, christmas day and actual anniversary of his death don't bother me much now but always gets to me today...Was very close to him and i always like to think he's my guardian angel and what has kept me strong over the years dealing with the boys...I'd like to think he would have been accepting of them and been proud of how much they have improved, changed and achieved over the years

Have a very Happy New Year everyone and may your celebrations whatever they are go well...Me and the boys will just stay up till after midnight then probs go to bed...Hmmm last year was attempts at murdering various songs on PS2 singing star game...As i've woken today full of cold then i think not this year <ggg>

Jan (serendipity) got me the dragon/fairy tag below so big thank you Jan :o) Toodle pip till next year and as we say up here 'Lang mae yer lum reek' everyone :o) (translations for that and the header can be found online LOL)

Wednesday 27 December 2006


Just a quickie...Do hope that everyone enjoyed their christmas day...We did and everyone was very happy with their pressies :o) ...M has spent nearly all of the £80 he got, G has spent some of his and K hit the sales in Primark yesterday...Seriously if you ever want to go shopping and find some bargains then she's the one to take along with you...She was a wee bit naughty and gave me loads of parcels...Mostly sweets she'd bought and wrapped up seperately LOL...She did give me a gorgeous candle that will NEVER be lit...How the person who makes them managed to mould such thin wax i will never know...It's navy with purple and teal on it of a flower type arrangement and looks like an ornament...She also gave me a new dragon and he is gorgeous too...He's navy, purple, teal and silver and rather handsome and the pic is of him...She also got me a fab soft, very cuddly tigger :o) I got a dragon from M and the dragon calendar from G...They also got me sweets and bubble bath...We've all overeaten but it's only once a year and the diet can start after new years day LOL

Did anyone watch the programme last night on ITV called 'After Thomas'??? I did and i sat and i blubbed my way through the whole programme...It was a true story about a lad with autism and how he changed and started to interact and communicate after he got a dog when he was 6...At the end of the programme they had an update bit before the credits...He's now 17 and passed a whole pile of GCSE's and is doing child care at college...There was a lot in the programme reminded me of how my 2 were when they were little...Obviously we never got a dog as M is petrified of them but we've used other things to get them communicating well...I didn't find the programme sad at all just it took me back to so much i couldn't help bursting into tears all the time...Some were tears of joy though...I found it particularly moving and enlightening to people who have had no dealings with autism at all...Will do a proper entry another day

Toodle pip tc xx

Sunday 24 December 2006

Christmas Eve

K eventually arrived back yesterday...She had to wait ages for her uncle to appear to take her back up the road...Then she was off out not long after to meet some friends...Her bag was half full of pressies and she's going to get a row off me as there's an awful lot with my name on them...I do love her loads and i do miss her although this year am used to it...After going to one asda on fri night i had to go different one yesterday morning...Fri nite one was mobbed and empty of stuff...Well i could have got turkey no problem but chicken naaaaa no such thing in the place...Hence the 2nd trip yesterday morning...It was no busier than usual but finding a parking space once i got back home was a nightmare...Big footie game on so cars parked to go to it and xmas shoppers as well...Find one eventually but not in the street and i left some pressies in the boot to hide them...BAD move cos i got M to put something into the boot today totally forgetting his robbie williams calendar was in there LOL...He said he'd forget about it straight away HAHAHAHA!!!

Drove up north today to deliver pressies...Got to mums to be told big sis and her hubby were through here DUH!!!...He'd decided last nite he fancied popping through here to shop...They said it was really quiet and mostly dead in town today...Mum was fine and had a big pile of parcels beside her telly...So traditional NOT mother...She is going to younger sis's for christmas dinner...She's actually over there tonight to stay over and they have her hubbys father and wife coming for dinner tomorrow too...Their youngest is only 8 (9 in jan) so still believes in santa :o) Poor lad is almost making himself sick with excitment...Told him to be careful unwrapping our pressie but didn't say why but there's money in with the bottle...Don't want him chucking that out...Spent around a couple of hours at mums before going to younger sisters...We did stop for ice cream on the way...YUMMY

Got little sis's sticky toffee pudding recipe for Gto try and make...He doesn't know it yet but he's gonna do it <ggg> ...They finally got the proper outside door on their new house and the proper inside door...They've also got their fireplace in the lounge installed but nowt else in that bit yet...She'd wanted the big hall as you go int all finished to put a big real tree up in it but sadly it's not quite ready yet...Gave my oldest niece her pressie and my older sis's pressie as sis was away...But got a call from mum saying that sis was back...So we popped in on way home...And as luck would have it her son had also popped over...Think he was trying to skive away from helping his wife prepare christmas dinner for tomorrow LOL...Nice that he's at home this year as last 2 years he's been offshore for both christmas and new year...We also got home safe on a beautiful clear, starry night with gorgeous crescent moon to find we finally have fog up here...It's not dead thick and yukky fog like :o) ...Just given hop-a-long a lift to pub to meet two of her mates...No idea how she's getting back home...Think the exhaust has gone on the car and i don't wanna drive it anymore...And G is wrapping pressies for first time ever...Bless him they're a bit iffy but covered which is main thing...Dread to think how much sellotape he's used <ggg> And on that note i just want to say

Have a lovely day tomorrow however you spend it and do hope santa has been good to you all :o)

Toodle pip tc

Friday 22 December 2006

Irn Bru Christmas Advert

For all those who haven't seen this advert it is absolutely right up there with the coca cola christmas ads for brilliance...It is hilarious :o)

YouTube - IRN-BRU snowman


Finally doing christmas stuff LOL

Well today was last day of school here before christmas and guess who slept in LOL...The buzzer went and it was G's taxi...Fortunately they waited for him to get dressed and rush out the door...In my panic of being woken by the buzzer going i have wrenched my left ankle...You know when you are woken suddenly and you're still not awake and partially numb...Well that was me and in my scramble to the door i kept falling over LOL...It will be fine though it's just a bit sore but no damage...I woke M up straight after G left as i didn't want same thing to happen...Had to iron a coloured shirt for him as he needed to wear one and wasn't allowed his black one on...He had the day off from mainstream class as his school were having fun and games today...In the afternoon the older pupils were having their own gameshow for the rest of the school...They called it Beat the Dealer and it was based on Deal or No Deal...M was being Noel Edmunds ROFL...He said it went really well :o) He's come home with a present from the Friends of his School...They get one every year and it's usually one of those deoderant/shower gel sets...I keep thinking are they trying to tell the parents something LOL...He also had a present from local BT sports & social club and cash for kids


Went out shopping at lunchtime...I was going to go out earlier but had to wait for my ankle to cooperate...Changed my mind yet again as to what my nieces are getting LOL...Going to give my mum all 3 of the copper butterflies as they were quite expensive at £15 each...Got a really pretty pewter fairy for my 2 youngest nieces and some bath bombs...Bought a fairy for my oldest niece too...I left them in the shop to pick up on way back home as the woman couldn't find the boxes...When i got back they still hadn't found the boxes but gift wrapped them in coloured tissue paper and put them in very pretty gift bags instead at no extra charge :o) ...Need a box of sweeties for their 2 cousins on their dads side to go with money as i am stuck what to get them...My ex mother in law likes dragons too and there's a small gift shop just round the corner here...They had this really cute and cool dragon calendar...It's one that can be used every year...With cubes for the numbers and bars for the months and a dragon on top...They had 2 pink and one blue and even though i know she likes blue i bought the pink one...I then dropped extremely heavy hint at G when he got home from school that i would like the blue one <ggg> ...He's just gone out shopping LOL...Got M's portable DVD player and got the car accessory kit half price with it :o) Poor G is still getting an IOU as what he wanted no-where has had in stock for weeks & weeks, not even online :o(  He knows though and is happy to wait and he will get something to open on mon morning...My youngest sisters lad she suggested a sports water bottle with his name on it...I got the last matthew and he can have money to go with it too...It's his birthday at beg of jan so have to think of something for that next.

Still have to go to asda and i still don't know what we're having for christmas dinner...Need to speak to K and see what she wants...G will have his gammon steak but K often has gammon so doubt she will want that...M wanted chicken but it has to be the chicken fillets baked in the oven...I actually bought a bit of silverside to roast from asda earlier this week...I know it's not very traditional but it's something we don't have often...Or me and K can have chicken breast stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon...Or a proper chicken LOL

I did get most of the living room finished wallpapering...There is just a very narrow strip beside the door and the corner alcove where the computer is left to do...Well except for the chimney breast but it was ebing done after the hols anyways...Knackering my ankle means this corner where am sat at just now can wait till then too...But the tree is up, the lights are on the window, the tinsel is all over the place and it looks much more christmassy here now...I had gem lights i bought vastly reduced in asda sale last jan or feb...Well there is only 25 lights on it BUT it must be about 4-5 metre long string ROFL...It's up and down and around the chimney breast LOL...I really didn't knowit was so long ...I only have clear lights on the tree and in the living room and on the windows...The coloured ones are on the stairwell just to brighten it up for christmas...Neighbours that used to live on next floor up used to put some up too...Maybe next year that can go clear as well as this string is long enuff to reach from landing right up to the door...It's been warmer here today a whole 7 degrees LOL...Just so glad we don't have the freezing fog that's affecting a lot of england and wales...Do feel so sorry for all the people stranded but no-one can control the weather :o( ...they've had busloads of passengers arriving here at the airport overnight who had connecting flights cancelled...At least they did manage to get to their destination...Anyways better go see to tea and get to asda once G gets back home

Toodle pip tc xx



Wednesday 20 December 2006


It's freezing cold here today...Well it was freezing cold yesterday and monday too...On monday when i went to take the boys to footie i had to deice the INSIDE of the car windscreen as well as the outside...The frost is so heavy it looks like snow on the ground...When i was driving M to his mainstream class this morning he announced the temp had risen...I asked what to and he said 0 degrees LOL. It had been at -2 degrees part of the way there...I did manage to get the rest of my cards posted except 3 as i couldn't find the addresses for them :o(  So Dreamy i do apologise profusely and i promise that when i do make some turkish delight AFTER christmas i will send you some...Am busy cleaning up and finishing the decorating and going to get the christmas decorations up finally...Just having a short break for a coffee just now so thought i'd do an entry...Am not sure if i have put this link here before...It is a campaign to back a Bill in parliament...It's about getting short breaks and respite provision for families of disabled children...There is a preprepared email letter to send to your MP...It is an extremely important (well i would say that LOL) Bill...Families where there is a child with a disability do suffer, they NEED proper support and help...They have a right to that support and help but lots of areas don't give that essential support and help...It is especially important where there are siblings within the family...They need to have some semblance of a *normal* family life...So please do go and sign it although am not going to twist anyones arms up their back to do so <ggg>

Every Disabled Child Matters | Getting rights and justice for every disabled child

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 16 December 2006

This 'n'That


Posh pic of K above...It's the one that was taken last summer...She looks so old in it and am not used to seeing her with quite so much makeup...Still a very pretty girl IMO but i would say that as am her mum :o) ...Well i've at least posted most of my cards...Today was the last day for 2nd class post and it's either tues or wed that is last for 1st class...It is bitterly cold here today...We had a very heavy frost on the ground for first time this year...My older sis and niece were in town today so wanted to meet up to swap cards...Sis was having her hair done (hmmm 64 miles to hairdressers LOL) and niece had chiropodist...Eldest neice is diabetic so gets checked regularly and one of my cousins sons wife has a chiropody practice through here...Got a call when they were finished so i got ready and left the boys snoring to go meet them...The boys knew last nite i had to go to meet their auntie and cousin...I did leave a note on living room door and locked them in LOL.

Can't say too much here as madam reads this <ggg> So ner ner you ain't gonna find out what i bought you in town today hunny...You will like it though :o) Well your auntie joyce and rachel liked it :o)  Left sis and niece as they were going in opposite direction and on a tight time schedule as niece is working tonite...On one of the side streets off main street in city centre they have a farmers/craft market every month...It was on today and i bought 3 copper butterflies...One for big sis and one each for younger nieces...Just hope they like them...Also there was a stall outside the carers centre so i bought myself some very delicious rock cakes...I've eaten all 4 of them already LOL...Then i phoned G to see if anyone was awake and out of bed at home...He was but M only got up just before i got in the door...So i have done some christmas shopping now LOL...Might go back tomorrow see if stall is still there and buy another butterfly for mum...Then again i dunno if she'd like it, i'll think about it overnight


We've not had many christmas cards arrive yet...And i still need to get the boys some to hand out...I knew i meant to go somewhere else today...Oh well that's defo a job for tomorrow...I haven't made any turkish delight to send out this year as i've been too busy and to be honest too fed up to bother...It takes ages to make and i've not felt that great to be up to making it...Maybe after the holidays i'll make some and send it to peeps...So is anyone going to watch the X Factor final tonite???? As my favourite is out i don't know if i am that fussed to be honest...It's not like am going to pass on my vote to the acts that are left...I will be watching Extinct on ITV though...We've been watching that all week...It's horrible how so many of the beautiful animals we share this planet with are on verge of extinction due to mans destructivness...There are only around 350 bengal tigers left alive in the wild :o(  ...The leatherback turtle which has been on this planet since before the dinosaurs has been made almost extinct in the last 10-15 years...There is £500,000 to the animal that polls the most votes to help with conservation and more money to be shared out amongst the other 7 animals featured...A friend has a journal in which she is writing about her recent visit to the Congo and Gabon to see animals she works with that have been released back into the wild...Walking the wildside It's horrid to think that in our own and our children and grandchildrens lifetimes a lot of these fabulous animals will no longer be with us except in captivity :o( ...Even in the UK some animals have been on verge of no longer exisiting and only through a lot of hard work by some people are they now still here in large numbers, like the otter...We always hear about dangerous animals but the most dangerous animal on earth is MAN

Toodle pip tc

Thanks to Sara for the siggy tag :o)

Tuesday 12 December 2006

just a wee one

Got to dash in a mo to take the boys to their tuesday club christmas meal...My christmas lunch yesterday was lovely...There was 4 people i knew there so not so bad...We were also sat turn about the the mainly gentlemen from the rotary club...The gent sat between me and someone i knew was really interested in finding out about autism/aspergers from her and me...Traditional main course but the pudding was very NOT christmassy at all...Rice pudding!!!!!...Oh well it did have redcurrants on top of it LOL...Even the rotary club members were a bit bamboozled by that one <ggg> ...One of the gents played on his electric piano whilst another one sang...He did ask us to join in by we were all a bit too young to know the songs he was singing <bless> hope the boys enjoy there's tonite am going shopping at asda whilst they're there...Oh am getting my moby back tomorrow...Phoned today to check up on it and a brand new one was just sent today...The woman opened the repairs whilst speaking to me...HURRAH!!!!! a phone i can use again LOL...My loan should be here by the end of next week...Hope it's before the fri as i want that cheque put in bank before they close for xmas...This game is a platform type one so if you're any good at them you'll enjoy it...Am rubbish ROFL but am getting teensy bit better

Adventure Elf

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 9 December 2006


Not a lot today as such...Did a quick tidy up of rubbish in M's room...Most of it was G's...What is it about teenage boys and rubbish strewn over their rooms!!!...M's girlfriend has just come round...She's very upset and i've just spent ages giving her a big massive hug...Her mum's just found out she has cancer :o( ...Now his g/f has special needs too so she hasn't been able to tell me what kind...Only that it is inside her :o( Horrid horrid news to get at any time but this close to christmas is just awful :o(  I don't really know her mum so i can't phone and ask or say anything to her...M's been giving her lots of hugs too and they're now through in his room on the PS2...Even though she's 17½ she's not that old mentally and i could just pick her up and hug her all afternoon...Playing on the PS2 with M is probs better though...Take her mind off it for a while...You know i may moan and whinge about M being a right pain in the rear end but he can be such a sweetheart at times...And he is very attentive to his g/f :o)


Did you know that traditionally it was considered unlucky to put up your christmas decorations before christmas eve...So why do all the shops try to get us to but them earlier every year LOL...By the middle of the week i want to have most of mine up...I think i will leave the tree until next weekend though...I need more of those small brass cup hooks to put around  the window edges...I use them to put the lights around so they stay in place on the windows...I just leave them up permanently, same as the ones in the stairwell...So far we've only had 2 cards arrive...Then again we don't get loads anyways...Last night i started making mine...Going to almost finish them later this afternoon but i do need to go and get some christmas ribbon for what i want to do to finish them off...I still can't get in the mood to be honest...It's either the weather, lack of money or both LOL...Mainly the weather i think as it still doesn;t feel like december...Oh has anyone seen the Irn Bru christmas ad on the telly...It is hilarious :o)


Thank you for the comments you left K...So glad you confirmed my suspicions that this introductory book is written by americans...No offence meant to any american readers here btw...Just in some places over in the states some of the *professionals* have very strange ideas regarding autism/aspergers...The very nature of saying that something MAY progress into adulthood implies that it also MAY not...IT IS a LIFELONG condition...With the right help, education, lifeskills being taught etc etc can mean that it won't be as visible but it is still there and NOT gone...Oh well we'll see what happens when you come to study it <ggg> G is watching a repeat of an old Robot Wars on SkyTwo...Do wish that programme hadn't been killed off by Five tv...It was great fun and G really wanted to find people to hook up with to build a robot and take part...After he's finished watching it i can swap being on here with him so i can go get the basic layout of my cards made :o)  I really need some more chrismassy siggy tags if anyone wants to donate one LOL...Oh and VOTE BEN tonite on X Factor <ggg>...and if you're in a bad mood and want to get it out then try this christmas game LOL...Title sounds a bit dodgy but Frank is name of the penguin in it and you have to thwack him to get points LOL

spank the frank

Toodle pip tc


Friday 8 December 2006

Crutches again

Jan i hope you don't mind me quoting your comment from yesterday here..."Ilove these text books they are the ones the experts work from arent they ? lol" ...See you hit the nail on the head there and that's the scary thing...I think it is not good practise to use only one textbook when it comes to issues like autism and other child developmental disorders...These students are people who could be going on to become clinical, educational or some other specific type of psychologist...If they go by the book then it will be detrimental to a lot of children and their families...Oh i forgot to say yesterday that one of the questions asked in this textbook is 'What causes autism'...They're asking this of students!!!!...If the author of this book knows what causes autism then why haven't all the vast amount of families on the planet affected, the professionals, teachers, etc etc etc been told!!!!...No-one knows for sure what causes it...There are lots of different theories from genetic causes, enviromental causes, or it just happening...I'd also really like to know where exactly the person who wrote this book took their statistics from...As one of the things in it is '75% of autistics don't go on to develop language'...How old and how long a period were they studied for i'd like to know...Reason being i know some who didn't start having language until they were older...G was non verbal until he was 5, a friends son was non verbal until he was 12...One famous autistic was non verbal until he was in his 20s...In my own personal experience it's a lot lot less than 75% that remain non verbal...Okies am ranting again sorry LOL...I can't help it and i probs shouldn't apologise...One of my cousins has just texted me to ask me to email her everything about G from he was little right through primary school...EEKS...I'll have to find the emails i posted myself from my private blog that i had to delete...She's studying to become a classroom assitant just now and they have been covering autism/aspergers in particular so she wants to use us a case study...I don't mind but it's just getting my head round trying to remember everything as i didn't write it down at the time...It's all in my head...She can't use M as he went to SEN school and it's for mainstream...Well at least i think it is specifically mainstream i'll phone her later and ask


K im'd me on MSN later last night...She always catches me when am in pub quiz room grrrr...She was at her b/f's and i asked why as he has exams this week so she was banned LOL...She'd just got back from A&E again :o( ...She'd fallen and hurt her right ankle this time...So she's back on crutches again...She's not sure how she fell and if it was just something normal like we can all have or if she had a turn...Forgot to ask her if she was going to phone and let the neurologist know...Hunny if you read this before i speak to you then please tell him if you haven't already...It could get you a quicker appointment...Still no word back from loan people and i was told i would get the bank statement, and benefit award letters back quickly once they had got them...Or maybe they are going to send them back with everything else...If i ain't heard anything by middle of next week i'll phone the bloke dealing with it.


My niece had her graduation from uni today :o) ...Told mum last night don't any of you come near here as the flat is in uproar and there's nowhere to get a seat LOL...Well there's enuff for me and the boys just but not for anyone else as stuff everywhere whilst i get the decorating finished...Hoping it's all done by end of sunday...M was happy enuff to go to school today :o) ...I was dreading this morning as he wasn't getting to go on the morning out to local amusement park...None of the pupils who're at college or him and the other lad who are at the mainstream classes at mainstream high school were getting to skive off...But he did accept that fine after he was spoken to again last fri...He decided that the crowd would be too much for him LOL...He's not even come home in a bad mood either which is fine for me...As the dep head for senior dept said to them it's all part of growing up and you can't always get to things you'd like to go to...Another couple of christmas game links...Am rubbish at both of these ones LOL

Funschool - Fun Blaster - Evil Elves

Funschool - Christmas - Evil Elves 2

Toodle pip tc

Thursday 7 December 2006

wee rant and babies


Was talking on MSN to K last night...She thinks as part of her psychology or sociology course that they cover autism...Well she was reading one of the textbooks and it was mentioned quite heavily...And being K she was sat there arguing with the textbook LOLOLOL...She said she thinks they have to do it next year...Now i dunno if she meant next year as in 2007 before the summer hols or next uni year...Hmmm have to ask her...Her lecturer is going to love her NOT once they hit that topic that's for sure...I can just see the lecturer saying to her that what is in the book is correct and that she can't possibly argue with it and that she would know nothing about it ROFL...Hmmmm as K told me some of the tosh that's written in this textbook then that lecturer is going to be so wrong...According to this textbook (which she thinks the uni has a deal with the publishers) aspergers is not a form of autism...Okies some people do think that but majority don't...Everyone with aspergers has an obsessive interest in something and they all have a special ability at something...RUBBISH...."happy endings to autism stories are rare" is in this textbook...How pessimistic is that crap...The list goes on and on...I'd love to know is aberdeen uni uses the same textbook...One of the lads who was at the base with G is now doing psychology there...Now that would be funny in a twisted evil way to see a lecturers face when someone with the condition starts telling them the textbook they're using is a pile of crap...In one of the case studies in this textbook they've said that "the mothers early intervention and constant attention to her son, as well as her deliberate intention to expose him to as much language as possible, probably helped keep the disorder at bay" Well hey welcome to the real world...Of course early intervention and as much input from parents, other family members & friends, schools, therapies, respite etc etc ect are going to IMPROVE their lives...Like erm DUH!!!! Oh i forgot sociology isn't supposed to be about common sense...Obviously i haven't read this textbook YET...I will be at christmas time as K is giving me it to look at...But seriously does the person who has written this not expect parents to look for, fight for, and get the best help/intervention that they can for their child!!!! Think am gonna end up arguing with this book too LOL...Ohhh i better stop before i rant on and on and on and on...It was published in 2004 but an earlier version was published in 2000...It's still from what K has told me way out of date but i shall give my verdict after i have read it <ggg>


Well apart from the above it's been uneventful...Am going to a free christmas lunch on mon for carers...It's the local rotary club that have arranged it :o) I wasn't going to say i would go but i got told last nite there will be some people i know there so i said count me in then...Have no idea where to go yet like and i did think cool i won't drive so i can have a wee drink...But am driving that evening so can't <sigh>  The boys are liking the art stuff they are doing at the wed club until christmas which is good...The next clear night that we are free and best friends partner is free we're going round with the telescope to get it set up properly LOL...Not heard anything back from the loan company since i sent back all the signed paperwork...My cooling off period has passed though so am presuming everything is okies...They'd have contacted me if it wasn't i'd have thought...Ohhhh just had an IM from an old old friend on here...He's just become a daddy for the first time to a wee baby boy :o) I feel all cuddly looking at the pics but NOT broody LOL...Big congrats to him and his wife :o)

Toodle pip tc xx

Wednesday 6 December 2006



Remember my flood back in june???? Well my bathroom still hasn't been fixed LOL...The builders have arranged to come round 3 times so far and never turned up...My loss adjustor has been on at them twice and i got a call 2 days ago to say they can come on the 19th dec...BUT if they can't finish it all that day then they won't be able to come back until after the 8th of january when they are back after christmas...Hmmm what do i do???? Will i tell them come on the 19th or tell them to wait until january...TO be honest if they can't finish it all in one day i'd rather have 2 days on the trot arranged in advance rather than have some half finished effort waiting for a few weeks...I mean i've been waiting all this time anyways so is another 4 weeks gonna bother me??? Plus i went looking at bathroom suites last nite in B&Q...Now i don't want it all matching...Does that sound daft, probably <ggg> Thing is with all those that i have seen, the bath is fine, the loo is fine and the sink is MINGING...As you know younger sis has just had a house built and what they did for their bathroom and shower room is bought seperates...Sis told me the bathroom place they used and told me to go have a look...She has an account with them and can around 30% discount...I just want as long a bath, that isn't massively wide, as possible and a plain cheap loo...I had seen a sink i liked in argos but they don't sell it anymore <sob> B&Q had plain white bath with taps at one end for £139 that was plastic...They also had another that was plain white with taps at one end but steel for £149...Dunno about anyone else but an extra tenner for steel that's gonna last longer to me is better option...Especially as am considering putting a shower in at the taps end...And taking into consideration 2 young men who are over 6 feet tall now LOL...So i could get new suite put in then have the builders come and do what they need to...I really doubt they can replace the roof, strip ALL the walls and redo them in ONE day...The walls are varnished wood as is the roof...Give me your thoughts please am going to phone them back tomorrow.

G finally got his flu jab today HURRAH!!!...Had to go out collect him, then drive back into town to surgery, then back out to the centre where he goes rock walling every 2nd wed...He was amazed that the whole 2 round trips added up to around 28-30 miles...Told him i'd just driven equivalent of half way to grannys LOL...It's a real nuisance when he has an appointment during school time...But it was the LAST available appointment for the LAST clinic they currently have enuff vaccine to adminster...Don't know about anyone else but i find it shocking that all over the UK there has not been enuff flu vaccine available...They've stockpiled heaps of the bird flu one and it's not nearly as important at this time to have available to peeps...Wed club soon and now they are at a local art & craft centre learning arty stuff...Last week i recognised one of the workers but haven't a clue what her name is...She was at art school same time as me but not someone i kept in touch with...Wonder if she recognised me ROFL...It was 20 years ago so i can be forgiven for not remembering her name can't i???  Think i'll go have some weetabix with sugar sprinkled over and then hot milk poured over before we go out...Hadn't had that for years until 3 weeks ago and taken a real craving for it again

Toodle pip tc xx


Tuesday 5 December 2006


Thank you for all the lovely comments left yesterday...I am so proud of him and it can't be easy standing up in front of a whole hall full of people to sing when you're autistic...Then again it can be surprising how sometimes they can cope with things like that no problem yet can't be in a crowd in other situations like shopping...To robruss last year at their christmas show he was the star then also...That time he sang Robbie Williams 'Advertising Space'...At the moment he has gained 2 sections of his SQA Access 2 in music and this year his music teacher has him working on the 3rd part so that then he has the whole cluster...I did ask if at some point they thought it would be possible for him to do the actual SQA Standard Grade but they don't wish to overload him for now...He's lucky as he's had same music teacher at both of his SEN schools...The good thing about his current SEN school is the highly encourage ALL of the children to do what they are best at for things like assembly and shows...It gives them more confidence that can then rub off into other areas :o) Yesterday i wasn't able to record him but i do still have recording from last year...It's just too big to put on my blog and takes forever and a day to upload to email LOL.

Found a good site for generating your own christmas fonts online yesterday...Some of the letters don't work on some of the fonts but i used them to make banners like the snowmen up there LOL ^^^^^ It's still chilly here and windy but it still doesn't feel like december at all...More like a chilly autumnal day...Oh we got the binoculars whilst up at mums on sunday but i can't get them to focus properly DUH!!!...So i went and actually set up M's telescope...Well i thought i did but i must have gone wrong somewhere as i can see naff all through it ROFL...Going to ask my best friends useless fella to sort it for me...Well he does have his uses at some things <ggg> He's into astronomy and has a very expensive telescope so am sure he can set M's small cheapy one up properly...IF i have the money then i may get one for my young nephew but am not sure at 8 he'd like a joint christmas and birthday pressie...He'll be 9 near beginning of january...Will ask sis once i know money situation and i could get him a small cheapy astronomy book to give him on hsi actual birthday

Got to take boys to club soon...Last week's was cancelled so i almost forgot i have to pay double tonite...Next tues they are going to a restaurant down the beach for a meal for christmas which they have to contribute part of the price...Hence paying double tonite...I do like this club it is much more grown up and teenager orientated than the sat fun club they used to go to :o) ...G finally is getting his flu jab tomorrow WOOHOO...Only thing is he will miss last period of school and then wants to be back out there to do his rock walling...Well he's going to have to take a bus out as i need to be here for M getting home...That's why he gets the bus home from it...I can't be in 2 places at once and M gets home half way through the time he is rock walling...It's also 6 miles away at a time when rush hour starts...Rush hour here starts around 3.30-4pm....So what would take like 10 mins to travel can take an hour or more grrrr...My necks a bit better so tomorrow am defo (how many times have i said this LOL) do another wall of wallpapering...And i'll put my window lights up and see if i can get into the festive spirit...Rob asked me to link this Santa game that is on the PRTC website...I missed 2 pressies being delivered LOL...Am real saddo i like nice simple, kiddie games me


Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 4 December 2006

weepy mum

Ohhh am all weepy this morning...Not long back from a special assembly at M's school...The head teacher who had been seconded to the council for last 2 years isn't coming back as she has a new permanent position within the council...M was accompanying the music teacher on the drums and one of his classmates was on base guitar...First there was a song for whole audience to sing along to, then 4 of the highland dancers did a dance for us...Then they had someone read out a poem one of the nursery nurses had written about the teacher and it was hilarious :o) ...Then one of the classes did a song together...Presentation came next then it was M's turn...He was singing a solo of You Raise Me Up...Well i was all teary eyed and sat down so he couldn't see me as i didn't want to put him off...He got the biggest cheer and handclap :o) Had lots of people come up to me after praising him and saying i must be fed up hearing him practise it LOL...I only heard it for the FIRST time this morning...He hasn't practised it at home at all...Even one of the special guests who is owner of a local, expensive, posh jewellery shop thought he was wonderful...I've no idea if his voice has broken yet to be honest...Music teacher thinks it may have and he's been lucky and still been left with a decent register to his voice...Anyways my lad was brill and am so so so proud of him...He loves music and is pretty darn good at it but am having a time of it trying to tell him that no way is he ever gonna try out for X Factor LOL...Gonna go have a coffee now and tidy up...It's very very windy and a bit chilly today so am going no-where now

Toodle pip for now tc xx 

Saturday 2 December 2006

a bit of fun

Hope these 2 links work...Just a wee bit of christmas fun :o)

Santa Snowboard -

Christmas Elf Name

My name is Nipper Tum Tums LOLOLOL


I did get a wee bit into the christmas spirit last night and put up the lights and decorations on the stairwell...I still don't feel particularly festive but maybe nearer the time...We didn't use to put up our tree until a couple of days before christmas...Well when we had a huge massive real one that my dad got from the masonic lodge after they didn't need it anymore...A 10 foot high real tree looked wonderful in the big bay window in the lounge...I reckon it's the weather that's not festive...Okies it is cold but it's not particularly december type weather...Anyways enjoy the snowboarding santa and finding out what your elf name is LOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Friday 1 December 2006

Ugh week

Well as it's 1st dec suppose i better start being christmassy on here LOL...Can you tell am just so not in the mood for christmas this year...I did get a bit all excited in asda when i saw they had lights that were tubes with bubbles in them...Not like those on the pic above but just long, hanging down sticks...Thought to meself cool i'll buy them BUT they are just sticks with bubbles in them...The bubbles don't actually bubble so that isn't what i want...I was going to buy the blue led ones for K but they only had left on the green wiring and i wanted white...They're not for a tree or even just for christmas but to put on her bed or above it on the wall...I actually have too many lights as it is...I only live in a flat so it's not like i can hang any up outside...I do put strings of lights up in the 3 windows that face the street...I also have a set that i hang up in the stairwell above the door of my cupboard on the stairs as i call it...It would have been the loo before all the flats were converted to having bathrooms in them donkeys years ago

It's been a pretty naff week...Monday wasn't the best of days and i don't really want to speak about it...I have to go up north on sunday for a meeting about mum...Older sis is cracking up with looking after her and is fed up of being the *bad* *interfering* one as mum puts it...I don't think that mum has beginnings of dementia but she's certainly not herself...Me and older sis think she is deliberatly forgetting things she'd just rather not have to think about or acknowledge...I certainly had a bad time with her on mon and sis gets it day in day out...Useless waste of space brother BETTER turn up on sun...And that is all am saying...Woke up on monday with a rotten stinking head cold that has steadily got worse over the week...To point where my neck is now giving my plenty gip and am not sleeping too good cos of it...But hey ho as longs the boys don't get it...Finally got G an appointment to get his flu jab...I just got the last one for the only clinic they have enough vaccine for...Means he'll miss last period of maths next wed but he can catch that up no problem....I've chucked a link to my myspace thingy on the right...It's rubbish and i am still clueless on the thing...One of the local radio DJ's is now one of *my friends* LOLOL...But he's a DJ on the northsound2 station and it's northsound1 i listen to...Been told have to switch my allegience.

Still haven't made my christmas cards...Was going to this week but head cold and neck put paid to that...I will defo start making them on monday and then start posting them out...Actually if neck is a bit better tomorrow then i'll might make the ones i can just pop through letterboxes on sunday and save on postage...Also have to get something to post to the states from the kids to their father...Hmmm every year doesn't matter what i buy it costs twice as much in postage as it costs to buy...If anyone wants a card then email me addy and i'll send one...But please only people who leave a comment that i know do that...Have to make some turkish delight to and send it off in batches...It doesn't keep for too long so anyone i send to is better eating within a short time of getting it...Right going to watch last of homes under the hammer (sad cow i am), have a quickie bath and go pay some bills...Oh the excitment LOL...And a huge thanks to jan (serendipity) who got me the siggy tag :o)

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 25 November 2006

not a lot

Well am not sure if it's good or bad news...Ever since i tried to get a car loan way back in july/august i have had umpteen loan peeps offering me a loan then telling me no can do when i tell them am not working...This week i got a call from another company and they said they'd phone me back on thurs morning...Well thurs came and went and thought okies they drew a blank too...Nice man phoned late yesterday afternoon to say they can do it :o) ...So the papers are winging their way to me to sign and i will get my loan...I did check them out and they are reputable or i wouldn't even consider it...Means i can do the home improvements i wanted to...Well not all of them but some which will be good...But not until after christmas now as i still have to finish the living room off and that is enuff decorating to do before christmas LOL

I was going to try and finish the living room this weekend but i've spent most of this week with a vile headache feeling crappy and just wanting to do not a lot...It's also a pain with the boys around to get anything like that done...They're out tomorrow at respite and i thought do a lot then...But mum phoned last night and i have to go into town for her...Window shopping and if the shop has what she'd like then she'll come in on the bus on mon or tues to buy them...Mum also had a flood and all her boots were ruined...She's having major problems finding replacements or even a price for replacements for her insurance...It's also the big international market weekend so suppose i could go have a look at it too...Just if it's miserable and cold weather like today am not that keen on going into town...Hate shopping at best of times let alone when weather is yuk...Had more to say but can't remember as just had phone go twice...Going to go have a coffee and phone pal and say i'll go to asda with her LOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Friday 17 November 2006



Well the review wasn't so bad today...MrsP was only back this week after being off for quite a while so she didn't compile the report...Two of her colleagues did instead which meant she didn't get her usual nitpicking digs in <ggg> His technical studies teacher had sent over a brief report on how he is doing...His work is of excellent standard, he's well motivated and has integrated well with the other pupils...Often the other pupils look to him for help...He does need to tidy up his work a bit though...No idea what tech studies expect him to get for his higher grade but i'll find that out at that parents night...Apparently he is delighted to be the senior boy in the base...News to me as he moans to me at times that he'd rather there was someone older than him that he could relate to better...See he's 16 and this age where someone 13 or even 14 is just too young to mix with...Apparently he's been absent a lot!!!! Well that's news to me and i said that...He's been off ill twice this term and both times with a bug that was going around the whole school...Ok he was off for robbie williams gig and off for a hospital appointment (it clashed with a class) but he's not been absent much with being ill.

If he stays on to 6th year he told the carers woman that he'd like to do Higher geography and Advanced Higher maths & tech studies...He'd also like to continue the classroom support that he's doing this year with 1st years and also to do Sports Leadership Award...No clue what the last is i'll have to ask him when he gets home from his mates laters...He'd told the carers woman that it is still engineering he is interested in most likely electrical engineering...He neglected to tell her he's actually most interested in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics degree LOL...I have a couple of links i need to check out regards funding & support for disabled students...See if that is something he can be eligible for on top of the disabled student allowance which is quite restrictive...I know it seems awfully early to even speak about it if he's doing another year at school but it's not...I actually started looking into everything that side a couple of years ago...I prefer to prepare this kind of thing in advance because last min can be no use...And last min can meen even a year beforehand...So all in all it was an excellent review but as i said MrsP hasn't been around to do her nitpicking side...Saying crap about his hair. clothes etc...Saying that he can't do X cos he's aspergers etc...You know i don't often gloat because well it ain't nice is it...BUT i am gloating because she didn't even blink an eyelid or object when higher geography was mentioned <ggg> She didn't dispute that he no longer needs to do english full stop <ggg> She wasn't mean and nasty and try to dictate what he can do outwith school <ggg> She wasn't even that hassled that the stuff he does go to is not mainstream <ggg> Hmmm maybe she's on HRT and mellowed...Social worker mentioned her not moaning about his clothes for once...Told her well G thinks she's a fuddy duddy and dresses more fuddy duddy and old than granny...Granny being my mum who as you know was 75 last month and MrsP is only 53

Suppose that's enuff bitching for now LOL...I was babysitting again after his review and not done a lot else really...Am a Celeb was so funny last nite...The live trial with Dean Gaffney was hilarious...Poor sod there's no way i would have done what he did and the gunk he was govered in well <vomit> ...Even though Jan Leeming and Scott Henshall got 4 stars on their trial they were still crap...Look on her face when she got told she'd been voted to do another was ace...Her moaning wondering why the public didn't pick someone else after having done the first one LOLOL...Well dear the public are picking you because yer CRAP, you MOAN, WHINGE, BITCH and LIE...The public don't like you and they want to see you suffer...It's so obvious she has never watched this before or she'd keep her gob shut...As for the pretend strip in front of Toby Anstis the poor bloke looked he so wanted to be anywhere else...WooHoo X factor and Am a Celeb tomorrow can't wait...Better go feed myself LOL

Toodle pip tc xx