Sunday 24 December 2006

Christmas Eve

K eventually arrived back yesterday...She had to wait ages for her uncle to appear to take her back up the road...Then she was off out not long after to meet some friends...Her bag was half full of pressies and she's going to get a row off me as there's an awful lot with my name on them...I do love her loads and i do miss her although this year am used to it...After going to one asda on fri night i had to go different one yesterday morning...Fri nite one was mobbed and empty of stuff...Well i could have got turkey no problem but chicken naaaaa no such thing in the place...Hence the 2nd trip yesterday morning...It was no busier than usual but finding a parking space once i got back home was a nightmare...Big footie game on so cars parked to go to it and xmas shoppers as well...Find one eventually but not in the street and i left some pressies in the boot to hide them...BAD move cos i got M to put something into the boot today totally forgetting his robbie williams calendar was in there LOL...He said he'd forget about it straight away HAHAHAHA!!!

Drove up north today to deliver pressies...Got to mums to be told big sis and her hubby were through here DUH!!!...He'd decided last nite he fancied popping through here to shop...They said it was really quiet and mostly dead in town today...Mum was fine and had a big pile of parcels beside her telly...So traditional NOT mother...She is going to younger sis's for christmas dinner...She's actually over there tonight to stay over and they have her hubbys father and wife coming for dinner tomorrow too...Their youngest is only 8 (9 in jan) so still believes in santa :o) Poor lad is almost making himself sick with excitment...Told him to be careful unwrapping our pressie but didn't say why but there's money in with the bottle...Don't want him chucking that out...Spent around a couple of hours at mums before going to younger sisters...We did stop for ice cream on the way...YUMMY

Got little sis's sticky toffee pudding recipe for Gto try and make...He doesn't know it yet but he's gonna do it <ggg> ...They finally got the proper outside door on their new house and the proper inside door...They've also got their fireplace in the lounge installed but nowt else in that bit yet...She'd wanted the big hall as you go int all finished to put a big real tree up in it but sadly it's not quite ready yet...Gave my oldest niece her pressie and my older sis's pressie as sis was away...But got a call from mum saying that sis was back...So we popped in on way home...And as luck would have it her son had also popped over...Think he was trying to skive away from helping his wife prepare christmas dinner for tomorrow LOL...Nice that he's at home this year as last 2 years he's been offshore for both christmas and new year...We also got home safe on a beautiful clear, starry night with gorgeous crescent moon to find we finally have fog up here...It's not dead thick and yukky fog like :o) ...Just given hop-a-long a lift to pub to meet two of her mates...No idea how she's getting back home...Think the exhaust has gone on the car and i don't wanna drive it anymore...And G is wrapping pressies for first time ever...Bless him they're a bit iffy but covered which is main thing...Dread to think how much sellotape he's used <ggg> And on that note i just want to say

Have a lovely day tomorrow however you spend it and do hope santa has been good to you all :o)

Toodle pip tc


Anonymous said...

You have been very busy Caff. I am sure everyone will love their presents. Why do people go berserk with food shopping at Christmas.  It is only one day, most of the supermarkets are open again on Boxing Day.  Mike was in the supermarket yesterday and one woman's bill came to over £300!!!!!  I know we all buy more than we usually need but it can be ridiculous.
Well, my friend, I wish you and your family a really super Christmas.  Hope Santa brings you some lovely things.  Enjoy every second.  MERRY CHRISTMAS xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I went and helped Jason wrap his Mum and Dads presents .I hope you all have a lovely Christmas ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Caff, K and the boys, have a good one. Love Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Caff :o)
Sara   x