Friday 29 February 2008

A rant sorry

Before the rant a pic of earrings i made for myself last night...I like these ones and as usual they're sterling silver and swarovski crystal...6mm crystal cubes and silver cubes and 3mm round silver...I did consider crimping a silver crimp to keep the beads static at bottom of the wire but decided i rather like them being loose and moving about.

Tad out of focus LOL but you get the jist

Close up

And now the rant...Our council is broke...Regardless of how much they put up council tax they've been going broke for years...The council is heavily in debt and needs to make savings...This year they're not allowed to put up council tax as Holyrood has prevented all the Scottish councils from doing so...Even so our crappy council would have to treble it to get close to not being in debt...Also our council are almost as bad if not worse than Westminster at paying 5 and 6 figure sums of money to consultants and think tanks to come up with crappy ideas that never bluddy well get implemented...Even the good ones don't get implemented...Not only are they closing the ice rink (only one in north east scotland) closing one of the swimming pools but they are cutting opening hours at other sports facilities...They are making MASSIVE cut backs in care for the elderly and disabled...Next week when G reaches 18 he is supposed to move from childrens services to adult services...But there is NO POINT as he will get SOD ALL service...The ONLY people who are going to get any care services at all are those in the HIGHEST bracket...Those who are classed medium or low will get sweet FA...And those who are in the highest bracket are getting there's cut...The council have decided to save costs that they want more care to be done in the home by the family...Fandabbydosy NOT as who the hell is then gonna pick up the costs of the care for the carers when they fall ill due to being overloaded with caring...Respite is being cut drastically!!!!!!...So those who are already elderly and having to care for another elderly or disabled family member are going to end up needing cared for themselves...Those who have disabled children regardless of degree of disability are going to be forced into trying to obtain direct payments and then have severe restrictions put on what they can set up via the direct payments as a care package...With no thought as to what the child actually needs as care, respite or outreach worker doing with them...The council are removing funding from anything and everything with no regard as to where these groups or projects will obtain replacement funding from...With no regard as to how many people they put out of employment...Our local workshops for the blind and disabled yesterday had the funding they get from the council taken away completely...Which means it will have to close...That place of work has existed for donkeys years...Not just the last 20 but since before world war 2 i think...My uncle who is blind worked there since he left school until he retired a few years ago...When i had a damaged back for a year after i gave birth to Kerry my GP asked me what kind of bed i had...I told him my uncle had made it and that he was head of the bedding dept at the workshops for the blind...My GP said brilliant as they were excellent beds with brilliant mattresses suitable for anyone with a dodgy back...BTW my back got fixed by a chiropracter privately 14 months after i had Kerry and touch wood has been fine ever since...Best £1 i ever spent :o) He cost a quid as he got fed up being given chickens, eggs, veg and other farm products by the farmers he mainly sorted out in the evenings after his work LOL...Anyways i digress...50+ people will be out of a job as it is almost certain the factory will have to close...Where some of them will be able to get another job is beyond me...Schools are being closed or merged...Yet Holyrood wants all P1-3 pupils to be in classes of no more than 16 pupils by 2010...They want more sports provision but our council is either closing or severely cutting hours of nearly every sports facility in the city...They want to try and remove children resident in the city from going to Camphill school...Camphill is a Rudolph Steiner school on the outskirts to the west...It has recently been found to be one of the best schools for disabled children in the world FFS...It is private though and the fees are very expensive...It's the most expensive private school in Scotland...I have a friend who's severely autistic son boards there weekly and that costs either a 4 or 5 figure sum...Another very close friend her severely autistic son goes there but as a day pupil...As a day pupil it doesn't cost much more than what it costs from him to be at a state SEN school...Oh our delightful council is also looking at cutting school transport...Now what those cuts will be i don't know...Am kind of glad both the boys are leaving school this year...If they weren't and their transport was removed i'd be up a creek without a paddle...As they are at different schools in different areas of the city...G starting at 8.30am and M at 9am...But G school would be around 8 miles from G and G is where rush hour is on...So if i had to take G to school i would be sat in traffic for around an hour getting him there and an hour trying to get M to his school after i dropped off G...Our SNP/Lib Dem council are just a tad unpopular at the mo to say the least...I could go on and type all night about the cuts they have made...The majority of these cuts are going to affect children (so more will be on the streets), elderly and the disabled...We can't all afford to join private gyms that have swimming pools and besides most of them don't take under 16's...The cuts they are making go against everything that both Holyrood and Westminster want as facilities for the public...As several citizens and both local papers have commented 'Will the last person to leave Aberdeen turn the bluddy lights off'...Rant over sorry for that

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Velvet ribbon and the Daily Mail LOL

Grrr some internal error lost the entry i was trying to post ARGH...Ok how bluddy difficult do you think it would be to find velvet ribbon???? Not too hard you'd say wouldn't you...I live in a city so surely it would be easy...WRONG...We have John Lewis, one fabric/haberdashery shop, a small shop packed with loads of wool etc and one craft shop...The craft shop is the only one i haven't tried yet...Yesterday i got some in the fabric shop...But they sell very little trimmings...I got a gorgeous purple, bright red and navy blue...They had a green but am not a green person and it wasn't quite emerald enough for me...The white was too thin :o( ...Today i tried the wee shop in our pathetic indoor market...Now i got tons of satin ribbon and pearl trimming but velvet was a no no...They only sell white and black and thin which is no use...I need like an inch wide or in metric it's 23mm...As for John Lewis well they can get stuffed...In John Lewis you can only buy ribbon trimming by the reel...I don't want a 5 metre reel i want a couple of metres...If the craft shop hasn't got any am going o be forced into buying some from online...And i don't really want to as i want to see it before i buy...See if it's nice velvet and not hard horrid velvet...So i live in a city with crap shops that are flaming useless LOL.

K sent me this article from the Daily Mail earlier...Think i need to read this book...This lad sounds so so so so like what G used to be like...Wonder if there is any way of writing to the parents...It's the dad who wrote the book...I should write a book about the last 16 years....But am shit at writing...I'd need to have someone to organise chapters and paragraphs and stuff...I can't write properly for toffee...Besides it's not going to be that interesting and some stuff would probs hurt other people...But i have thought about trying to do one for a long time now i just can't cos am rubbish...Hmmm one day maybe when am very old and very white and very very wrinkled

Our son's hidden world: Living with a child with autism | the Daily Mail

Necklace for K what do you think???

Ok sod it i know she will read this before friday but decided so what...K asked me if i could make her a necklace and earring set for this coming weekend...It's some SYP meeting thingy and they have to be poshed up...And she wants to be a walking advert ROFL...So below is what i have made...The necklace took around an hour to make...Well it actually took longer as i was doing it on my lap here whilst online and had K in im's on MSN...Plus i had a break to phone younger sis...And my shoulder ached like hell whilst doing it which am paying for today as it's swollen up again <sigh>...Am fed up to the back teeth of this flaming shoulder...It is all sterling silver with the sapphire swarovski crystals...The sterling silver chain is very pretty, rather expensive and very very fine...And it has been falling out of the loop that attaches the beads to it...But hey i've bought in shops where the chain is so fine it does that and i went over all the loop bits again to try and make sure they weren't open...I also used same chain to add on a lengthening chain with a crystal on the end...The silver beads are 3mm in size and the crystals 4mm...She doesn't want a bracelet but i will make one up as well once i get approval for the design...The necklace is approx 18 inches long....I don't know about the rest of you ladies but i find that 16 inch is rather short or about chokes you...And 16 inch is the norm although 18 inch is creeping in more and more as a norm...What annoys me is the background was WHITE paper...And i had it lit from several angles and still showing as grey grrrr...Also i did take a pic of the set on mirror...Stupid stupid idea LOL...Because of reflections from the roof etc...Mind you using the mirror to display them when on a stall will look pretty...Especially with the silver netting underneath on top of a coloured cloth...I did play around with same length of crystals with just a length of chain hanging as well but i think the shorter bit of chain with less crystals hanging from end looks much better...IF this one does get approval then it will be called 'Kerry' <g> And of course it doesn't have to be the sapphire blue crystals you can have it in other colours

Necklace and earrings together

Close up of necklace

Close up of earrings

Monday 25 February 2008

Odds and ends really

Do you think that mentioning the words chocolate fountain at least twice a day for the last few days is enough to drop hint i would like one for mothers day??? Mothers day is pretty early this year and not that far past my birthday...When it's early like this i always feel guilty about getting 2 pressies close together...To be honest am not that fussed but a choccy fountain would be nice LOL...Or this gadget thing i want that the boys looked blankly at me when i mentioned it ROFL...Big sis took little sis to Elgin on saturday to the nice jewellers there to look for a pressie for little sis...She's seen two lots of stuff she quite likes...So when she decides which one she'd like for definite big sis is going to phone them up and they will set it aside...Or that may have already happened erm can't remember...Then big sis will take mum up so they can buy it and even though it is being bought a few days before their sale starts the owner is still going to give them sale price :o) They also say a couple of watches they liked for G...So i have been given codes for a website so he can look at them both and choose which one he prefers...But i just know that he will sit here and go yeah they're alright and say he's not bothered which...So i'll tell them the one i like best out of the two LOL...I've managed to persuade him that a nice gents ring would be cool...Again i want him to chose but he doesn't want to chose ARGH...So i've compromised and said we will go into town and look in a few jewellers and he can point out a few that he likes...Then i will go back in on my own and pick one of them...So that it is a sort of surprise...I'll also get something from M for him to go with the ring and he won't know what that is.

Now we all know am so not girlie and absolutely loathe and detest shopping...But i do like shopping for craft stuff and i've been and bought probs more than i should have on saturday and today...I was only supposed to be buying beads not anything else LOLOL...I have ribbon, new wire cutters, proper crimper cos mine went awol, chains to cut up and a thingy for bending wire round...The poor woman in argos looked at me strangely when i said i only wanted the silver chains to cut up <g>  The thingy for bending wire is the umpteenth one i've bought as i keep losing the pegs...In fact when i am able to move my shelving unit thingy from alcove so i can put the bureau in there am sure i will find loads of pegs...Also there has to be loads of pegs in the walk in wardrobe somewhere...This is why i won't buy an expensive one of them things because i keep losing the pegs...But what i want to make for K to send to her for the weekend involves a wire shape and it is easier to do wrapping round pegs...I also ran before am walking again and bought some silver netting...It's actually pretty soft and i thought would look good for taking photos on and for displays...Our John Lewis has a pretty dire haberdashery section now...For ribbon you MUST buy the whole reel which is so annoying and to be honest rather unfair i think...So am going down the market tomorrow to the wee packed to the gunnels haberdashery store in there...Some of the stuff the woman who owns it has must have been there for years...It's so small you knock things over merely by turning around but she has things that you just can't seem to find anywhere else...AND she sells by the metre :o) I forgot to buy a file though when i was in poundland...And it was black bin bags and a file i went in for DOH!!!...Not a nail file but a proper big file...This is so i can file off the prongy bits on the headbands...I did go into the only other fabric shop we have and bought some ribbon there as they sell however much you want...They're also a lot cheaper than John Lewis but don't have much ribbon...And am thinking hmmm i should have bought some of the expensive diamante trimming but at £12.50 a metre eeks...But now am home i can see it is the top quality diamante trim and not cheaper more plasticy trim...Then again for kids headbands does it need to be the expensive type????? Hmmm not sure yet...Better go and find homes for all this stuff...And drat i forgot to buy more sewing needles...Oh well more to add to the list for tomorrow...Have to go into town anyways as G's concession bus pass needs renewing and they didn't send a reminder grrrr...It runs out on the 9th and can take between 10-15 days to get the new one through...Because we want his photo replaced as the one on his current one he looks dead young

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 23 February 2008

Do you know enough to be considered British LOL

I nicked this from the General Politics board...See how you get on...BTW you can do it more than once and it doesn't tell you what the right answer is for any you get wrong

I found another one that does give you the right answers if you get any wrong LOL...With this one you can go on to practise test 2 and so on LOL

Life in the UK Test - Free Online Practice Questions - Test 1 -


Thursday 21 February 2008


I feel CRAP to put it bluntly...I didn't make it to the exhibition again to spy on the sunday because i had a splitting headache...Which was followed on by sickness and diahorrea...Well the sickness started on mon literally as i was about to leave the door to go to my physio...So i had to phone and cancel and can't be seen for another 2 weeks :o( ...One of my friends her daughter is on placement just now and she came down with something like this last thurs...As MRSA and Cdiff are going around where she is on placement inititally they thought she may have caught the CDiff...Tests showed she hadn't but she is still unwell a week later...Tues and yesterday i wasn't sick but on the loo a lot...Today i have been violently sick since i got the boys up for school at 6.45am...Am only on here to stay awake as am fed up sleeping...And i started this entry over an hour ago then left to do something and forgot so i've lost the flow and what i was saying...But just in case anyone was wondering where i was then it's cos i've got some yuk bug...Pic of Fairys earring below...Pic is crap and a bit big...the earrings are about 2 inches long with dark siam and AB crystal...Need to work out necklace and bracelet that matches and call that the Jane range <g> I really need to work the lighting better for photos as i will need better ones for a website.

Toodle pip tc xx



Saturday 16 February 2008


To be honest i didn't really want my best friends wee lad trotting around wedding exhibition with us today...It's not really a place for a small 4 year old to go wandering...So i arranged to meet her at the venue whilst he was at his drama class...All well and good but it gave us about 45 mins to have a gander at the displays...Of course at these events you get asked when are you getting married so she was the one pretending LOL...It would have helped a bit if she hadn't spent half our alloted time chatting to this woman who plays the harp on where she could get lessons for her kids...They're too little to play the damned thing...Eventually i got her to move on and whispered to her to check out the tiaras just around the corner...To ask what the bases were made from LOL...Ok it would have helped if i had noticed there was another smaller table with tiaras on it...And guess which one she asked LOLOL...Yups the one that wasn't selling handmade ones....We're going back tomorrow ROFL...I have searched and searched and i cannot find any suppliers that do sterling silver tiara bases...Silver plate yes but sterling silver no...I really can't for the life of me see how some can charge so much when the base itself is only very cheap silver plated...I suppose if the rest is proper silver and with good quality embellishments then they can charge whatever...And hey they must sell or they wouldn't keep doing it...Of course my aim is to not just do the stuff i already have done in the past but to also do what i wasn't allowed to when i was at art school...I studied jewellery and woven textiles with jewellery as my main subject...I rather fancied sort of combining the two together...Basically i wanted to make knitted or more to the point crocheted silver, titanium or niobium wire jewellery of a sort...And that i am working on doing now except in coloured wire that is more designed for that purpose with st silver findings of course...Can you tell i don't like gold much LOL...Besides real 9ct gold findings etc cost a fortune...Anyways all the stalls today seemed to have a specific thing that they did...The stall my pal went to that i didn't want her to go to was the only one i saw that was selling a mix of wares...Favours, tiaras and jewellery...None of which were handmade or at least they didn't look it...Some of the cakes on the umpteen wedding cake design stands were awesome...Soaring castles and the like...Hmmm IF (and it won't happen i know) i ever find another fella and get married again i want a castle cake with a dragon on it <G>

Apart from the above my shoulder is killing me cos everyone in the packed exhibition was bumping into it and my feet are killing me...One place where i often buy bits and bobs of crafting and art supplies is possibly closing down....They have 3 shops here but the chain apparently is in administration...NOOOOOOOOOO i screamed...So i bought up stuff they had that i use before they suddenly close down on me...I sent off a pair of earrings i made for one of you and they have arrived and said person is pleased with them...Might put a pic up some time of them with permission...My shop that may be closing down didn't have a field sketch book in the size i wanted...Neither did the other art supplies shop...I think Asda have, well i hope they were where i also saw some...Tis either Asda or Sainsburys...I want to take lots of pics of the architecture here and maybe the trees and i have ideas swirling around my head for designs derived from those sources...I really need them drawn down on paper so i can get them out of my head and relax...Right offski for another surf to pinpoint some suppliers

Toodle pip tc xx

Thursday 14 February 2008

grey LOL

HAHAHA...Okies heres the deal...My father started going grey in his late 20s/early 30s, mum was white by time she was mid 40s/early 50s, both my sisters started going grey in early 30s and my brother around same age as my dad...All of them, except for dad as he died 21 years ago, have been rather narked that i haven't had any appear until my mid 40s...So they see me now having some and the possibility of some wrinkles as me finally showing signs of aging...Even my optician keeps getting narky that my eyesight hasn't deteriorated with age yet...Mind you everyone else in my family had dark hair and mine was always a golden strawberry blonde...It did start to darken when i was about 38/39 though...I've never really dyed my hair much either...I only started to colour it occasionally in my late 30s...And of course i dyed it purple a couple of years ago as i'd always wanted purple in my hair...This was due to big sis having purple highlights when she was 18 and i was only 9...To be honest i think i deserved to be white as snow and wrinkled like a prune by time i was in my early 30s due to all the stress with the boys LOL...My sisters and mum now i have a few say am catching up and showing signs of being OLD...Apart from my dad we're a fairly long lived family age wise anyways so i am a merely stripling really...It is only a number anyways but if it makes those close to me feel happier i now have signs of my advancing years so they can call me old then that's fine with me LOL...Oh and Jane M has had several white hairs since he was a toddler and he at 16 HATES people teasing him that he has grey hairs

Awww bless

Awwww bless him my strapping 17 year old G came home from school yesterday in his taxi with 2 bunches of tulips for me and a box of choccies that he knows i like...The choccies i am saving for when i stop feeling so sick...One bunch of the tulips is a purpley lilac colour and the other is white...See he remembered i like purple a lot :o) And i got lots of hugs and i even got a kiss off him LOL...M is going to give me the money to pay me back for what i suggested he get me...I want an A4 sized sketch book...Well when i say sketch book i really mean what is classed as a field book...Bit like a notebook with unlined paper that is slightly better than writing paper and that you can take pages out of...Well i know exactly what i mean and what it is so it is easier for me to buy it and then he will give me the money for it...And he's happy with that being my pressie from him...My mum gave me money in her card on sunday and i am under orders to spend it on something nice for me...Not to fritter it away on nothing and not to spend on crafty bits...So am gonna have to go out and look for something...I would have used it towards getting my hair highlighted properly at the hairdressers but no point...My hair is being affected with all this crappy dryness as well so am gonna wait until i've stopped the treatment before i get it done...I may even have to consider covering some grey hairs as i finally have some which is so pleasing everyone ROFL...See Stuart GREY HAIRS, possible WRINKLES therefor i am OLD...Ok it may just be a couple of wrinkles and about half a dozen grey hairs but hey am catching up on older sis, younger sis and best friend who is 9 years younger than me <ggg> Big sis had put a photograph she had copied into my card...It's my dad when he was about 13 years old sat on outside window sill of the house he lived in :o) She also gave me a new black handbag and a perfume with matching body lotion set :o) ...One of my friends popped round at tea time with a bottle of expensive bubble bath for me...I know it's expensive because i went into the shop to look at stuff for christmas presents and walked back out again LOL...Me and my best pal are going to the cinema either tomorrow or over the weekend at some point :o) We'd go tonight but there is a big european footie match on near the cinema so we're not venturing down and having to queue for ages in traffic and then find it difficult to park...We just stopped at the chippy last night after i had picked the boys up from their Triple A team for something for tea...I couldn't be bothered cooking and i fancied fish and chips for my birthday tea anyway...No late birthday cards in the post today for a change...Damn as i always like to think my postie reckons am getting lots of valentines cards...Not had one of them for donkeys years LOL

There is a wedding exhibition on locally on sat & sun...I am going to pop along and see what it is like...Who is doing what and how much they are charging for stuff and just seeing how they are displaying their wares...I know i have my own thoughts on how i would display my stuff but if it's similar to others then i will need to change...Also i would like the details of the organisers so i can get in touch when i have enough stock made up and i feel i can actually do this properly...Anyways it is good to check out competition in any part of life...Oh crikey just had a thought...Going to a fayre like a wedding one in a working scenario means you need to dress sort of smartly doesn't it....EEKS am so not into dressing that way...Am an old scruffbag happier in jeans & T shirt which is prefectly fine for craft fayres...OMG me being smartly dressed will so please my mum LOLOL...On that horrifying though i will go see about making tea LOL

Toodle pip tc xx

Tuesday 12 February 2008

The weekend

I took the train up to visit mum on sunday for evening visiting...My train was due to arrive at 6.45pm and i could get to the hospital in around 5 mins so i would still have an hour with her...Yeah right...Best laid plans of mice and men and all that ruined by a bunch of drunken, hooligan louts on the train...Firstly the train went dead slow and stop to get to the station at Dyce...Dyce is on the outskirts of Aberdeen and is actually part of Aberdeen...The track goes past close to my street and i could have walked on to the train from there it was so slow...Reason being the staff had been warned there was some eejit on the line walking along the line from aberdeen main station to the dyce one...So they had to go slow so they wouldn't hit the numptie if they came across him...But hey that was just the start...We stopped for what felt like an age in the middle of nowhere in the dark between inverurie and insch...No explanation but we got moving again after about 5 mins...Now i had some right numptie in my carriage who was pished as a fart and getting really aggressive...He kept going to the loo every 5 mins and not shutting the door behind him...And when i asked politely would he make sure door was closed he just glared at me...He got really abusive towards the ticket collecter blokey...Anyway at insch we stopped and for a few mins longer than just getting off and on...Then at the next stop which was Huntly we stopped and no-one could get off or on...A message came across the tannoy saying there had been an incident and Grampian police were dealing with it and we would continue on once it was sorted...Also no-one could leave the train until the incident was dealt with...So tum te tum i started getting worried i was making a journey for no reason...By that time it was getting nearer and nearer to my arrival time and still another station before i got to Elgin :o( ...I phoned my younger sis who phoned the hospital for me...She then called back and gave me the ward number...The nurse said depending on when i arrived i could stay a bit longer...Then the tannoy said sorry for the delay there was a serious incident that grampian police were dealing with...Lairy arsehole in my carriage decided he had had enough and he moved into the next carriage...Where he proceeded to force open the door so he could leave the train...Rendering it unusable...So that carriage got partially vandalised, well the door did...When we eventually got moving i phoned the hospital from the next station as i had no signal until then...The first person i spoke to said i could maybe stay an extra 5 mins and i burst into tears...Told her i was on my way from abdn on the train and we had been held up and my sis had already phoned...That there would be no point in me bothering to leave elgin station to get to the hospital for only 5 maybe 10 mins of time with mum...She handed me over to the senior nurse on duty...She was so lovely and said it's ok i could stay until 9pm but not longer than that as some of the ladies go to sleep then...I said thank you and i would have to leave to get train home about then regardless...I eventually got to the hospital at 7.50pm...Mum looks awful :o( but she got home yesterday...The cellulitis had flared up really badly again...And her lymphodema was bad... But bless her my older sister had taken her down to the hospital shop...And mum had bought me a birthday card there...Big sis had also left me a pressie and card with mum...Which i have partially looked at <slaps hands>

As you know i am having this monthly implant injected into me...Well it has not only made me feel extremely nauseous for 8-9 days after but also dried my skin out something chronic...My skin is naturally dry at the best of times but now it is like sandpaper and quite frankly disgusting...This time my mouth is also very very dry :o(  YEsterday i got an appointment to get more painkillers for my shoulder so i spoke to my GP about it...My body is basically being overdosed with female hormones...This is causing the excessive dryness of skin and mouth and the nausea...There's not a lot i can do about it...As i said a few weeks back my older sis had me get my face done at a lancome counter...I spoke to clinque person tonight and she suggested i spritz it all the time with their hydrating stuff...She spritzed my face for me earlier when i was in boots and it was drier than the sahara before i got to asda across the road...Am drinking so much i told my GP i'd need a catheter LOL...Big sis the part of the pressie i peeked at is a bag full of sample sizes of lotions and potions from various brands...Bless her i do love my sis at times :o) I hope my skin recovers once this treatment is finished...Am gonna end up with WRINKLES if it gets any drier <sobs> Ok so am supposed to get them cos am old (45 tomorrow) but hey am quite chuffed that i don't have many at all so far...Especially none of those fine ones around the eyes...Secret ladies is that i have worn wraparound shades since i was a teenager...IT could be winter and i will have them on at the slightest hint of sun...My eyes are very sensitive to the sun and wraparound shades i have always found best...And am sure that is why i have no fine wrinkle lines around my eyes...Well few as am sure there are some if you look close enough.

Train home was delayed by 20 mins...When i got on the train i found out why...It was the same staff from the earlier one...And because of all the debacle on it and them being late at inverness it had knock on effect...The staff legally must have a 30 min break between journeys...The ticket collector also told me what had happened and why we sat so long at Huntly...Him and the other staff member and the driver had tried to remove some out of control passengers at Insch...Because they werte unsuccessful they called police to Huntly...These louts were not young lads but older guys...Ranging from 20s to early 50s he reckoned...A full scale fight broke out and they vandalised the carriage they were in...The police did nothing except to try and calm them down...They didn't remove them nor did they arrest or charge anyone...But they hadn't sent enough policemen for the police to be able to do much :o(  They did manage to remove 3 of the offenders at Elgin station...The ticket blokey said on 18 years working on the trains he had never seen anything as bad...He kept apologising for what had happened on my outward journey...I told him the hospital had let me stay until 9pm so he was pleased they had done that for me...You know we always hear about young teenagers being drunken, aggressive vandals but we rarely hear in the media of the older lot who can be just as bad if not worse...But the thing i found really astonishing is none of the other passengers in that carriage were willing to be witnesses to what had gone on.

Apart from that K being at home visiting made the weekend a nice one...She got me another dragon for my birthday :o) We went out for a meal on saturday tea time :o) And am gonna have to stop typing as it hurts too much having typed for too long for now

Toodle pip tc xx

Friday 8 February 2008

Crappy couple of days

I know it is mega mega late but i've not had time to do this entry before now...K is home for the weekend but she didn't get here until nearly half past midnight...Taxied from Dundee courtesy of Scotrail because her train was late so she missed the last connection...I was allowed to open my early birthday pressie and it is another gorgeous dragon :o) Sadly the shop in Edinburgh where she gets them from usually is CLOSING DOWN...How dare they do that to me <sobs> And it was closed so K managed to find one in a small jewellers but it was their last one...They don't get them in very often <sniff> The only other place i know is in Peterhead :o( 

I have felt extremely nauseous since my injection on wed morning...Which is a pain with having to eat to take the painkillers...And i can't do without them yet :o(  ...Mum was taken poorly on wed and ended up in hospital on thurs...And it is the hospital up north and of course am barred from and unable to drive to see her :o( ...The train times are not visiting times friendly either and the nurses i have spoken to won't give me any leeway...So i wasn't sleeping much being worried about mum and feeling sick and still having very painful shoulder...I was sick in the early hours of friday so i fell asleep after M left for college...To be woken up by the phone...Thought it might be K or one of my sisters phoning but no it was my brother...Now my delightful brother hasn't phoned me at all since he moved to where he lives now which is at least 5 years if not more...He's never seen fit to give me his phone number and he's ex directory or even his address...And he was rather angry and being really quite nasty on the phone :o( ...Demanding to know if i knew mum was in hospital and when i knew as he'd only been told 10 mins previous...Well hey if he actually phoned mum or visited her then he would know she's not in best of health and deteriorating a lot...He only lives TWO miles as the car goes and about a mile as the crow flies from mum...But he always says he is too busy to visit her and he never bluddy well phones her either...Am 64 miles from mum and i phone her at very least every 2nd day...But no he expects everyone to be at his beck and call and i came off the phone in tears...He was slagging off both my sisters and being downright rude and nasty about everything...And being so gobsmacked i said little back to him or i would have said a few choice things myself...But when my younger sister did that he slammed phone down on her and 10 mins later was in her workplace shouting and swearing and sticking his finger in her face...And you know i wouldn't put it past him to have come all the way here and done the same to me...Neither of my sisters slept at all on wed night...They had doctor out to mum in middle of the night and then her own GP out on thurs morning...And then my older sister took her to Elgin A&E and she was admitted...They were both too shattered to phone anyone on thurs night really...As they say you can choose your friends but not your relatives but it's not pleasant when it's your own sibling being so damned horrid when your mum is ILL...She was scanned today as they thought she might have a blood clot in her leg but it's clear...The cellulitis is back :o( ...And they are giving her too much diabetic medication in their as well <sigh> Oh delightful brother said he was going to visit mum tonight and he would phone me when he got home...Hmmm still waiting for the call.

My best pal took me to asda as the airbed thing burst somewhere and i couldn't be bothered looking for the leak and to patch it up...I've driven too much this week :o(  Think i will have to restrict my shopping to a tues when i have to drive the boys to club...So am only driving twice until it improves...Am almost out of painkillers and they wouldn't repeat prescription them...So need to phone on monday and see if i can see my own GP and get some more...And i hate to say this but i fell and did in my right side, especially my shoulder...Well Ally has now done the same and i do believe in things coming in three's...So yous be careful as someone else from J-land is gonna end up like me and Ally...Oh and i was offline from thurs afternoon until fri afternoon with no connection full stop...Will leave that for another entry...Have a pleasant and SAFE weekend everyone

Toodle pip tc xx

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Can't sleep so decided to type in here LOL

Tomorrow  well really later this morning i have my 3rd injection...I guess it must be doing the trick as they've stopped totally...Also despite the hospital doctor saying my flushes would get worse my own GP said it may relieve them or stop them and hey they've stopped too...Two drawbacks...I feel mega nauseaus (sp) for a week after having it and also my skin is dry as a bone...My skin is dry regardless but it's so dry now you can visibly see my forehead flaking...I've tried umpteen creams and lotions and as we've had an Aldi open up here just before christmas am going to try there tomorrow...Apparently according to reports they have a fantastic el cheapo range that is flying off the shelves and does what all the expensive lotions and potions do...Well a couple of quid is worth a shot, better than the £15 or £20 for stuff that didn't work.

K is coming home this weekend to visit as it is my birthday next week :o) Smiley is for K coming home not me getting older LOL...Have to rope the boys into helping me clean up a bit as the place looks like a midden...Google it if you don't know what one is <g> Seriously a lot of chores have fallen by the wayside with my knackered shoulder and it is seriously pissing me off...I drove them to and from club tonight and my shoulder is killing me again :o(  I cannot keep asking favours of people to chauffeur my lads about...K is bringing me a special pressie YEAH...Not a birthday pressie just something i wanted...Once i have it and instal it and can work it then i can get going on trying to create a reasonable looking website :o) ...The mum from M's school who is a cariacturist paid £400 for her website to be done for her professionally and quite frankly it is extremely basic and a bit pants IMO.

Having had a serious think and getting all fired up due to me offering to do K a couple of very simple bracelets i really want to do the jewellery thing again...I will go and see about getting advice on how to go about this...Maybe weddings are the route to go down...See for my younger sisters wedding i made her a 'horseshoe' from K & G although he was only 4 months old at the time...What i used was the material left over from the flowergirl dresses...Cut that into approx 9inch wide by 4 inch high heart shape...Decorated the front with 'pearls' and crystals and used the 'pearl' string for their initials...The 'pearl' string around the edge also created a looped handle...Now that could be adapted to ring pillows, small for favours and also as 'horseshoes'...You know something i am MAD...What i want to do and how many things i want to do seem rather daunting and an awful lot for one person to do alone...But if successful could create me needing someone to help me out and for that i could use K as a part time job for her whilst she is at uni...Especially the jewellery which although simple to do looks fab and can be done fairly quickly,,,Cards, favours, tiaras and other hair accessories would take longer...Then again i would put up a notice saying at least 4 months warning required...I know there is a lot of competition out there but there are more and more doing it and there is a market...People like something different and apart from the jewellery which can be quite similar then i think i could make it work...I've looked at various packaging websites and the bloke i got the business card off they actually appear to be amongst the cheaper companies and one you don't have to buy hundreds off of at a time...I just can think of a catchy name yet...I want the word design in it and possibly my name...Or creations rather than design...Hmmm.

Well as you may have guessed i couldn't sleep as my head was buzzing and my shoulder is aching...G is on study leave and off tomorrow so i get an extra 75 mins in bed LOL...He has a prelim on thurs so he is going in to the base to study tomorrow...But he is going in at lunchtime and taking the bus in....He reckons he may have a B for last weeks advanced higher tech studies prelim...A B grade in advanced higher is supposed to equivalent to an A in higher...His higher physics he reckons he has an A pass in that no problem...And it is it that he needs at least a B in for the conditional offer...K she has asked me to link her journal here...She hasn't written in it much but if anyone reads it then it may encourage her to write some more in it <g> Am going to try the sleep thing again now LOL

Ponderings And Thoughts

Toodle pip tc xx

PS: Rach i think i have literally just thought of a solution (you know what am on about) i will try it out in el cheapo wire first and see if it works...But after K's visit

Monday 4 February 2008

Well i trotted down to the physio appointment today...The place i have to go is only about 5 maybe 10 mins walk at the most from my flat which is handy...Means i don't have to pay to park in hospital grounds and spend forever and a day finding a parking space in first place....So i got this lovely male physio...He checked my details were right then he wrote notes on where i was hurting and then asked how i did in my shoulder...I did wear a vest top under my sweatshirt as having been to physio before i knew i'd probs have to undress a wee bit...So he pushed, pulled, poked and prodded then came to conclusion i had in 'technical' terminolgy given myself a good old dunt and a half LOL...Because there are so many muscles, ligaments and tendons in that area he wasn't able to identify any specific ones that have been damaged...Probably several he decided after all the poking about...So i need to buy a couple of heatpacks or wheaties...I need to heat one up and put it on my neck for at least 5 mins, then do the neck exercise he wants me to do...Then do same with my shoulder except it's a different exercise...To do as much as i can without being in pain or badly aching...If i do ache or am in pain to stop and change to other arm...To not drive too often yet and definitely not long distance...Which is a pain in the bum as i really want to go and visit my mum and my sisters...But hey ho can't be helped...It will take a while to get back to normal but that's just how it is and hopefully i can be driving properly sooner rather than later...Especially as it's my younger sisters 40th birthday next month and G's 18th 3 days after hers.

My sis me and mum and older sis are clubbing together for her pressie...I think i will make her some jewellery similar to older sisters as well...As for G well am still flummoxed as to what to get him...Males are a pain to buy for at best of times but for a special birthday ARRGGHHHH...Gonna go do tea before that gives me a king size headache again LOL

Toodle pip tc xx