Monday 25 February 2008

Odds and ends really

Do you think that mentioning the words chocolate fountain at least twice a day for the last few days is enough to drop hint i would like one for mothers day??? Mothers day is pretty early this year and not that far past my birthday...When it's early like this i always feel guilty about getting 2 pressies close together...To be honest am not that fussed but a choccy fountain would be nice LOL...Or this gadget thing i want that the boys looked blankly at me when i mentioned it ROFL...Big sis took little sis to Elgin on saturday to the nice jewellers there to look for a pressie for little sis...She's seen two lots of stuff she quite likes...So when she decides which one she'd like for definite big sis is going to phone them up and they will set it aside...Or that may have already happened erm can't remember...Then big sis will take mum up so they can buy it and even though it is being bought a few days before their sale starts the owner is still going to give them sale price :o) They also say a couple of watches they liked for G...So i have been given codes for a website so he can look at them both and choose which one he prefers...But i just know that he will sit here and go yeah they're alright and say he's not bothered which...So i'll tell them the one i like best out of the two LOL...I've managed to persuade him that a nice gents ring would be cool...Again i want him to chose but he doesn't want to chose ARGH...So i've compromised and said we will go into town and look in a few jewellers and he can point out a few that he likes...Then i will go back in on my own and pick one of them...So that it is a sort of surprise...I'll also get something from M for him to go with the ring and he won't know what that is.

Now we all know am so not girlie and absolutely loathe and detest shopping...But i do like shopping for craft stuff and i've been and bought probs more than i should have on saturday and today...I was only supposed to be buying beads not anything else LOLOL...I have ribbon, new wire cutters, proper crimper cos mine went awol, chains to cut up and a thingy for bending wire round...The poor woman in argos looked at me strangely when i said i only wanted the silver chains to cut up <g>  The thingy for bending wire is the umpteenth one i've bought as i keep losing the pegs...In fact when i am able to move my shelving unit thingy from alcove so i can put the bureau in there am sure i will find loads of pegs...Also there has to be loads of pegs in the walk in wardrobe somewhere...This is why i won't buy an expensive one of them things because i keep losing the pegs...But what i want to make for K to send to her for the weekend involves a wire shape and it is easier to do wrapping round pegs...I also ran before am walking again and bought some silver netting...It's actually pretty soft and i thought would look good for taking photos on and for displays...Our John Lewis has a pretty dire haberdashery section now...For ribbon you MUST buy the whole reel which is so annoying and to be honest rather unfair i think...So am going down the market tomorrow to the wee packed to the gunnels haberdashery store in there...Some of the stuff the woman who owns it has must have been there for years...It's so small you knock things over merely by turning around but she has things that you just can't seem to find anywhere else...AND she sells by the metre :o) I forgot to buy a file though when i was in poundland...And it was black bin bags and a file i went in for DOH!!!...Not a nail file but a proper big file...This is so i can file off the prongy bits on the headbands...I did go into the only other fabric shop we have and bought some ribbon there as they sell however much you want...They're also a lot cheaper than John Lewis but don't have much ribbon...And am thinking hmmm i should have bought some of the expensive diamante trimming but at £12.50 a metre eeks...But now am home i can see it is the top quality diamante trim and not cheaper more plasticy trim...Then again for kids headbands does it need to be the expensive type????? Hmmm not sure yet...Better go and find homes for all this stuff...And drat i forgot to buy more sewing needles...Oh well more to add to the list for tomorrow...Have to go into town anyways as G's concession bus pass needs renewing and they didn't send a reminder grrrr...It runs out on the 9th and can take between 10-15 days to get the new one through...Because we want his photo replaced as the one on his current one he looks dead young

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

I have the same present problemo this year Caff, as yesterday was my birthday and next Sunday is Mothering Sunday - I dunno, life is all problems, innnit?  :O))
Good luck on the chocolate fountain, I guess chocolate isn't on your Lent list then?  <g>

Anonymous said...

You are like me Birthday near Mothers day lol You shoul;d know whrem you go looking for craft stuff ,you cant just walk off with one item ,not when there are so many goodies to tempt ,looking forward to see what G  decides for his birthday  presents Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, My birthday is a couple of days after Easter though I suppose it`s not the same as just after Mother`s day. You`ll just have to keep mentioning the chocolate fountain, over and over again and hopefully you`ll be successful. If I had one of those I`d be using it all the time!  I really wish I didn`t like shopping but I`m afraid it`s too late to change a habit of a!

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

My birthday is very soon too :p You could always have the chocolate fountain for both :)

Anonymous said...

You'll run out of room for all your knick knacks ;-)  Hope the pressie situation gets sorted okay xx


Anonymous said...

You'll run out of room for all your knick knacks ;-)  Hope the pressie situation gets sorted okay xx
