Friday 27 July 2007

Cars back but going back in again <sigh>

WAHAY i have my car back...BOOHOO it has to go back in next week...It is fixed but needs more fixing...I was mortified on tues...I went to go and collect the boys from club...Had to phone them to tell them to take the bus home as i was sat in middle of a junction broken down...A very busy junction :o(  Two nice fellas came and pushed the car over to the other side of the junction at the side of the street...They asked me to put on my warning lights...Said i can't as i think it's the electrics...Anytime i put on the indicator, tried to close the windows (electric) or did anything to the radio the engine cut out...So i switched off the radio, left the lights well alone and didn't dare touch the windows and got it started again...Fortunately it was that way to my garage...Drove round and parked it and said the electrics are capput to one of the mechanics...Garage bossman wasn't around but then he just drew up...So i left that loan car to get fixed and he said he had good news and bad news about my car...Good news being that the part had finally arrived at place he was getting it from and i should have car back yesterday or today...Bad news was a lorry knocked my passenger side wing mirror...But he had got the name and details of the driver and he'd ordered a new wing mirror...He's sending the bill to the lorry company...The wing mirror isn't here yet which is why it needs to go back in next week...I LOVE driving but i am beginning to HATE cars just now LOL...Oh well hey de ho life and cars are sent to try us all LOL.

Yesterday was hot hot hot and then around this time the sky went black and the rain came down...Today has been hot hot hot again but the heavens have been threatening to open all afternoon...What we really need here is a good thunderstorm to clear the air but it's not happening...My pots of flowers are a disaster...Plenty greenery but no flowers...One of the lilies looked like it was going to flower but it's gone very sad looking now...The two other lilies both have at least 2 flower heads on them...Fingers crossed they do actually flower...I still have some pots just floating with water :o(  I don't have any houseplants because i have the greenfingers of death with them...Looks like am the same with anything outside too...Well i tried at least which is main thing...Sadly i didn't get any pics of the californian lilac as the flowers have all gone in the last week...It was raining too much to go out and take any pics...Apart from that nowt much been happening...Hope everyone is ok and not flooded or anything...Also hope no-one is off to the areas of europe that are affected by the extreme heat...It's sad seeing all the floods in the UK but it's also sad seeing what the extreme high temperatures over there have done to the land and people...100's dead in the heat :o( 

Friday 20 July 2007

Am still alive honest

Well that's end of 2nd week of summer hols and am fed up already...The weather has been so up and down...One day glorious sunshine, the next pouring down rain, the next dull and muggy, then back to sun again...If you watch the golf at carnoustie then you'll have a rough idea of our weather...We're about an hours drive north of there LOL...My car is in the garage...It's been in the garage since last thurs, as in not yesterday thurs...Really annoying not having the car as it means we can't go north to visit or south to visit K...Garage man is beginning to think the part is being sent direct from citreon factory in damn France...He gave me a loan of one on tues evening so i could take G paintballing on wed...Then i got another one to go take him home...He's giving me a loan of another one tomorrow for a few days...My mobile went capput on me too...It had been going weird for a couple of weeks and did it in town on tues...I was just beside the mobile shop when it happend LOL...Popped in and i was due an upgrade anyways so got a new phone...Gave M the old one as it is the robbie williams one...Guess what...Yeah it is working FINE for him grrrr...I liked my flip phone and they had no flip phones i was allowed to upgrade to for free <sob>

G really enjoyed the paintballing...Some of the lads in his year and in the year that just left school organised it and asked if he wanted to go along...First time he has ever done anything with the mainstream kids in his school outwith school...Only taken FIVE years but hey ho...Took about an hour to get to the site...It's a relatively new one only having been opened just over a year ago...Cheaper than the one i know that is closer and not as much to offer...But they all enjoyed it which is main thing... We may look into it for his 18th next year instead of a party...Dunno yet as it would eliminate a few of his friends from celebrating...We'll see...Both the boys have been invited to an 18th in sept...It's at one of the local bowling alleys but is from 7-midnight...So i'll see how that goes because if it goes well then i may consider there for a party instead...So family and all friends can come along...I do feel bad though as K never had a party for her 18th...She's 21 next year too...If she doesn't want a party then i may just give her the dosh instead...YES darling i KNOW you are reading this, i don't know what i will do for EITHER of YOU yet <ggg> It's all musing and ponderings for now :o)

Last week on tues the boys went to playscheme...That is only day they were able to go...Having seen the group they were in with i am kinda glad they aren't going along...Very less able and not all their usual group...Reason they can't go the rest is that their Triple A team is meeting on a tues...They are making a film in conjunction with a local cinema...It's a cinema that doesn't just show new films but old ones and foreign ones and arts type ones...Much more fun than playscheme by a mile i can tell you...That is all they have on though...G may be going karting at some point...They were talking about doing that when they were paintballing...The karting place here closed about a year ago...The whole area it was in was flattened so BP could build new headquarters...But they have now reopened elsewhere...£25 is cheapest price for karting but G is paying for it himself like he did with paintballing...So up to him how much he spends...M is over the moon as he got his acceptance letter for his link course at college yesterday :o) ...It doesn't say which subject out of his choices he has been allocated for the first session...Presume that school will let them know as they are back at school before the link course starts...Better go and see about tea but do click on the link below...This has been on the scottish news today i don't know if it has been on the funny end story on national ITV news but it is hilarious

BBC NEWS | Scotland | North East/N Isles | Seagull becomes crisp shoplifter


Thursday 5 July 2007

Think i need some rubber gloves

Oh well i ended up making a new MySpace because they didn't get back to me grrrr...But good thing is i found my old school friend to add him again which is cool :o) And i have a really cool black dragon background on it...It's similar to my AIMPage thingy so not much point in linking it on here really...I like my AIMPage thingy too but AOL need to get some dragon themes.

Well you may ask why rubber gloves...Bit kinky really LOL...I bought some marbling inks/paints the other week and a basin...So tonight whilst watching House and Question Time (get to that in a bit) i decided to marble some stuff...Just sheets of white card and some white card blanks...Consequently my fingers and under my nails are all covered in red, blue, black, white, yellow and green now DUH!!!!...So methinks i need to buy some rubber gloves for next time don't you LOLOL...Not think yellow marigolds but those fine whiteish ones...I did see a packet of like 100 or 200 for £1 somewhere but i can't remember where...I just love all this craft stuff...I get covered in paint, glitter and glue LOL...Spray glue because the nozzle on each of the cans i currently am using have both gone squint.

Question time tonight was the schools question time...Some of it was interesting...They asked the panel about vote for 16 year olds...One girl in the audience said it was a good idea as councillors etc were all OLD...Now i know the English system for councils is different to Scotlands but even so there was a few 18 year olds and others in their early 20s voted in at the recent English council elections...As one of the panel said to her 'well stand as a candidate then'...To which the look on her face said it all...Now am not much of a one for politics as such but you can't go around moaning they're all 'old' and then not be willing to do something about it...Or is that sensible????? ...Same with anyone seriously moaning about anything really and am just as guilty as the next person...We have a deputy Lord Provost who is only 18 and his sister who is only 21 is also a councillor and head of education on our council...It's interesting to see that Gordon Brown seems to have jumped on the Youth Parliaments almost like he is claiming them as his own...Erm but cooeee Gordon the SYP is older than the Scottish parliament...I dunno how long the Welsh, Northern Irish or UK youth parliaments have been around...Nor for that matter the european one...From what i know of K being an MSYP Gordon would appear to be copying what is already done up here...The SYP regularly invite MSP's along to meetings, they have been along at Holyrood, they were involved in last saturdays opening of the parliament, they do try and get their voice heard by various holyrood committees...Gordon Brown wants to invite the UKYP along to westminster...Hmmm see does sound like copycat doesn't it...If young people can legally leave school, work full time, pay taxes, get married (with parental permission in England, without in Scotland), join the army then why not be allowed to vote...Do think the question time would have been better if it hadn't been full of young people from schools or uni who were doing politics though

Right am not getting into a rant...I need to try and get my hands in some semblance of non multicolouredness LOLOLOL...Oh and school finishes tomorrow here ARRGGHHH...Speak about that laters

Toodle pip tc xx