Saturday 29 July 2006


M has been a wee <deleted> because he's been worried about his granny...He's really not good at showing emotions in any way except by being violent, shouting etc etc etc...G on the other hand has also been a wee <deleted> but because he's been all clammed up and won't talk...He rocks a lot and even more so when stressed...His rocking drives me up the wall and drives M up the wall...M's loudness and being a pain drives G up the wall and last nite i ended up screaming at them both half the nite...K finally at around 11pm managed to get them both to say what was wrong <phew>

I want a break

I NEED a break

Am NOT gonna get a break <shrug>

Sometimes i so hate being a carer but then i look at what they have achieved and how proud i am and it seems worthwhile

Rubbish entry

Am still alive it's just been yet another one of those weeks...Mum got home on mon, wasn't that great on tues, was okies wed morning but discovered her tank had been leaking for yonks and loads of water damage in the cupboard and was very poorly on the wed nite...So poorly my older sis was scared to go over on thurs and when she did the district nurse called the gp out immediately...End result she was rushed back into hossy where they found she had some infection...Not mrsa but not pleasant nevertheless...As they are 64 miles away i do worry a lot and the hospital she's in must be around 80 miles away...She's perking up and responding to the antibiotics though :o) K came home on thurs nite am not sure how long for this time though...M has been an absolute wee <deleted> since thurs...Few other things going on too...So sorry but i just wanna really go crawl into a corner and curl up and sleep for a week and just ignore the world.

Toodle pip tc

Monday 24 July 2006

Rock the boat


Well i've phoned DLA and they are sending a claim pack out...I was at GP for my checkup about the depression and i spoke to him about it...He said to speak to Welfare Rights also but they are closed in the afternoons and i know that if i didn't phone DLA i would keep putting it off...Has his condition changed i was asked...Erm nopes i said but i believe he is on wrong rate for mobility...Our GP will back it up to the hilt :o) He also believes M is on the wrong rate and should be on high rate...You know i so wish that they would overhaul the DLA dept...13 years i have been dealing with them and the forms and attitude is still all geared towards physical disabilities...Yes M can walk i know that am not stupid...My point to them is that just because he can walk doesn't mean to say he will walk...His safety due to his ASD is paramount in this issue...Like i said before he's now 15 and is unsafe out on his own unaccompanied...DLA should be overhauled and looked at because mobility specifically is geared towards physical and not any proper consideration given to the mental aspects...M is also extremely volatile and could kick off for no obvious reason at someone or something if out on his own...Anyone trying to help him would get that backlash too and i would end up with the police at my door...Ok back when he was 12 and given the life award then there was still a bit of hope that this would change...Now i honestly cannot see that ever changing...So low mobility is for people who need help getting around...There is degrees of needing help to get around and it's high time that DLA looked into this...You can need help getting around like G does and you can need permanent help getting around like M does...Perhaps i am making too much sense for either the DWP or government LOLOL...I do know that in scotland the princess royal trust for carers are campaigning to get things changed with DLA.

So on to other things...Well like i said i was at the doctors for my check up...He thinks i should write to the manufacturers of the sertraline i was on...What happened to me is extremely rare but not unheard of and although i am the first patient of his to have had it he has seen it before...As for the weight that i have put on with it because of the heat then the water won't shift...He's not given me water tablets because all his patients who are on them have had to up their doseage and still not working well...It's all on my legs and really getting me down...Am scared to go to the gym because i feel it wouldn't be safe to do much with my body being like this at the mo :o(  ...I am back to see him in a couple of weeks and we'll see how the weight is then...I am eating as sensibly as i can and am drinking plenty...He's not put me on a different anti depressant for just now and see what am like in 2 weeks time...You know i wish i hadn't gone on them in first place as this run of bad luck started around same time LOL.

My mum is getting home today so will see what my older sis says tonite...I have just bought a pile of more things for card making...M wants to help me make them :o) And to sell them...I do have an idea for something that i need to make samples up of and get a website done...Hopefully it will be something that takes off and manages to sell...If it does then i can see myself giving lessons to a couple of friends, K and the boys (hmmm perhaps not) and pay them to work for me ROFL...Oh well it's a dream that may turn out or fall flat on it's face...I just missed out on buying a very old wooden filing type cabinet thingy for bloke out the back...It was basically a box about 2 feet high, 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep of very slim drawers that i could maybe have but all the tiny bits n bobs in...Never mind he picks up similar all the time and might get something slightly deeper than a 1 inch drawer...Someone who makes jewellery bought it for a fiver LOL...I used to make jewellery and sell it and glass painted items at craft fairs...IF i can get a worker who will have the boys on a sat or sun then i may just be able to start doing that again...I haven't made any for years but the type of thing i did do is back in again LOL...I bought packs of 50 silver, 50 gold, 50 white and 50 cream card blanks with matching envelopes...I also bought a el cheapo tool cutter thingy from same shop...Can either cut straight or wavy...Also can perforate and also crease to fold...Not sure how good the crease to fold is but it would be handy as then i could do my own card blanks...The perforating would be cool to use on front ofa card to have a bookmark bit to tear off :o) ...I also bought in a different shop another couple of punches...What i would like to get is the tool for using punches in middle of a card but they are expensive and i need to work my way up to that.

As you know we're going to see Robbie Williams on 1st sept in glasgow...Well we're also going to see a band called Muse in nov up here :o) ...I know chances are not many of my readers will have heard of them but they're a band from devon and i think they're brill...So do the boys and they don't mind their old mum going with them to the gig LOL...I was also really impressed that instead of saying disabled tickets on the website it said special needs...Ok the phone number for this type of ticket was wrong LOL...The box office here gave me the right one :o) It's standing only and no way would the boys cope with that and the woman on phone agreed so we have the special needs/disabled seating :o) ...Now to try and get them to agree to meet the boys <ggg> I would put one of their songs on my journal but they're bigger than 1mb so no can do...The lead singer/guitarist/keyboard players dad was one of the Tornados back in the 50s/60s...M loves the keyboard work on their stuff and again if you remove the words like robbie a lot of it is very orchestral and calms him down a bit...Anyway i better think on something to cook for tea...It's too HOT to cook <sigh>

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 22 July 2006

Dull saturday

I do apologise for the lack of input here of late...I just feel that all i seem to have done over the last few weeks is moan and whinge and no-one wants to read that all the time...Doesn't seem to be a turning point in this horrid run of bad luck either :o(

G is fine after his op and not in pain and not even blocked up and sniffing loads like they said he would be which is good :o) I actually had visions of him deliberatly sniffing at me all the time with a grin on his face as he knows i can't nag him about that for a couple of weeks LOL...It's hard to believe that 3 weeks have already gone past of their school summer hols, time has just flown past and they have 4 weeks left to go...Good news is that i got an email on mon about a new club starting for teenagers with aspergers :o) So on thursday morning i took them both along to it...They are holding it in the young carers centre...They walked down to the beach to go tenpin bowling and had their packed lunch outside i think...What they are going to be doing through this club is making a DVD to send out to all the schools in the city and i think also to the teacher training uni and to the social work training uni...Telling people what it is that THEY would like and what THEY consider that THEY need as regards support etc...I think this is a damned good idea and something that should have been done yonks ago...So they were discussing what they could put in to it etc on thurs too...It will be done in conjunction with a local company which also happens to have it's own tv station on the internet...The plan is that they also do a programme for this station...If they do then rest assured a link will be appearing on here LOL...This club is not just for the summer but for the whole time so not just hols.

My social worker was round again this week on thurs before the boys went to this club...She's coming back again in 2 weeks time...Hmmm i must be letting my mask drop as i do think she's a bit concerned about me just now LOL...We didn't actually talk about what we were going to for reasons i cannot divulge as it is something very private but very worrying...She is encouraging me to phone DLA and see about trying to get M's mobility rate changed...So after i speak to my GP on mon or tues then i will be phoning them up and being my usual bolshy self with these kind of people...It really does make me upset and angry when i see others getting the high rate mobility that are same as M or more able than him...It's so NOT FAIR :o( ...I know someone who got a disabled parking space for her daughter...The same daughter who had a huge paper round and who can walk places with absolutely no problem at all...The same daughter who no longer lives at home but has moved to a flat further up the street the live on!!!...If i could be absolutely positive they wouldn't know it was me who reported it then i would...Thing is they would more than likely know it was me and they're not the kind of family you really want to get on wrong side of...But it's NOT FAIR...I know my GP will back me 1000% and so will my social worker and no that wasn't a typo <ggg>

My mums back in hospital and they think it is her diet that's causing the problems she's in for...She's not impressed that regardless of what she orders she's being given different food...Like she was given gammon and she does not like gammon but she forced it down LOL...Oh and so much for the hottest day of the year on wed...Here it was dull, cold and miserable but not really rainy...Just a sudden drop from 30 degrees on mon/tues to 15 on wed...Was back to scorching on thurs and yesterday when we had thunder and rain forecast...Erm where mr weatherman LOL...It's cool again today and we have the Haar (seafog) in...Me and M are off out soon...We're going to the art gallery...On thurs he mentioned about the Da Vinci exhibition that is touring the UK for the queens 80th birthday...This is the only scottish showing of it and it's already been on display for a few weeks...Cheeky wee git said to me that i didn't like art, told him i have a degree in art, then he said well you don't like leonardo da vinci, said yes i do...So upshot is late last night he announced i could go with him <ggg> Since when did my 15 year old son become all cultured and like going to the art gallery???? I am chuffed as none of my 3 have ever really been interested in stuff like this before...I better go get ready before the day is over...No Dr Who tonite arrgghhhhh we're going to be lost...Have a nice weekend everyone :o)

Wednesday 19 July 2006

Am still alive honestly


I do apologise for not doing many entries of late and for not commenting much on anyone elses journals...With it being the school summer hols i just don't seem to have much time spare...So this is a catch up kinda...Most of which is continuing bad luck am afraid :o(  ...It really has to change at some point and sooner the better grrr

I tired to get a car and failed...Even though the salesman assured me i would get the finance from them i didn't...So i have been trying elsewhere but i really don't hold out much hope...I am seriously considering talking over with my social worker about trying to get M's DLA mobility changed to high rate...It peeves me off that others i know who have kids who are at about same level as M get high rate...He's 15 and his road awarness skills are at about level of a 5 year old...I know that low rate is for people who need someone to accompany them about but there is a limit to how little help is actually needed...He cannot go out unaided...It's too dangerous and he is far to vulnerable...Now i really don't mean any offense here...For some it is a given that they automatically get high rate...Heart condition, wheelchair, amputee...That may have changed but as far as am aware it hasn't...Now the first two of course they should however i do have issues with the latter...We used to have someone living across the street who was an amputee...He had a false foot and he had no problems whatsoever getting around...He had a disabled parking bay in the street no problem and a motability car no problem...His wasn't even adapted...If it had been then i wouldn't have been so cynical...I really don't have a problem with it as such but to me and to most i know there are differences between needing someone to be with you and someone having to be with you ALL the time...M has no independance for getting around at all...Ok on the very ODD occassion he has managed to go to corner shop and ONCE managed to go slightly further...Those times are few and far between...IF i try to get it changed and IF they award him high rate then i will be straight there changing it to motability for a car...This would also have other impacts too in that he would get help from motability for driving lessons if he decided he was capable...Hmmm can't seeit but you never know...Or for G to get driving lessons to be able to transport his brother around...Actually i think i will go and rock that boat...They cannot take away what he already has because he is defo still very much entitled to the rates he is currently on...If they take away the life award then so be it i will just fill in the dratted form every few years LOL

The boys won't be going to the residential as it is full up :o(  It's run by the edinburgh FABB people and they get grants from edinburgh council to run it...They do take people from outwith edinburgh but there was enuff from edinburgh this year...Also the person within FABB my social worker was talking to didn't pass on to the others on the committee that she had 5 from here interested...Which is really annoying as they didn't have any applicants for the younger group...They did consider using that week they had booked for younger age for the older age group...There wasn't enuff older ones though...If he had said there was 5 from here interested then they could have done it but they cancelled the booking they had for younger lot...So so so damned annoying...Next year we will get in there earlier and the FABB people in edinburgh are going to get the ones up here to do a week for our city...I really needed the break NOw but hey ho...I got letter today and i have to send my £50 excess to the builders my insurance use...Then once they have that they will get the builders they sub contract to here to come do the work...Why can't they be like the flooring people and just let you pay direct when they are round <sigh>

G was in hospital yesterday for a minor operation on his nose...The nurse taking the info was surprised when i said he is aspergers...She said must be very mild...Grrrr i hate that word...I said well he was diagnosed autistic at age 3 and he didn't speak until he was 5...He also has learnt to cope with the condition so well over the years...Thing is yesterday he wouldn't really talk clearly to the nurses, anaesthetist or surgeon...He mumbled at them instead so i had to translate...Now reason i hate this use of mild or severe is that it implies someone mild really doesn't need any help...RUBBISH they do and in fact probs need more help than someone severe because they get overlooked as they come across as capable and that they do understand...He didn't like being there and he didn't like talking to them...That is a social skill he is still learning to improve...He did break a smile and spoke clearly at one point though...In the anaesthetic room of all places...One of the other anaesthetists popped in and said to him "Now see this is the kiddies hospital and we don't cater for tall people. So we can't give you an anaesthetic but we can knock you out with a hammer instead. Now would you like wood, rubber or steel" LOLOLOL...Poor G was slightly too tall for the theatre trolley and for his bed in the day ward...Ok so he is 6 feet tall and technically kids hospital stops at age 14...But not all kids are short even below 14 years old...Anyways he did giggle at that bloke and spoke back clearly at him :o) The op went well and hopefully will improve his breathing...He is officially allowed to sniff for the next couple of weeks as he's not allowed to blow his nose in case it bleeds...They said he'd be more bunged up for about a week then should be fine...He has cream to put up his nostrils and he got given ibuprofen for pain...Hmmm they asked the lad in bed next to him if he took pills or liquid and he got pills...They didn't ask G and i assumed that was because be obvious he took pills...So we now have a nice bottle of strawb flavoured liquid ibuprofen for kiddies LOLOL...As you can buy it over the counter now i will give it to my best pal for using with her 2 if they ever need it...I did have loads to catch up on but gonna leave it for now...Oh we have much much cooler weather here today which is good...I don't mind the sun and i don't mind the heat too much but what i do hate is heat and no breeze at all...Grrr it threw a hissy fit at me and wouldn't let me add pics and wouldn't save...Cut and pasted what i had written onto email and then tried again and it did save and let me add pics.

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 15 July 2006

Bit of a rant sorry

Don't know if any of you have watched much of the news over last couple of weeks or even paid attention to these articles that have been in the news.

BBC NEWS | Education | Special needs education 'not fit'

To any parent i know then this one came as no real surprise :o(  It is very much a postcode lottery...The policy of inclusion is a wonderful idea in THEORY...In practice well it seems to fail more often than succeed...A vast amount of local authorities took inclusion to mean they could shove everyone into mainstream schools regardless and close the special needs schools...Like erm DUH!!! what a no brainer...NOT every child can manage to go to mainstream...So if you close the SEN school where do they go??? Into a school where they cannot cope and where they will be miserable, stressed and feel even more different than they already are :o(  Actually i better not start or i will be writing here for the rest of the day LOL...Inclusion is NOT just about education, it is what it says inclusion, being accepted in a place just like everyone else...Inclusion HAS to include specific training not just for teachers but for all members of staff in a school and the pupils also...Sadly we're still living in a world where anyone percieved as *different* is looked upon with scepticism and often ignored as being *not my problem*

Then this report came out this week by OFSTED

BBC NEWS | Education | Special needs schooling compared

School inspectors looked at G's school when he was in either 1st or 2nd year so that would 3-4 years ago...Also the NAS inspected the base...Both sets said that it was excellent and would serve as a best role model for similar across the whole UK...So here we are 3-4 years down the line and that particular type of provision is still extremely patchy...Parents have known for years that it is the quality of provision that is severely lacking and a massive postcode lottery...I have experienced that myself with M...The SEN school he went to first was rubbish...Ok some bits of it were good enuff but he ended up trying to run away, refusing to go to school in the morning and being an absolute nightmare about it all in general apart from drama and music...At the time the dep head for primary in that school kept saying it must be a problem at home!!!...Erm DUH how a problem at home when it was school he didn't want to be in LOL...Well when i eventually managed to get him moved the difference in space of 2-3 weeks was astounding...Then after one term i finally realised and knew what the problem was with the other school...He was BORED...They didn't think he was that intelligent and had him on same work books for months and in some cases years...He used to HATE maths with a passion...As i am not exactly a lover of maths and am quite thick at maths i just thought he was like me...I was so so wrong, he loves maths and as you know is going to mainstream classes in maths after the summer hols...Just because someone has a special need/disability does not mean that they are THICK, STUPID, DAFT, LOW INTELLIGENCE...Oh that is another presumption that makes inclusion fail btw.

And finally for my wee rant this morning this was in the news yesterday

BBC NEWS | Health | Autism 'more common than thought'

G was diagnosed in 1993 and M in 1997...Autism was very uncommon when G was diagnosed...I knew one person who had a child who was autistic and it was due to that i knew that G was...Ok i got to know a lot more and by the time M was diagnosed it didn't seem that uncommon but it was...Just the people i was associating with mainly had children on the spectrum...However over the last 3-4 years i know loads and loads of people who have had a diagnosis for a child of theirs...I do think this report is a bit out of date in a way...The figures i knew about for scotland 3 years ago was 1 in 89 on the spectrum...Parents don't get listened to, they struggle to get diagnosis, some for years and i do mean years...6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years is a ridiculous length of time to wait to get an actual diagnosis...Hopefully though this report from yesterday will make it easier to get diagnosis, provision will improve vastly, forms to fill in may be changed for ASD specific versions, we won't be treated like lepers and oh yeah PIGS MIGHT FLY too...I can't help being sceptical as although i have never had much problems getting things that i want and need (am good at *bullying*) i know that i am in about 1% of parents who are that lucky.

Lastly a video link from the BBC website on autism...I know that when G was diagnosed it was around 1 in 2000...He has been one of the incredibly lucky ones...He's had extremely good education...Education specific to his needs at any particluar stage of his life...To everyone who knew him as a toddler and young child he has changed beyond belief and far beyond my wildest dreams ever...M is now getting education specific to his needs and is doing the same...I would love it if every child who has autism/aspergers in this country had the same opportunities as my 2 have had.

BBC News Player

Okies that's all a bit heavy for a saturday morning but rant over and catch up laters on other stuff as i have washing to hang out and i have to go into town.

Toodle pip tc


Wednesday 12 July 2006

Bit of this and bit of that



Playing catch up again LOL...My broadband started working again yesterday around lunchtime...Presume that BT fixed the alleged problem at the exchange...Funny how everyone else i know on BB with same exchange didn't have any problems...Only me, bloke downstairs (non AOL) and woman in block next door...On fri BT came round and the engineers were up the pole out the back moving around the wires that come to my block and the block next door...We were all broadbandless over the weekend until yesterday...But hey de ho just another thing to add to the catalogue of crap luck of late <shrug>

Can't remember what day it was over the weekend but there was a huge beasite on the inside of the kitchen window...Am still not sure if it was a gigantic moth or a butterfly...I opened the window mega wide and it flew off spreading open these gorgeously marked dark wings...I know it wasn't a tortoiseshell butterfly but about that size and darkness...It was very pretty anyways.

So whats been happening...Well i went out on friday at 5pm for a treasure hunt pub crawl LOL...I haven't been out in town for over a year...Was with a friend and her work colleagues...I felt a bit like a fish out of water but it was good to be out of the flat :o) ...The treasure hunt side was we got divided up into 3 teams...Each team was given an envelope with 8 individual sealed envelopes inside...We had to solve the clue to find where the next pub was...The first 2 we ended up in were a bit old mannie kind of pubs...3rd used to be a good pub and one of my regular haunts but it has now turned into a very studenty type place...I did like the 4th one it was lovely...Nice terrace to sit on out in the warm air and relax...I'll happily go back there :o) 5th was another old mannie one that doesn't have a ladies but me and pal gave it a miss and went to KFC as we were starving...Next was very erm upmarket one in a posh hotel...Then was on to another wine bar type place before we all met up together in a trendy bar...Me and palwished we'd stayed in pub 4 for the whole time LOL...And no i didn't have a hangover on sat LOLOL...Don't get them regardless of how much i have been drinking <smug> ...It did tire me out as am still recovering from the allergic reaction last week...Been thinking about that and i was very lucky really...I hate to think what could have happened if i hadn't spoken to that chemist and gone to the doctors :o(


K went out shopping on sunday with my best pal to try find her something for a wedding she has next week...On monday i went out shopping with her and we managed to find a dress :o) ...I bought myself one of those big bags with all the pockets, zips, buckles that the WAGS and other celebs have (balagencia or however tis spelt)...Well not quite the designer one but a lookalikey in Miss Selfridge sale LOL...Later i had to buy these cheapy purple sunglasses to go with it <ggg> ...All i need now is the hair extensions, false nails, figure and overpaid footy player to go with them ROFL...K went back to edinburgh on mon evening...Missing her fella loads and also living with the boys is too stressfull for her now for long lengths of time...Plus all her friends are down there and not up here so it's mega boring being up here for weeks.

Boys were at playscheme yesterday and went swimming...SHOCK they took them out somewhere that wasn't the cinema or a kiddies playpark...M had athletics this morning and he was doing high jump and javelin...First time he's thrown a proper javelin and he enjoyed that...This car i have just now is a right <deleted> pain in neck...Alarm goes off all the time, it loses power at any speed or gear...I have an appointment tomorrow at Reg Vardy to see if they can sell me one and also i'll have a look in the other car places beside there tomorrow...Gotta run take M to the docs as he's had problems with his ears ever since he came back from bendrigg...He keeps moving his jaw all the time to try and unblock them he says.

Sunday 9 July 2006

Cheesed off is polite version

My broadband is capput and i can't get online via dialup...Hopefully normal service will resume either later today or tomorrow...IF BT get the problem fixed at my exchange which they wouldn't tell me about but would tell AOL grrrrr...Am doing this entry via AIM so have a nice rest of the weekend and hopefully see you all soon properly LOL      

Thursday 6 July 2006

The sun has got his hat on and i need a fan LOL

Ohhhhh it's even hotter this morning...The air is very still with no wind around where we live at all...A slight breeze would have been nice...Rain is forecast for tonite though...Social worker came round this morning and i'd forgotton about it...Whoops still in bed but never mind...Something did niggle at me that there was something on today i just couldn't remember.

She's heard nothing back from the agnecy yet and neither of us are impressed at all...I now have my social workers email addy <ggg> ...Told her what the boys were doing but that am not happy about them still going to jigsaw...One thing she talked about and am not telling the boys until it's actually a definite is a residential...Now please all pray that my run of bad luck has stopped and am gonna get some good luck :o) ...It would mean the boys would be away at a residential camp doing outdoor activities for 4 days/3 nights...It would be a break for me and for them but more importantly for me...Selfish of me...YUPS you bet it is...Hey us carers are allowed to be a bit selfish at times :o) ...Anyways everyone please keep everything crossed for me...K may be able to pull some strings as one of her friends is on committee of this particular group...The scotland wide committee not his local one...Am going to email the name on the website about it regardless and see what happens.

Got several loads of washing in and i can hang some of it now as the builders are indoors instead of outdoors now...HURRAH!!!...Shame in a way though as there was a couple of good looking ones...Could have gone out and sunbathed and watched them working discreetly through my shades <ggg> ...Gonna go have more ice cream and a nice cool drink...Oh i have cramp now big time in my right leg too...That's another side effect <sigh> ...Am rather tempted to email the particular makers of the one i got and complain about lack of important info...Mind you i don't want freebie anti depressants LOL...Put some pics on finally of the footie, awards ceremony etc.

Toodle pip tc xx

Wednesday 5 July 2006

Hot Hot Hot


It was mega mega hot today...Ok technically it was mega hot yesterday and i have been good an put thurs at the top there LOL...M was at athletics in the morning and i wish i'd put out his shorts instead of tracky bottoms for him to wear...They got given their goodie bag in this first session :o) ...So he has a new backpack, baseball cap, sweatbands and t shirt...All blue and yellow and matching LOL...We left K and G still asleep in bed when we left...I went to the bank after dropping him off and then got a call from best pal...She'd been at the docs after another gall bladder attack yesterday evening...She's not got stronger painkillers and still no date for her op :o( ...Last nite i went round for a while and she was in agony and waiting on a call back from NHS24 (useless eejits)...Her partner was doing sod all with their kids and she ended up having to get out of bed and downstairs to look after them :o( ...Sooner that useless waste of space leaves the better IMO

Anyways i was heading to sainsburys and so was she so met her there...Whilst she was picking up her prescription i asked them a question...Now there is nothing in the blurb bit in packet of my anti depressants of a side effect i though i was having...There was in the brand they sell...Pharmacist told me i need to phone my GP soon's i got home or go to hospital EEEEKS...I've been fine on these ones and they've been great until 2-3 weeks ago...I started bloating up again :o( ...But it's got worse and worse and worse...One reason i bought the skirt (yuk) is because my legs are so swollen it's unreal...I bought new undies (too much info soz) just 3 weeks ago and well bra is too small and knickers are tight <sob>...Sandals i bought last week won't go on my feet now and am wearing my flipflops...But that wasn't the really worrying thing...I have been gradually getting breathless...Actually i go to bed and waken up more swollen and more breathless each day...Was so bad since mon that even just walking from in here to the bathroom i was out of breath and gasping...Bathroom is right next door LOL...Turns out i am having a very rare, severe allergic reaction to the pills :o( ...So i ended up on a nebuliser for 5-10 mins this afternoon at the docs...I have steroids to take for 4 days and an inhaler to take for a week at least...2 puffs 4 times a day <sigh> ...My chest is clear and not sore or tight at all, am just breathless...She didn't give me anything for the severe odema so tomorrow am gonna buy something at the pharmacy...My pal took me to the docs and we picked up my prescription from sainsburys chemist...I asked to speak to her and said thank you :o) ...Turns out her assistant had the same thing...One of my friends is on same pills and it's listed in the blurb in her packet...Not impressed that it isn't listed in the blurb in mine and not impressed that it wasn't in the blurb on any website i could find or in the BNF...Better go take a couple of puffs on the inhaler and go try and get some sleep in this heat.

Toodle pip tc

Monday 3 July 2006

Monday musings


Well K is away to edinburgh to stay with a pal overnite for her appointment tomorrow with neurologist...When she was out yesterday with my best pal she did get really tired and had a couple of dizzy turns...My pal got her useless waste of space partner to give her a lift home...Which he actually obliged in doing after being ever so nice in front of K and making out he was a nice dad and a good partner...K is wise to him and knows what he is like and he can't pull the wool over her eyes...He can't pull wool over mine either as i have always seen right through him and told him to his face several times what a waste of space he is...Harsh!!! maybe but i think NOT...I put up with him because he is with my best friend...I hate seeing her demoralised and downbeaten and a shadow of her usual bubbly self...Oh btw is making someone a cup of tea whilst they are still in bed in the morning and taking it up to them and saying time they were up for work bullying???  Naaaa didn't think it was but he says it is!!!! Oh well he's having the boys to stay in sept although he doesn't know it ROFL...She's looking after them for me the 1st sat so i can go away somewhere...Booked my flight today and although i will be shattered after being to glasgow and back on the fri am looking forward to the night away :o)

And now on to the bathroom saga LOL...The man from the builders came round today...My ceiling won't need to be removed as it is all dried out and no mould or anything growing on it so be fine...The pine that was removed will need replacing...Well he said replace all the pine on the ceiling...The pine on the wall hasn't warped so it will be fine...What they will do though is strip the varnish off ALL the pine and revarnish it so it all matches...Wonder if i can let them give me a chance to paint the pine before they varnish it so it's coloured rather than plain...Do hope so cos am fed up of the plain wood to be honest LOL...He did mention something about an electrician for the light and expelair...Presume the builders have an electrician LOL...I suppose at least i don't have to go through hassles of the ceiling being removed...Am not gonna bother buying a new suite just now and will save up to get a nicer one than i can actually afford at the mo...With it now being the school summer hols it is hassle i could do without...Going to be bad enuff having the wood replaced as it is...Oh and the bloke from the builders said he'd have called out the police to force upstairs to get something done...Especially as i have a son with asthma and both are special needs...I'll remember that if something similar ever happens again...It's cool and dull here today and i want some sunshine back...Don't like hols when it's not good weather...Another siggy tag made for me by the same person as yesterdays :o)

Toodle pip tc xx

Sunday 2 July 2006

Assorted bits


Well it's pouring down with rain but it's not cold...It's close and clammy and warm and i have the windows open...We did have a thunderstorm this morning but i think we need another one...Well it would clear the air properly and i love thunderstorms...They're better at night though so you can see the lightning properly.


K is off out with my best pal and her two wee ones...Tomorrow she is getting the train to edinburgh and staying with a friend and coming back on the tuesday evening...I can't take her down on the tues for the appointment...Tomorrow i also have the builders coming round to look at the bathroom and do a quote for repairs...That's going to be fun NOT lol...So what else has happened since wed...Oh yes the flooring people phoned on thursday and came round on friday morning...So i've chosen the vinyl i would like but obviously it will be a while before it is put in...G was sent home unwell from school on fri at lunchtime...So typical it was the last day of the school year and he gets sent home...Actually his hayfever has been really debilitating over the last couple of weeks...That combined with the damp from the bathroom affecting his asthma has meant he's had lots of headaches and just plain yuk :o( ...So now they've broken up for the summer holidays...SEVEN weeks ours have this year arrrggghhhhhhhhhh....7 weeks of hell LOL...Especially with the bathroom having to get fixed...Anyone want 2 teenage ASD lads to stay for a few weeks <ggg> ...Thought not LOL...They ain't too bad honestly :o) ...They are in respite playscheme every tues...M is going to athletics training on a wed morning for the first 4 weeks...He's really looking forward to that and is still set on being able to go to the next special olympics...Never know he may manage his dream and would be brill if he did.

Me and K went to big asda yesterday and popped into B&Q across from it...They have 5 bathroom suites on display and that's it...I could find anyone to help me and i couldn't be bothered with looking for someone...To be honest looking at all the different lights was more exciting LOL...I listened to part of the footie on the radio in the car and watched the rest when i got home...To be honest i was more enthralled by the tennis...Contrary to teletext that was not andy murrays biggest game yet as he had beaten roddick before...They've played twice against each other and roddick has yet to take a set off andy murray...Fingers crossed he wins on monday too...I was rather miffed that ITV didn't show the F1 qualifying live yesterday as they weren't showing the footie <grump> Oh well at least they are showing the actual race live at tea time :o) We watched Dr Who last nite...WOOHOO cybermen and daleks together... 

can't wait for next weeks final episode of this series...It's going to be fantastic :o)

I have 2 new gorgeous siggy tags that were made for me by a member i helped out with something :o) This is one of them and i will use the other one the next time.

Toodle pip tc xx