Monday 31 October 2005


K's flatmates made her a cake :o) ...They made it in kitchen next door to the one she's allowed in so she wouldn't see it LOL...Made without any weighing scales either (am taking some down at weekend)...She has loads of pressies which i will get to see at the weekend...She did get a gold chain bracelet from her boyfriend...Nice of him as they only been an item for 2 weeks...Apparently he is coming out with us for a meal at weekend too...Well never known a student to turn down chance of a free meal...I know i was one myself many moons ago <ggg> They're not out tonite just all gathered in her room but sounds like she had a nice day apart from having to go to lectures LOL...I bought another mic and although windows says it can detect my voice and is working it's not...Even with volume up full she can barely hear me so i ended up phoning instead...Am determined to get stupid thing to work though as it's a lot cheaper than phoning her mobile or room LOL...Also be nice talking on cam cos we can see her then...Oh and before i go she told me off for crying but i do miss her especially today as it's first birthday i ain't been around for and it's a special one.......Toodle pip xx

1 birthday and a review :o)

Well it's halloween already but more importantly to me it is my babys birthday...18 today and now officially an adult and only seems like yesterday she was born...Time has flown by so fast and would rather keep them all young forever but we can't...Even if i do say so she's grown into an attractive, intelligent, sometimes too sensible young lady and i am extremely proud of her :o) ...I just so wish we could be with her today and am missing her more today than any other since she left for uni...But i managed to get the webcam all setup last nite...This one doesn't have an inbuilt microphone so last nite was just typing away and waving at her LOL...I have plugged in a mic today but not sure if it's in right place LOL...The boys liked seeing her on the cam last nite so hopefully it is going to help them...Now my K has never been much good at fibbing, not even little white fibs...Her whole face gives her away when she tries to fib...I reckon last nite she was trying to fib to me...Just before midnite her cam went off...She claimed it had broken down...Thought to meself hmmmm yeah right i believe you NOT...I knew her boyfriend was going over at around then to wish her happy birthday...I'd said to her earlier 'ohhh does that mean am gonna get to see him' ...She said she didn't know it was too soon and besides she wanted me to behave myself...Told her no way would i embarass her, no questioning him or anything...I would like to as most mums would but i wouldn't do it to her cos it's not fair...See i can be nice when i want to <ggg> ...Well at about 12:15am her cam was working again...And lo and behold he was there with her <ggg>  So would you have believed it wasn't working cos i bets you wouldn't <ggg> He seems like a very pleasant young man even though he was cheeky to me about my technical abilities...Apparently old people and technology don't mix well!!!!!...His mum is as bad as me he said LOL...IF this relationshop develops then i think me and his mum will have to have a chinwag ROFL

So this morning apart from missing K i had G's review meeting at school...I actually got a phone call at 8.45am saying he was ill and could i come take him home...Said no because i have his review at 11am but will take him back home after it...His review went well :o) ...I was pleasantly surprised that head of his base didn't slag him off for anything in this review...Wonders will never cease!!!...She has always had something derogatory to say usually his hair...Stupid <cossable) woman...My main concern in this review was what would happen for his exams...As i said before this is the school year where he sits his standard grades so very very important...So he is allowed extra time for them although it's only 20 mins extra...He is in a room on his own with an invigilator...Also he will get someone called a prompter...That person is there to just urge him on and make sure he can answer as much as possible within the time frame...Also that person is allowed to have a dictionary...So if there is any words he doesn't understand in the exams they can look it up and tell him what it means...This is not allowed in english exam though which is understandable...That is something new that was piloted last year and has now been introduced...Also he could have a scribe but that takes a lot of practise and not something i think someone with an ASD is best suited for...Instead of a scribe what will happen is after the exam is finished someone will transcribe what he has written...His writing is very messy and almost illegible unless you have learnt to decipher it LOL...Someone deciphering and writing down what he has written after the exam is to me a better option than the scribe during exam...Both papers then get sent off to be marked...It will be someone from the base who does the transcribing i just pray it isn't the head...Her writing it a nightmare to read LOL...All in all i was happy with the review and i have parents night for him on thurs...I didn't know about parents night being this week until saturday <sigh> The headmaster is going to try and fit me in as early as possible as M has athletics training starting again this thurs...If G does have same fluey bug i had last week then i'll have to phone them to get the appointment times........toodle pip tc xx


Saturday 29 October 2005



What a kerfuffle just now...A none journal friend made me the tag above last nite so i though i'd put in all about me section...Wish i hadn't started LOL...Took off the autism ribbon and put the tigger in...Well it's too far to the right so didn't work...Then when i went to put back way it was the font went arial...So i went to put back to comic sans and half an hour later it's worked...Kept getting an error saying can't be more than 1000 charcters!!!...It was grrrrr ended up rebooting AOL to get it to work.

The boys are back at fun club today so need to go out shortly...I was going to try go to the gym but am not quite up to it yet...Will try tomorrow when they're at respite...At least i have all day then and won't have to rush...K is in glasgow today for a SYP committee meeting...They were going to kidnap her and take her out for her birthday but she has a party in edinburgh tonite...No doubt some of them will be travelling back with her for it as it's one of the other MSYP's party...My oldest neice is graduating today from the college she was at before coming to uni through here...At least it isn't raining and i hope she has a good time...Back when i graduated from art school RGIT had there ceremonies in nov...My parents and younger sis came through for it...They picked me up from my grotty student flat and it was a lovely sunny day...Later after we came out of the building it was turning bitterly cold...We went for a meal with a fellow students family and just got to the place in time...Within 2 hours the roads were about a foot deep in snow!!!...RGIT became RGU a couple of years later and now have graduation ceremonies in july...Far more sensible i think LOL...My graduation ceremony was the last big family thing my dad got to before he died...I was so pleased he was able to come even though he was very ill...He spent the next 2 years in and out of hospital here on dialysis...Although it was a long time ago i still miss him loads but i do believe he is my guardian angel and helps me have the strength to cope with the boys autism...Must go get dressed properly to take the boys to club as this wasn't what i meant to write........Toodle pip xx

Friday 28 October 2005


Grrrrrr this is now my 3rd attempt at doing this entry and getting it to save...So fingers and everything crossed ROFL

Got to stay in bed a bit longer today as usually G has to be up at 7am and picked up for school at 7.30am <groan> ...M doesn't get up until 8am and G was able to do same today...Got a pleasant surprise at hossy as we found a parking space no problem, usually it is jam packed full even that early...Poor G towered above the others who were waiting in the childrens out patients dept...Will be his last visit there now as he is too old...We didn't wait too long to be seen which also makes a nice change...The doctor could hear that his nose was troubling him and said i see he has a massive allergy count...Thought eeks own GP said the allergy blood tests came back only testing positive for house dust mite and pollen...But phew by massive he meant the actual reaction to them not he tested postivie to heaps...Nothing i didn't know as he has asthma and was found to have chronic hayfever when only 5 weeks old...Poor lad has been on hayfever meds every march-sept since he was a baby...Back then at first we just thought was a sticky eye but it wouldn't clear up and then they realised it was hayfever...In the past before he went to high school he never had any problems all year round...Ever since he went to this school his nose is like permanently blocked all year round...The head of the base has never believed me that it is SOMETHING in the school he is reacting too...Well ner ner to her because the doctor today agreed with me <smug> ...I know that's not nice but when you have kids with disability and have to put up with so much crap only to end up being right to start with i think i can justify being a bit smug :o) ...So he asked what all had been tried and i said we're now on the last type of nasal steroid spray available...It's failing now too :o( ...So the doctor looked inside his nostril and G's *turbots* are massively inflammed...Also just below them inside is red where the spray has been going...Now is it just me or when someone mentions turbot don't you think of fish LOL...Upshot is he will be taken in as a day patient, put under anaesthetic and these turbot thingies drained...Then the nasal spray can reach where it needs to go to counteract the allergens he is reacting to...It won't be until beginning of next year and ineed to phone them on monday and tell them when his exam prelims are...Can't have them clashing with each other...After all the grief the head of his base gives him about his hair etc i would love it to be her perfume, deoderant or something she wears...Oh and know exactly what it was and be able to tell her so...Again i apoligise for not being very nice but hey ho...I have a post future needs review for him on monday morning and i know she will be asking why he was at hospital today...Quite frnakly it really is none of her business...She wouldn't demand to know if he was a regular mainstream kid so don't see why she has to know...Sometimes she can be very nosey and trys to order peoples home lives about to suit her views of our kids.

After dropping him back at school i went and visited a friend who lives near there...My temperature is back to normal today and i don't feel so washed out :o) ...Just got a dry cough now and bit of a headache but nowt bad...Popped into asda on way home and ended up buying myself 2 thin jumpers and a furry cardigan/jacket thing...Need them as my clothes from last year are way too big...In fact most of them are from 2 years ago and were big last year but wearable...I actually loathe and detest shopping but sometimes needs must...Got cards for K and posted them earlier so fingers crossed they arrive on monday...they do have 1st class stamps on them but these days that seems to be no guarantee...Thanks for all the comments about the jewellery i think i will get that particular collection for her...I know one of the shops here at least has the ring and pendant but not sure about the earrings.......Toodle pip for now xx


Again thanks to sara for the siggy tag :o)

Thursday 27 October 2005

Gig pics and some memories

Some pics K just sent of the Rooster gig on sat nite...They look miles away from the stage although they weren't...Her camera doesn't have a zoom on it...Doesn't M look smart in his new black shirt :o) I think he looks older than his 14 years too but he's always looked *old* ...My baby boy is too grown up now it doesn't seem that long ago since he was tiny...Even though they are now 14, 15 and 18 on monday they don't make me feel old...My oldest nephew being 25 DOES make me feel old LOL...I was only 17 when he was born and remember that time vividly...The bus driver of our school bus asked if i'd had a baby over the school holidays LOL...Told him to get lost it was my nephew that they had seen me pushing in his pram everywhere...My sister had one of the proper big prams for him and then his sister...I never had one for my 3 as it was more difficult to have one in the city living in a flat...It's not the same having one of the small 3 in 1 buggies really...Just something about a proper silvercross pram seems more babylike...I loved pushing him about for long walks in our village...They lived with us at the time as my sister and brother in law had sold their house in neighbouring village...So my job was to take him out for walks and pamper and spoil him rotten :o)

Anyway that memory leads me nicely onto the following...Jeannette (jeannette's jottings) wrote about one of her earliest memories today...She asked what ones we had and i did leave one on her comments bit but will write some very vivid ones i have here.

My first ever memory is from when i was 2 back in 1965...My parents had bought this huge house in street next to where we lived...I have no memory of the old house at all btw...I clearly remember one of my uncles carrying me in his arms down the lane to our new house...I remember thinking how much room there was to play in this new place too :o) ...Years ago i used to think that no way was this a true memory but my mum has confirmed in the past that yes i was carried round by one of my uncles...Which one i cannot remember though...My next clear memory is of my grandad dying...Well not precisely that but when he died...I was 3 and it was my dads dad...Dads mum had died before i was born so i never knew her :o(  Apparently i adored this grandad and was always sat on his knee when we visited him...What i remember is going over there after he died and looking at him in his coffin...Bit morbid i know but it would be something that would stick out clearly...When i was 4 is the first holiday i remember...We went to butlins in ayr and my mum was pregnant with my younger sister...I distinctly remember being served up this bright green disgusting looking soup...Yes it was pea soup and it tasted vile and both me and mum were sick...Put me off the stuff for life LOL...I also remember throwing a tantrum at the swimming pool as i had to go in the baby pool because of my age...Being a decent enuff swimmer even at that age i was extremely miffed, i wanted to go in the big pool with my older sis and bro...When i was 5 we had a grainy black and white telly and we watched apollo 11 landing on the moon...Growing up at such a young age during the space race it fascinated me and still does...If i had the millions needed in the bank i can assure you i would go be one of those space tourists...See am mad but you already know that...So those are my important memories of the 60's :o)  Writing this also reminds me of my granny dying...That was in 1975 and it was this time of year...She had been ill for quite a while and my mum had left her to come home for half an hour to do my make up for a halloween party...The phone went midway through and mum went to answer it...She came back looking strange but i was too excited about the party to ask what was up...When i got back from the party i got told my granny had died whilst mum was back tending to me...I felt really guilty for ages after and still do kinda till this day...M was born on same day as would have been my grannys birthday and K was born on halloween...Maybe that was grannys doing who knows...I know i am extremely lucky in that most of my childhood memories are very happy ones although 2 i mentioned were of death...I may write some more about others another day as it seems jeanette had opened a floodgate of them in my head now...Am just so glad i don't have any pics to back them up LOL...Fashion in the 70's was dodgy to say the least <ggg>  Toodle pip xx

What do you think???

Right here's a pic of the same watch my mum and 2 sisters got K for her 18th...K's is half bangle, half bracelet although you can only see the bangle bit in the pic...She will probably need to get a couple of links taken out of the bracelet part so it fits her better...Lucky her she has tiny wrists LOL...The other pics are of ring, pendant and earrings i am considering getting her...I am not sure yet but i do think they are pretty and won't date.

Apart from that i still feel yuk but not gone into my chest or into ears properly so just dosing myself with hot drinks, paracetamol, ibuprofen and sleep LOL...I must still have a temperature as i feel freezing cold but i know am not and it's warm outside...Will need to take the boys out tonite so they can buy a card each to send to K for monday...I am not sure yet if i will make her one from me or buy one...M didn't get curling yesterday they did basketball instead and curling is supposed to start next week...He was fine about it though as he enjoys basketball too...Going to go rest again even though i've done nothing today...Am fed up doing nowt and missing the gym...Got loads of washing, ironing, cleaning to do but will all have to wait...Just wanted to post the pics and see what anyone thinks of the ring etc.......Toodle pip xx


Tag courtesy of Sara :o)

Wednesday 26 October 2005

Not a lot

I still feel shivery and yuk and spent all morning in bed...Been watching the tennis all afternoon and am on tenterhooks now as it is a tie break for the match...I so want Andy Murray to win...Sorry any Henman fans but i don't like him and besides andy murray is scottish...My older sis phoned to ask for K's addy at uni to send her birthday card then told me to go back to sleep LOL...Then i got a call from one of the workers at the carers centre...I remembered to ask her if she would be a referee for my uni application...She said yes so i will need to go in and see her when am well.

YES murray has WON...WOOHOO!!!!! ohh am happy now :o) Now i wonder if their is tickets left and if i can persuade the boys to go watch the tennis match between Scotland & England here next month...Greg Rusedski is playing as well as Andy Murray...I'd love to go buy then again it's more than likely sold out

Right where was i ahh yes my referee...The person who has said yes has known me for 13½ years...Ever since G was diagnosed and she was one of the people in charge at local autistic society...So she knows me quite well through that...She doesn't know me personally as in day to day or what i am like when i am out...I do think she knows me well enuff to give me a good reference and back up to being capable of doing the course and becoming a social worker...She does know most of my ups and down with the boys and how i have coped with them...I thought it would be better to have someone who is a professional to give me a reference who can tell them that i am capable of being on the course...She does know how determined i can be and how i want to put the knowledge i have gleaned over the years into helping other parents in my position

I managed to drag myself out to do the 5 min walk to the post office...Took me longer and i was freezing even though it is mild outside...Had to post K's digital camera cable as she had left it here...She took a few pics at the weekend of my home village and of the gig her and M went to on sat night...So she needs the cable to transfer them to her lappy...Can anyone answer this one then...How can someone manage to nick an ATM machine!!!!!!!!!!...The one at the student union on K's campus was stolen during the night...She was dead to the world and never heard a thing...No-one in her block heard anything and they are right beside the union...Hope they manage to catch whoever did it.

I finished my book yesterday and am going to start the other one i bought tonite...I love reading but haven't bought anything new for ages or managed to find time to read any for a while...There are quite a few i want to buy so am thinking i will ask for books for christmas...Am also going to have a browse round the 2nd hand bookshops here when am feeling better next week...We're watching the NTA awards tonight...It infuriates me how we know all the winners already...ITV used to show it live so why not this year??? What is the point in showing an awards ceremony like this one the day after i has taken place...It's all over the papers and teletext who won what...Think i will go an attempt to cook something for tea......Toodle pip tc xx

Tag courtesy of Sara :o)

Tuesday 25 October 2005

Sniffly lurgy and bits n bobs

It's still miserable outside :o(  and i still feel yuk...My ears are all tingly and itchy inside so if they get worse i'll be off to the gp for some antibiotics...I can cope with any pain cept for earache...Even the gall bladder pain horrendous as it was is not as horrible as earache...Needless to say i have done nowt today cept sleep and stay in bed...Got a phonecall from andy and he can't take G to footie match tonite...He has this horrible, stinking cold/lurgy thing too...Don't think G will mind to be honest as the weather is so miserable.

M decided to give footie training a miss last night...He actually said he wanted to give it up...Think he has now changed his mind as a lot of people were sad he wasn't there yesterday...awwww...He wanted to watch Dr Who on UKTVGold...They are showing the whole series over the course of the week...He wants to learn how to be the doctor so he can get the part in the school show...His athletics training doesn't start back this week so now arguements on thurs <phew> I went and bought the new Robbie Williams album after i dropped G off at footie so am in good books again :o)  I didn't go to weightwatchers as i felt too yuk to go...Am not allowed to listen to robbies new album <sob> the toerag even took it to school so i couldn't listen whilst he was out ROFL

Bought another new book on sunday...It's the autobiography of Jane and Mike Tomlinson...I started it yesterday and can barely put it down...They both have so much courage in facing up to, coping with and dealing with her terminal cancer...I have had tears in my eyes reading some of it and would recommend it to anyone...It's called 'The Luxury of Time'...Going back now to read the rest......Toodle pip tc xx

Thanks to Sandra aka Labdancer for this tag...This is how i feel right now green and monstrous <ggg>

Monday 24 October 2005

monday blues

Boys are back at school HURRAH!!! I was intending to do quite a bit today but i haven't...It's cold, it's chucking down with rain, it's downright miserable outside...So much so i haven't bothered to open the blinds...I did venture out to the corner shop and i got soaked even though it's only 2 doors up <shudder> G is supposed to have outdoor PE today but no way will that have happened...He doesn't really like using his tracksuit indoors but tough as it will have been indoors today...Forecast says it's going to be miserable for rest of the week oh joy :o(  At least G has a nice cosy winter jacket now to wrap up in for footie game tomorrow...Andy (their outreach worker) is taking him to the match tomorrow evening...The footie stadium is down by the beach and quite exposed so nearly always cold and miserable even if it's a dry day.

I got a webcam at the weekend from my niece...When they had bought one it was a buy one get on free offer and they only needed the one...So am glad i didn't find one on thurs...Haven't set it up yet but will try later in the week...Am sure i have a medical for M later this week but can't find the letter with the appointment on it duh!!...I'll phone the school to ask...G has an appointment at hospital about his nose...Ever since he went to the school he is now at he suffers sneezing, runny nose etc and gp said it is allergic rhinititis...Most people think that just means hayfever but it can also be any kind of irritation...The woman in charge of his base wanted him to have full allergy testing done as quite frankly she doesn't believe my gp (stupid woman)...She also had me take him to the gp to get his adenoids looked at as she was adament it was them causing the problem...Nowt wrong with them as i knew beforehand LOL...At the time he got blood tests done for allergies anyway and they came back fine except for house dust mite and pollens...No surprise there as he has asthma and chronic hayfever...GP said back in feb that he could now refer him to hospital as he was almost at full adult height and they can operate on his nose to try fix the problem...Hospital had *lost* the referal and this is why he is only getting seen now...I do hope he doesn't have to go into hospital for a few days as this year is extremely important to him...He's now in 4th year at high school and this is the year in scotland where they sit their standard grades...Again for those who don't know standard grades are like gcse's in england...As two of the subjects he is taking are technological studies and graphic communication they require drawings and actual making of models so it's hard to catch up if he misses classes :o(  Just phoned gp surgery again too about his annual flu jab...There had been a big mix up this year and a lot of under 16's didn't get a letter about them <sigh> Usually the childrens clinics for getting it is in the oct hols...So now we have to wait until extra clinic in nov...Luckily i've just got him one for 4.40pm...He doesn't get home from school until around 4pm and as he's at a school on the outskirts it's a pain going to the surgery...6½ from our flat to his school then 8 miles back in to surgery...When he has an appointment during the day i can end up doing approx 30 miles just to take him there.

On the way back to uni yesterday K got off in Fife and my ex bro in law picked her up and took her to see the Fife lot...My ex mother in law had been over visiting my ex for a holiday at beginning of the month...So she has taken back a pressie for each of the boys...Also pressies for her other 2 grandchildren...I asked K so what did she get you...Answer was nothing!!!! Her reason being she didn't know her dress size!!!! She could have got her perfume or something else <sigh>  I give up on that side of the kids family i really do...She also gave her £20 for her birthday which is what she always gives her...Now i might be a bit mean but it's her 18th, she's eldest grandchild and only girl...She told K that she thought she would need the money more and couldn't think of anything...It's not the value it's just well 18th is special is it so hard to come up with something for a girl for 18th???  Nice earrings or necklace ain't that hard to find and i know if the kids great gran had still been alive she'd have told my ex mil to go buy her some from her...My ex bro in law got her a pressie...Erm her own domain name so she can do a website and send email etc...K is thrilled NOT...But she justs shrugs her shoulders about it all now...She may use it at some point but just now it's not something she is interested in doing...Boys are home in a minute so i better wrap this up for now...Am in so much trouble as i haven't been out to buy robbies new album WHOOPS...Toodle pip for now xx

Sunday 23 October 2005

Weekend stuff

The boys got a huge surprise when K walked in the door on fri afternoon LOL...I hadn't told them she was coming home then so it was a nice surprise :o)  We drove up north to my mums and stayed there overnight...My oldest sis lives only 3 doors along from mum and she came over on the sat morning...All her pics from america were on her digital camera and i sat and looked through them all...Said for her to email me some but she said no...Don't think she really knows how to use the internet much LOL...She had some stunning shots of the Grand Canyon...They took a helicopter day trip to it...The helicopter took them right down to the bottom and i am so jealous...I would love to see the grand canyon at some point...Then my mum said she would like to go rafting down it!!!!...So there's an idea for her 75th next year although not over there but bit nearer home...She loved the glass birds and K had bought her a glass dolphin :o) My younger sis came over with her 3 on the sat too and K got her pressie from my mum and 2 sisters...They had clubbed together and bought her a beautiful Hot Diamonds silver watch :o) 

We came back late yesterday afternoon and i wished i had a camera with me and was able to stop to take a pic of the wind farm we see on way home...It looked pretty against the dark sky...I drove M & K to the gig they were going to...We thought it was numbered seats but apparently it wasn't...They did get really good seats and thoroughly enjoyed it...K phoned to say it was finished so i went down to pick them up...When i got there M had decided he wanted to stand and wait for the group at the back door LOL...After standing for an hour they still hadn't come out and finally one of the blokes said it would be at least another hour before they appeared...A lot of the people waiting decided to give up and just go home...That included my 2 which i was glad about as i was freezing cold and desperate for the loo by that time LOL...Still i am surprised M was willing to stand and wait for over an hour like he did :o) I used to do the same and got quite a few autographs that way including meeting Meat Loaf and getting him to sign my programme :o)

She's away with far more bags than she came home with LOL...I had got her a pile of stuff like i have said in previous entires...I gave her the fur throw as she was admiring them in the shop and i didn't want her to go buy one herself...G is going out soon to see Wallace and Gromit with his worker and on tues he should be going to the football match with him...Before i go well done to all those who have been nominated in the Vivi awards...I didn't nominate or anything as i found it a bit too confusing as am still relatively new to this journal lark but good luck to everyone i know...A big thank you to Sandra for siggy tag she did for me and also big thank you to Sara who has made me several new dragon ones...All of which you will be seeing in this space for next few days :o)  Am missing K already but will see her in 2 weeks all being well...Oh she's also found herself a boyfriend <ggg> He was back home for weekend too and his mum was grilling him ROFL...Am pleased she's found herself a nice fella but it's early days yet........Toodle pip tc xx

Thursday 20 October 2005

Pics at last LOL

Grrrrr after a right load of kerfuffle here's a pic of the glass birds and one of the lampshades i bought the other week...First USB port i used didn't like the camera...Then adobe saved the pics as some weird kinda file that won't show on here LOL...They're a bit fuzzy but the camera ain't got a zoom on it and the birds are only about 3-4 inches high in total...Am off now to scream and shout and try have a bath LOL...Toodle pip xx


Okies can't get the stupid camera to open once it's connected to the PC...It's a cheapy one i got from AOL as a freebie lasy Christmas...I have no idea what is that matter with it and it's not one where you can view the pics you have taken :o(  I've installed the software it just refuses to open when i try to acquire files from it...Am ever so slightly miffed to say the least LOL...I'd taken pics of the glass birds we bought for mum but hey ho never mind...Might talk to someone techy laters who will laff at me as per usual...At least i admit to being thick with techy stuff :o)  I'll be just as bad installing a webcam then trying to use it ROFL...Anyways am tired and spent too much dosh so going to have a bath soon......Toodle pip xx 

Shopping <ugh>

The boys are so not happy with me today LOL...Dragged them into town shopping with me...Hey if i have to suffer then so do they <ggg> We took the car and it wasn't a good start...Went to go and park in a small side street where it's disabled parking only and we were stuck behind 2 lorries with another lorry beside us...There was 2 taxis behind us so couldn't back up out of the street...Stuck for what felt like hours but was still about 15 mins...If the lorry beside us had backed up by just 2 feet then the one in front could have got past the one that was unloading DUH!!! Was no parking spaces left once we got to the small street anyways so went parked in big shopping centre instead...Next bad move have something to eat before we shop <sigh> By this time M was so wound up he was a nightmare...At least they went into Game when i went into Primark next door...Was looking for a new baby boy pressie but couldn't resist a hooded, furry pink gilet for my best mates wee one...Also got her one of those white embroidered tops that are back in fashion again...Can be part of her christmas...Manegd to get a set of 3 sleepsuits with noahs ark animals on them and a 3 part set (jeans, top and gilet) for friends baby boy...Do hope they ain't reading this LOL...Still want to get a soft denim baby jacket but the ones i have seen are all too *stiff*...Bumped into someone i used to know who has a daughter same age as K...She was pushing a pram with a 2 month old baby girl and it's hers...No way would i be wanting more kids at my age LOL but she's happy...Downstairs we went into Burtons and i tried to get the boys to try on new trainers...Ones for just using everyday not sporty type...G got a pair even though he kicked up a huge fuss about trying them on <sigh>  Usually i buy them, take them home, they try them on and if they're no use i take them back...M was in such a state i gave up trying to get him some...Burtons is good for getting velcro ones and 2 pairs for £55 instead of £35 each, so i always try to buy them both at same time from there...I did get to look in a couple of jewellery shops at stuff for K...Saw some gorgeous Hot Diamonds stuff but need her ring size...Didn't get a webcam as i couldn't find one on sale in argos so need to ask my friend which model it was...I gave in to the boys and they got a game each for the PS2...We did find a pressie for my mum who is 74 today...There are permanent stalls in entrance to one of the shopping centres and one of them sells glass and crystal stuff...So we bought 2 items which am trying to take pics of in a mo

Wednesday 19 October 2005

another miserable wed

We all slept in today and didn't waken up till midday LOL...Maybe just as well considering it is wet, windy, dull, rainy and downright miserable outside...I did venture out later as i had to go to the bank...Didn't get to the gym because of sleeping in but will go tomorrow...Didn't have the heart to drag the boys out with me as it is so YUK

M was very brave for him today...After he got dressed he was wanting his usual brekkie even though it was now 12.30 LOL...So i asked him if he would go to the shop for it...The corner shop keeps a packet of 2 aberdeen rolls (some call them rowies, some like me call them butteries) aside for us every weekday...Now M has never managed to go out on his own unaccompanied even though he is now 14 ½...Surprsingly he said he would put on his shoes and try to go on his own...I gave him enough money and he took the keys from the door and went...Two minutes later he was back unscathed and really pleased with himself...So am really proud of him and chuffed to bits...This is not to say he will be able to go out in general on his own but it's a start :o)

When i was out at the bank i went to Au Naturale to have a look for fairy lights for K...The ones i liked best they had no more of but they gave me the display set for 50p as they'd been on display for yonks LOL...I was there looking for a vase for mum but undecided so not bought one yet...I also got K a cream fake fur throw reduced to a tenner...That can be part of her birthday present :o) Fancied one for myself but they only had single bed size ones left...Also bought these fun fridge magnets that are proper kitchen utensils buy mini ones...3 for price of 2 and now have a mini grater, mini pizza cutter and mini whisk...Might go and buy ones for mum as they're fun LOL...Off to let G on now so he can look for more game cheats......Toodle pip xx

Tuesday 18 October 2005

Famous person spotting LOL

The boys were at respite playscheme today so i had some time to myself...So i went to the gym then into town...Got K 2 sponge tins and a 12 section bun tin in the 99p store for 99p each :o) Now she's found she likes cooking she wants to try baking...She never really liked baking when she was younger...M likes baking but not cooking and he won't eat anything he makes of either LOL...Went to poundland and got 2 clip on mics (One for us and one for K), 2 photo frames for M, set of 24 clear xmas lights, a big hot water bottle, a set of 2 small hot water bottles, 1 white and 1 blue/purple furry small hot water bottle covers...All for £1 each...Didn't actually get what i went in for as they have none left LOL.

When i parked my car to walk down to the shops i spotted someone sat on a bench reading the paper and talking on a mobile...Thought hmmm he looks familiar...Then i realised it was Nigel Havers who is rebecca at the local theatre this week...I was really good and walked past and didn't say a word or ask him for his autograph...Well he was on his mobile chatting it would have been rude to interrupt...I think he's rather alright and he looks just as good in the flesh so to speak <ggg> Was so excited i forgot to go and find a birthday pressie for my mum...It's her birthday on thurs and no idea what to buy...She's got everything already...Might buy her a nice vase and some flowers, will see what the boys say tomorrow...That's all for today folks so toodle pip tc xx

Monday 17 October 2005


I didn't get to the gym this afternoon at all...Got a call from a close friend with sad news...A man we know was killed on his motorbike on friday :o( ...It's a family we know through the local autistic society and it's a huge shock...The man who died was the parent who spoke to that autism strategy meeting i wrote about back in june about his severely autistic son...I am in two minds if to send a card or not...We haven't had a lot of contact since our kids started going to different schools and with them living in a town just south of here...Think i will though, will talk it over with my friend who phoned to tell me...Just can't believe he's gone after seeing him so animated and enthusiastic at that meeting :o(  He was a dad to 2 young children and a very active member of his community and will be greatly missed.

I lost ½lb this week LOL...Thought i was doing fine until yesterday then my throat got so sore all i've done is drink fluids all day yesterday and today...Never mind it was OFF and not on LOL...Thank you for the ideas i think jewellery is probably going to be what i get now...Just i had thought on a ring but then she wanted an MP3 player...I was going to get the ring made specific for her but it's a bit late now...When i asked her she suggested a necklace she had seen that she really liked...That's the one i already have for her from one of the boys LOL...It's strange i can't remember what i got for my 18th at all...I remember my 14th, 16th and 21st but not my 18th...Unless it was my moped but am sure i just got that to go to art school with...In fact i didn't get until the summer so can't have been...It's been annoying me for a few weeks actually LOL...MY niece who is at uni through here is going to come out with me one day next week when she doesn't have classes to have a look in town :o)...Driving lessons she doesn't want...She didn't want them for her 17th last year either...It's not that she doesn't want to learn but she can't afford a car...I couldn't afford to insure mine to cover her either...It was going to jump from £200 for the year to £1100 <ouch> If she manages to get a part time job and save some money then it might be a possibility that she's learn...she doesn't want to have her licence and not get to drive and i don't blame her...I think it's terrible that young people and learner drivers regardless of age get penalised so heavily on insurance...I have seen plenty accidents and terrible driving from older people my age as well as from youngesters...Think the boys are fed up M went and did homework today and he's not back to school until next mon LOL...To be honest i'd prefer they got 3 weeks over the festive season than have 2 weeks in oct...Anyways going to quiz and read some boards......Toodle pip xx

Ideas please

Just a quickie entry for now...My ex brother in law was over visiting K at uni yesterday tea time/evening...Her gran had been over visiting K's dad in the states...So she had taken home with her K's birthday pressie from him...Now i can't remember if i said on here that i was looking at MP3 players for her...If not then i was LOL...I had decided that one with plenty space on it and speakers to go with it would be ideal...Then she could put all her music onto it and not have to take her stereo and CD's with her to uni...Found one i liked and only just put in an order at the weekend...Would be nice if my ex would actually communicate with me grrrrr...The <deleted> has bought her one for her birthday...It's only a small one but beside the point...Anyways i am NOT giving her one now for her birthday...So anyone got any ideas of something different for a girl for her 18th...I have asked her if she can go get her ring size measured...It will probably be too late to get one made in time now specific for her though...I do hope he hasn't got the same for the boys for their christmas pressies because M already has one i got him for his birthday (bigger than one he got K) and G isn't into music...Am going off to the gym to work off some steam LOL.....Toodle pip xx


Saturday 15 October 2005


Well i haven't been doing much of anything since thurs...I've got an on and off headache, sore throat and cough...The boys are spluttering a bit too...So i haven't been back to the gym and i've generally been just lazing around doing nothing and sorting out music on my computer...The boys did behave whilst i was out (so they say LOL) ...The flat was intact anyways so i guess they must have...The weather has stopped raining but it is very chilly and am having to turn heating on earlier and earlier...Winter is definitely on it's way...K has been poorly as i said earlier in the week and got told to go to the doctors...She had already registered with the surgery on the campus :o) ...Her face was swelling up along jawline and people were worried she had mumps...She did have the mmr when she was younger but no vaccination is a guarantee...Turns out she has a nasty ear infection and not mumps...So she has missed a few classes this week but hopefully will be able to catch up soon...The aural classes well the rest of the students are unsure about them too so at least although she's missed some she isn't any further behind...She needs to go back as her throat is so swollen she can't swallow the antibiotics she was given...Seems that everyone everywhere is coming down with some lurgy or other just now...She is home next weekend and i am so looking forward to seeing her as are the boys...I think next weekend when she goes back south on the train is going to be harder than leaving her at the uni was...Will have to see and eventually we'll be used to it...Going to go do nowt again for a while LOL...I really have tons to do including ripping up the lino in kitchen and laying these tiles...Toodle pip tc xx

Thursday 13 October 2005

Bendy men and see through trunks <ggg>

Today the boys promised they would behave so i could go to the gym...So i went got changed into gym gear and have decided i need new stuff...The tracky bottoms i wore today are way too big now...Anyways i got changed and asked the boys if i could shop for food in Asda after...Got told yes and we'll behave...So off i went in trepidation of them being alive, uninjured, flat in once piece when i got home

So where does bendy men come into this i hear you ask...Well it's been quite a while since the *scenery* as i put it has been any good at my gym...Am still peeved that my instructor left LOL...On the treadmill next to me today was this youngish fella running away...Here's me fat lump next to him walking on the thing as i can't run...I noticed he did have a couple of rather nice tattoos LOL...Later when i was using the weight machines i just happened to notice he was doing some rather bendy exercises and thought how can anyone bend that way...Now is it just me or if a man is bending over backwards shouldn't he wear loser clothing????  His tracky bottoms were erm rather tight over his *bits*  Seriously this left nothing to the imagination at all <ggg> ...When i was doing my situps on the gymball thingy i felt so unfit as he was next to me doing the splits!!!!...Luckily for me i had finished my workout programme at this point so i left the gym area to go have my swim.

Well here's the see through bit...Bendy blokes tracky bottoms although they were white were not see through LOL...Is it something about *older* men...I mean men around my age or older...Why oh why do they feel the need to wear swimming trunks/shorts that are either flesh coloured or go see through once wet??? ...Or worse still BOTH...It's not very attractive at all...I remember once at school one of the lads in my class wore pale blue swimming shorts...They went so see through they left nothing to imagination and all the girls laffed at him...He didn't wear them again without speedos underneath LOL...So any men reading this take note...Please please wear trunks or shorts that stay decent and cover your bits up when wet...If you really feel the need to show them off to all and sundry then go find a nudist beach or pool and go naked LOL...And here endeth todays extremely shallow but i hope funny entry...Am off for a lie down to recover from my hot flushes i had at so much maleness <ggg>  Toodle pip xx

Wednesday 12 October 2005

Rain rain go away

Rain Rain go away and stay away somewhere else LOL...Yesterday it poured with rain and was pretty miserable...Weathers the same today <sigh> It's been battering in the windows really badly during the night and keeping me awake :o(  Not wakened the boys though <phew>

The boys were at respite playscheme yesterday so i went to the gym and mooched about doing nowt...I really need to get my act in gear and do a mass clear up in the flat...By end of yesterday evening i was feeling yuk and i have a sore throat and feel bunged up...Looking out the window at the rain battering down doesn't help really LOL...Made a new baby card to send to online friends who had a baby boy on sunday :o) ..He's gorgeous we've been sent pics already...K has some lurgy thing too...She had to miss out on one of her classes because it was oral and she'd lost her voice...Another lecturer she bumped into told her to go to her bed LOL...Now she's downloaded AIM the boys can chat to her easily online so G was typing away to her last nite...Funny how he found it much easier to talk over the net than on the actual fone...She's supposed to be seeing about if they can have a webcam or a microphone or both...She did say before she went that apparently they crash the uni ethernet or they used to, so the uni was unhappy if students used them...If that's no longer the case then i'll buy webcams and microphones then we can use them to chat away to her...Much cheaper than using the fone LOL...BUT the webcam will be used to communicate with K and no-one else...Maybe it's just me but i find them a bit creepy and i'd want to have some slap on my face and my hair just right etc etc etc ROFL...Am not very confident as anyone who chats to me in a room can vouch for...Oh and i also put myself down all the time so i get told...I view it as telling the truth...I know am not as bad as i make out but am also fully aware of being missy plain jane who is very overweight...Not as overweight as i once was and i am determined that by this time next year i will be at my target...Said same this time last year but my faulty gall bladder got in the way LOL...Been brave and put a pic of me with all 3 taken just before K moved to uni above...Guess i should go do something constructive but am in one of them can't be bothered with anything moods...The boys are both playing games on PS2 and Game cube in their room and no Ready Steady Cook on tv <sob> G's headaches are less frequent now which is good :o)

K got someone to curl her hair yesterday to lift her lurgy (pic above) ...Am not sure about it but she said everyone there likes it...She also said that X liked it...So i got all mum like and asked who is X...A friend she said...Male or female i asked...Male i got told...Oh a *friend* i said...Got no reply LOLOLOL...I hope she does find a boyfriend...At school she got called ugly and fat!!!!...Now hey we all think our children are good looking etc but how anyone could call her fat or ugly is beyond me...So fresh new start at uni in a different city and am sure some young man will snap her up...I managed to get tickets for K & M to go see Rooster on the 22nd...I'm banned from going although i like them too...When M knew K wanted to see them and they weren't playing edinburgh he said he'd go with her...Then told me you can't come and don't think you can sneak in downstairs because we will see you ROFL...As she has fridays off she will come home on the fri and we will go north to stay with mum overnight and see everyone up there...Be easier than going early on the sat then coming home early in time for the gig...Tomorrow i may gut the kitchen and attempt to lay these lino tile things i bought...If anyone out there has some nice sunny weather then do send it up to us <ggg>   Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 10 October 2005


G got on okies at the doctors...He has a touch of impetigo round his nose so got cream and antibiotics...Doctor checked his eyes and his cheekbones/eye socket...G giggled because it was ticklish LOL...Dr said that sometimes a fracture in the area won't show up on an initial X ray but his bones were fine...No bleeding behind his eye etc...The headaches are post concussion headaches and can last up to 3 weeks...So just to take painkillers and see how it goes...I phoned K and she was in town with a bunch of people...Got the whole story about the power being capput...She'd fallen asleep with her lappy still switched on and connected <sigh> ...The fire alarm in her block went off at around 4am so she got up put on dressing gown, footwear, switched OFF lappy and trotted downstairs with everyone else...They got back in after a bit and low and behold it went off again...That time they got told to back in and put some proper clothing on then to go up to one of the main buildings...The fire alarm in her block kept going off every few mins...Scottish power were called out and promptly shut off the power in the campus as there was a big fault somewhere...It was fixed at some point today...So as classes were all cancelled her bunch went into city centre...They have been shopping for stuff for a party for K's 18th brithday this month...They are going to have a party in the student union and it's going to be a kiddies party LOL...With proper kiddies party games like pass the parcel...Kiddy party food etc LOL

Finally tonite i went to weightwatchers as i do on a mon...Was our usual leader and she was adament to one of the clerks that the scales were right last week...Were they heck this week there was HUGE weight losses...Now i do weigh myself at home before i go along...Last week my own scales said i had put about 2lbs on...This week going by what they said last week mine said i lost about 3 n half lbs...My scales are usually round about similar to what they are at the meetings...If you remember last week i had apparently put ON 8lbs...Well this week i LOST 10 n half lbs LOL...I do NOT feel like i have lost all that and i certainly haven't gone down a whole dress size like i would have if that was how much i actually lost in one week...I think by the end of tonights weigh-in our usual leader was of the mind that last weeks was definitely wrong LOL...We got given a piece of paper and had to write down what we thought we could achieve by christmas...Then it was put in a sealed envelope to open at the last meeting before christmas...I will tell you all what i put and that was to lose another stone before christmas...I would like to lose more than another stone by then but will have to see what transpires......Toodle pip xx

bargains and odds n ends

Yesterday the boys were both at the funlympics thing from 2-7pm so i had a few hours on my own :o) ...I was going to go to the gym then phone my best mate see if she was busy...She phoned just as i was about to leave the boys so i never did get to the gym LOL...I met her in TKMaxx where she was looking for odds and ends for her new house...Ended up with her buying a pair of shoes for her baby daughter and me spending £40 on stuff ROFL...I got 2 cool lampshades for my hall that were £45 down to £9.99...An etched glass wallclock for a tenner...Also i bought some fancy bowls that Nat liked so i got her them as a house warming pressie...Her 2 year old lad can now say my name which is cool...He says it then sticks his tongue out at me ROFL...Her 1 year old daughter is now confidently walking everywhere :o) and still loves the old rocking horse i put over a few weeks back...Am pleased someone is getting some use out of it and once they are too old i'll get it back and if i get grandkids then they will have it...Put pics on here with permission from my friend...Ain't they both just so cute and he's so cheeky looking <ggg> ...Don't want any of them for a while yet as am too young and K needs to get her degree then hopefully travel and do something with it...When i went to pick up the boys it was so windy...They were at a place down the beach and i could barely open the car door to get out because of the wind...Not been so windy here for a long time...The boys had a great time and M enjoyed the disco after although G didn't...He's a good dancer but it just isn't his thing...M looked so smart in his new black shirt and new silver tie...Will have to take a pic sometime...K downloaded AIM on sat so it's easier for me to chat to her online now...I can just send her a normal AOL im instead of having to use the MSN thingy.

The boys are now on 2 weeks of october hols so long lie today YIPPEE!!!!...Well i say long lie i set the alarm so i could phone the GP...I got through first time MIRACLE!!!!...So we're off to the docs for after 4 this afternoon...He's still getting headaches so i just want him checked out...Had a text from K saying no classes today as the fire alarm in her halls is capput and the entire campus electric system is capput...Maybe that's why her oven isn't working properly!!!!...Had a text from my older sis yesterday...She sends texts nowinstead of postcards LOL...Mainly because postcards never seem to arrive :o( ...Her and her hubby and a couple they are friends with are all in america on a really cool holiday...A few days in Las Vegas, drive down to arizona to a ranch, a few days on the ranch, couple of nights in phoenix then a few days in New York, then home...My sis and her friend were keeping it a secret from the blokes...My bro in law knew he was going to Las Vegas but none of the rest...Sis and her friend had been trying to fit in some riding lessons before they went but didn't manage too many...I can't wait to see all the pics especially of my bro in law on a horse <ggg>

Got weightwatchers tonite and according to MY scales i have lost weight...Will be interesting to see what the leaders scales say this week...After last week i reckon there are going to be a heck of a lot of us losing loads so fingers crossed...Have seen a macro book today and one of the MP3 players i was looking at but decided was too expensive is £50 cheaper this month there...Even with VAT added on i may just go for that one...Next stop get my friend with the macro card to go up there with me <gg> Bit miffed as it's been so windy today i could have hung out loads of washing to dry but i was scared to as the sky is horrible looking...The heavens haven't opened yet but all day it's looked like they could at any second...Off to catch up on some stuff before the docs......Toodle pip xx

Saturday 8 October 2005


Had to giggle at what K has on her MSN tag thingy...And asked her how she did it...Says on her tag it took her 2 weeks but she finally locked herself out...LOLOL...She had gone for a shower and left her keys in her room...Now their room doors automatically lock behind you when you shut the door...So after she had her shower she found herself with a towel and a dressing gown and no keys LOL...Someone else on her floor went to find the warden and ended up going to the main uni reception to get someone to let her into her room...She's laffin about it though and saying she's not the first and she won't be the last

Done not a lot today...Took the boys to their fun club and then came home and watched some of porridge being shown on UKTVgold...They had a ronnie barker tribute day :o) ...Deposited far too many cans and plastic bottles at the recycling place...I have lots of paper to sort out and take round too...Think i will invest in a shredder this week as i have so many old bills that i really need to clear some out...The police apparently have found some gang or other rooting through bins to find peoples personal details here now <sigh> ...Still no idea what MP3 player to buy K but i've decided a 20gb one is far too big...She doesn't have that much music LOL...As long as it isn't PINK i know i'll be safe

Watched the X factor tonite and nattered to K online...She's not going out tonite as she's a bit tired...No wonder was 6am before she got in last nite LOL...Gonna go quiz or something for a bit so toodle pip xx 

Friday 7 October 2005


Forgot to say in previous entry that the harbour is where i learnt to swim when i was 3 and again the next summer when i was 4...All us kids used to go down there to swim in the summer months...Was known for us to even go swimming there in march if it was warm...We loved jumping or diving off the pier and generally just messing around in the water...We used to laff at the tourists running for cover if there was any drops of rain...The rain made the water warmer so we just carried on :o) ...I also learnt to canoe over by the beach and to waterski in the bay...Sadly over the years i still haven't managed to see the dolphin pod that swims up there :o(

So it's friday and i had my checkup at hospital this morning...That was over and done with in like 2 minutes!!!!...I got asked how i was feeling and i said fine...Then got told the pathology report found nothing untoward in my offensive gall bladder they removed...First i knew they had put it away for tests LOL...And that was it <sheesh> they could have told me over the phone duh...Went to the gym before hospital then had to go get G from school as i had a call saying he was unwell again!!!...Since his injury on monday he's had lots of headaches :o( If he's not any better over the weekend then i will phone the GP on mon get an appointment...Am not phoning NHS24 as they are a waste of space...As an inquiry up here is currently finding :o( ...Yesterday i did not a lot as i had a headache myself apart from going to visit a friend for a coffee...Oh and M had his last athletics night before the hols.

K didn't get her night out on wed...Her and one of the lads had to get the late night bus back to uni as they were asked for ID everywhere they went...Neither of them are 18 yet...She's a bit miffed as she doesn't drink but it's only until end of the month...She's found she can cook!!!! and is happily surprised by this LOL...Today she is in glasgow at some launch thing of a national youth awards scheme...Have no idea if it will be on TV or the papers...She's there through the youth parliament and she's hoping there will beno MSP's at it or if there is better be one she likes <ggg>

I bought knee high boots that have buckles up the side for myself this afternoon as i found out they were in a sale :o) ...Got M his new shirt and G a new top for disco on sunday after the funlympics thing...So treats for us to make up for missing K still...That's about it will leave you with a joke G heard at school that he giggled loads at...It's taken him a long time to understand jokes properly so bear with me as it's as old as the hills (bit like me) Toodle pip xx

Two television arials fell in love and decided to get married...The ceremony was nothing special but the reception was great <ggg>

Where i grew up :o)

Reading a friends journal she found where she grew up on wikipedia and challenged her readers to find their own hometowns...So i did and thought i'd do an entry on here about it LOL...I didn't find out anything that i didn't already know but it is a beautiful village on the north east coast of scotland...What it is most famous for would be Cullen Skink soup and it's ice cream <yum>

The heart of Robert the Bruce is supposed to be buried in the Old Kirk...The earliest parts of the kirk date from 11th century...It's also the oldest pre-reformation church in scotland still used as a church today...The reason it survived the reformation is because the Earl of Seafield at that time used it as a stable for his horses...The kirk has been added to over the years...I used to go and do rubbings of the gravestones around it when i was a child...When i was small we used to go to sunday school after the service and walk home through the *grounds*...The grounds being all the trees etc which are very extensive and are private now...They are only open at specific times and days of the week and have been for quite a few years...The church is not within the village but slightly more inland...Next to it is what was  Cullen House...This is a huge old building that was sold by the current earl many years ago and turned into flats and houses...Not knocked down like but renovated and divided up inside...As with most of the aristocracy he couldn't afford the upkeep...When they were renovating and converting it they found an old 16th century painted ceiling that had been *missing* for years...Sadly it was destroyed in a huge fire that happened during the renovation...Also beside the kirk is what we all call the white house or dowager (spelling???) house...That is where the earl lives now but had originally been built for one of past earls mothers...When i was very young the current earls son used to go to my primary school...He would invite some of us down for tea and i always remember moaning to my mum i was hungry when i got home...We got served jam sandwiches and biscuits for tea LOL...I remember well that me and one of the other girls got invited more often than the others...Mainly because all 3 of us were fascinated by the space race that was on at the time...I loved going there to play because instead of a playhouse he had lunar module playhouse type thing and spacesuits to dress up in LOLOL...Am so glad there are no pics of me from then doing that...Mind you if i had the millions needed i would go be a space tourist on the ISS...See am weird and admit it <ggg> Before holidays abroad became easy to do and popular my village was full of glaswegians at glasgow fair time (2 week trades fortnight)...We also had lots of tourist every summer from all over scotland...Down on the beach there are the 3 kings rocks...The tale goes that underneath each of them is buried a viking king who all died at a big battle just outside cullen...Anyways i could write about the place for ages so here's a couple of links instead :o)

Wednesday 5 October 2005

Wed musings

First in explanation to anyone who doesn't know the SQA is the Scottish Qualifications Authority...We only have the one examination awards body here in scotland...Makes life a bit easier i reckon from reading and hearing on news stuff about mix ups etc with exams in england...At least there is only one body to blame and investigate for any hassles up here...An IEP in the UK is an Individualised Educational Programme...They have different targets to attain and once they have attained them then they get set higher targets...Most who have special needs have both a Record of Needs (scotland), Statement of Needs (england) and an IEP...The IEP is done by the school to help them achieve to the best of their abilities...It also has his likes and dislikes on it...M's has on it that he is terrified of dogs & cats...That he needs routine and dislikes unexpected changes...Special aptitudes has under it computer work...It has a list of all therapists/psychologists and other outside agencies involved...Basically it is like a history of him so everyone knows what is needed, who to contact as well as how to teach him in way that he needs because of his autism.

M is off with a sore throat today and wasn't best impressed when i dragged him to RGU open day with me LOL...Taking him meant i managed to get a disabled parking bay and i didn't want to leave him home alone for the length of time it would take me by bus...It was very busy there so he was quite angsty but he liked the buildings LOL...We weren't there for long actually and i still have to email someone to find out details about financial help <sigh> ...As my degree is not relevant to the course i need to apply as soon as possible to be considered...The man i spoke to did say that RGU are very interested in any previous experience that is relevant regardless of how old the applicant is...So K would have had her personal experience as a young carer taken into consideration by them if she had applied to there...From talking to them i am quite hopeful as they seem to think that the 13 years i have been dealing with autism far outweighs my degree...Also getting a job after graduation is almost 100%...Told them tell me about it i have been without a named social worker for a year n half now and am desperate for one...I know i can get the student loan, a grant as i am a single parent (only grant still available here) and they did say they have bursarys...It's this bit i need to email the person who wasn't there today about...Now i need to find 2 referees for my UCAS application LOL...Wonder who i can bribe to give me a glowing report <ggg> ...My previous named social worker was the one who told me i should go for this...It would be nice to have a job and one that i can use my knowledge on...One where i can help families who have been in my position and where they can expect a sympathetic ear...I have been extremely lucky i have only had one social worker who was usless, unsympathetic and quite frankly downright rude...I do know lots of people both offline and online who have not been so lucky :o( ...Anyways fingers crossed i can make head nor tale of the application form, find referees and also do a decent personal profile of myself to go with it LOL.

Was talking to K online last night and i was really amused by what she had as sign on name thing on the messaging thingy...Said along the line of this: If she was alive in the morning it would be miracle as she had cooked <ggg> ...She had cooked pasta with mince and sweetcorn not just for herself but 2 of the lads as well...Next time they are going to go for something more diffuclt...She said her cooker oven is a slower than slow...30 mins to cook a 12 min pizza!!!!...Told her to talk to the warden but apparently everyone's is the same...At least she is trying to cook and not just crap stuff...Still feels very strange talking to her on here instead of face to face...Speaking of cooking i better go see what i can make for tea...Something with very few points in it that will fill me up LOL.....Toodle pip xx

Tuesday 4 October 2005

Parents nite

Had parents nite for M this evening...Am really pleased he is doing really well...Spoke to his class teacher who gave me his updated IEP...He should be able to reach the targets on it easily enough...Well one might be a tad hard for him but he has to try...Spoke to his music teacher...He's doing SQA access music this year and he's doing really well there too...At the moment he is learning to play the drums...He's been warned already no drum kit in the flat...Don't think the neighbours would appreciate that and we have no room for a full size kit LOL...He may get to play drums as part of the christmas show <fingers crossed> ...His music teacher still says he has a good sense of rhythm and is so quick at picking up a tune :o) ...He's always had an affinity with music...He can learn the words to a song he likes after only hearing the song once!!!...If he doesn't know them all then he does hum the tune of the bits he doesn't know perfectly...An old friend who used to teach K guitar always said he was jealous of how M managed to have that knack...He's also doing SQA access PE and is doing really well in it too...After the october holidays they are going to do curling at the new curling rink that has opened here...It's not far from the school so they will get lots of time on the rink...The Queen came and officially opened it today...Some of the ladies world curling champions and one of the ladies olympic champions come from here...After christmas they will be going to the ski centre to learn to ski or snowboard...His PE teacher said he had improved lots over the last year and that she's chuffed to see him doing a lot of sport outwith school :o) ...She also said he can swim 2 lengths of the 25m pool they go to with confidence and no stops except to change ends :o) ...Am really pleased at how well he is getting on.

The woman in charge of disability sports here phoned this morning to see how G was after yesterday...Told her he was fine with a bit of a black eye...Told her how long we had to wait at A&E...It was a mon evening you wouldn't think it would be that busy...She said she thought M would do well at curling and she's been getting good reports about him from athletics :o) ...Both the boys are going to these funlympics day on sun...They have games for a couple of hours then they have a disco after...Both boys want new tops to wear to the disco LOL...Thank goodness for Primark, i live in that shop i tell you <ggg> ...She also told me about a couple of other sport things on during the holidays the boys may like...Also as G loves swimming so much she told me about a swimming club that is for kids with disabilities...Asked him if he'd like to try it now he's finished the snowboarding and skiing...He said maybe LOL...He does want to go back to skiing just he wants a break for a while and just to go on his own and mess about.

Did all my weights workout today and then did 36 lengths of the pool...Going again tomorrow and going to spend longer on the cardio stuff and lots of lengths of the pool...Am writing everything down i have eaten and will take it along next week to the class grrrrrr...Spoke to K online via windows messenger thing again tonight...She's COOKED lololol...Not only for herself but for 2 of the lads she's made friends with...It was only pasta with mince and sweetcorn but it's a start...She doesn't like cooked tomato so she'll just have mixed the pasta into the mince & gravy...She did say the oven in their cooker is rubbish...30 mins to cook a 12 minute pizza!!!!...Told her to talk to the warden but they're all slow apparently...We'll find out if her cooking is okies tomorrow if she's online and alive <ggg>

I watched the Ronnie Barker tribute on bbc1 earlier :o(  G said he had been watching the forkhandles sketch in school and he laffed so much at it he had sore sides...See doesn't matter what age someone is Ronnie Barker was an incredibly gifted man who could make you laugh until your sides were splitting...Better go and get some beauty sleep as i am going to one of the local uni open days tomorrow after the gym...Shame my niece is off tomorrow or i'd have met up with her...I better dress studenty and not mumsie so i don't stand out from all the schoolkids too much <ggg>  Toodle pip and tc xx

A&E and tues bits

Wasn't happy with WW last night...It was a stand in leader and everyone there swore her scales were WRONG to say the least...Only 5 people out of a class of around 40 lost any weight...Those who put on weight we're not talking the odd pound we're talking heaps...I took one look at what her scales said and told her no way have i put on that much in a week...If i had put on 8lbs in the past week my jeans wouldn't zip up duh!!!...My own scales said i had put on about 2lbs...I knew i had so that didn't bother me but EIGHT no way...She did agree there was soemthing strange as not everyone could have put on between 5 and 9 lbs in the week...She also said her scales were fine and had just been callibrated by an engineer...hmmmmm...Think next week back to usual leader there are going to be some big weight losses...So every single morsel that goes over my throat is being counted this week and shown if needs be to the leader LOL...Going out to the gym soon too and will do every day cept fri...Got my checkup at hospital on fri and G's yearly school medical.

When i went to pick the boys up from footie training G had just been injured in a clash of heads with M...Why couldn't it have been someone else as that got them fighting <sigh> ...Upshot was one of the coaches went got an icepack to put on his eye as it was swelling up just under at top of his cheekbone...Then i gathered their stuff up, bundled them both in the car to take A&E...Despite explaining they were both on autistic spectrum we had to wait an hour to be seen by the ONE triage nurse on duty for assessment...Then we had to wait over an hour to be seen by a doctor...Doctor decided to get his eye socket/cheekbone x-rayed...Only had to wait about 10 mins for that...Then we had to wait about half an hour for doctor to say nothing broken and you can go home...We were there for THREE hours and that was supposed to be quick because of the boys ASD!!!!!...G had to take his inhaler a few times as he was getting in a panic about waiting around...M got so fidgety everyone was staring...The previous twice i've had G up to A&E recently he has been queue jumped because of his aspergers...Obviously not jumped in front of anyone with something mega serious but jumped in front of people similar waiting...Wish he could still go to the kids bit instead of adults...Maybe last nite they just didn't have anyone on who knew about ASD.

Spoke to K online when we got home...She's got her timetable and has all day wednesday and fridays off...Lucky for some like LOL...Does mean if she's coming home she can have a longer weekend though :o) ...Tues i think is only day she starts at 9.15am the other 2 she starts at 10.15am...Mind you on the days she does have classes she has some that start at 5.15pm...She enjoyed her first day of classes yesterday so hoping that continues...Was nice to speak to her on here but it felt weird and i felt a wee bit like crying...Sad to here Ronnie Barker has died i loved the Two Ronnies and Open All Hours when i was young...Better go get myself to the gym...Toodle pip xx

Monday 3 October 2005

Stupid bank grrrrrrrrr

Well i went down to the bank to pay in money to cover the DD that come off that particular account today...They had the cheek to return the DD i paid on friday and charge me £35 for the pleasure grrrrrr...Now the person i spoke to on fri was from my old branch that had been closed back in january...She assured me she had it all sorted and that DD would be paid etc etc...So i was really angry and the poor woman i spoke to had to go get someone else...The money got returned to my account and apparently BT will request the DD again this week <sigh> ...All my money is paid into a different bank completely and i only pay in money to cover the DD that still come out of this one...I pay on the day as i refuse to let them be getting interest on any money i have in there...I would change them all to my other bank but i don't know how to contact some of them...They were set up to pay off debts i got left with when my ex walked out <sigh>

I've found how to make sure my font is working as it should on here now...When i added an entry last night i forgot to put a header on it...So i went to edit the entry and i thought sod this am going to change it to comic sans again see if it shows...Hey presto 2nd time of entering it comic sans is on view LOL.

When i was in the bank i was watching News 24 whilst waiting...They have the subtitles on and according to News 24 Andy Murray is going to be the next big ENGLISH tennis player...Hmmmmmm he's SCOTTISH from Dunblane i think why don't they just call him British duh!!!!...Gripe over LOL...G has come home from school stressed because the fire alarm went off in his last class of the day...He's still shaky from it as he hates the noise...Footie training later and i had to buy M a new tracksuit...The jacket is red so he's really chuffed...With doing PE twice a week, footie training on a mon and athletics on a thurs now he really needs 2 tracksuits.

I spoke to K on MSN last night and she was downloading windows updates and updating her AV proggy...She had no idea where she had to be this morning as the languages timetable is a right muddle...Told her to just get herself over to the languages building first thing and then ask for help...Do hope she has got it all sortd out today...From the timetable 4 of her classes are on at the same time and 2 of them are in the same room!!!!...Got weightwatchers whilst the boys are at footie and i know i have put on weight this week <shrug> It will drop off again once am back into a routine...Boys start 2 weeks oct hols at end of this week it doesn't seem that long since they started back after summer but it's 7 weeks...Doesn't feel like 7 weeks since i had my op but it will be on fri...I must be getting old time is flying past too quick.....Toodle pip xx

Sunday 2 October 2005

Flying Fox pics and todays bits n bobs

That's M at the top of the flying fox tower being checked that everything is right for going across...2nd pic is of M on the thing...Am just glad no-one else had a camera on them except for me <ggg>

So today the boys were at respite and i came home and went back to bed...I was shattered after yesterday...My side has been okies although it has been giving me a few niggles...But hey i proved i wasn't a woose :o) ...G didn't go out anywhere with respite but M did...They went to Sarosphere which is a science type place for kids up here...M really enjoyed himself as he does like visiting there...After the boys came home we went down to asda and i dropped off the cameras for developing...The boys didn't want to wait so we came home...Tidied up a little bit and i went back out shopping to asda...I didn't have my foldup boxes with me the first time so i did need them anyways...I use the fold up crates to pack my shopping in...Makes it far easier to take up the stairs to the flat and means i don't have heaps of plastic carrier bags either...So enviromentally friendly as well as easier :o) ...Finally bought 3 tier trolley thing in asda for using to recycle...Told the boys that the blue section is for cans, red for plastic bottles and yellow for paper...Put it under the breakfast bar in kitchen...As G has the doctors soon for his flu injection then am going to save my magazines to take there...Usually K reads them then hands them on to her friend so i need to find somewhere new to put them...Just watching the tennis with Andy Murray...Shame he lost in his 1st ATP tour final but it was against Federer...I do think he will be a huge star in the future in tennis and he's SCOTTISH to boot so woohoo <ggg> Off to pack the boys PE kits and have a coffee...Glad everyone enjoyed the pics......Toodle pip xx

Uni pics

Pic of her room desk/bookshelves...She's on the top floor and the arched windows are bedrooms...The square ones on the top far right are the kitchen windows...Pic of the terrible trio outside the halls...I thought i took from other angle showing the bed area but if i did it didn't turn out LOL

Assorted wild animals

Loads of pics of assorted wild animals at Blair Drummond including the boys <ggg>

Footie pics

Here's pics of G & M taken before their matches

Saturday 1 October 2005

Flying fox and assorted wild animals <ggg>

We got up later than i wanted but we still got to M's school in plenty time to leave...We all set off happy and excited and it was a lovely sunny morning...No crashes on way down this time LOL...We made good time and it was still lovely, warm and sunny down at Blair Drummond...Blaird Drummond Safari park is near Stirling...The last time i was there i was somewhere between 7 & 9 LOL...Found out today we must have gone there not many years after it opened...Firstly we drove round the wild animal enclosures in the bus...We had to stop a few times for some of them to cross the road :o) ...There was rhinos, lions, emus, ostriches, camels of both types, loads of deer type things, bisons, giraffes, zebras, elephants and erm loads more i can't remember...Once we had driven slowly round then we stopped for everyone to get off...G told everyone sat beside us about his last visit there back in june...One of the lions decided to chase a car driving through then sprung up on to the car roof and promptly fell asleep...Wouldn't have fancied being inside that car i can tell you...Scary!!!...We didn't have any of the animals chase us today :o)

Once we stopped and got off the bus we had our packed lunches and divided up to go do our own thing...G and M and a couple of the other boys went and played on this huge massive 3 level wooden maze thing...A few of the workers and parents just let them all run off steam playing there...After that we wandered up the road towards the boating area...We passed by the zebra and giraffe enclosures...There was a platform that we walked up on to get closer to the giraffes...Boy are they tall even the baby one was huge...Bit of useless info here...Did you know a giraffe has the same amount of bones in it's neck as a human???  Well they do they just happen to be a bit bigger LOL...Then we walked past the elephant bit and i stayed well clear...When i was 11 we went on holiday to edinburgh and went to the zoo for the day...The elephant there at the time stuck it's trunk out and pinched my bag out of my hand...It then proceeded to eat it and everything in it...Two weeks after that there was an article in the Sunday Post newspaper about this particular elephant doing this to people...Anyway i digress back to today.

We got to the boats and the pond area was divided into two sections...There was boat trips to chimpanzee island and paddle boats...So first we went on the trip to see the chimps...We were lucky as they didn't throw anything at us LOL...We did get warned they often do that and had at a previous group...Then everyone who was with us all went on the paddle boats except me...I looked after all the bags and jackets...Ok so i wimped out but i didn't think it would be good to paddle a boat considering the op i recently had...Then after they finished on there M and one fo the boys ran towards the *flying fox*...You've guessed not an animal but one of those zip slide things LOL...You picked up the seat thing that hangs on the wire and climbed up this tower then zipped across the boating area...Now i am so severely acrophobic i struggle to change light bulbs...And being sensible and NOT paddling a boat i should have given it a miss...G was wimping out and he normally loves that type of thing so i said i'll go and then you go to...So quaking in my trainers i climbed up and shook like a leaf at the top...Kept telling myself don't look down LOL...Now there's the roller bit that goes on the zip wire with a metal bit hanging down with a silly wee seat to sit on...Not the best for someone as shaking as i was...Let it take my weight and off i went screaming my head off LOL...Me and the other adults thought it would slow as you approached the other side...WRONG...We had to bend our knees up to crash into a target on a mat at other side...Hope i ain't damaged anything inside ROFL...G then went on twice and M went on 3 times LOL.

Went back to the main buildings after that for the Sea Lion show but M gave that a miss...We went and found a bench to sit on near the Tigers...M sat and had a drink and i went to look at them as close as possible...I adore Tigers i think they are THE most beautiful animal on this planet...They have 2 siberian tigers which are the largest of the big cats you can get...More trivia...Did you know a tigers stripes are like our fingerprints and unique to every one...You do now :o) ...M and me then went and looked at the penguins, then the bears...Then we went back and he went on some of the funfair type rides...I went into the shop and was peeved they didn't have a Tiger T-shirt left in adult size...I did buy four dragon fridge magnets though :o) ...Am thinking i will get a magnetic noticeboard and hang them with the other 2 i have on there and put them up in my living room...I don't have the others on my fridge as i don't want them getting knocked off and broken...The show was over by this time and it was time to get back on the bus and leave :o( ...We all had a really enjoyable day and i spent most of the journey home fast asleep LOL...I took loads and loads of pics and hopefully some will turn out fine...Will get them developed tomorrow and put them on here.

We missed first bit of X factor tonite but am watching 2nd part now so going to go...Toodle pip tc xx