Monday 10 October 2005

bargains and odds n ends

Yesterday the boys were both at the funlympics thing from 2-7pm so i had a few hours on my own :o) ...I was going to go to the gym then phone my best mate see if she was busy...She phoned just as i was about to leave the boys so i never did get to the gym LOL...I met her in TKMaxx where she was looking for odds and ends for her new house...Ended up with her buying a pair of shoes for her baby daughter and me spending £40 on stuff ROFL...I got 2 cool lampshades for my hall that were £45 down to £9.99...An etched glass wallclock for a tenner...Also i bought some fancy bowls that Nat liked so i got her them as a house warming pressie...Her 2 year old lad can now say my name which is cool...He says it then sticks his tongue out at me ROFL...Her 1 year old daughter is now confidently walking everywhere :o) and still loves the old rocking horse i put over a few weeks back...Am pleased someone is getting some use out of it and once they are too old i'll get it back and if i get grandkids then they will have it...Put pics on here with permission from my friend...Ain't they both just so cute and he's so cheeky looking <ggg> ...Don't want any of them for a while yet as am too young and K needs to get her degree then hopefully travel and do something with it...When i went to pick up the boys it was so windy...They were at a place down the beach and i could barely open the car door to get out because of the wind...Not been so windy here for a long time...The boys had a great time and M enjoyed the disco after although G didn't...He's a good dancer but it just isn't his thing...M looked so smart in his new black shirt and new silver tie...Will have to take a pic sometime...K downloaded AIM on sat so it's easier for me to chat to her online now...I can just send her a normal AOL im instead of having to use the MSN thingy.

The boys are now on 2 weeks of october hols so long lie today YIPPEE!!!!...Well i say long lie i set the alarm so i could phone the GP...I got through first time MIRACLE!!!!...So we're off to the docs for after 4 this afternoon...He's still getting headaches so i just want him checked out...Had a text from K saying no classes today as the fire alarm in her halls is capput and the entire campus electric system is capput...Maybe that's why her oven isn't working properly!!!!...Had a text from my older sis yesterday...She sends texts nowinstead of postcards LOL...Mainly because postcards never seem to arrive :o( ...Her and her hubby and a couple they are friends with are all in america on a really cool holiday...A few days in Las Vegas, drive down to arizona to a ranch, a few days on the ranch, couple of nights in phoenix then a few days in New York, then home...My sis and her friend were keeping it a secret from the blokes...My bro in law knew he was going to Las Vegas but none of the rest...Sis and her friend had been trying to fit in some riding lessons before they went but didn't manage too many...I can't wait to see all the pics especially of my bro in law on a horse <ggg>

Got weightwatchers tonite and according to MY scales i have lost weight...Will be interesting to see what the leaders scales say this week...After last week i reckon there are going to be a heck of a lot of us losing loads so fingers crossed...Have seen a macro book today and one of the MP3 players i was looking at but decided was too expensive is £50 cheaper this month there...Even with VAT added on i may just go for that one...Next stop get my friend with the macro card to go up there with me <gg> Bit miffed as it's been so windy today i could have hung out loads of washing to dry but i was scared to as the sky is horrible looking...The heavens haven't opened yet but all day it's looked like they could at any second...Off to catch up on some stuff before the docs......Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Great pics, hope all goes ok this afternoon :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got some great bargains.  Been glorious sunshine here today and i sat out in the garden all afternoon chillin' !  Looking a little doubtful now i have put the washing out.  Hope you get on ok at the docs and WW.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

The kids are lovely - thank your friend for sharing the pics :-)  Hope K is alright at uni.  Fancy the power being off in the entire campus.  Sounds like a great hol your sister and brother-in-law is on!!