Thursday 27 October 2005

Gig pics and some memories

Some pics K just sent of the Rooster gig on sat nite...They look miles away from the stage although they weren't...Her camera doesn't have a zoom on it...Doesn't M look smart in his new black shirt :o) I think he looks older than his 14 years too but he's always looked *old* ...My baby boy is too grown up now it doesn't seem that long ago since he was tiny...Even though they are now 14, 15 and 18 on monday they don't make me feel old...My oldest nephew being 25 DOES make me feel old LOL...I was only 17 when he was born and remember that time vividly...The bus driver of our school bus asked if i'd had a baby over the school holidays LOL...Told him to get lost it was my nephew that they had seen me pushing in his pram everywhere...My sister had one of the proper big prams for him and then his sister...I never had one for my 3 as it was more difficult to have one in the city living in a flat...It's not the same having one of the small 3 in 1 buggies really...Just something about a proper silvercross pram seems more babylike...I loved pushing him about for long walks in our village...They lived with us at the time as my sister and brother in law had sold their house in neighbouring village...So my job was to take him out for walks and pamper and spoil him rotten :o)

Anyway that memory leads me nicely onto the following...Jeannette (jeannette's jottings) wrote about one of her earliest memories today...She asked what ones we had and i did leave one on her comments bit but will write some very vivid ones i have here.

My first ever memory is from when i was 2 back in 1965...My parents had bought this huge house in street next to where we lived...I have no memory of the old house at all btw...I clearly remember one of my uncles carrying me in his arms down the lane to our new house...I remember thinking how much room there was to play in this new place too :o) ...Years ago i used to think that no way was this a true memory but my mum has confirmed in the past that yes i was carried round by one of my uncles...Which one i cannot remember though...My next clear memory is of my grandad dying...Well not precisely that but when he died...I was 3 and it was my dads dad...Dads mum had died before i was born so i never knew her :o(  Apparently i adored this grandad and was always sat on his knee when we visited him...What i remember is going over there after he died and looking at him in his coffin...Bit morbid i know but it would be something that would stick out clearly...When i was 4 is the first holiday i remember...We went to butlins in ayr and my mum was pregnant with my younger sister...I distinctly remember being served up this bright green disgusting looking soup...Yes it was pea soup and it tasted vile and both me and mum were sick...Put me off the stuff for life LOL...I also remember throwing a tantrum at the swimming pool as i had to go in the baby pool because of my age...Being a decent enuff swimmer even at that age i was extremely miffed, i wanted to go in the big pool with my older sis and bro...When i was 5 we had a grainy black and white telly and we watched apollo 11 landing on the moon...Growing up at such a young age during the space race it fascinated me and still does...If i had the millions needed in the bank i can assure you i would go be one of those space tourists...See am mad but you already know that...So those are my important memories of the 60's :o)  Writing this also reminds me of my granny dying...That was in 1975 and it was this time of year...She had been ill for quite a while and my mum had left her to come home for half an hour to do my make up for a halloween party...The phone went midway through and mum went to answer it...She came back looking strange but i was too excited about the party to ask what was up...When i got back from the party i got told my granny had died whilst mum was back tending to me...I felt really guilty for ages after and still do kinda till this day...M was born on same day as would have been my grannys birthday and K was born on halloween...Maybe that was grannys doing who knows...I know i am extremely lucky in that most of my childhood memories are very happy ones although 2 i mentioned were of death...I may write some more about others another day as it seems jeanette had opened a floodgate of them in my head now...Am just so glad i don't have any pics to back them up LOL...Fashion in the 70's was dodgy to say the least <ggg>  Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.
You are so young!!!
When I was born we had a King!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your memories. I can imagine that seeing someone in a coffin at that age would stick in your memory. I cannot remember as far back as you, only one memory from when I was three. Lots of it I have blocked out, lots of it I needed to block out although it leaks through sometimes. I had a silver cross pram for Becky and Nathan has been in it because we kept it and they use if here for dozing in. Well, not Nathan any more because he is too tall to fit.

Anonymous said...

Silver cross prams gawd!!! they stick in my mind.  No5 is a beautiful photo Caff. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

I had a lovely couch built pram too ,what memories you have been reliveing and sad ones too,HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER           Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your memories - it's funny what we remember and the details isn't it :-)