Tuesday 25 October 2005

Sniffly lurgy and bits n bobs

It's still miserable outside :o(  and i still feel yuk...My ears are all tingly and itchy inside so if they get worse i'll be off to the gp for some antibiotics...I can cope with any pain cept for earache...Even the gall bladder pain horrendous as it was is not as horrible as earache...Needless to say i have done nowt today cept sleep and stay in bed...Got a phonecall from andy and he can't take G to footie match tonite...He has this horrible, stinking cold/lurgy thing too...Don't think G will mind to be honest as the weather is so miserable.

M decided to give footie training a miss last night...He actually said he wanted to give it up...Think he has now changed his mind as a lot of people were sad he wasn't there yesterday...awwww...He wanted to watch Dr Who on UKTVGold...They are showing the whole series over the course of the week...He wants to learn how to be the doctor so he can get the part in the school show...His athletics training doesn't start back this week so now arguements on thurs <phew> I went and bought the new Robbie Williams album after i dropped G off at footie so am in good books again :o)  I didn't go to weightwatchers as i felt too yuk to go...Am not allowed to listen to robbies new album <sob> the toerag even took it to school so i couldn't listen whilst he was out ROFL

Bought another new book on sunday...It's the autobiography of Jane and Mike Tomlinson...I started it yesterday and can barely put it down...They both have so much courage in facing up to, coping with and dealing with her terminal cancer...I have had tears in my eyes reading some of it and would recommend it to anyone...It's called 'The Luxury of Time'...Going back now to read the rest......Toodle pip tc xx

Thanks to Sandra aka Labdancer for this tag...This is how i feel right now green and monstrous <ggg>


Anonymous said...

Blimey, it frightened the life out of me lolol.


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better very soon Caff, have lots of rest and hopefully you`ll be much better in the morning.   (((((hugs)))))

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Jane Tomlinson is one amazing woman, I must get that book.

Anonymous said...

Love the tag :-)  Monsters Inc is a cool film!!  Sorry to hear you didn't feel well - hopefully you are better now.......Aww bless people missin' M at footie!!