Wednesday 12 October 2005

Rain rain go away

Rain Rain go away and stay away somewhere else LOL...Yesterday it poured with rain and was pretty miserable...Weathers the same today <sigh> It's been battering in the windows really badly during the night and keeping me awake :o(  Not wakened the boys though <phew>

The boys were at respite playscheme yesterday so i went to the gym and mooched about doing nowt...I really need to get my act in gear and do a mass clear up in the flat...By end of yesterday evening i was feeling yuk and i have a sore throat and feel bunged up...Looking out the window at the rain battering down doesn't help really LOL...Made a new baby card to send to online friends who had a baby boy on sunday :o) ..He's gorgeous we've been sent pics already...K has some lurgy thing too...She had to miss out on one of her classes because it was oral and she'd lost her voice...Another lecturer she bumped into told her to go to her bed LOL...Now she's downloaded AIM the boys can chat to her easily online so G was typing away to her last nite...Funny how he found it much easier to talk over the net than on the actual fone...She's supposed to be seeing about if they can have a webcam or a microphone or both...She did say before she went that apparently they crash the uni ethernet or they used to, so the uni was unhappy if students used them...If that's no longer the case then i'll buy webcams and microphones then we can use them to chat away to her...Much cheaper than using the fone LOL...BUT the webcam will be used to communicate with K and no-one else...Maybe it's just me but i find them a bit creepy and i'd want to have some slap on my face and my hair just right etc etc etc ROFL...Am not very confident as anyone who chats to me in a room can vouch for...Oh and i also put myself down all the time so i get told...I view it as telling the truth...I know am not as bad as i make out but am also fully aware of being missy plain jane who is very overweight...Not as overweight as i once was and i am determined that by this time next year i will be at my target...Said same this time last year but my faulty gall bladder got in the way LOL...Been brave and put a pic of me with all 3 taken just before K moved to uni above...Guess i should go do something constructive but am in one of them can't be bothered with anything moods...The boys are both playing games on PS2 and Game cube in their room and no Ready Steady Cook on tv <sob> G's headaches are less frequent now which is good :o)

K got someone to curl her hair yesterday to lift her lurgy (pic above) ...Am not sure about it but she said everyone there likes it...She also said that X liked it...So i got all mum like and asked who is X...A friend she said...Male or female i asked...Male i got told...Oh a *friend* i said...Got no reply LOLOLOL...I hope she does find a boyfriend...At school she got called ugly and fat!!!!...Now hey we all think our children are good looking etc but how anyone could call her fat or ugly is beyond me...So fresh new start at uni in a different city and am sure some young man will snap her up...I managed to get tickets for K & M to go see Rooster on the 22nd...I'm banned from going although i like them too...When M knew K wanted to see them and they weren't playing edinburgh he said he'd go with her...Then told me you can't come and don't think you can sneak in downstairs because we will see you ROFL...As she has fridays off she will come home on the fri and we will go north to stay with mum overnight and see everyone up there...Be easier than going early on the sat then coming home early in time for the gig...Tomorrow i may gut the kitchen and attempt to lay these lino tile things i bought...If anyone out there has some nice sunny weather then do send it up to us <ggg>   Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

She certainly isn't ugly or fat, sometimes words can cut really deeply though. Hope she does find a fella, would be great for her confidence.

Anonymous said...

She is far from fat and ugly,shes lovely, I also loved your family picture,your a great Mum xx

Anonymous said...

Ugly and fat!!! no way..........maybe they'd been to specsavers :) she's so slim and very pretty.  Sorry you've got the dreaded bug, curl up on the sofa by a nice fire with a warm drink.  Take care. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

You have the lurgy too, sorry to hear that Caff.  I`ve had it and it`s  a right pain.  I hope you get over it soon.   Grotty weather arrived this afternoon with torrential rain that I`m told we need badly.  Still don`t like it though! :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Nice piccies :) , no way is she fat or ugly, others can be so cruel :(  Has been really warm here last 2 days but the rain has arrived now but hoping it clears by tomorrow as i have loads of washing to dry <sighs>

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

It's finally stopped raining down here so I haven't got any sunny weather for you.  I don't see the fascination for webcams either - great pics thanks for sharing them :-)  K looks lovely and those people at her school are just nasty!!

Anonymous said...

Awww Caff, that pic of you and your family is lovely. Thanks for sharing :))

Shaz xx