Monday 3 October 2005

Stupid bank grrrrrrrrr

Well i went down to the bank to pay in money to cover the DD that come off that particular account today...They had the cheek to return the DD i paid on friday and charge me £35 for the pleasure grrrrrr...Now the person i spoke to on fri was from my old branch that had been closed back in january...She assured me she had it all sorted and that DD would be paid etc etc...So i was really angry and the poor woman i spoke to had to go get someone else...The money got returned to my account and apparently BT will request the DD again this week <sigh> ...All my money is paid into a different bank completely and i only pay in money to cover the DD that still come out of this one...I pay on the day as i refuse to let them be getting interest on any money i have in there...I would change them all to my other bank but i don't know how to contact some of them...They were set up to pay off debts i got left with when my ex walked out <sigh>

I've found how to make sure my font is working as it should on here now...When i added an entry last night i forgot to put a header on it...So i went to edit the entry and i thought sod this am going to change it to comic sans again see if it shows...Hey presto 2nd time of entering it comic sans is on view LOL.

When i was in the bank i was watching News 24 whilst waiting...They have the subtitles on and according to News 24 Andy Murray is going to be the next big ENGLISH tennis player...Hmmmmmm he's SCOTTISH from Dunblane i think why don't they just call him British duh!!!!...Gripe over LOL...G has come home from school stressed because the fire alarm went off in his last class of the day...He's still shaky from it as he hates the noise...Footie training later and i had to buy M a new tracksuit...The jacket is red so he's really chuffed...With doing PE twice a week, footie training on a mon and athletics on a thurs now he really needs 2 tracksuits.

I spoke to K on MSN last night and she was downloading windows updates and updating her AV proggy...She had no idea where she had to be this morning as the languages timetable is a right muddle...Told her to just get herself over to the languages building first thing and then ask for help...Do hope she has got it all sortd out today...From the timetable 4 of her classes are on at the same time and 2 of them are in the same room!!!!...Got weightwatchers whilst the boys are at footie and i know i have put on weight this week <shrug> It will drop off again once am back into a routine...Boys start 2 weeks oct hols at end of this week it doesn't seem that long since they started back after summer but it's 7 weeks...Doesn't feel like 7 weeks since i had my op but it will be on fri...I must be getting old time is flying past too quick.....Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Why not move the DD?

Anonymous said...

You could close the account and then set up new DDs, some banks will even organise this for you.

Anonymous said...

When i worked at the bank, if someone wanted to open a new account and transfer their direct debits to us from another bank, we would sort it all out for them which took all the hassle away for the new customer.  I am talking about 14 years ago now since i worked there, so no idea whether it's changed or not.  Look into it, see if they would do it for you.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Hah banks...  We had trouble recently with our Mastercard.  The bank sent the money to another branch instead of Mastercard who tried to charge us interest on an outstanding bill that we had already paid.  It wa sorted out eventually but it took a while...very annoying.  I hope you get your DD problem sorted out.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

7 weeks ??  NO way!!  I hope K managed to sort out her classes :-)  I'm glad i've not had any probs with my bank sounds like a right pain!!