Tuesday 4 October 2005

Parents nite

Had parents nite for M this evening...Am really pleased he is doing really well...Spoke to his class teacher who gave me his updated IEP...He should be able to reach the targets on it easily enough...Well one might be a tad hard for him but he has to try...Spoke to his music teacher...He's doing SQA access music this year and he's doing really well there too...At the moment he is learning to play the drums...He's been warned already no drum kit in the flat...Don't think the neighbours would appreciate that and we have no room for a full size kit LOL...He may get to play drums as part of the christmas show <fingers crossed> ...His music teacher still says he has a good sense of rhythm and is so quick at picking up a tune :o) ...He's always had an affinity with music...He can learn the words to a song he likes after only hearing the song once!!!...If he doesn't know them all then he does hum the tune of the bits he doesn't know perfectly...An old friend who used to teach K guitar always said he was jealous of how M managed to have that knack...He's also doing SQA access PE and is doing really well in it too...After the october holidays they are going to do curling at the new curling rink that has opened here...It's not far from the school so they will get lots of time on the rink...The Queen came and officially opened it today...Some of the ladies world curling champions and one of the ladies olympic champions come from here...After christmas they will be going to the ski centre to learn to ski or snowboard...His PE teacher said he had improved lots over the last year and that she's chuffed to see him doing a lot of sport outwith school :o) ...She also said he can swim 2 lengths of the 25m pool they go to with confidence and no stops except to change ends :o) ...Am really pleased at how well he is getting on.

The woman in charge of disability sports here phoned this morning to see how G was after yesterday...Told her he was fine with a bit of a black eye...Told her how long we had to wait at A&E...It was a mon evening you wouldn't think it would be that busy...She said she thought M would do well at curling and she's been getting good reports about him from athletics :o) ...Both the boys are going to these funlympics day on sun...They have games for a couple of hours then they have a disco after...Both boys want new tops to wear to the disco LOL...Thank goodness for Primark, i live in that shop i tell you <ggg> ...She also told me about a couple of other sport things on during the holidays the boys may like...Also as G loves swimming so much she told me about a swimming club that is for kids with disabilities...Asked him if he'd like to try it now he's finished the snowboarding and skiing...He said maybe LOL...He does want to go back to skiing just he wants a break for a while and just to go on his own and mess about.

Did all my weights workout today and then did 36 lengths of the pool...Going again tomorrow and going to spend longer on the cardio stuff and lots of lengths of the pool...Am writing everything down i have eaten and will take it along next week to the class grrrrrr...Spoke to K online via windows messenger thing again tonight...She's COOKED lololol...Not only for herself but for 2 of the lads she's made friends with...It was only pasta with mince and sweetcorn but it's a start...She doesn't like cooked tomato so she'll just have mixed the pasta into the mince & gravy...She did say the oven in their cooker is rubbish...30 mins to cook a 12 minute pizza!!!!...Told her to talk to the warden but they're all slow apparently...We'll find out if her cooking is okies tomorrow if she's online and alive <ggg>

I watched the Ronnie Barker tribute on bbc1 earlier :o(  G said he had been watching the forkhandles sketch in school and he laffed so much at it he had sore sides...See doesn't matter what age someone is Ronnie Barker was an incredibly gifted man who could make you laugh until your sides were splitting...Better go and get some beauty sleep as i am going to one of the local uni open days tomorrow after the gym...Shame my niece is off tomorrow or i'd have met up with her...I better dress studenty and not mumsie so i don't stand out from all the schoolkids too much <ggg>  Toodle pip and tc xx


Anonymous said...

Iam so pleased M is doing well re his parents night,on reflection they all seem to be doing ok just now which is good,its me thats in trouble here!!.What does SQA &IEP stand for?That is amazing ,to hear a song once and then practically know the words,all that sport you must all be so fit .        JAN XX

Anonymous said...

Brilliant they are ALL doing so well :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about G Caff and the wait at the A and E, been there and done that, they're always busy. Hope he's ok today.  They're both doing great, smiling at a drum kit, I can rememeber my son using saucepans as one and a wooden spoon.........not good when you've a headache.

They acheive quite a lot, both of them, they're great lads. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they are all doing excellent through the reports you are getting :) Think K will keep up the cooking???

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about the good reports Caff.  Your boys do lead busy lives!  :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you got on ok at uni.  I have that talent for hearing a song once and singing along with it the next time.  It's really cool that M is doing well at school and learning the drums.  Wish I could play the drums LOL..........It's great they are both so athletic :-)