Thursday 13 October 2005

Bendy men and see through trunks <ggg>

Today the boys promised they would behave so i could go to the gym...So i went got changed into gym gear and have decided i need new stuff...The tracky bottoms i wore today are way too big now...Anyways i got changed and asked the boys if i could shop for food in Asda after...Got told yes and we'll behave...So off i went in trepidation of them being alive, uninjured, flat in once piece when i got home

So where does bendy men come into this i hear you ask...Well it's been quite a while since the *scenery* as i put it has been any good at my gym...Am still peeved that my instructor left LOL...On the treadmill next to me today was this youngish fella running away...Here's me fat lump next to him walking on the thing as i can't run...I noticed he did have a couple of rather nice tattoos LOL...Later when i was using the weight machines i just happened to notice he was doing some rather bendy exercises and thought how can anyone bend that way...Now is it just me or if a man is bending over backwards shouldn't he wear loser clothing????  His tracky bottoms were erm rather tight over his *bits*  Seriously this left nothing to the imagination at all <ggg> ...When i was doing my situps on the gymball thingy i felt so unfit as he was next to me doing the splits!!!!...Luckily for me i had finished my workout programme at this point so i left the gym area to go have my swim.

Well here's the see through bit...Bendy blokes tracky bottoms although they were white were not see through LOL...Is it something about *older* men...I mean men around my age or older...Why oh why do they feel the need to wear swimming trunks/shorts that are either flesh coloured or go see through once wet??? ...Or worse still BOTH...It's not very attractive at all...I remember once at school one of the lads in my class wore pale blue swimming shorts...They went so see through they left nothing to imagination and all the girls laffed at him...He didn't wear them again without speedos underneath LOL...So any men reading this take note...Please please wear trunks or shorts that stay decent and cover your bits up when wet...If you really feel the need to show them off to all and sundry then go find a nudist beach or pool and go naked LOL...And here endeth todays extremely shallow but i hope funny entry...Am off for a lie down to recover from my hot flushes i had at so much maleness <ggg>  Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Rofl, I can just imagine what was going through your head <gg>

Anonymous said...

Lolol at least he gave you a smile nooooooo make that a big grin :) Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Well you neednt tell us you dont have fun at the gym any more!! a ?most enlightening entry ,and were the boys O K when you got in ?    Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Aye but you couldn't resist looking though could you !!  Hope the boys were ok at home.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Cathy, Found you through Tammy(Memes121). You sound like a lady after my own heart......are you as crazy as me? Tammy will tell you all about me. I got a couple of friends with autistic lads and they are lovely....I can understand why you love your lads to bits! Pop in to see me sometime.....I'm crazy!

Anonymous said...

LOL...............I know what you mean - you see many blokes jogging or cycling  with stretchy pants.  If they have a nice bum it doesn't matter but some just shouldn't do it - let's hope they read your journal and save our eyes LOL.........