Saturday 31 December 2005

Welcome 2006


Is now here so it's out with the old and in with the new :o)  Here's hoping it's a good one for all of you :o)


Hogmanay wishes to you all


Well 2005 is almost at a close and am not too sorry...There have been good times and bad times as with any year...Am not going to list the bad times that's too down and sad for today...The good times haven't been numerous but they have been good...A few below to remind me in the future.


K being accepted for more than one uni and accepting one and moving away has been good :o) She has now made lots of friends who appreciate the wonderful, generous person that she is...Finding herself a boyfriend amongst them is lovely too...Never know he may be the start of a few or he may be the ONE...My younger sister has been with her hubby since they were 15 so never know...She's happy and finally having her own life free of all that goes along with the boys which has been one of my greatest wishes for a few years now :o)


M managing to fulfill some of his potential now he is finally in a school who realise he has a brain and let him use it is another highlight...I am so proud of him getting his sqa access certificate and this coming year he should have more...Later this year i will be asking his music teacher if she thinks he could copewith written papers for music standard grade...I know from K doing that course that the practical counts for most of the mark so fingers crossed he can possibly be capable of doing it...M also managing to finally go to the shop on corner on his own has been a major step forward :o)


G showing that he should also be able to fulfill his potential later in the coming year in his standard grades has been another highlight...Especially in english although he will still take a lot of convincing on that point LOL...I managed to have 2 much needed breaks away from the boys and i am so proud that K was able to look after them to enable it to happen :o)

Another highlight of my year was taking the plunge and starting my journal :o) I have been with AOL for an awful lot of years and hadn't discovered the community in journal land yet...I am so glad i took the risk and dived in at the deep end...My journal may not make for happy reading all the time but i did start it in feb to keep track of bad stuff happening...I hope i have made a lot of new online friends through here and i hope that some would consider me a friend now too...To everyone i have met through here i raise my glass to you all.


To everyone out there reading i hope you all have a good 2006...For those whom 2005 wasn't the best of years here's hoping 2006 gets much better :o)  Maybe we can all win the lottery and have a huge massive party together on a yacht in the carribean <ggg>  To everyone have a Guid Hogmanay and lang may yer lum reek as we say up here in my wee part of scotland...If you're going out tonight have a lovely time and be safe...Don't drink if you are driving betterto walk in company...If you are partying at home get someone else to clean up the mess after like i used to <ggg>  If you are staying in and doing not a lot like me then be happy regardless :o)  See you all in 2006 as you're not going to get rid i will be carrying on with this nattering LOL


Toodle pip from 2005 and ring in the bells for 2006 take care all xxxx

Thursday 29 December 2005

Snow again

Not done much except laze around oh and i made a significant dent in the small alpine range of ironing that needed done...Went to go to asda last night and it was so cold and icy i could hardly get the car started let alone into it...We'd had a very slight smattering of snow but it was so cold the roads and pavements were icey as anything...When i came out of asda the windows were all iced up again...Parked on main street when i got back as i thought would be easier if we did end up with snow to move the car.


Today we have snow and plenty of it and NO gritters have been out grrrr...Woke up for some reason at 6.15am and we had lots on the ground...Texted little sis as they were coming in today to let her know...Phoned at 8.30 to be told my nieces appointment through here wasn't until 12.40pm so they were just about to leave and a sarcy thank you for the text at silly o'clock...Well if she'd phoned me last nite to say they knew it was later then i wouldn't have texted at that time DUH!!!...My mum came in with them too and i got a call from big sis who was through here too LOL...Big sis and her hubby and friends had been through for something last night so had stayed in a hotel and were out shopping...As we weren't going to see them until later me and the trio went into town shopping...We bumped into mum and oldest niece when we went for lunch...Before we went into town i got out the spade and cleared the bit of pavement in front of the door into the block...I also chucked down some normal table salt even though you're not supposed to...Don't care there hasn't been a single gritter out at all today...The only reason the main street at end of mine is fairly clear is because of all the buses that use it...You'd think a street that has not 1, not 2 but 3 main bus routes within the city that go down it that it would be a priority for gritting.


We had big lunch in town so don't need to cook for tea, sandwiches will do :o) Both the boys bought a gameeach with their christmas money and as they weren't in sales they don't have a lot left in change...K bought herself a fancy dressy scarf and a skirt...The skirt is to go with the basque she got last week in tkmaxx...Skirt was in sale for £2 instead of £12...If you ever need someone to go shopping with take K she ALWAYS finds bargains...I did get new black stilletoes in asda last night for £9 and as i have a night out in march they will be fine for then :o) They'll be comfy as they have slight platform soles at front so much comfier to walk in...Am still not getting anywhere with Deal No Deal even though i have managed to enter it nearly every day LOL...Nagging G to study and getting told off for it by K <sigh> Am off for a coffee and to catch up on boards i read

Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 26 December 2005

Boxing day

Well Christmas Day is over for another year...I do hope everyone had a wonderful day with lovely pressies and a nice time with family...Ours wasn't hectic which was good :o) It was the year of the scarf within my family...I was laughing when i opened pressie my older sis gave me as it was a scarf she had hand knitted...My mum had got me a cashmere/silk pashima...I had bought scarfs for mum and for big sis and my oldest niece LOL...Am so chuffed with the one i got from big sis as i couldn't find a grey one in the style that i had bought everyone and this one is black/white/grey mix :o) ...K's is bright fushia pink...K had been given her pressie from me early but she was happy with the pressies she got from the boys and from other people...Ok so a mixer is pratical pressie but she is happy with it as she has discovered she likes cooking and baking...My sisters got her one between them...She got a pretty fairy ornament from her fella :o) Just now she is still in bed reading the narnia books again LOL...Got her a big hardback of all the books in one from G...M gave her pretty earrings...K had got me a very pretty candle holder with candle and a silver celtic style necklace...I got a chunk of amethyst from M, a CD from G and bits and bobs from santa LOL...The boys are happy with all their PS2/gamecube/gamboy advanceSP games...Was one missing from M's list which i refused to buy but he is buying it with his christmas money ARRGGHHH it's a noisy one LOL


K got a belated bottle of champers from my ex MIL for her birthday...She's saving it until she goes back to uni...M had us playing Bullseye and Catchphrase ROFL...HE got the DVD games of both shows...They're not quite what i expected but they work and he likes them...I keep managing to crash the dvd when playing it though...So hogmanay to look forward to then back to same old grind for the next year...Have no idea what we are doing for hogmanay, K was going away for it but decided too expensive...She'll probs end up going out with some friends from up here...That's if she is well again as last night she was ill hence still in bed in jimjams...My cooking really isn't that bad honestly, besides i had same as her and am okies...Before i go did anyone else watch Stars in their Eyes on christmas eve with our resident celebrity fellow J-lander???  I did it was very very funny :o) Think i will go to the gym tomorrow to work off excess of food and on that note i really should go see if anyone is hungry

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 24 December 2005

Christmas Eve


Well it's Christmas Eve and we have a mild but slightly chilly day...I have already been out and got my profiteroles, meringues and the last two bottles of appletise in asda at the beach...Got home and woke the kids up and am now trying to nag them into getting dressed...K is supposed to be taking the boys into town briefly for them to buy me a pressie...My ex brother in law is coming up and i want them out and back before he arrives...I have to go to Toys R Us briefly but it is not far from me...Actually if it wasn't for the railway between it and my street i could walk there in about 3 mins...As it is you have a long detour and takes about 15 mins to walk but am gonna take the car...Have to wrap my 2 pressies for their cousins down south and tidy up.


When we were at mums she had the old suitcase full of photographs down from her loft...We were looking for the pic of dads first seine net trawler he owned with 2 of my uncles...It was interesting looking at all the old pics of my maternal grandparents...There was a photo of my grandad with 2 wee ones...It was my mum and her brother who died back in july as toddlers...Kinda sad to look through all the old black & white ones from many many years ago but nice too...The ones of me from back in the late 60s and the 70s are well embarassing...Me in hot pants erm nooooooo that should be burnt <ggg> and no it will never appear on here.


We don't do christmas dinner like most people...Both the boys are very fussy about what they will eat which can be awkward...So G has gammon and the last couple of years i have just bought a gammon joint...Last year he decided he didn't like it that way <sigh> So this year he is having one of those cheap gammon steaks you get not the nice kind cos he won't eat it...M has finally decided he wants to eat relatively better again...So he wants chicken breast strips...I have bought chicken breasts for me and K and i will be stuffing them with mozarella cheese and wrapping in bacon...I have bought frozen roast potatoes as i have never done my own except deep fried which M won't eat...Veggies will be sweetcorn, peas, cauliflower and carrots...I do have the obligatory sausage rolls and mini sausages...For pudding as i am the only one who will eat christmas pud we aren't having it...Mum when she was fit used to make me my own mini one and she still put money in it :o) So we have meringue nests with scooshy cream and fresh fruit salad...Profiteroles and mini fresh cream eclairs...G loves profiteroles and could quite happily eat the whole box of 20 in one go!!!...Everyone have a wonderful day tomorrow however you are celebrating...All remember the true meaning of christmas not the commercialised version...Don't get food poisoning and drive safely if you have to journey tomorrow.

Toodle pip and take care MERRY CHRISTMAS Caff xx 


Friday 23 December 2005

Thurs & Fri


We had a good trip north yesterday but eventful...Was a bit later in leaving than i would have liked and the weather wasn't very good...It was weird when we drove past the wind farm as you couldn't see the tops of the blades for the heavy misty rain LOL...We got to mums safe though and she has put out all her christmas stuff even though she isn't in the mood...I didn't want to eat as i can't after i have been travelling and all that K & G wanted was an ice cream from the ice cream shop...So i went and drove down to get a cone (they're massive and cheap) for me, them two and mum...M doesn't like and can't have ice cream so he gets a big sweetie instead LOL...I wondered why the car sounded noisy as i parked it...Found out when i got back out of the shop...One flat tyre although i managed to drive back to mums just...Great a flat tyre and my bro in law was out, mums neighbour am friendly with and his lads were out...I did not want to change it although i can if pushed...Then i thought sod it am gonna use my breakdown service...I pay for it and have only used this particular one twice in 8 years...Got told they would be there within an hour by which time my bro in law had come back...Asked him where this particular garage was and he said elgin which is like 24 miles from mums...This poor young lad arrived about 30 mins later and changed my tyre for me...We discovered a huge nail in the offending tyre grrrr...It was the new tyre i got just back around when i had my op <sigh> Wouldn't be so annoyed if it was one of the other ones LOL


So tyre fixed we chatted to my bro in law and niece then we left to go to my younger sisters to visit...Me and sis had a good old chinwag whilst the kids all just played about and talked to each other...Then sis decided she had forgotton to give me a pressie...Said she just usually gives me some toffee(tablet to english peeps <gg>) She never made any this year though...I miss mums as she made the best ever but since she started the angina she ain't well enuff to make it...So sis gave me pics of her 3 from school...She didn't get lots of copies this year just medium size to keep which came with 2 small ones...Am chuffed as i like to have pics of them all...We went back to mums for tea...Oh we did pop past my bro's shop and K went in with their card...He did rush her out of the shop though...Also he didn't come over to the car to say hello just waved from the door even though there was other staff in and we couldn't park properly...Oh well can choose yer friends but not your family...We had fish and chips at mums :o) Home made chips and fish straight from the boat YUM...Every year the scottish fishing federation do a calendar...For every month there is a picture taken from down the years of different boats from all over scotland...Well this year 2 of the pictures were of boats from my family...In the pic for feb (my birthday month) is one of them and one of my mums brothers and my dad are in the pic :o) ...The pic for october (my mums birthday month) is a pic of boat that my grandad and some of her brothers had and 2 of them are in it too...We have all gone and got copies of it and my bro had come over to mums with mine yesterday morning...He could have waited until we would be there <sigh> but hey ho...He had also been given a copy of each of the pics seperate so gave them to mum to give to me as i like boats...Even though he was a fisherman himself he doesn't bother much with them...I have lots of pics of all kinds of different fishing boats through the years up in my bathroom LOL...I will be moving them to the hall once i decorate it...One of my uncles had asked mum for a pic of dads first boat he owned recently...Now we looked yesterday and couldn't find it...Am sure i don't have it but i might but not put it in a frame i will have to look after christmas...My older sis ended up having to work all day yesterday and was out in the evening to a dance...We managed to visit her for about 10 mins whilst she was getting ready LOL...We got home around 10pm...Oh forgot to say in the village where i grew up and mum/older sis still live...For christmas lights they have a train with santa in it on the viaduct on main street...Also in the square up on the brae they have christmas light of an old type fishing boat...They look really cool but i didn't have time to take pics :o(


Today the boys were in respite so me and K went into town and to visit a friend...Got everything i was buying for the boys...K got her pressies to them...Although town was busy i saved loads on the games they wanted...Ended up, by buying in 3 different shops that sell them, saving about £45 :o) I still need to go Toys R Us but couldn't tonite so will go tomorrow...We got yummy sandwiches from the yummy sandwich shop and just ate them on the go LOL...We'd spent an hour at my pals so could really go sit down anywhere...After i picked the boys up i dropped them off at the flat and headed to big asda's...It was busy but not anymore so than any usual weekend...Got everything except appletise and meringues and profiteroles...So decided to go to sainsburys on way home...Found i had to detour as the road was closed due to what looks like a mjor accident there :o( ...Which is why i didn't get to Toys R Us...Thought don't want to walk down from sainsbury to it so will go in morning first thing...Sainsburys didn't have what i wanted either LOL...From that end you could see a heck of a lot of police cars and i think 2 or 3 ambulances :o( ...There was 2 buses and i think either 1 or 2 cars so pretty serious...Got back to find one of K's friends here...The one i helped move who calls me mummy <bless> She still has no carpets so her place is freezing...She can't get them until 10th of jan...Gave her a tray of turkish delight for her christmas as usual though :o) Then sorted out the remainder that is pressies and told K she could now help herself ROFL...That is all for yesterday and today...For anyone not online tomorrow have a wonderful day on sunday and a



Toodle pip take care xx



Wednesday 21 December 2005

Some funnies

It's late and am just off to bed but decided to put these funnies here before i go...We're off up north visiting and delivering pressies tomorrow :o)  It's also hard getting computer time in the evenings until late with K at home LOL




Pic of M in local paper

Dunno if this will work but this is a link to a pic of M taken by local evening paper in his school show :o)

Photo Order: Aberdeen Journals Ltd

Tuesday 20 December 2005

Tree is up!!!!


WAHAY the tree is up...We have loads of lights on it this year...Usually i just have a string of 100 white lights but this year i went and bought a string of 100 twinkling ones...So both sets are on the tree which is sat in the living room window :o) Had too many decorations for it this year...Last year i went and bought some glass spiral baubles just before christmas in sales but didn't put them on the tree...Also bought glass droplets at same time...So this year the glass baubles are on it as well as the glass droplets...So all the lilac/pink/purple/silver baubles are redundant...Suppose i could put them on will see tomorrow how i feel...Might go back tomorrow and buy mum the murano glass vase but she already has some glass from there...K went to venice with the school when she was in 2nd year and she went to the actual factory...So we all have a glass piece direct from the place it is made :o) ...Time for bed said zebedee!!! well it is for the boys so will bid you adieu...I can hear all 3 of them singing in the boys room so they must be on PS2 playing singing star LOL

tuesdays tattles


Got a phone call at 7.30am from G's taxi driver...The toerag had joked last night that he wasn't going to school today so the driver was checking to see if he was <sigh>  Told the toerag off...Maybe he should be wearing the wonky halo today but he can't be as he's poorly...Had to go out for a wee bit and posted the last of my cards and 12 packets with turkish delight in them LOL...Just hope everyone who is getting some think it tastes okies...Well the new people on the TD list that is :o) ...Got back to find G's school had been phoning like crazy asking me to come and take him home as he was poorly...He was fine when he left but had come down with nasty stinking cold and sore throat by time he got there...He then told me he had a sore throat this morning but hadn't told me DUH!!!...So i went and got him and had to make sure he took EVERYTHING he needs home with him...He's so good academically but his memory for everyday stuff and his organisational skills are seriously lacking...He almost forgot his coat LOL...I have to laugh if i didn't i'd cry...The head of the base assured me they would be working on those big time when he goes back after the holidays...Even using post it notes doesn't work as he forgets about the note...Sometimes i just feel like banging my head off a brick wall but hey ho can't...It's all part and parcel of his aspergers and something we have to live with and just get and just get on with it.


When we got back it took us several times round the block and about 15 minutes to get a parking space...My pet hate is trying to park in my street or even vaguely close to my street...There had been a parcel delivered whilst i was out and K took it in...A nice surprise for M as it was a prize for him :o) He'd entered a competition online for singing and got a game thing that looks really cool...He was so chuffed to bits when he got home from school and saw it waiting for him...It was gift wrapped but i let him open it cos am nice...After lunch as G was asleep in bed me and K went up to tkmaxx quickly and the new sports shop that's opened in same shopping bit...So she got new boots that were £10.49 instead of £34.99...I bought G a fake sheepskin type black jacket that was £11.99 instead of £39.99...Got M a pinstripe trendy blazer that was £7.49 instead of £24.99...Surprisingly G likes his and M thinks he looks well cool like Robbie or Dec LOL...Didn't actually buy what i went into tkmaxx for...I had gone in to get one of those 4 foot high vase things for mum...The type that spread out at the bottom but are narrow and tall...They only had left in blue and my mum hates blue...Was about to get her a gold coloured murano glass vase but then K spied a glass dolphin plaque thing so we got her it instead...Saw a small glass dolphin which i bought for my sisters birthday in jan...Also got my ex mother in law a glass dragon plaque thing...So only got the boys left to buy for...Just need to go into town and buy up the games they want.


Must go out later and buy more gelatine and sugar...I now have to make all the turkish delight that doesn't get posted LOL...K will be happy as she can pinch some of this lot...We're off up north to visit mum and my sisters etc on thurs so need to have it made and cut up before then...The boys finish school tomorrow and are in respite on fri so thurs is only day we really have to go and deliver pressies to them all...The tree is still not up as K was out and didn't get home until about 10 last nite...At that time i was wrapping up TD to post out so couldn't be bothered...She has been warned the tree is going up tonite with or without her help LOL...So am offski down to cupboard on the stairs to get it...If i dump it in middle of living room floor then it will have to get done <ggg>  

Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 19 December 2005

Saturn and turkish delight


Yesterday we all slept late into the morning...There was still some snow around but then in the afternoon it started lashing down with rain...Just as i was out back into town to the market to get more smellies and scarves...When i got home we all went round to my best friends for a while...We actually stayed there for several hours rather than just the couple intended...I did pop briefly to asda and left my lot there to get some gammon steaks and some lemon juice...Wasn't sure if the lemon juice i had would still be any good...My best friends partner is into astronomy hence us staying later...M loves the stars, planets etc...So Nat had already set up the binoculars on tripod to get a closer look at the moon...After her fella had taken his other son home he set up his telescope on another tripod...He has quite a good telescope with several different magnification lenses...It was fascinating seeing the craters on the moon...It was also fascinating seeing on a more powerful lens the mountains on the moon and craters within craters...Me and M also looked at some different constellations and we saw Saturn...Never seen saturn before and although a bit blurry you could see the rings :o) ...We went round at 3.30 and didn't get home till 8.30 LOL...Very late dinner we had yesterday.


After we had dinner i started on making the turkish delight...First lot went in the bin as it was a gloopy mess...Usually do end up putting first lot in the bin <sigh> ...I also ended up having to go out in middle of the night to buy more sugar as i ran out of grrrr...Eventually i did get one lot made of each flavour i make...Left it all overnight to set...So i have been cutting it up today which is not pleasant LOL...Pulling jelly out of a tray with oil in it is so messy...Then have to cut it up, i use electric carving knife now LOL, and roll in icing sugar/cornflour...One bit gloopy mess but worth it for those that like it :o) Just need to package it now and get it all posted tomorrow as it's last posting day for christmas...Then i have to do it all again tomorrow night for those it doesn't get posted to LOL


Whilst i was in town renewing the boys concessions bus passes and paying a bill K went out...Goodness knows where she has gone and she ain't answering her new moby <sigh>  I want to get the tree up tonight and she's supposed to be helping...It looks weird having the decorations up with no tree in the window yet...Oh i did see some blue lights today but they were too expensive so decided sod it not buying at that price LOL...Had a look at the all new robbie williams website earlier today...He has a blog on it that inner sanctum members can read LOL...It is quite funny, shame you can't leave comments <ggg> Also as a member you got a freebie T-shirt and i got mine about 3-4 weeks ago...In the post on saturday i got another and am not sending it back...Would have no idea where to anyways besides it is only a t-shirt...So both the boys are getting one in with their christmas...Am sure am probs not only one they made same mistake with...Also on the site you can now see wot his signature is like...So i went and checked M's signed pic...Well unless you are actually getting it done right in front of you then you never know wether tis authentic or not...Am pleased to say that M's does match up :o) Right best go make the boys some tea and get cutting up cellophane and warpping up the turkish delight...Am always wary that a packet will split open in the post office and they will be grilling me over what this white powder is ROFL

Toodle pip tc xx

Saturday 17 December 2005

Saturday stuff


The snow is beginning to melt but it is bitterly cold...The boys saturday club is in M's school and beside here is a bit of a hill...There was lots of children there this afternoon with their parents out on sledges...At the club the boys had been having snowball fights galore...They all ganged up on the guy who runs it and attacked him en mass ROFL...He was praising M's performance at the school show...He had actually thought it was an adult playing the drums until he looked over and saw it was M...So after i picked them up they were nagging me in the car to see where we were going...As we approached the train station they twigged as to what the surprise was LOL...So my eldest angel is home for christmas :o)


My 3 angels <ggg> take your pick as to which one has the wonky halo and open eyes <ggg> To me it changes daily but i love them all to bits :o)  We got something from the chippy for tea as i was feeling lazy...Since she finished her tea she's been on the phone none stop so there goes the phone bill again LOL...Gave her the new mobile early instead of making her wait until christmas day...She's charged it up and it has fully charged incredibly quickly!!!...She's now sat behind me making oh and ah noises at it LOLOL...Must say it is rather cool and i fancy one myself...So tomorrow we can put up the christmas trees...The boys wanted to wait to put their small one up when she got home too.

Idid nip into town quickly at lunchtime to get some bags...You wouldn't think it would be that hard to get some proper cellophane bags...I had to go all the way to lakeland plastics which is other end of centre of town from me LOL...Meant i had to go to the main street and discovered there was a market on...So guess who went for a nosey...Ended up with some pressies...Some of those magic scarfs that are around just now...They're really expensive in John Lewis and M&S but these were cheap :o) I also bought some mini bath bombs and fancy soaps...G's taxi escort gives him a huge bar of dairy milk and a bottle of diet coke every week...If it's not a big bar of dairy milk then a multipack of the normal sized ones...So i can't really just give her the usual box of sweets i give to their taxi escorts and drivers...So she can have a scarf and some fancy soap...Watched X Factor and bit peeved that shayne won but i suppose he's the young guy so more marketable...I did like Journey South and so did M so he stopped watching once they were out in 3rd...My mum watches Strictly Come Dancing and she's over the moon that darren gough won it LOL...Off to fill hot water bottle for G and tell the boys it's way past bedtime

Toodle pip tc xx

Snow and K is on her way :o)

We still have snow and it's freezing cold...I phoned K and asked her to get train home instead as i don't want to risk going down...I know the snow is supposed to have gone by tomorrow but it's being replaced with lashing rain LOL...So she is on her way home YIPPEE!!!!!!...Off to pick up the boys in a few mins and then to train station to pick her up...The boys don't know yet so it will be a nice surprise :o)  Of course they will suss once we get to the train station LOL.



Friday 16 December 2005

Busy, busy, busy and we have snow :o)


Well on wednesday i cleared out my living room and put up all the decorations except for the tree...The tree will go up when K gets home :o) ...I was so tired i couldn't be bothered doing an entry that day...Yesterday i woke up with a stinking migraine :o(  I managed to get the boys up and ready for school and as soon as they were both away i went back to bed...I did manage to get up before they came home but i didn't do much at all...Both the boys went to the panto at the local theatre with the saturday club :o)  It was Jack & the Beanstalk and they both enjoyed it :o) Do you remember Cameron who won Big Brother 4??? Well he has starred in the christmas panto here every year since LOL...I did intend to go late night shopping whilst they were there but couldn't find a parking space <sigh> Not even a disabled one anywhere...In fact the closest place to town to park was probably my street LOL...So i gave up and came back home then went back to collect them at around 9pm


Today i have been giving the black hole of calcutta a good clear out...Well a tidy up kind of i still need to gut all the boxes full of stuff that they have...That can wait until after the holidays...All day we have had snow, then it melted, then rain, then back to snow, melted etc etc...Tonight we had more snow and even though it is just a smattering it is now staying put...It's very very cold and extremely frosty and it's turned all hard, slippy and horrible...I don't have much left to do and it won't take long now...I so want a bath as i am all grubby and yeuch...I can't find my cup hook thingys i had on wed...Don't know where i put them and i need another 3 to put on the boys bedroom window...I have strings of lights up on K's window and the living room one this year and want to put on the boys room window...They are the three that face out onto the street...AM usually about the only one in the street who has lights in the window but i don't care LOL...G is off out to see King Kong with one of his friends...As the film wasn't starting until 8 it will be late before he gets home...If 8pm is the start time then it there will be around 20 mins of adverts & trailers and it's supposed to be about 3 hours long...Think i will expect to see him around midnight ROFL...It's not a school day tomorrow so doesn't matter...Best go back and finish their room and all the videos are now in pull out drawers under their bed...Oh i even washed the outside of the living room window on wed and the boys one today...I HATE washing outside of them...I live on the 1st floor of an old victorian tenement and i have severe acrophobia (fear of heights)...The windows don't turn in all the way and are a nightmare to clean on outside...I usually do it once a year, funnily enough at christmas when am putting up the decorations LOL...Oh and i still haven't won but only been one day i haven't got through to the competition as an entrant...Maybe one day :o)

Toodle pip tc xx



Tuesday 13 December 2005



This afternoon i went into town and i have bought K's new mobile phone :o)  The first shop i went to had just sold the last one they had in stock...So i went across to the O2 shop...Am glad i did as they had it in stock and the woman serving me checked on their computer to see if K was entitled to any discount...So i got a tenner off and she took out the sim card that came with the phone as K doesn't need it :o) Went looking at games for the boys and didn't buy any...I did buy a pile of christmas stuff in poundland as they had a 6 for £5 deal on...I do know which shops i am buying the boys games from now though :o)  K im'd me earlier to ask if i will tape that programme tonight for her...I can't as i can't get the video to work properly with the telly...We can watch videos we just can't record anything LOL...My mum is going to tape it though and we'll pick it up next week :o)


M's concert went well again today...Yesterday was so funny as the head teacher had said thank yous to all the teachers etc involved with setting up the show...M had been a bit miffed when she thanked the music teacher for all her work and playing the piano...So he got the music teacher to tell the head to thank him for playing the drums <bless>  Today she thanked him without a *reminder* for him LOL...Also today someone from one of the local cinemas was along filming the show...It's an arts cinema and shows foreign language films amongst others...They have been following the progress of their show and filming all the behind scenes and lead up to the actual show...M was interviewed after todays show so he just told me...They are going to show the whole film once it's finished in the springtime at the cinema...I do hope parents are invited to go along and watch...G is going off out to a friends later so i think i will have a nice relaxing soak in the bath...Watching deal or no deal and the poor contestant today is doing pretty badly...I've managed to enter the viewer comp though, didn't get through yesterday...I did manage to post the parcel to the states just before end of day yesterday...Cost twice as much to post as to buy which i grudge...I buy lighter gifts each year and they got more expensive to send...I wouldn't object if their father wasn't such a numptie...Mind you he phoned K yesterday and he did sound worried about her...Claimed to have been trying a few times to get through to her (hmmm) he hasn't phoned here though...Oh well think time to go have a coffee and see myself not winning this competition.

Toodle pip tc xx

Monday 12 December 2005

TV programme worth watching

Tomorrow or later today if you prefer there is a programme on BBC2 called 'Magnificent Seven'  It is a drama based on the true life story of Jacqui Jackson who has 7 children 4 of whom are on the spectrum

BBC - BBC TWO - Listings

The National Autistic Society - Drama inspired by Jacqui Jackson on BBC Two

It's on at 9pm on tues on BBC2

Proud mum :o)


Well am really proud mum again today...M's show was really, really good...All the kids were fantastic...M well what can i say he was an absolute STAR...Ok yes am his mum and of course he was a star <ggg>  He did Robbie so well and i did video that bit :o) It's too big to put on my journal though i think...Erm not sure if can add it on under add pictures...Only thing is again it's gone and went sideways on the computer!!!...I didn't manage to film him drumming as the bit where the piano and drum kit were was really dark...Even if i say so myself he was BRILLIANT on the drums...He accompanied the music teacher on the piano for the whole show...Except of course when he was singing robbie...Even when he sang 'Feed the World' with the other senior pupils he nipped back onto the drums once he'd sung his lines...I overheard quite a few parents say that the drummer was good so i had a huge grin on my face :o)


This morning i saw the psychiatrist again...So now she has asked permission to get G's medical file to look at too...I of course said yes no problem...She basically wants to compare the boys to each other...There are a lot of striking similarities between them...Like similar illnesses at similar age etc...They both had one called Henoich Schonleins Purpura 2 years apart...Now i knew when G had it that it was rare but he wasn't badly affected...He had a swollen ankle and a limp one morning when he was about 5 so i took him to the doctors...The gp looked at his foot and he had a bit of a rash on it...Next i knew she was off getting another gp to look at it...He came through had a look then nodded his head and left...Then gp got on the phone to the sick kids hossy...Leaving me worried and poor G sat there in his school uniform...Once at the hossy within a couple of hours they confirmed it was this HSP thing and he got some pills to take...Three days later he was home and fine...2 years later in the jan M had a similar rash but no swellings...Took him to same gp and she thought it was some allergic reaction to something...He got given some cream which did nowt...We were to and fro to that gp for months until she decided to send him to dermatology...Whilst waiting for that appointment he also ended up in hossy...He'd had a half day off school different to K&G...Me and M waled down to collect them as it's not far...Before we got to the school he was hardly able to walk...On the way home i had to carry him even though he was 6 and a big lad...Phoned doctors soon as we got home and ended up round there 15 mins later...Was a different gp (the really good one) and he examined his foot and knee...His whole leg had actually swollen up badly :o( ...He said to take him to the hospital...So i asked him if he thought it might be the HSP thing he'd had all along...He just looked at me with one of his wry smiles and said wait and see what the hospital said...Two days later they still hadn't decided by which time M was having to squeeze into his fathers socks even though he had tiny feet...Eventually after much nagging from me they got an orthapedic guy to look at him and he said it was the HSP...According to the psychiatrist it is rare enough for anyone to get...It is even rarer for more than one in a family to get it...And even rarer still for 2 siblings to both have got it...She asked if either of them have ever had brain scans which i said nopes...She had found written in M's medical file when he was at the special needs nursery that when they took blood to check his tegratol they also took for to check chromosones...But no record of any results!!!...Well it was NEWS to me that they ever thought of it let alone did it...So goodness knows what she will find in G's file...Perhaps it is time that i requested to see their medical files LOL...She is refering them both to her genetic clinic she runs with someone else...Sadly there is a year long waiting list but she will try and fit them in slightly quicker...I am seeing her again in january to discuss M and his temper :o)

Toodle pip tc xx