Saturday 31 December 2005

Hogmanay wishes to you all


Well 2005 is almost at a close and am not too sorry...There have been good times and bad times as with any year...Am not going to list the bad times that's too down and sad for today...The good times haven't been numerous but they have been good...A few below to remind me in the future.


K being accepted for more than one uni and accepting one and moving away has been good :o) She has now made lots of friends who appreciate the wonderful, generous person that she is...Finding herself a boyfriend amongst them is lovely too...Never know he may be the start of a few or he may be the ONE...My younger sister has been with her hubby since they were 15 so never know...She's happy and finally having her own life free of all that goes along with the boys which has been one of my greatest wishes for a few years now :o)


M managing to fulfill some of his potential now he is finally in a school who realise he has a brain and let him use it is another highlight...I am so proud of him getting his sqa access certificate and this coming year he should have more...Later this year i will be asking his music teacher if she thinks he could copewith written papers for music standard grade...I know from K doing that course that the practical counts for most of the mark so fingers crossed he can possibly be capable of doing it...M also managing to finally go to the shop on corner on his own has been a major step forward :o)


G showing that he should also be able to fulfill his potential later in the coming year in his standard grades has been another highlight...Especially in english although he will still take a lot of convincing on that point LOL...I managed to have 2 much needed breaks away from the boys and i am so proud that K was able to look after them to enable it to happen :o)

Another highlight of my year was taking the plunge and starting my journal :o) I have been with AOL for an awful lot of years and hadn't discovered the community in journal land yet...I am so glad i took the risk and dived in at the deep end...My journal may not make for happy reading all the time but i did start it in feb to keep track of bad stuff happening...I hope i have made a lot of new online friends through here and i hope that some would consider me a friend now too...To everyone i have met through here i raise my glass to you all.


To everyone out there reading i hope you all have a good 2006...For those whom 2005 wasn't the best of years here's hoping 2006 gets much better :o)  Maybe we can all win the lottery and have a huge massive party together on a yacht in the carribean <ggg>  To everyone have a Guid Hogmanay and lang may yer lum reek as we say up here in my wee part of scotland...If you're going out tonight have a lovely time and be safe...Don't drink if you are driving betterto walk in company...If you are partying at home get someone else to clean up the mess after like i used to <ggg>  If you are staying in and doing not a lot like me then be happy regardless :o)  See you all in 2006 as you're not going to get rid i will be carrying on with this nattering LOL


Toodle pip from 2005 and ring in the bells for 2006 take care all xxxx


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you.  May it be the best yet.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate Hogmanay?

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart that was a lovely entry ,and your a good wee girrl,and youre a very good Mum and it makes me proud to call you my dear friend ,so I  hope you too have a blessed, happy, healthy,guid, guid ,new year........from Maurice and I with love .......Jan xx      Very special love to your three very special Wains xxxx

Anonymous said...

((((((( Happy New Year Caff to you, K and the boys ))))))) Rache xx