Saturday 10 December 2005



Well am supposed to have been busy doing a lot of clearing out etc and done very little of it...I have managed to finish making all my cards except the ones for my mum and sisters...Last year i did glass painted ones for them and have an idea for this years but will do them nearer christmas...Have had an attack of my mystery ailment and can't do much really which is annoying...My hands are so stiff, have lots of pins n needles and numbness elsewhere...Main problem when this happens is i fall asleep at drop of a hat...So i can stop what am doing to have a coffee break and next thing i know an hour has passed by...This morning i wanted to nip into town quickly but was a no go as my feet were too sore and numbed up...Had lost feeling in one of my legs too which took ages to come back...It's irritating more than anything now and as i've been tested to death for the last 6 years and everything always normal there's not much i can do...Just better go away before next week LOL


On thurs i did manage to film M singing but when i managed to transfer it to the computer he went sideways!!!...I have no idea how to flip it round so he is right way up LOL...Also i set it to nighttime filming but when i pressed to start filming it went back to daytime so has come out dark...Need to practise a bit more before monday afternoon <sigh> The boys are at respite tomorrow so i WILL be gutting their room then...I really want january to come so i can decorate my room and change it around, get new double beds for each of the boys and seperate them LOL...They have so much stuff that it's too much in one room...Even tidied up it looks messy LOL...Yikes justlooked at the time i have to go take the boys to club...Oh am still entering that comp every day just now won yet...If i do win be rest assured you will all know as you will hear the screams everywhere <ggg>   Toodle pip for now tc xx



Anonymous said...

 I think your problem might well be stress related ,you are a very capable person ,with a good attitude to everything  you do,at the same time you have alot of responsibilty on your own, and you cope so well, its your body ,telling you to take five !!Lecture over ,yours cards sound really nice  clever girl ,           Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You sound absolutely stressed will have to learn to relax...thats easier said then done, but with all the tests you have been through and they all show normal....then whatever your mystery ailment is - it seems to be coming from within you and not something outside....
So glad you managed to finish your cards.....Can we see some please....You take care of yourself ....Ally

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your ailment :-(  I hope it clears away for you soon xx