Tuesday 6 December 2005

Tuesday things



Do you like modern day Santa i guess he just has to get with the times <ggg> As i begin to type this Deal or no Deal has started on channel4...It's taken me a while to get into this gameshow but M has loved it from the start...Then again gameshows are one of his *things* ...They have a daily viewer competition which i have been trying to enter...Not by phone but online...Entering online is FREE and you're allowed a maximum of 50 attempts to get through each show...So far today i've not got through but i'll keep trying...Hopefully some of jeanettes luck will rub off on me :o)


Both G & M have come home from school today in good moods :o) G is stressing about homework because is behind...The base don't know he has any like i said yesterday...He is forgetting to write it down in his planner...His teacher gave him a note to give to the base and he forgot that too...Think it's time that the teacher spoke direct to the base instead...Usually any homework is done in the base and not at home...This is what they do with all the kids in the base...That way they can get help and it's less stressful for them...M had no swimming today and forgot to tell me...That's surprising as he does usually remember stuff...They were rehearsing again for the show next week...I am going to the mon afternoon showing...They have 2 show times mon afternoon or tues morning...One of my friends has the afternoon off work to come along :o) I went to the gym this morning :o) Haven't been for a week and it felt good working out...I went into comet next door to the gym and saw a motorola camera mobile on O2 for only £50...Spoke to K and she said she isn't really bothered as long as it's something that texts LOL...So will get her that one...Did finally buy a couple of presents for 2 of my nieces in asda...Pretty jewellery but still have no idea what to get their brother...It's his birthday at beg of jan but i know what am getting him for that...Going to concentrate on watching this programme now...I havemanaged to get through once for the competition but i know i won't win LOL...TTFN xx


Anonymous said...

Well you keep trying on that competition because one day it might just pay off.

Anonymous said...

Best  of luck!

Anonymous said...

Keeping fingers crossed you get selected ,cant stay here typing going to watch now ,oh and give my love to Noel ...............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Do hope one day you win that competition,...Glad G & M came home in good moods....Yes I agree that teacher should speak directly to Base......Don't say you know you wont win...just you keep positive.....Ally

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the moods a little lighter today.  Well done you in getting through to the competition, I don't think I've ever watched that.........you just go for it, you never know what might happen.  I like your PC firendly Santa :) Rache xx