Saturday 24 December 2005

Christmas Eve


Well it's Christmas Eve and we have a mild but slightly chilly day...I have already been out and got my profiteroles, meringues and the last two bottles of appletise in asda at the beach...Got home and woke the kids up and am now trying to nag them into getting dressed...K is supposed to be taking the boys into town briefly for them to buy me a pressie...My ex brother in law is coming up and i want them out and back before he arrives...I have to go to Toys R Us briefly but it is not far from me...Actually if it wasn't for the railway between it and my street i could walk there in about 3 mins...As it is you have a long detour and takes about 15 mins to walk but am gonna take the car...Have to wrap my 2 pressies for their cousins down south and tidy up.


When we were at mums she had the old suitcase full of photographs down from her loft...We were looking for the pic of dads first seine net trawler he owned with 2 of my uncles...It was interesting looking at all the old pics of my maternal grandparents...There was a photo of my grandad with 2 wee ones...It was my mum and her brother who died back in july as toddlers...Kinda sad to look through all the old black & white ones from many many years ago but nice too...The ones of me from back in the late 60s and the 70s are well embarassing...Me in hot pants erm nooooooo that should be burnt <ggg> and no it will never appear on here.


We don't do christmas dinner like most people...Both the boys are very fussy about what they will eat which can be awkward...So G has gammon and the last couple of years i have just bought a gammon joint...Last year he decided he didn't like it that way <sigh> So this year he is having one of those cheap gammon steaks you get not the nice kind cos he won't eat it...M has finally decided he wants to eat relatively better again...So he wants chicken breast strips...I have bought chicken breasts for me and K and i will be stuffing them with mozarella cheese and wrapping in bacon...I have bought frozen roast potatoes as i have never done my own except deep fried which M won't eat...Veggies will be sweetcorn, peas, cauliflower and carrots...I do have the obligatory sausage rolls and mini sausages...For pudding as i am the only one who will eat christmas pud we aren't having it...Mum when she was fit used to make me my own mini one and she still put money in it :o) So we have meringue nests with scooshy cream and fresh fruit salad...Profiteroles and mini fresh cream eclairs...G loves profiteroles and could quite happily eat the whole box of 20 in one go!!!...Everyone have a wonderful day tomorrow however you are celebrating...All remember the true meaning of christmas not the commercialised version...Don't get food poisoning and drive safely if you have to journey tomorrow.

Toodle pip and take care MERRY CHRISTMAS Caff xx 



Anonymous said...

I rather like your menu ,dont suppose I could jump on a train do you ?,well we are nearly done now thankgoodness we can soon start to enjoy it ,cant we ,give those hunky boys of yours a hug from me ,and a hug and kiss for you and K ,have the bestest Christmas ,,,.............WITH MY LOVE JAN XX

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun however you do it!

Anonymous said...

We all eat in different ways, as long as you do not get stressed out over it.  As for those old pics, would love to see some of them, everyone enjoys seeing old photos, I know that from the comments I have received on things I have posted.  Have a wonderful Christmas my friend and enjoy every minute.

Anonymous said...

I just love looking at old photographs - I used to like Hotpants my BIL had a shop in Rushden and he sold them.....Did you wear those high white boots with the hotpants ?...Good luck with the cooking and all the different things you have to make....I haope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the Holidays...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Caff.....make it a lovely one. Rache xx