Thursday 29 December 2005

Snow again

Not done much except laze around oh and i made a significant dent in the small alpine range of ironing that needed done...Went to go to asda last night and it was so cold and icy i could hardly get the car started let alone into it...We'd had a very slight smattering of snow but it was so cold the roads and pavements were icey as anything...When i came out of asda the windows were all iced up again...Parked on main street when i got back as i thought would be easier if we did end up with snow to move the car.


Today we have snow and plenty of it and NO gritters have been out grrrr...Woke up for some reason at 6.15am and we had lots on the ground...Texted little sis as they were coming in today to let her know...Phoned at 8.30 to be told my nieces appointment through here wasn't until 12.40pm so they were just about to leave and a sarcy thank you for the text at silly o'clock...Well if she'd phoned me last nite to say they knew it was later then i wouldn't have texted at that time DUH!!!...My mum came in with them too and i got a call from big sis who was through here too LOL...Big sis and her hubby and friends had been through for something last night so had stayed in a hotel and were out shopping...As we weren't going to see them until later me and the trio went into town shopping...We bumped into mum and oldest niece when we went for lunch...Before we went into town i got out the spade and cleared the bit of pavement in front of the door into the block...I also chucked down some normal table salt even though you're not supposed to...Don't care there hasn't been a single gritter out at all today...The only reason the main street at end of mine is fairly clear is because of all the buses that use it...You'd think a street that has not 1, not 2 but 3 main bus routes within the city that go down it that it would be a priority for gritting.


We had big lunch in town so don't need to cook for tea, sandwiches will do :o) Both the boys bought a gameeach with their christmas money and as they weren't in sales they don't have a lot left in change...K bought herself a fancy dressy scarf and a skirt...The skirt is to go with the basque she got last week in tkmaxx...Skirt was in sale for £2 instead of £12...If you ever need someone to go shopping with take K she ALWAYS finds bargains...I did get new black stilletoes in asda last night for £9 and as i have a night out in march they will be fine for then :o) They'll be comfy as they have slight platform soles at front so much comfier to walk in...Am still not getting anywhere with Deal No Deal even though i have managed to enter it nearly every day LOL...Nagging G to study and getting told off for it by K <sigh> Am off for a coffee and to catch up on boards i read

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

You had better let me have K when I spend my M&S vouchers !!some one suggested I buy food !!with them er I dont think so lol ,lovely for your family to get together ,have a great time all of you .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

As always I love reading about your life ........... why  live in Aberdeen!!!!
That's the bit I  don't understand ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, lucky you having all that snow!   It`s just that we so rarely see it down here that it`s wonderful when it happens.  I`d be out making snowman in a flash if I had  the! :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Glad the boys bought a game each with their Christmas money...shame they wern't in the sale...K picked up a good bargain ....a £12 pound skirt for £ thats what I call a bargain....sound like you had plenty of visitors and made a big dent in that ironing....hear the weather is supposed to improve tomorrow...hope this snow isnt here for too long.....Take care Caff........Ally

Anonymous said...

K must get her bargain hunting prowess from you, you do quite well at it too.  Shame the boys had to pay full price, maybe they'll find something with the rest of their Christmas money.  It's nice when you don't have to cook for one day.......or wash up!! makes the day a bit better. Rache xx