Saturday 22 July 2006

Dull saturday

I do apologise for the lack of input here of late...I just feel that all i seem to have done over the last few weeks is moan and whinge and no-one wants to read that all the time...Doesn't seem to be a turning point in this horrid run of bad luck either :o(

G is fine after his op and not in pain and not even blocked up and sniffing loads like they said he would be which is good :o) I actually had visions of him deliberatly sniffing at me all the time with a grin on his face as he knows i can't nag him about that for a couple of weeks LOL...It's hard to believe that 3 weeks have already gone past of their school summer hols, time has just flown past and they have 4 weeks left to go...Good news is that i got an email on mon about a new club starting for teenagers with aspergers :o) So on thursday morning i took them both along to it...They are holding it in the young carers centre...They walked down to the beach to go tenpin bowling and had their packed lunch outside i think...What they are going to be doing through this club is making a DVD to send out to all the schools in the city and i think also to the teacher training uni and to the social work training uni...Telling people what it is that THEY would like and what THEY consider that THEY need as regards support etc...I think this is a damned good idea and something that should have been done yonks ago...So they were discussing what they could put in to it etc on thurs too...It will be done in conjunction with a local company which also happens to have it's own tv station on the internet...The plan is that they also do a programme for this station...If they do then rest assured a link will be appearing on here LOL...This club is not just for the summer but for the whole time so not just hols.

My social worker was round again this week on thurs before the boys went to this club...She's coming back again in 2 weeks time...Hmmm i must be letting my mask drop as i do think she's a bit concerned about me just now LOL...We didn't actually talk about what we were going to for reasons i cannot divulge as it is something very private but very worrying...She is encouraging me to phone DLA and see about trying to get M's mobility rate changed...So after i speak to my GP on mon or tues then i will be phoning them up and being my usual bolshy self with these kind of people...It really does make me upset and angry when i see others getting the high rate mobility that are same as M or more able than him...It's so NOT FAIR :o( ...I know someone who got a disabled parking space for her daughter...The same daughter who had a huge paper round and who can walk places with absolutely no problem at all...The same daughter who no longer lives at home but has moved to a flat further up the street the live on!!!...If i could be absolutely positive they wouldn't know it was me who reported it then i would...Thing is they would more than likely know it was me and they're not the kind of family you really want to get on wrong side of...But it's NOT FAIR...I know my GP will back me 1000% and so will my social worker and no that wasn't a typo <ggg>

My mums back in hospital and they think it is her diet that's causing the problems she's in for...She's not impressed that regardless of what she orders she's being given different food...Like she was given gammon and she does not like gammon but she forced it down LOL...Oh and so much for the hottest day of the year on wed...Here it was dull, cold and miserable but not really rainy...Just a sudden drop from 30 degrees on mon/tues to 15 on wed...Was back to scorching on thurs and yesterday when we had thunder and rain forecast...Erm where mr weatherman LOL...It's cool again today and we have the Haar (seafog) in...Me and M are off out soon...We're going to the art gallery...On thurs he mentioned about the Da Vinci exhibition that is touring the UK for the queens 80th birthday...This is the only scottish showing of it and it's already been on display for a few weeks...Cheeky wee git said to me that i didn't like art, told him i have a degree in art, then he said well you don't like leonardo da vinci, said yes i do...So upshot is late last night he announced i could go with him <ggg> Since when did my 15 year old son become all cultured and like going to the art gallery???? I am chuffed as none of my 3 have ever really been interested in stuff like this before...I better go get ready before the day is over...No Dr Who tonite arrgghhhhh we're going to be lost...Have a nice weekend everyone :o)


Anonymous said...

Thats great the club is for all the year ,not just the hols ,the film sounds like a brilliant idea to me too ,hope you have some success with the car ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Glad G is doing so well after his op ~ The new club sounds good Caff and as it is permanent even better ~ like the idea of them making a DVD to be sent to all schools etc. ~ I do hope they up M's mobility rate ~ do hope you both enjoy the Da Vinci exhibition ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Glad G is doing fine Caff, a sensitive area for an op.  I think you've saved all your bad luck up for the whole year and had it that means good times must surely be round the corner waiting.

Don't fret about whinging, you don't do that, and anyway lifes half and half so just take care of u and I hope the other problem you and your social worker talked about goes away silently. Rache