Saturday 29 July 2006

Rubbish entry

Am still alive it's just been yet another one of those weeks...Mum got home on mon, wasn't that great on tues, was okies wed morning but discovered her tank had been leaking for yonks and loads of water damage in the cupboard and was very poorly on the wed nite...So poorly my older sis was scared to go over on thurs and when she did the district nurse called the gp out immediately...End result she was rushed back into hossy where they found she had some infection...Not mrsa but not pleasant nevertheless...As they are 64 miles away i do worry a lot and the hospital she's in must be around 80 miles away...She's perking up and responding to the antibiotics though :o) K came home on thurs nite am not sure how long for this time though...M has been an absolute wee <deleted> since thurs...Few other things going on too...So sorry but i just wanna really go crawl into a corner and curl up and sleep for a week and just ignore the world.

Toodle pip tc


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Cath your luck has got to change soon, something nice must happen for you  ,I do hope so .............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum Caff, must be such a worry her being so far away.  As for curling up in bed, I know the feeling.

Anonymous said...

Just {{hugs}}, see you soon, can't wait xx

Anonymous said...

Caff sorry to hear about your Mum being ill ~ I hope she gets better soon ~ it must be a worry her being so far away from you ~ Ally