Monday 24 July 2006

Rock the boat


Well i've phoned DLA and they are sending a claim pack out...I was at GP for my checkup about the depression and i spoke to him about it...He said to speak to Welfare Rights also but they are closed in the afternoons and i know that if i didn't phone DLA i would keep putting it off...Has his condition changed i was asked...Erm nopes i said but i believe he is on wrong rate for mobility...Our GP will back it up to the hilt :o) He also believes M is on the wrong rate and should be on high rate...You know i so wish that they would overhaul the DLA dept...13 years i have been dealing with them and the forms and attitude is still all geared towards physical disabilities...Yes M can walk i know that am not stupid...My point to them is that just because he can walk doesn't mean to say he will walk...His safety due to his ASD is paramount in this issue...Like i said before he's now 15 and is unsafe out on his own unaccompanied...DLA should be overhauled and looked at because mobility specifically is geared towards physical and not any proper consideration given to the mental aspects...M is also extremely volatile and could kick off for no obvious reason at someone or something if out on his own...Anyone trying to help him would get that backlash too and i would end up with the police at my door...Ok back when he was 12 and given the life award then there was still a bit of hope that this would change...Now i honestly cannot see that ever changing...So low mobility is for people who need help getting around...There is degrees of needing help to get around and it's high time that DLA looked into this...You can need help getting around like G does and you can need permanent help getting around like M does...Perhaps i am making too much sense for either the DWP or government LOLOL...I do know that in scotland the princess royal trust for carers are campaigning to get things changed with DLA.

So on to other things...Well like i said i was at the doctors for my check up...He thinks i should write to the manufacturers of the sertraline i was on...What happened to me is extremely rare but not unheard of and although i am the first patient of his to have had it he has seen it before...As for the weight that i have put on with it because of the heat then the water won't shift...He's not given me water tablets because all his patients who are on them have had to up their doseage and still not working well...It's all on my legs and really getting me down...Am scared to go to the gym because i feel it wouldn't be safe to do much with my body being like this at the mo :o(  ...I am back to see him in a couple of weeks and we'll see how the weight is then...I am eating as sensibly as i can and am drinking plenty...He's not put me on a different anti depressant for just now and see what am like in 2 weeks time...You know i wish i hadn't gone on them in first place as this run of bad luck started around same time LOL.

My mum is getting home today so will see what my older sis says tonite...I have just bought a pile of more things for card making...M wants to help me make them :o) And to sell them...I do have an idea for something that i need to make samples up of and get a website done...Hopefully it will be something that takes off and manages to sell...If it does then i can see myself giving lessons to a couple of friends, K and the boys (hmmm perhaps not) and pay them to work for me ROFL...Oh well it's a dream that may turn out or fall flat on it's face...I just missed out on buying a very old wooden filing type cabinet thingy for bloke out the back...It was basically a box about 2 feet high, 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep of very slim drawers that i could maybe have but all the tiny bits n bobs in...Never mind he picks up similar all the time and might get something slightly deeper than a 1 inch drawer...Someone who makes jewellery bought it for a fiver LOL...I used to make jewellery and sell it and glass painted items at craft fairs...IF i can get a worker who will have the boys on a sat or sun then i may just be able to start doing that again...I haven't made any for years but the type of thing i did do is back in again LOL...I bought packs of 50 silver, 50 gold, 50 white and 50 cream card blanks with matching envelopes...I also bought a el cheapo tool cutter thingy from same shop...Can either cut straight or wavy...Also can perforate and also crease to fold...Not sure how good the crease to fold is but it would be handy as then i could do my own card blanks...The perforating would be cool to use on front ofa card to have a bookmark bit to tear off :o) ...I also bought in a different shop another couple of punches...What i would like to get is the tool for using punches in middle of a card but they are expensive and i need to work my way up to that.

As you know we're going to see Robbie Williams on 1st sept in glasgow...Well we're also going to see a band called Muse in nov up here :o) ...I know chances are not many of my readers will have heard of them but they're a band from devon and i think they're brill...So do the boys and they don't mind their old mum going with them to the gig LOL...I was also really impressed that instead of saying disabled tickets on the website it said special needs...Ok the phone number for this type of ticket was wrong LOL...The box office here gave me the right one :o) It's standing only and no way would the boys cope with that and the woman on phone agreed so we have the special needs/disabled seating :o) ...Now to try and get them to agree to meet the boys <ggg> I would put one of their songs on my journal but they're bigger than 1mb so no can do...The lead singer/guitarist/keyboard players dad was one of the Tornados back in the 50s/60s...M loves the keyboard work on their stuff and again if you remove the words like robbie a lot of it is very orchestral and calms him down a bit...Anyway i better think on something to cook for tea...It's too HOT to cook <sigh>

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Well they are scrapping the CSA so we can only live in hopes that they will make changes to the DLA.  The whole thing needs a damn good sort out.  Hope you feel better soon.  Oh, when you start making those cards, let me know.  I used to buy handmade cards from someone else and would certainly be interested.

Anonymous said...

Wow you sure do seem to be havin a time of it ...but........ Robbie Williams and Muse !! how cool is that gonna be ?? Kinda wish i lived in scotland an not norfolk cause we just had a load of shite bands down here this year an even Madness ain't here this year X Spike X

Anonymous said...

I can lend you the space for the song if you want?

Anonymous said...

Caff I'm pleased your Doctor is backing you ~ I hope the princess royal trusts campaigning do get things changed at the DLA. I wish you luck with your card making and why not do jewellery again it is all the fashion now ~ omg you could end up a millionaire ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Things havent been going your way latelly Ihope you have some luck with the DLA ,sorry you missed out on the cabinet ,hope one comes up again ....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You probably already do Caff but if you can get yourself to the craft fairs you can buy all the stuff you need cheaper and get a go on the new things that are about.  The website is a good idea so get to work on that.  DLA is antiquaited but maybe it's next on the list for a shake up, they've already done buildings to conform so here's hoping it's next.

Envious of u seeing Robbie........want u up close and take a camera :) Rache

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,

Like I`ve said before I hope you do get a motorbilitycar. Your GP obviously thinks you should too.  It does sound as though they COULD do with an overhaul and that you get your claim.   I`m typing this on Kerry`s comp. as mine has a serious problem and I won`t be able to post any entries for some time.  For now, take care. :o)

Sandra xxxx