Tuesday 12 February 2008

The weekend

I took the train up to visit mum on sunday for evening visiting...My train was due to arrive at 6.45pm and i could get to the hospital in around 5 mins so i would still have an hour with her...Yeah right...Best laid plans of mice and men and all that ruined by a bunch of drunken, hooligan louts on the train...Firstly the train went dead slow and stop to get to the station at Dyce...Dyce is on the outskirts of Aberdeen and is actually part of Aberdeen...The track goes past close to my street and i could have walked on to the train from there it was so slow...Reason being the staff had been warned there was some eejit on the line walking along the line from aberdeen main station to the dyce one...So they had to go slow so they wouldn't hit the numptie if they came across him...But hey that was just the start...We stopped for what felt like an age in the middle of nowhere in the dark between inverurie and insch...No explanation but we got moving again after about 5 mins...Now i had some right numptie in my carriage who was pished as a fart and getting really aggressive...He kept going to the loo every 5 mins and not shutting the door behind him...And when i asked politely would he make sure door was closed he just glared at me...He got really abusive towards the ticket collecter blokey...Anyway at insch we stopped and for a few mins longer than just getting off and on...Then at the next stop which was Huntly we stopped and no-one could get off or on...A message came across the tannoy saying there had been an incident and Grampian police were dealing with it and we would continue on once it was sorted...Also no-one could leave the train until the incident was dealt with...So tum te tum i started getting worried i was making a journey for no reason...By that time it was getting nearer and nearer to my arrival time and still another station before i got to Elgin :o( ...I phoned my younger sis who phoned the hospital for me...She then called back and gave me the ward number...The nurse said depending on when i arrived i could stay a bit longer...Then the tannoy said sorry for the delay there was a serious incident that grampian police were dealing with...Lairy arsehole in my carriage decided he had had enough and he moved into the next carriage...Where he proceeded to force open the door so he could leave the train...Rendering it unusable...So that carriage got partially vandalised, well the door did...When we eventually got moving i phoned the hospital from the next station as i had no signal until then...The first person i spoke to said i could maybe stay an extra 5 mins and i burst into tears...Told her i was on my way from abdn on the train and we had been held up and my sis had already phoned...That there would be no point in me bothering to leave elgin station to get to the hospital for only 5 maybe 10 mins of time with mum...She handed me over to the senior nurse on duty...She was so lovely and said it's ok i could stay until 9pm but not longer than that as some of the ladies go to sleep then...I said thank you and i would have to leave to get train home about then regardless...I eventually got to the hospital at 7.50pm...Mum looks awful :o( but she got home yesterday...The cellulitis had flared up really badly again...And her lymphodema was bad... But bless her my older sister had taken her down to the hospital shop...And mum had bought me a birthday card there...Big sis had also left me a pressie and card with mum...Which i have partially looked at <slaps hands>

As you know i am having this monthly implant injected into me...Well it has not only made me feel extremely nauseous for 8-9 days after but also dried my skin out something chronic...My skin is naturally dry at the best of times but now it is like sandpaper and quite frankly disgusting...This time my mouth is also very very dry :o(  YEsterday i got an appointment to get more painkillers for my shoulder so i spoke to my GP about it...My body is basically being overdosed with female hormones...This is causing the excessive dryness of skin and mouth and the nausea...There's not a lot i can do about it...As i said a few weeks back my older sis had me get my face done at a lancome counter...I spoke to clinque person tonight and she suggested i spritz it all the time with their hydrating stuff...She spritzed my face for me earlier when i was in boots and it was drier than the sahara before i got to asda across the road...Am drinking so much i told my GP i'd need a catheter LOL...Big sis the part of the pressie i peeked at is a bag full of sample sizes of lotions and potions from various brands...Bless her i do love my sis at times :o) I hope my skin recovers once this treatment is finished...Am gonna end up with WRINKLES if it gets any drier <sobs> Ok so am supposed to get them cos am old (45 tomorrow) but hey am quite chuffed that i don't have many at all so far...Especially none of those fine ones around the eyes...Secret ladies is that i have worn wraparound shades since i was a teenager...IT could be winter and i will have them on at the slightest hint of sun...My eyes are very sensitive to the sun and wraparound shades i have always found best...And am sure that is why i have no fine wrinkle lines around my eyes...Well few as am sure there are some if you look close enough.

Train home was delayed by 20 mins...When i got on the train i found out why...It was the same staff from the earlier one...And because of all the debacle on it and them being late at inverness it had knock on effect...The staff legally must have a 30 min break between journeys...The ticket collector also told me what had happened and why we sat so long at Huntly...Him and the other staff member and the driver had tried to remove some out of control passengers at Insch...Because they werte unsuccessful they called police to Huntly...These louts were not young lads but older guys...Ranging from 20s to early 50s he reckoned...A full scale fight broke out and they vandalised the carriage they were in...The police did nothing except to try and calm them down...They didn't remove them nor did they arrest or charge anyone...But they hadn't sent enough policemen for the police to be able to do much :o(  They did manage to remove 3 of the offenders at Elgin station...The ticket blokey said on 18 years working on the trains he had never seen anything as bad...He kept apologising for what had happened on my outward journey...I told him the hospital had let me stay until 9pm so he was pleased they had done that for me...You know we always hear about young teenagers being drunken, aggressive vandals but we rarely hear in the media of the older lot who can be just as bad if not worse...But the thing i found really astonishing is none of the other passengers in that carriage were willing to be witnesses to what had gone on.

Apart from that K being at home visiting made the weekend a nice one...She got me another dragon for my birthday :o) We went out for a meal on saturday tea time :o) And am gonna have to stop typing as it hurts too much having typed for too long for now

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Oh Caff, that's awful. Glad you got to see your mum and that she is home now xx

Anonymous said...

Caff I am glad your Mum is home ~ what an awful train journey you had ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Phew trains...........
what a mess..........
45 - Happy Birtrhday tomorrow! You are SO young

Anonymous said...

Jeez what a nightmare journey :(  Glad the hospital were accommodating to your situation though xx  Your sis sounds like a star :o)  Hope you enjoy the present ~ is it your birthday today??  Happy birthday ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))


Anonymous said...

People dont realise when they do these stupid things ,what a knock on effect it causes and how it affects other peoples lives ,so pleased you managed to see your Mum ...love Jan xx