Friday 17 November 2006



Well the review wasn't so bad today...MrsP was only back this week after being off for quite a while so she didn't compile the report...Two of her colleagues did instead which meant she didn't get her usual nitpicking digs in <ggg> His technical studies teacher had sent over a brief report on how he is doing...His work is of excellent standard, he's well motivated and has integrated well with the other pupils...Often the other pupils look to him for help...He does need to tidy up his work a bit though...No idea what tech studies expect him to get for his higher grade but i'll find that out at that parents night...Apparently he is delighted to be the senior boy in the base...News to me as he moans to me at times that he'd rather there was someone older than him that he could relate to better...See he's 16 and this age where someone 13 or even 14 is just too young to mix with...Apparently he's been absent a lot!!!! Well that's news to me and i said that...He's been off ill twice this term and both times with a bug that was going around the whole school...Ok he was off for robbie williams gig and off for a hospital appointment (it clashed with a class) but he's not been absent much with being ill.

If he stays on to 6th year he told the carers woman that he'd like to do Higher geography and Advanced Higher maths & tech studies...He'd also like to continue the classroom support that he's doing this year with 1st years and also to do Sports Leadership Award...No clue what the last is i'll have to ask him when he gets home from his mates laters...He'd told the carers woman that it is still engineering he is interested in most likely electrical engineering...He neglected to tell her he's actually most interested in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics degree LOL...I have a couple of links i need to check out regards funding & support for disabled students...See if that is something he can be eligible for on top of the disabled student allowance which is quite restrictive...I know it seems awfully early to even speak about it if he's doing another year at school but it's not...I actually started looking into everything that side a couple of years ago...I prefer to prepare this kind of thing in advance because last min can be no use...And last min can meen even a year beforehand...So all in all it was an excellent review but as i said MrsP hasn't been around to do her nitpicking side...Saying crap about his hair. clothes etc...Saying that he can't do X cos he's aspergers etc...You know i don't often gloat because well it ain't nice is it...BUT i am gloating because she didn't even blink an eyelid or object when higher geography was mentioned <ggg> She didn't dispute that he no longer needs to do english full stop <ggg> She wasn't mean and nasty and try to dictate what he can do outwith school <ggg> She wasn't even that hassled that the stuff he does go to is not mainstream <ggg> Hmmm maybe she's on HRT and mellowed...Social worker mentioned her not moaning about his clothes for once...Told her well G thinks she's a fuddy duddy and dresses more fuddy duddy and old than granny...Granny being my mum who as you know was 75 last month and MrsP is only 53

Suppose that's enuff bitching for now LOL...I was babysitting again after his review and not done a lot else really...Am a Celeb was so funny last nite...The live trial with Dean Gaffney was hilarious...Poor sod there's no way i would have done what he did and the gunk he was govered in well <vomit> ...Even though Jan Leeming and Scott Henshall got 4 stars on their trial they were still crap...Look on her face when she got told she'd been voted to do another was ace...Her moaning wondering why the public didn't pick someone else after having done the first one LOLOL...Well dear the public are picking you because yer CRAP, you MOAN, WHINGE, BITCH and LIE...The public don't like you and they want to see you suffer...It's so obvious she has never watched this before or she'd keep her gob shut...As for the pretend strip in front of Toby Anstis the poor bloke looked he so wanted to be anywhere else...WooHoo X factor and Am a Celeb tomorrow can't wait...Better go feed myself LOL

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Sounds as though he has done really well ,bet you feel proudof him Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Glad the review went well Caff, had to laugh when you said maybe she's on HRT now and has mellowed, he he :o)
Looking forward to X Factor later :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooh AI that's a fascinating topic for him to delve into, good luck with finding if there's funding.  Dean was hilarious, I haven't watched Eastenders since he was a lad at school....I can still see Robbie in him (think that was his name).  Got a feeling he'll do well. Rache

Anonymous said...

Ello Cath :o)

going over board here...two replies! lol

Great news about he review and hpe you are well proud of him and you :o)

I'm a celebrity is just great this time, really making me laugh. I'm the only person here that watches it, its been banned in my daughters house so nobody else sees what I find funny in it lol xxxx

Anonymous said...

Caff glad the review wasn't too bad ~ you must be so proud of your boys at how well they are getting on ~ glad MrsP didn't get the chance to nitpick ~ as G say's she is an old Fuddy Duddy lol ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Glad the review was ok, I hope he can get to do what he wants :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the review went well and the fuddy duddy kept her thoughts to herself ~ I'm a celeb is quite a good laugh this year, I'm not usually into it but I enjoyed last nights episode lol

Jen xx