Friday 3 November 2006


K just phoned and she does have asthma...She's been given low dose steroid inhaler, oral steroids as her chest is wheezing and amoxicilian...She forgot now she is 19 she has to pay for her prescriptions then try and claim then back as a student...So that's 3 lots she has to pay for...Is it just me or is it a bit unfair for students to have to pay for prescriptions when they are already on a very low income that barely covers everything???


Anonymous said...

She can apply for an exemption certificate can't she,I know asthma is bad but glad it wasn;t something worse and at least now she knows what it is she can deal with it

Anonymous said...

if she ios going to have to get repeat prescriptions as she will for her inhalers (she will probably end up with two) then it will be worth paying for the year in advance that's what I used to do till I got mine for free.

Glad they have found what was wrong hopefully.

Anonymous said...

It seems so wrong they have to pay for prescriptions when they are at Uni ~ maybe she should think about getting a yearly one as she will need her inhalers at regular times ~ and perhaps she could claim the money back being a student ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I can only agree with what other commentors have said.  It certainly does not seem fair for students to pay for prescriptions as they have no income.  Maybe she could look into claiming any expense back?

Anonymous said...

Iagree too ,she shouldnt be expected to pay ,if she hasnt an income , Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry about K Caff, I hope all that stuff will work fast and ease her chest.  It is unfair that they have to pay first, my lads are free so I'm not up on claiming, but shouldn't low income get it free too with no outlay of cost to start with. Rache

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  I don`t think students should have to pay for prescriptions at all.  It costs enough for them to live day to day as it is, not that the government will take any notice of that though...sigh.  Have a lovely weekend. :o)

Sandra xxxx