Wednesday 31 August 2005


Well yesterday i did several entries and each time i forgot to save it LOL...Time for blonde hair dye methinks instead of being a redhead...I was naturally blonde until 3 years ago when it started to go dark with age instead of grey...I did want to dye it purple but got banned by daughter...The purple she used came out more wine and we were both disappointed so perhaps i will stick to being red...Am either going doolally in my old age or the anaesthetic did something to my brain <ggg>

Eldest lad is thoroughly enjoying his work experience...He has been in the workshop being shown how to put in hardware to computers and also in stores making sure they have plenty stock...Here's hoping he remembers what they have shown him about putting harddrives in etc so he can do it to our machine instead of us paying lots to a shop LOL...Yesterday i went to a consultation meeting about reorganisation of special needs facilities in the city including the closure of the assessment centre both my sons went to...It is a very contentious issue here just now and i personally believe it should not close...They say it is not about money but it is at the end of the day...It was the same when the SEN school youngest went to got threatened with closure...It was supposed to close 3 years ago and is still open...It is still being closed but when is anyones guess...They weren't taking anymore new pupils for last few years unless they were older...This year as there wasn't enough room in the other two SEN schools or in the SEN bases they have had to take in primary 1 class!!!!...And they say free standing SEN schools aren't needed...YEAH RIGHT...I was tired last night and i think it was from being at the meeting...I am still getting tired easily and especially if i sit doing nothing for ages...I don't think the woman who was in charge of the group i ended up in liked me much yesterday morning...Got that impression as she kept rolling her eyes anytime i said something LOLOL...I am not afraid to speak my mind and say my piece with regards issues that affects my sons...I will also hand out praise where it is due though with regards to any services...What i would like to see where i live is bases opened similar to the one eldest is in for primary/nursery age ASD children...It is the best of both worlds as a lot with an ASD find mainstream too hard socially but SEN schoolnot much use academcially...I put this point across yesterday in the meeting...Most of the parents there were of children on the spectrum...As i pointed out and was agreed with by other parents children with other types of disability can fit together in a *box* (normal base) but children with an ASD can't...Many of them do need specialist ASD specific bases/units rather than the norm...This woman from the health board said was a week long assessment needed like they get at the one they seem to want to close...she got a resounding YES <ggg> ...Okies with some disabilities then no they wouldn't but for an ASD they do...Here's an example i gave her...Eldest lad had to go and get reassessed by a clinical psychologist when he went into secondary school...He needed this to get a record of needs opened...As he had been diagnosed at 3 a fresh assessment was deemed to be needed...So this woman saw him for about 3/4 of an hour and said ok i will class him as aspergers...She only did this as he had a prior diagnosis of autism...IF this had been his first time being seen then she would have given him no diagnosis at all...HOW can anyone make a judgment on so short a time of seeing someone in a totally alien enviroment!!!!...The scale they use she scored him as *normal* on almost everything...The improvement side of the scale she assessed he would be at a normal level within a very short period of time...Well his writing has been how it is since he was 5...It has NEVER improved and it is extremely highly unlikely it ever will...Yet seeing him for 3/4 an hour she decided it could within a year ROFL...Three years since she saw him and it's still at the same level as it has been since he learnt how to write...He uses a laptop thing at school to do his work on so the teachers can actually read what he has said...IF she had looked at him over a week both in the hospital, at home and in school then she would have found him to be very different to what she claimed...Anyways enuff ranting from me or i will be here all day and run out of space <ggg>

Went into town to the bank (paying bills), had a nice coffee at costa and bought a top for the weekend...I have a rare night out and i am really looking forward to it :o) ...Daughter has said it is too big...Well a friend was with me and i tried on the 18 (too big) then the 16 and we thought it was fine...No way am i anywhere near back to a 14 but tried on athome without my T shirt on underneath erm maybe i do need to try a 14 tomorrow...Bought some hair dye as the red has finally faded and you can see my heaps of grey hairs...Okies i can see a couple HURRAH that will please my sisters that finally i am gonna go grey...Anyone want to lend me some crows feet and wrinkles now <ggg> ...Going to friends for her to dye it for me laters...Tomorrow i will be making a batch of turkish delight, i know am supposed to be resting...Seriously it is easy to do and no beating or anything involved i can even sit at the cooker if need on a barstool...Toodle pip for now tc xx


Anonymous said...

Remember to toss some of that Turkish Delight my you pass overhead!

Anonymous said...

Could you post the recipe for turkish delight ,its my partners favourite.Have just discovered your journal and enjoy it   JAN XX

Anonymous said...

Turkish delight ooooooooooh a fave of mine.  Have a good time at the weekend. xxRache