Tuesday 9 August 2005

Results and casualty LOL

Well today was the final of youngests countdown...Sadly he had to leave to go to respite playscheme before the postie arrived...When he did get his post i was really good and let him open the envelope although he needed a bit of help LOL...We already knew he had passed but he was so excited about having the certificate that made it official...He has a thing for awards/certificates/medals etc...He now has his SQA access 2 in french and drama :o)...Before he started the school he's at now 2 years ago i would never have dreamt he would get anything from school at all...Hopefully one day he may even go on to do some standard grades.

I gave him the envelope in the car as we had to go to casualty...When i went and picked them up from respite i had to sign an accident report for eldest lad...He'd been playing football indoors and tripped and going crashing over something onto the lino and hurt his ankle...They had put an ice pack on it for 30mins and made him rest it....I do think they could have phoned me about it when it happened or maybe they did but phoned old mobile number...They x-rayed it as although they doubted it was broken he does have a high pain threshold...It's not but it is a bad strain...So he has it bandaged up and no sports for a couple of weeks...He's supposed to sit with it up resting for next 2 days at least...Skiing doesn't start till near end of august and footie doesn't start till around then too...On tues he will have to take a note to school excusing him from PE <sigh> ...It's a plain old normal coloured bandage, they didn't offer him a coloured one even though they had them...When we go north on thurs eldest and my big sis can hop-a-long together ROFL

Apart from above it's been pretty uneventfull...Been pain free since sat :o) ....Went out for tea on sun but we ended up in KFC as car had a mega flat as a pancake tyre...Well we got in it to drive to somewhere else and not far round corner i felt the car shuddering...Kwik Fit were just closing and at £55 for a tyre i told them no ta...Left car near my usual garage and we got bus to town to KFC much to daughters disgust...The spare is on at mo and new one going on tomorrow now...Had hassles with one of my banks but got it sorted...Gits bounced DD for my car insurance even though i had money in to cover it <sigh> ....I had proof and was on their puter screen so got it sorted...Tomorrow daughter is off to dundee (poor her) with young carers project...We're off up north for the day on thurs, fri and mon will take it easy and it's back to school for the boys on tues HURRAH!!!!!....Toodle pip for now tc xxx


Anonymous said...

We still have almost four weeks before school starts!
Well done youngest :o)
And I'm glad that oldest's ankle wasn't broken.
They could have given him the coloured bandage though, meanies!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Well done to youngest, I bet he's chuffed. Ouch for eldest at least it's not broken and everything is at the end of August, hopefully he'll be ok by then. I didn't know they did different coloured bandages........cool!! xxRache

Anonymous said...

Well done to your youngest - great achievement :)  If your son is anything like my Scott was, he won't rest that ankle and it's ridiculous the school didn't phone you and glad you have been pain free since Sat :) just let's hope you stay that way.

Jo xxxx

Anonymous said...

well done to youngest and hope eldest feel better soon, his ankle that is. Glad you have had no further pain and fingers crossed it stay that way:)..........Jules xxxx