Friday 10 June 2005


Feeling a bit better...Am over the actual fluey bit but am still a bit weak...Daughter and eldest lad are fully recovered now though :o) ...Youngest has come down with it although you couldn't really tell...He says his head feels funny, it's not sore just feels funny...I do like his descriptions sometimes as he's so rarely feeling uner the weather he doesn't really know how to describe any symptoms...He's been off school yesterday and today which he is worried about...Not about missing school work, worried that he hasn't been able to hand in his reply to the *awards ceremony*...Every year his school do a presentation to ALL the pupils...They make them certificates for passing certain levels within scottish national cirriculum and for any achievements they have made (eg: he will get one for being a prefect this year) ...I think it is a wonderful thing to do for these children...There are a lot of pupils who are quite severelly disabled physically in the school and all their faces are so lovely to see when they get their awards...I have told him not to worry he can hand back the reply on monday...Eldest lad is off school again <sigh> today...His hayfever was off the scale this morning although now he is fine GRRRR...Poor lad gets hayfever from march right through till sept...Grass pollen is a bad one and i dread to think what state he would be in if he was not on his antihistamines...

Last week i got a letter about the art school i went to many many eyars ago...This year they are celebrating the 120th anniversary of it's founding...During this years degree show they are having a special reception for all their alumini...It sounds very exciting NOT lol...We will get a glass of sparkling wine and a strawberry tart...erm WOW!!!...My lecturers really did not like me at all whilst i was there...they both would have rather not given me my degree but tough luck on them my dissertation was one of the best in my year <ggg> ...Funnily enough at the degree show both me and this other student they hated we were the only two who sold all our stuff...We were also the only two from our dept who were asked to submit items for an exhibition...Sadly at the time i couldn't as i had sold all the things i had made and as my dad was seriously ill in hospital at the time i didn't have the time nor the inclination to make any new pieces...I really don't know if to bother going to this reception...A glass of wine and a strawberry tart doesn't exactly entice me...Will think about it over the weekend and see how i feel...It may be a good laff on the other hand it may be as boring as anything...

I did go to a school reunion a couple of years ago at my old high school...It was alright but i haven't really kept in touch with anyone from school...Well not people from my year...My best friend at school was in the year above me and i do keep in touch with her down in london...One of my fellow pupils i really wanted to see again refused point blank to go the the reunion...I did find out that someone i was vaguely friends with at school her husband taught eldest lad when he was in 1st year...Another is friends with a member of my local aspergers support group...Having left home at 18 to move here to go to art school i did lose contact with almost everyone...The ones from my year who did go to college or university are now pretty widespread across the world...Amazing how we start to reminise when we get an invite like the one above...Anyway back to the mundane day to day things i have more washing to hang out...Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

You may see some old mates at this one too if you decide to go.  Well done to youngest it's really aggrivating when you want to do something and illness gets in the way, but Monday he'll have a smile again. Glad you're a bit better and the rest of the family, just one to get well now.~xxR

Anonymous said...

I married the only person I was interested in at school......

Anonymous said...

They do the certificate at our school, the kids love it and it gives them something to work towards.Hope you get to take your art up again one day.

Anonymous said...

Hello. So what did you do to get disliked by teachers? What was your artistic style for instance? Was it out of line with what they wanted? I think you sound amazing with your two boys. Enjoyed reading your journal, and thanks for visiting mine.

Anonymous said...

My teachers never liked me either :o)
So, what kind of artwork did you do, and do you still do it?  
Glad you're feeling a little better.
J isn't good at describing symptoms either.  He says he has a boo boo and points to where it is.  Teachers are trying to get him to use the word sore instead of boo boo, but I'm just glad he even does that!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I do like your jumping tigger!  How clever of you to do that...I can't even add photos.  Glad you are feeling better!  I hate school reunions as it reminds me how miserable it all was.  And the same people all club together in little groups just like they did then!  
Am cooking some spaghetti now so must rush!