Monday 25 July 2005

this 'n' that

First a thank you for the nice comments...I don't get that down too often honestly just at times it really gets to me...Still haven't found dratted MP3 player but haven't gutted their bedroom yet...Am going to turn the 3 seater sofa on it's edge laters and slit a hole in the bottom to see if it's fallen in there <fingers crossed> ...It's nowhere else in the living room and the headphones were on that sofa...Player is always on end of his headphones so i have to look there...He told his sister i had been acting weird on sat afternoon too...Me being how i was so doesn't make sense to him but him saying 'i can't talk about it' 'i need to watch sonic' etc doesn't make sense to me...I KNOW it's his autism but it does drive me up the wall so much at times...He's deifnitely regressed since january and it's upsetting...Friend has noticed the regression too...If school haven't noticed then it could be he's acting different there...They tend to do that a lot in my experience...Oh well this is start of 4th week of hols so not long to go until they back there LOL...

Yesterday i did not a lot as i had such a headache and felt crap...Watched the grand prix which was a good one...Then persuaded the boys to watch the remainder of the motogp which youngest found exciting...I have always wanted a motorbike but i wouldn't fancy driving one round a circuit in the pouring rain the drivers did yesterday...Went and got daughter off the train at 11.45pm last night...She'd had a great time in leicester and they all loved the scottish fairy ROFL...All these youth parliament meetings she goes to she wears a set of fairy wings!!!!...She had on a UKYP t-shirt which everyone had signed...Am glad she had such a good time...Her friend who i picked up too left his mp3player down there DUH!!!...What si it with mp3 players just now LOL...He'd also been stopped FOUR times on the way to the station on thurs and taken to the main police station up here too...All because he had a biggish rucksack on his bag and had his hair cut on No2 <sigh> ...He'd let them look in his bag and told them several times where he was going to and why...I did notice when i picked them up last night there was two transport policemen waiting for the train and generally checking around the station...Guess one thing that has come of the last 2 weeks events is police are more visible on the streets etc...

Got woken by the *earthquake* men out the back again this morning...As i type they are still knocking stuff down and the flat is shuddering...Went to the gym and did my weights workout along with a swim...Went to the desk to book my review with the trainer and he's LEFT <sob> ...He's gone got a job offshore TUT...Ok am being shallow and peeved he left as he was good looking...It's not the only reason, he was nice and friendly to everyone who goes there regularly...Even if he was not working and in working out himself he stood and spoke to people and asked how they were getting on...The others don't seem to do that as much...Oh well got a new female trainer reviewing my programme next week...Went got pics done in asda for a photo driving licence...Am fed up having no photo ID and so many things you need photo ID for i decided to get my licence changed...Man in DVLA office said i need birth certificate and then asked if i was single...Said no am divorced so he said you'll need marriage certificate...Said erm don't have that anymore LOL but i do have divorce one...Hopefully it along with birth certificate will be fine...Chances of me going abroad as zilch or i would have bought a passport instead...Probs have same hassle with that though...Both my maiden and married names are on divorce one so they can just accept that...Am skipping weightwatchers tonight as i have been a complete pig over the weekend and i can't be bothered...Will be back on track tomorrow though...I did ask in asda last week if they can put negatives onto CD and got told yes...Will need to look out my black and white pics and get that done...Bought some charms to put on cards...After i have gutted the flat properly then i am going to sit down and make loads of new cards...Sorry entry been so long and rambling...Toodle pip for now tc xxx


Anonymous said...

Jason is different at home and at school too.  At school he is very quiet, at home is is a chatterbox!  They only see that when he looks at photo's of home, and then only when they're hiding behind a curtain, or around the corner!!  
Glad your daughter had such a good time, lol at the fairy wings, excellent!  Feel bad for her friend, with the backpack.  Can't be helped I suppose, but must be annoying all the same.
Hope you find that MP3!
Sara    x

Anonymous said...

Grand Prix wa excellent even though I couldn't watch more than fiove minutes at a time as I was jumping up and down due to steroids................

Anonymous said...

Glad daughter had a good time.  Smiling at the wings. Those MP3 players are so tiny they could slip anywhere.........I'm trying to coax my son into giving me his.  Horrid when you have a headache and things all come at once, hope that's eased off now. xxRache

Anonymous said...

You can order a new certificate if you need to, you can even do it online now :) You'll have to attach one of those whistle keyrings when you find it. I wonder if the gym will have the same appeal now lol

Anonymous said...

they should accept you divorce decree absolute, the courts keep the marriage certificate after a divorce and the absloute is all you need. Hope you manage to find the MP3 soon...........Jules xxxxx