Thursday 7 July 2005


Mum got her op at lunchtime and all the first nurse would tell me when i phoned was that she is comfortable...I asked what they had done and got told due to confidentiality i couldn't get told but was welcome to visit <grrrrr>...Explained i was wanting to know more and wouldn't be visiting as mum reacts badly to a local anaesthetic let alone a general...Said there was a letter for her from a different hospital...So nurse went said she'd go speak to the nurse looking after her and the sister came on the phone instead...The sister told me they had put in 2 drains again althought not permanent ones...Just hope this works for good this time as it's distressing my mum so much...I've never seen her so down as she has been over the last year except when my dad died years ago :o( ...Am going up tomorrow afternoon to visit so will see what they say then...My older sis got told when she phoned tonight they had never heard of mum!!!!!...Then they found her FFS...No word about my uncle but wasn't expecting any today.

Been to the gym where i found out about the atrocities in london :o( ...I cannot and do not want to understand people who can do something like that...Horrible horrible horrible...The people i know who live in london are safe <phew> my heart goes out to everyone caught up in it and those who had loved ones die or seriously injured.

Had a call this afternoon asking if eldest would be willing to take part in more to do with the autism strategy stuff i was at the other week...They want views and input from adults, teenagers and children with aspergers/autism too...He said he would talk to the person doing it so that will happen next fri...Also same person who phoned me has put youngest down for free music therapy even though he is not able to take part in the trial over the holidays...I've been wanting music therapy for him ever since he was tiny and finally we are getting it free up here :o) ...That's it for today so Toodle pipand everyone take care xx


Anonymous said...

Thoughts still for your Mum, it's not nice being in hospital although necessary.  I saw a programme on the music thing, it looked good, I was impressed so I hope it all goes well on that. xxRache

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your mums op is finished, it is so worrying a time when people have operations. I know they have to consider confidentiality but they were going a bit over the top weren't they and then not to even know she was on the ward, its disgraceful. The NHS is not the same as when I was nursing, we had to know everybodys name/condition/treatment within hours of being on a shift. I do hope the op works and your mum is more comfortable. Hope your uncle starts to improve soon as well ...........Jules xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your mum, hope she's well. Hope your all fine. As for the bombing, it was horrible, we only got the traffic backlash from it, but people were stunned and I know of at least one person who had her partner injured, luckily not seriously and he'll make a full recovery.

Looking forward to seeing you in sept, speak soon.

Mart xxxx

Anonymous said...

Keeping your Mum and Uncle in my thoughts.
Can't believe they weren't going to give you any info over the phone, thought that only applied to people who aren't relatives.  Glad she is doing OK.
Sara   x