Sunday 3 July 2005


In answer to Jules comment on previous entry...Yeah she does get any medicines in either soluble or syrup form...Thing is she's almost 18 now and often the syrup versions are for young children...I just can't understand how if you can swallow a sweet or some kind of food you can't swallow a pill!!!!...Ok i can kinda understand not being able to swallow big pills but hayfever ones are so teensy you can barely see them...Am afraid i am a rotten mum in that if she is ill she doesn't get much sympathy as she refuses meds to help...She had a hellish time when it's that time of the month and any meds the GP can give her to help you just don't get in any other form except for pills...

Eldest had his last skiing lesson until after the summer holidays...He passed his level 4 this week :o) ...Last week the instructor passed him for some of it but not all...This week his toe was much better and he was able to ski as well as he usually can as a result...He is really looking forward to trying out the snowboarding during the hols now...Just hope that if he manages to pass the level 1 at the end of that week he will then be able to get into a level 2 class after the hols have finished...Fingers crossed...Youngest went to cinema with his worker in the early afternoon...Not particularly to see the film but so he could see the trailer for the new Harry Potter film...The trailer wasn't shown duh!!!  He doesn't seem to upset though <phew> ...He also took his 50 bucks as he called it and got it changed at the post office...The main post office up here is open until 5pm on a sat :o) ...He got £26 and some loose change...He hasn't spent it yet though but plenty time to think of something to buy...Daughter was out all day from noon onwards...I ordered the boys that regardless of what they wanted to see on any sky channel yesterday TOUGH!!!! Mum is watching Live8...

Did anyone watch it at all???? I heard a few moans that it wasn't as good as Live Aid back in 1985...We all get nostalgic though and there were a few dodgy notes sung at live aid too as well as in my opinion utter rubbish groups/artists...We all like to remember the good, outstanding ones though...I was online whilst watching it too so i could view the live stream from the different gigs...Greenday rocked in berlin and we had sound turned down on the telly to listen to them...Muse were brilliant in Paris (did same for them) ...U2 i found a bit disappointing they were on too early for the crowd to have got going, but they had to be to get to their gig later in the day...For me the oustanding acts of the day in Hyde Park were Robbie and Pink Floyd...Robbie took that crowd and got them going and had them in the palm of his hands as he does so damn well...Whatever anyone says about him he man is an entertainer first and foremost...Pink Floyd well wow, awesome, fantastic, brilliant...Seeing them all together on stage for the first time in so long and burying their differences was just amazing...I like the scissor sisters but hey take note THAT is how comfortabely numb is sung...Am maybe sad but i got shivers when floyd were playing...Maybe it will all be one glorious failure i do hope not...The powers that be better have taken note of what went on yesterday and DO SOMETHING...Not every country in africa is run by some despot dictator, they are not all ravaged by war...Some of them are just desperately poor and need help...Anyway i am not going to get all political here...I enjoyed the concert...I didn't like all the acts but there was a good mix to suit everyone's tastes...We did channel hop with the tennis...It is a bit of a shame that one of the best ladies finals ever was overshadowed by Live8 but hey ho...Watching the F1 just now then going to strip all the beds again and get rid of nasty horrid pollen...Going to the gym later as the kids are just chilling and don't want to go out even though it is a lovely day...Toodle pip for now xx



Anonymous said...

I watched bits of live 8, we saw Dido who was good, Coldplay, Green Day, Robbie, Peter Kay and the Who.  I think the best was Robbie, he was brilliant and Peter Kay made me laugh, now what shall we sing.  I thought it was good from what i managed to watch.  Don't watch tennis but Mark has had the Grand Prix on :)

Jo XxX

Anonymous said...

Really hope it all does some good, my daughter and sister have the same problem with pills,must be physcological, they still crush things with jam :)

Anonymous said...

I was going to suggest the crushing pills with jam thing too, I used to have trouble swallowing pills.  Hayfever pills are so small, but for me the small ones are the worst to swallow!  I also used to wrap the pill in a small piece of bread, that might work.  Hopefully she will grow out of it someday, I did :o)
I missed the first hour of Live 8, but watched the rest.  There were some acts that I didn't even recognise, and some that weren't to my taste, but over all I thought it was great.  I forgot to mention Robbie in my journal, he was fab wasn't he!  The best part of the whole thing was when they brought that young girl on, who had been in the original films of children in Africa 20 years ago.  It brought tears to my eyes to see her looking so well, and to know that she is doing well in life.  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

try doing like what we do with the cat and wrap it in something she will eat, like in a bit of jam sandwich........Jules xxxx