Saturday 23 July 2005


Had enough of youngest today :o(  ...I broke down and cracked up this afternoon and have now pigged out and ignored my diet completely...Going to have a drink later as i really can't take it all...His MP3 player seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet and he appears uncaring about it...I know he's not it's just his autism but sometimes it just gets to me so much i break down in tears and cannot cope...I've been dealing with ASD for over 13 years now and i still can't get my head round it and understand it properly...I don't think anyone can unless they have the condition themselves...I usually cope okies and don't allow myself to be down and upset but i just lost it today...Phoned a friend who came round and made me a coffee and helped calm me down...I know it sounds really silly to get so upset over an MP3 player but it's not really it that is upsetting me (it has to be in the flat as he had here on thurs night and hasn't had it outside) it's just the autism and how he is just now...I am still pissed off with that school GP and clinical psych...How she can decide he hasn't changed at all without seeing him is beyond me...Their has been a significant change in him since january that everyone who knows him has noticed...He's regressed to having conversations in video/tv speak as i call it...His mood swings are horrendous and he's mega jekyll & hyde again :o(  ....At this moment in time i seriously want him to lash out and hit me so badly i have to go to hospital just so they will do SOMETHING to help him...Those 2 above just keep saying you need more respite...Well yes i would love more but that is not a solution it is a stop gap...There are not enough professionals that understand the condition or dismiss it as bad parenting and bad behaviour....The bad behaviour stems from frustration with not comprehending or understanding what is going on....Speech therapist decided last year his comprehension and understanding was now age relevant...It is NOT he is way behind your average 14 year old with that and that is regressing too...Anyways don't worry about this entry i just needed to write it down...I will bounce back soon as i always do....Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

I've only been dealing with it for a couple of years, and our probs are different with J being so much younger, but from one parent of an ASD child to another, here's a hug.  (((((((((( C A F F )))))))))).
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

{{{{{{{{{Caff}}}}}}}}}, I can't say much really apart from I am here if you need a shoulder at any time, phone number can be emailed if you ever fancy a natter............Jules xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Just {{{{hugs}}}} xxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel for you Cath, you cope brilliantly, it must be so frustrating.  All I can offer is a ((((((( big hug )))))))) and say cheers.  Take care.  You're in thoughts. xxRache

Anonymous said...

oh caffy u are having a rough time of it ! ((( for u )))  im not suprised u feel low, but i have to tell you ,your a great mum and a wonderfull friend, its ok me saying it i know but ,chin up love and keep peckin @ those that can help!! love lin xxxx