Sunday 17 July 2005


Firstly not had any horrid pain at all over the weekend and i stopped taking the voltarol the doctor gave me...Stopped taking it as yesterday afternoon it decided it was going to have a detrimental effect on my stomach...Was running to the loo every 5 mins <sheesh> ...Yesterday i lazed about and did not a lot except to stuff to keep me awake...Daughter was down in edinbugh all day at a meeting about the UKYP (UK youth parliament) meeting she is going to in Leicester next weekend...I am so glad she is involved in all this stuff, makes life more interesting and is something that didn't exist when i was her age...

Got up this morning to get ready to go to the gym...I have really missed not being there since wed, sad isn't it LOL...Just before i was about to leave there was a knock at the flat door...Was bloke downstairs...He asked me how i was and i though oh oh he's heard me screaming in pain...Said i was fine then he asked how daughter was and where was she...So she came to the door and said 'what have i done' LOL...He asked her if she'd like a laptop!!!!!...He is having a big clear out of stuff and decorating and he said this one was under his bed doing nothing...It is one he got off a mate of his for nothing when his mates work were having a clearout...He already has a lappy for his work and a desktop he has in his flat...So we said yes as i haven't bought her one yet for going to uni with...Said will have to give you something for it and he said didn't matter...Will have to find out what he drinks and get him a couple of bottles at least...So i don't need to buy her a lappy anymore :o)  It's a notebook size one so will be really handy to take to and fro from uni...

Rest of today well it's dull but incredibly HOT...Phoned mum before she would phone me to say am fine...Forgot to ask if she made it to church today at all...Didn't phone big sis as she's at mums visiting just now so mum can tell her am fine LOL...Phoned little sis to say am fine...Told everyone look no need to keep phoning and checking up on me...If something major happens then daughter will soon phone them to let them know...Have to make a card later for best mate as her birthday this week...Got a few already made but want to do somethign really special for her...Hope her git of a partner remembers and remembers to get her a pressie and card from their kids...That's all folks for now so chuffed to bits about the lappy :o)  Toodle pip tc xx 


Anonymous said...

glad you are not in horrible pain
how nice of your neighbour

Anonymous said...

glad the pain has cleared up. It was nice of the neighbour to give your daughter a laptop............Jules xxxx

Anonymous said...

Glad you feel a bit better :o)
Very thoughtful of your neighbour!  Wish my neighbour would knock on the door and offer me a laptop, he he ;o)
Love the dragon!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

So pleased you are feeling better, wow what a neighbour!!

Anonymous said...

Awww wish I had a neighbour like yours.  I'm glad the pain has eased but ouch! for the loo part.  Things like UKYP weren't about when I was younger either, am stunned sometimes at what's out there for youngens, so much variety. xxRache

Anonymous said...

Glad the pain has eased off for you, i had voltarol for my back and made me feel really sick :(  Great neighbour you have there :)

Jo xxx