Friday 25 November 2005

Worried, concerned, kinda i guess

I know it's silly o'clock but i've been thinking...My brain hurts so much now poor brain it doesn't usually get much strain <ggg> ...I've been a bit cryptic last few days about K so decided sod it will write properly for once...A couple of years ago she was fainting and blacking out or seemed away with the fairies at times...One evening she all of a sudden went glassy eyed and collapsed in front of me...I managed to catch her and it was over in seconds really...So next day we phoned gp and got an appointment...She asked me to go in with her as obviously she didn't know what was happening...So our gp back then took her blood pressure and said it was lower than usual for a woman her age...She was 16 at the time...He said with hers being lower than usual if it dropped for any reason then she'd either faint or blackout...Told her to keep eating healthily and not much else they could do...He did mention medication but said it was rare to do that...After a while it did stop but it's now back...Am a bit angry and annoyed that she didn't say when we visited last weekend...She did say she had felt a bit lightheaded sometimes when we were down...I did notice she wasn't quite with it and did ask at the time if she was fine...Her reply was yeah LOL...Big fibber as i have found out now.

As i said earlier in the week she was at the campus doctors on mon...Her boyfriend had nagged her into telling this gp about her fainting/blacking out episodes and she did do as he told HURRAH!!!...I like this young man even though i haven't met him :o) ...As i said this gp tried to blame student lifestyle...Thing is K doesn't smoke or drink and she does eat healthy and plenty...Since she moved she's even eating brekkie, even if it is a piece of fruit grabbed on way to class...So earlier in week they still didn't have her medical notes...Well on wed they had finally arrived :o) ...This gp is saying there is nothing in them about previous time this was happening...Strange as the gp did write it down at the time...I can't argue though am not there to see them, with K's permission of course...On wed her boyfriend went with her and explained what was happening...He also backed up that K is actually eating...Am sure that possibly this gp who obviously doesn't know her thinks because she is thin that maybe she is someone who goes on mad diets to stay that way or be that way...Well she isn't she's always been a nice shape not overly skinny but slender built...So she had to go back on wed evening to get an ecg...Now that worried me but results were normal <PHEW> ...Today she had five lots of blood taken to be tested...Anaemia is one and K thinks thyroid is another but not sure what all exactly...I have queried her thyroid before up here with gp...About 3 years ago she had a touch of alopecia on crown of her head :o( ...From reading stuff i asked about thyroid but got told wouldn't be as she was so young...Most of it has grown back now btw :o) Enuff to not be noticeable which is good...The gp down there is also possibly going to send her for epilepsy tests...Told K that would be an eeg as she won't remember M getting his as she was only 5 at the time...That has to be done at hospital though...I do hope they get to the bottom of it sooner and that it is not something major...I was talking to another J lander about it by email this week and was suggested she test her blood sugars...Her and her b/f are going to get one of the prick test things off a uni mate who is diabetic...It would really need tested there ane then when she faints and not next day or hours later to see if it's them dropping...I've told her to buy some high in sugar/glucose sweets to keep on her at all times to take if she faints...She did again tonight whilst on here talking to me...I phoned her room landline and spoke to her fella...This time they noticed she felt dizzy/lightheaded first then blacked out...So there is some warning...In a way i am now glad she didn't bother learning to drive last year when she turned 17...Main reason was she didn't want to pass her test and then not be able to drive...My car insurance was going to go through the roof to add her on to it...blacking out for a few seconds is bad enuff but at wheel of a car could be fatal...It's just a worry being 140 miles away and not close enuff to help or be there...Anyways i must go get some sleep LOL....It's not nearly so cold tonight but it is pouring down with rain...The boys are off to see harry potter in the morning and think i'll go to the gym then and get rid of some worries for a couple of hours.

Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

(((((((( hugs Caff ))))))) you've given her good advice, and I like her boyfriend too, she's in good hands up there. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff....Good to get all of that of your chest, and what a worry for you, but she is in good that must take some of the worry away....Lets hope they can sort things out for her.....Ally

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how you must be feeling ,but at least she is being sensible and getting tests to get to the bottom of it ,the boyfriend sounds a responsible ,supportive young man,lets hope they can soon find the problem and start treating it ,meanwhile try not to worry huh !!difficult I know ,shes a good sensible girl ,with a very good Mum ..............Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, it sounds as though K has a lot of support and a great GP.  If it`s a form of epilepsy the EEG will show it, as I`m sure you know.  I hope they get this sorted out soon, to put all your minds at rest.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad K's boyfriend is looking after her, you can at least be thankful for that huh??  Sounds like the GP's don't really know what their doing but I hope whatever it is it's not too serious :-)