Wednesday 16 November 2005

Todays stuff

Well this is such a pilavar that i really can't be bothered...After umpteenth attempt i can get entries to save by using internet explorer <sigh> It's freezing outside, so cold am suprised we don't have any snow...In saying that there probably can be some on the outskirts of the city where G's school is...Got a note home from the base yesterday saying he is owe one of the teachers money for breakfast...He'd been dizzy and lightheaded so she went and got him some toast...I went nuts at him as he gets money every monday for the school week...His answer but that's my money for my diet coke...Told him that if he refused to eat breakfast before he leaves for school then his diet coke can go by the wayside and he can jolly well pay for toast at school himself LOL...He ate brekkie this morning LOL...She also moaned the sleeves of his top were dirty...They weren't but the sleeves of his hoodie were but he could have taken it off and left it in the base...What is it about the males of the species and jackets???? He has a nice cosy winter jacket which he won't wear unless it is absolutely chucking it down with rain...As i said it's perishing cold here, cold enough for snow but he wants to wear a hoodie!!!  He did take the jacket with him today, note i didn't say put it on...He's as bad as my dad was LOL...Dad would wear his thickets jackets on a glorious summers day but in winter he liked to wear thin summer ones LOL.

I don't like the idea of adverts appearing on journals either...I wonder if this means that those who use the webspace allotted to them by AOL for websites will also be forced into carrying ad banners!!!  Been out briefly and the main street i live off has been closed just round the corner...A chimney stack has partially collapsed...Didn't think the winds were that high last nite or this morning...Guess it maybe got damaged with the 80mph winds last fri nite and has now slipped...Anyways i need to go out and buy a sympathy card to post to my cousins as i can't make it to the funeral :o(  Toodle pip and take care xx


Anonymous said...

There is snow in  s-in-l just told me.
We won't get ads.........................
Nah it's all American junk

Anonymous said...

It would be different if he hadnt got a warm coat ,wrapped up warm aint macho .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Oh dear what a pilaver with g and the journals huh?  At least you got him to eat brekkie :-)  Ooo er at the chimney stack falling down!!

Anonymous said...

If you clear your cache and rebuild the adaptor you can save the old way.