Saturday 26 November 2005

New dragon :o)


Awww isn't he just so cute :o)  Big thanks to Sara for sending me him :o) ...I love how he breathes fire something to keep us cosy when it's cold <ggg> Would like to say thank you to everyone who left comments on last entry and on wed entry too...I was unsure wether to write about K properly but when i tried to be ambiguous it came out too cryptic...I notice i left out what <cossable> in the states did...She IM'd him to tell him and just for a general natter...She used her AIM as she has her AOL screenie on it...Well first she got asked who is this? ...They know her screenie ffs...Was his wife so she got him to talk...So K told him what was going on and all she got was 'sorry to hear that darling' ...Then he didn't speak again!!!! or even phone her!!!!...Nice to see he cares so much NOT...<cossable> <deleted> <sweary words> <insert whatever you want here> GIT <~~~me being polite LOL...I have always tried to be as nice as possible but K is 18 and old enough to make up her own mind...She calls him prat to me am sure she uses something stronger to others :o(

So on to today...Well it absolutely bucketed down with rain nearly all day...Was so bad it was bouncing a foot off the pavement most of the time...I picked up the boys worker and drove to the cinema down the beach...Then i went to the gym whilst they were there...Shame they don't have a punchbag at it could have been doing with pretending it was a certain someone...I forgot my swimming goggles again...Hate swimming without them so only did 14 lengths before i gave up...They enjoyed the film even though they were stuck with very front row seats which is a bit close to the screen...After the cinema they went straight to club after i dropped worker off at his flat...And that has been it for today...Haven't heard from K so presume either her mobile is still lost (she dropped it in the snow yesterday) or it's found but not working...I do hope she is enjoying herself at the SYP meeting in edinburgh...She's not that happy about having to put up with Jack Mcconnel at it again LOL...I was sad to hear about the death of Richard Burns...He was the only englishman to have won the world rally championship and only the second britishman...Colin McRae being the other...Tragic loss at only 34 from a brain tumour :o(

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Yes your dragon is sweet ,I hope thats fire hes breathing and not sneezing lol ,you did well to do 14 lengths goggles or not ,Its a good job Ks got such a good Mum because her Father certainly does nt seem to be there for her ,but she knows this ,keep your chin up these things have a way of working out .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Well done on going swimming, i cant get motivated to do any exercise what so ever so you are good!  Nice dragon :)

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

34 is no age is it??  LOL I love the way you write about the sweary words when your talking about the kids dad.  I feel the same way about mine so I can totally understand.  Poor K :-(  She deserves more than that!!