Monday 28 November 2005

Wet monday

In reply to the comments on previous entry *hoodies* are in the main a fsahion item...They also happen to keep someones head warm which in the cold weather we've been having is a good thing...I've got 2 myself LOL...We wore similar jackets when we were young and there wasn't the fuss there is now...When you see shopping centres banning them from being worn i always wonder how many of the shops they have in them sell them!!! Especially if it's a sports shop...Loads of different kinds of jackets have hoods on them should we ban them all!!! Again it's the minority that spoil it for the majority...We all liked to be fashionable when we were young...I wasn't so sad as to wear ra-ra or puffball skirts in the 80's though...I did wear ponchos etc back in the 70's...Hooded tops like is in at the mo came from sports clothing originally and they are very comfy to wear...If it's the only jacket i can get G to wear then no way am i gonna stop him from wearing it...Do wonder if Jack Mcconnell will ever wear his one LOL...K did buy one for herself don't know if hers has anything written on the back though...You know a fashion that was around when she was smaller i consider far more dangerous...Jumpers, t-shirts, hairbands for girls etc with the childs name on them...Now that i would never let my lot have as i didn't think they were safe...We teach our children not to talk to strangers and only to speak to people who know them...Well if you have your name on something in full view it's easy for someone to use your name and if you're little you may think they know you because of that...Think it was football tops everyone got into trouble for wearing when i was a teenager...If you wore your team colours you were branded a troublemaker.

I have spoke to K today obviously as she gave me the link...She is quite pleased with some minor success she had with one of the ministers yesterday...The deputy minister in scotland for education...That minister were cornered by my darling daughter admitted they are not doing enough for young carers in scotland...Yes Jack Mcconnell has doubled the input they are doing to help young carers...That only means it has gone from zilch help to not a lot...He will support the youth parliaments attempts to get it increased substantially...So she's quite pleased with that but will be pushing her attempts for more to be done :o) ...K is quite lucky in some respects that although she is a young carer she is not a young carer to a parent or severely disabled sibling...There are THOUSANDS of very young kids in the scotland and in the UK as a whole having to care for parents and siblings...Care for them in a way that trained nurses and other professionals have to do...They save this country millions every year and have to struggle to do so...A lot of them their education suffers because they can't do homework, have to get up ridiculously early to do care work before going to school...Miss out on a lot of school, out of school acitivites etc...If you're under 16 you CANNOT claim carers allowance...Once you reach 16 you can claim it but NOT if you are still in full time only get it if you are earning less than a certain amount per week and working less than 16 hours a week anyway...K got involved with the youth parliament via local youth action committee...She got involved with it by becoming a young carers rep...If one thing comes from her time in the youth parliament i hope that our scottish exec do more about these vulnerable young members of our society...K got bullied throughout her school days because of her brothers...She did find it hard to do homework etc at times as she couldn't get the peace and quiet needed...She did find it hard to find decent friends, she also found it hard to do activities outwith school...That i am partly to blame for and it would have been easier if only one of the boys was the way they are...She has never really complained much about it and i know she worries about me now being on my own with them...Silly girl...Probably why she never said anything last weekend to me about how she is just now <sigh> ...I miss her terribly and i feel useless not being able to help her just now...BUT i am so glad she did move away from home to go to uni and she now has a proper, *normal* life :o) I really don't think anything much will get done for young carers as whole as they do save the government so much money...Not until someone high up somewhere in power has a son or daughter in the same position...Like many things no-one knows or can understand what it is like until they are in the position themselves...I don't actually know how K or the boys feel as i have never been in their position...I think at last count there was 50,000 KNOWN young carers in scotland...That is a horrendous figure...K was lucky she only had to cope on her own with the boys for a few days whilst i was in hospital...A lot of those have to cope day in day out 365 days year after year...Anyways am getting as bad as K and this has turned into a rant.

G was sent home at lunchtime with a migraine...I need to get him seen as it's not the first time...This time he had flashing colours and was feeling sick too...Got some migraleve from the chemists for him to take...I think it is probably stress related as he has his prelims/mocks/estimates (whatever you call them where you live) in january...The base haven't actually spoken to him much or explained how they will work for him DUH!!!...I reckon her reasoning is not to say too early so as not to stress/worry him...Unfortunately it is having the opposite effect as he'd rather know now so he is prepared plenty time in advance...Apart from that isn't been a none eventful day...Spoke to a friend on the phone this morning and was lovely to hear from her again :o) ...Was going to go to B&Q, homebase and go price some christmas pressies...Will do that tomorrow as i really want to get the tiles laid in the kitchen...We have had some snow on and off mixed with rain all day and it is cold again.

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

Good for K!
Are you a chav as well as hoodie then?

Anonymous said...

Ihave a couple of hoodys one gey from next ,and a bottle green one both comfy ,remember Son Derek saying to little Christopher Grannys got a hoody lol ,good for K shes been a little brick hasnt she ,as well as your best friend ...Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I own hoodies - I don't think apart from the one I'm wearing that I own any jumpers that don't have hoods!!  It's much easier to wear one of them than a jacket or whatever!!  Anyway that figure for young carers is ridiculous.  You'd think some parliament member or whatever would go out there and talk to some of them get a feeling for what they're's a shame more can't be done!!  Oops now I'm ranting in your comments - sorry..........