Wednesday 1 February 2006


Well G was sick not long before his taxi was due to arrive so he went back to bed...M tried to say he was ill but i told him he'd miss kayaking so had to go...He was out of bed, washed, deoderised and dressed quick enuff after me saying that <ggg> Funny how most experts and people say autistic people can't tell lies...My 2 can fib with the best of them, not very well but they can fib...When i phoned the school to say he wouldn't be in i spoke to the head of the base...I mentioned about what the english teacher had told G...Turns out his credit paper wasn't that great and he'd basically failed it...She didn't want to rock his confidence so told wee white fib saying she'd mislaid it...Hmmm not sure if that was the best policy but not for me to say anything...Well i did but i got the teacher had been teahcing for many years and was an excellent teacher...I don't care actually as getting the top grade you can in the general paper is a mjor achievement for G :o) English is a subject many who are on the autistic spectrum seriously struggle with...Our language is a bit too complex and convoluted for them to deal with...Now what may seem strange is that i know quite a few on the spectrum who manage to do other languages and speak in them easier than they do english...But it does make sense as most other languages don't have several words that sound the same but mean something completely different and are spelt differently as well...I can only imagine it must be an absolute nightmare for them as they are so literal in how they percieve things and usually in how they speak...Anyways as i said i am still really chuffed to bits he got the grade he did in his prelim and the base are going to work on the bits for credit he struggled with and i got told that it's not too much he needs to get his head round to possibly get a 2...Also for uni if he does go there he won't need higher english to do any of the science or engineering courses and also because he has special needs them to make allowances.

Phoned my friend to see if i was needed this morning only to half wake her up...Her lad said he had a dodgy tummy so wasn't at school...Her daughter has some really nasty, highly contagious virus that people at her school are dropping like flies with...Not good as their prelims for the 5th and 6th years are in a couple of weeks...Friend said she has what lookslike hives but on roof of her mouth and around where her tonsils would be if she still had hers :o(  Sounds nasty and we're avoiding them until she's better...So apart from going to asda my day has been just tidying up and doing not a lot...Hponed mum yesterday and she's come down with that nasty sore throat etc that i had the other week :o(  She's been given stuff by the docs and i do hope she's caught it soon enuff that she doesn't end up same state as me and most people i know were...Going to put a recipe of hers on a seperate entry now for anyone to try if they want to LOL

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

of course living in aberdeen one can hardly be expected to be good at english can one....................?????  ;DDDDDDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

Mmm...not sure about the teachers approach,but I suppose they know what they are doing. That virus sounds well weird

Anonymous said...

Your right to stick to phone calls whilst your freind has this nasty virus ,arr but Mums know when their offsping are telling porkys ,its in the job description ,am interested in your Mums recipe .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

My J can tell a porky too, as you said, not very well, but he does try!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

It is difficult the english language especially with those two words that are spelt the same - I think the best of us have those probs ;-)  G did really well in every other exam though which was good.  Your friends daughter sounds like she must be in a terrible way poor thing - hope she gets better soon xx