Friday 17 February 2006





Well today i feel a bit like Taz LOL...Woke up this morning with mega bad headache so went back to sleep...The boys being off school kept coming through and asking for stuff and i just grunted 'whatever' at them...When i was able to lift my head i found they'd both had 3 lots of brekkie and goodness what else...Oh well they're off today for in-service day and off on mon for there half term day...Tomorrow they're going out with andy and i need to go buy something for him and a card...He had to cancel today last night as he got told he was being taken out for a meal at a posh restaurant for leaving the job he had at the uni...Headache put paid to me going anywhere today but i can drag the boys to 24 hour asda's laters...I still have no idea what to buy him as a leaving pressie...Usually i get him a voucher for a local music shop that he likes but don't want to this time...Maybe a bottle of whisky or vodka...Hmm is it ethical for a 14 & 15 year old to give that to someone as a pressie LOL

I really feel like a headless chicken today and am waiting for a call about some technical help to fix an intermittant problem i have with my computer...Am rather sad and looking forward to the call from the sexy voiced man again <ggg>  We watched the Brits and M was peeved that Robbie didn't win one...To be honest we knew he wouldn't but M was living in hope...He was pleased that Coldplay won 2 though...He does like them...I thought the best performance of the night came from Prince...Great to see him back on stage strutting his stuff again...It did mean i missed watching the winter olympics mens free programme in the figure skating...I did watch it laters though :o) I know stuart was saying snowboarding and what was the point LOL...Well i watched the womans snowboarding cross country thing today and it was full of thrills and spills...The competitors are all okies but it is fun to watch the falls...Ok i have a sadistic streak in me but don't we all <ggg> ...It's brill that team GB have won a medal in the games...I'd love to have a go at that skeleton bob...Mind you i'd love a go at the luge and the bobsleigh as well...I have dropped hints for more years than i care to admit to for my family to all club together and send me down the cresta run LOL...That would be so much FUN...M keeps telling me it's dangerous and i can't go do it (spoilsport) ...Must say i find the winter olympics more fun to watch than the summer ones...Oh i'd like a try at the ski jumping too but am petrified of heights...In saying that i did use to dive off the highest diving board when i was younger...Anyways everyone have a lovely weekend

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

I dunno his he a voddie drinker? Busy Busy busy busy work work bang bang

Anonymous said...

I will look out for you in the bobsliegh event then , Do you still watch deal or no deal ?I look out for you to win that ,you said you email in lol I should think  Andy would enjoy a wee drink ,its not as though the boys are going to drink it is it ?.........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Did you get your sexy voice?
Did you get your problem sorted - whatever it was/is?

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  Winter sports have always seemed a bit scary to me...I love the skating and watching the bobsleigh or luge but I have visions of the bobs;eigh leaving the course and taking off like a rocket!  I know, an overactive! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't get me on a bob sleigh although i would go on any roller coaster LOL, the higher and faster the better!  I was mythed that Robbie didn't win an award too, but had a feeling he wouldn't this year.  Have a good weekend.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

You could make Andy a very very special card from the boys to go with the pressie.  I think it's ok for youngens to give whisky as a pressie.....or a dinky whiskey and a very special glass, whatever you choose it will be great Caff.

It's said that since the winter olympics started more and more people are going dry skiing.....I don't think I'm even up to Eddy the Eagles standard lolol so I'll not bother, no broken ankles that way :) Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness are you mad??  Wanting to do all those things.  Well your certainly more adventurous than I am LOL ;-)

Anonymous said...

hope the computer problem gets sorted and hope the headache goes too...........Jules xxxx