Saturday 4 February 2006

Bad news :o(


M went out with their worker late this morning to go bowling...I didn't give them a lift or go to the gym as i had a splitting headache and didn't feel up to driving...When they came back he had bad news for me...We went into the kitchen so the boys couldn't hear us talking...Their worker has got a full time job so is having to give up the outreach :o(  They will miss him loads as he's been taking them out for almost 4 years...He will still take them to the footie on wednesday and he'll try and take them out until they can find a replacement...I'll miss him too as he has been brill with them and for them...He's been like an older brother and he'll be very hard to replace...But i knew this point would be coming up at some point and we have to move on...I did say that if he still was able to he could still take them to footie this season...Think he will as well and he is going to stay in touch :o)

So the boys went to club and i went to the gym whilst they were there...M has decided again that he is resigning from the club LOL...For reasons i can't divulge then he can't quit yet...Besides by next weekend he'll be wanting to go anyways...My friend who was injured yesterday had quite a bad night and is just staying in bed or on the sofa...The painkillers they gave her are working though and she isn't getting side effects for once...I've put one of my autism ribbon siggy tag on my sig for message boards now :o) I know that having pics on boards may be a problem but no more so really than any on profiles...The offensive ones will be removed anyways and i don't see any harm in having a pictorial tag...Decided to have a play with one of the free 3D text making sites again hence the sat at the top...Going to have a quiet night and a nice long soak in the bath...Boys are at respite tomorrow so will go to gym and B&Q then.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, what a pity the boys worker is leaving, 4 yrs is a long time in any young life.  It`s good that he`ll take the boys to the footie and that he`ll stay in touch though.  I`m glad your friend`s painkillers are working for her.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff - 4 years is a long time - they boys will miss him, but it nice to know that he plans to keep in touch and take them to Footie....Hope your friend makes a speedy recovery....Enjoy your day of respite tomorrow.....and I like the tag......Ally

Anonymous said...

Shame she is leaving especially for your boys. I want to know how to do the siggy thungy!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the boys friend keeps his word and takes them to footie, it would be a shame for him to go from their lives completely ,pleased the pain killers are helping your friend ,whiplash can be so painful, is she making a claim?.......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww that's a shame about the worker :-(  but it's nice to hear he's gonna stay in touch.  Sorry to hear about your friend I hope she's had a better day today!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the boys worker Caff.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear your news, hope the new worker is as nice :)......Jules xxx