Saturday 4 February 2006

Recipe as promised

Right got a wee story first as written by my mum in book of recipes she wrote for me and my younger sister several years back...The one i am still copying out for K...Below is my mums words

'There are two ideas about how sea pie came about...My gandmother told me it was a way to make a tasty soup at sea when the fishermen ran out of vegetables

Another is:- In the early days before fishermen had ovens onboard this was how they made their pies'

Sea Pie


½lb of steak

1 onion



Cut steak into small pieces, chop the onion and put both into a soup pan with water and swimmer for about ½ an hour. Peel and chop the potatoes and add to the soup (about 2 for each person) Bring it all back to the boil again. Meanwhile make a dough using recipe below and form it into a round like a donut instead of balls. Put this into the pan on top of the soup and simmer for a further 15-20 mins. Season to taste.  This serves approx 6 people which would have been the size of a crew on a fishing boat.

Here's the recipe for the doughballs that Stuart put on his journal last month and one you need for the above soup



4oz self raising flour

1oz marg

1/4 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

salt & pepper to taste  


Rub marg into the dry ingredients. mix with water to make a not too stiff dough. form into balls and roll in flour. makes 4-6 depending on size. simmer in the mince for 10 mins or more. longer you cook them the more golden they get   Do hope if anyone tries it they don't end up with food poisoning LOL...Ally i don't think this time we will have the spooky happening from the cullen skink one <ggg>    



Anonymous said...

Taken a copy of this Caff - Never know what recipe Tom may need next.....Ally

Anonymous said...

Thanks Caff, I'm filling up with winter warmers.  Sorry to hear of your friend and of the tutor, I'm never keen on people leaving although I know people move on............does tend to make you feel a bit sigh!!! though.  Rache xx

Anonymous said...

oh I like this recipe will give it a try..................anything to get a doughball ;)

Anonymous said...

Copied that ..will try it at the weekend. Curious about the spooky happening with Ally and the cullen skink?????????????????? Mind is boggling!!  Eve