Thursday 12 January 2006

Thursdays twaddle

Am feeling bit better...Well my chest is the sniffles, coughs and general yukness i can cope with...My ears and chest was only thing that bothered me enough to go see a doctor...I did have a very sore head this morning so went back to sleep...Sleep being all over the shop must have caused it.

On tues evening i got a call from a call box and it was K...She was at A&E :o(  At that point she'd had no x-ray and they thought she had dislocated her left wrist...I phoned when she got back to uni and it's a very bad sprain instead <phew> Mind you they can be much more painful...So what had happened...Well she went dizzy and fell :o(  She didn't blackout this time just dizzy then instantly fell :o(  She went next door to see the doctor (medical centre is right next to her halls) What a charming gp she has NOT...She got told if it's still sore tomorrow come back and that she was weird!!!...As her wrist was not only discoloured and getting more so but also swelling up am not impressed with a gp who won't send you for an x-ray...Her boyfriend took her to A&E laters as it was getting worse...Don't know if it was A&E or the gp who said it could be something to do with what's been happening...K did say to me it can't be as i've not had any bruising with this before...Told her no i think they mean the reason you fell hunny...She just said oh yeah duh!!!...But hey we can all not think straight when we are in pain...Upshot of this is she refuses to go back to that gp, she won't see the other one either as they're rubbish too...I don't think it is very professional for a doctor to call you weird...Especially if it's a new gp you have and you're away from home for first time...Actually am disgusted and if i lived nearer i'd be down there giving them a piece of my mind...Luckily for that doctor am not which is maybe just as well...Now if it had been our gp up here we'd see it different as we've known him years and know his sense of humour :o) I have nagged her to phone neurology and tell them what happened and ask if she can be seen sooner rather than later...Next time she may not be so lucky and could end up breaking some bones or god forbid worse...I know she's been eating properly since she went back so it is not lack of proper food...From what K and her boyfriend have told me the campus doctors just seem to want to stereotype all the students as being *typical* students living off beans on toast, getting drunk and staying up all night all the time <sigh>  Anyways i am worried and tues was one of my fears realised :o(

Got a call from my best mate at lunchtime...I can't have anything to myself can i...Oh no she just has to copy me <ggg>  She'd just been to her doctors and upshot is she is now waiting to get a scan on her gall bladder ROFL...Bets her brother is saying same as he had his out a year before me LOL...Oh well i do like to share these things around, i mean why should i be only one to suffer <ggg>  Seriously i hope it isn't and if it is then that she gets treated sooner rather than later and doesn't end up as an emergency like i did.

G started his prelims today and hopefully his english has gone well...He was up and down like a yoyo last night to the loo...He doesn't sleep much at best of times but he's never up at the loo during the night...Then at 4am he woke me to ask if he could sleep in K's room as M was snoring LOL...He seemed fine when he left for school and made sure he had brekkie...He took 3 pens just in case although they all brand new and made sure he had his *lappy* with him...The essay he had to do he was being allowed to do on the lappy :o) He has panic attacks about english :o(  The vast majority of apsergers/autistics find english really difficult...Our language is so complex and ambigious at times that for someone who thinks and speaks literally it must be a struggle...I know lots who find it easier to speak in a different language possibly because most others don't have several different meanings to one word...Or have words that sound the same but are spelt differently and mean something vastly different...Will let everyone know how he has coped another time.

K's new bank card arrived here today so she's pleased about that...We can take it down with us at the weekend :o)  The flat is a tip so i better go and think of doing some tidying up soon

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

You are the best mother in the world. :)  Glad the Flu is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff - I did not get an alert on this one.....   Glad you went to see the Doctor hope he treated you better than that GP treated K....That really is disgusting...he sounds to be the weird one....what a worry for you - with her away at Uni...Hope she can get an earlier appointment with the neurologist...Hope all goes well for G with his you say there are so many words the same with different meanings....You take care of yourself ....Ally

Anonymous said...

Sigh no I didn't get an alert for this entry but I did for the next one asking abuot alerts!

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased your feeling a bit better ,you cant aford to be ill you have alot to cope with ,bless your heart ,now you've got this worry with K its good she's got a caring boyfriend is'nt it ?No I didnt get an alert for this ,but Idid for todays ......take good care of yourself ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Rectifying the no alert thing ;o)
Poor K :o(  Her wrist sounds very painful, and no, I wouldn't be happy about a GP calling her wierd either!  Can understand your worry m'dear, I hope that her appointment comes through soon.  Good luck to G for his prelims.
Sara   x